Dov Davidoff

Image of Dov Davidoff
Finding your voice is something you have to keep working at. Your voice as a comic evolves the same way that you evolve. You have to find out what works for you. How can you express your opinion, your take on the situations in a way that feels natural to you? That's where you find your voice.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Voice
Image of Dov Davidoff
Thinking about the fathomless cruelty with which man has treated his fellow man, but also ice cream.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Men
Image of Dov Davidoff
A lot of people wouldn't feel miserable in this environment. A lot of people aren't dating my girlfriend.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Girlfriend
Image of Dov Davidoff
If you got it, flaunt it may be decent advice for prostitutes, but no one else.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Advice
Image of Dov Davidoff
Cities with a black middle class provide the narrow minded an opportunity to realize that cultural differences are largely economic.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Dov Davidoff
Suicide is like the ejector button in the cockpit of an F-15. If life goes into a permanent tail spin, it's nice to know the option is there.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Suicide
Image of Dov Davidoff
When maintaining a relationship means diminishing your self, it's time to walk.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Mean
Image of Dov Davidoff
Learn to think for yourself, unless of course you can identify someone else with better judgement, and a flashlight.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Thinking
Image of Dov Davidoff
The entertainment business is to business what plastic flowers are to flowers.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Flower
Image of Dov Davidoff
If you carry a paperback book in your back pocket, but spend more time on your hair than you do reading it, you're probably a bad actor.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Book
Image of Dov Davidoff
I would imagine that most of the people who consider themselves successful aren't, at least in the ways that really matter-myself included.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Success
Image of Dov Davidoff
Anyone who says I would never hit a woman hasn't met my x girlfriend.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Girlfriend
Image of Dov Davidoff
Looking into blood doping. I think it will allow me to write jokes with greater intensity, and for a longer period of time.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Writing
Image of Dov Davidoff
America has so much debt, if she were a person she'd need a co-signer to get a car loan.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: America
Image of Dov Davidoff
Quality thoughts will turn their back on you if you don't treat them with respect.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Respect
Image of Dov Davidoff
The Statue of Liberty really is profound, I just wish she'd lighten up a bit.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Profound
Image of Dov Davidoff
You have the attention span of a large bug, and yet I don't feel good enough about myself to not date you.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Dating
Image of Dov Davidoff
I find anger so comforting. It's like a blanket made of unresolved issues, but it's a blanket none the less.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Issues
Image of Dov Davidoff
We're in this together usually means I'm here for you, unless it requires me getting into my car anywhere near rush hour.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Mean
Image of Dov Davidoff
You think you have anger issues? I just yelled at a sandwich. Not kidding.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Thinking
Image of Dov Davidoff
Is it a bad sign when someone asks you about the person your dating and a tear falls from your eye as you leap into oncoming traffic?
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Fall
Image of Dov Davidoff
Suicide is a terrible idea, but if you're going to end it, do so at a Pinkberry near you.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Suicide
Image of Dov Davidoff
The best thing about bugs is their lack of self consciousness, also the ability to fly doesn't hurt.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Hurt
Image of Dov Davidoff
Break ups are painful, but if initiated at the right time can fuel one's sense of optimism.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Optimism
Image of Dov Davidoff
Pine nuts pound for pound are more expensive than most varieties of smoked salmon. There I said it.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Nuts
Image of Dov Davidoff
People shouldn't take my lack of interest in what they're saying personally. I don't really care about what I'm saying most of the time.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: People
Image of Dov Davidoff
I've decided to retreat to the spirit world where I feel appreciated and understood.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: World
Image of Dov Davidoff
False humility is thinly veiled ego disguised as self confidence.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Confidence
Image of Dov Davidoff
I really appreciate the way you don't appreciate me, said my subconscious as I agreed to go out with her yet again.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Appreciate
Image of Dov Davidoff
The downside of aging is a slower metabolism and achy joints.The upside is a knowledge of self that prevents one from behaving like a baboon.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Dov Davidoff
I'd spend more time with you if you were less like you.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Like You
Image of Dov Davidoff
Sex sells, but doesn't work so well as a strong-arm tactic. Give me your purse or I'll make out with you so hard.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Strong
Image of Dov Davidoff
Misery loves company which is ironic because it rarely throws dinner parties.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Party
Image of Dov Davidoff
Standup comedy is fun. I mean other than having to experience the excruciating lonlieness and unacknowledged sadness that results in funny.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Fun
Image of Dov Davidoff
Everybody wants to be more wanted, until they are.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Want
Image of Dov Davidoff
If you spend a lot of time shopping for athletic clothes, you may want to consider spending less time thinking about high school.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: School
Image of Dov Davidoff
The good things in life are free, except for health care, and electricity.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Things In Life
Image of Dov Davidoff
Comedy has been my way to reconcile with the world. I didn't really set out to do this, but comedy has served as my outlet to address my issues I have with this crazy world.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Crazy
Image of Dov Davidoff
It's a shame that physical beauty often has such a negative effect on its occupant.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Negative
Image of Dov Davidoff
Was thinking of taking a yoga class, then realized I wasn't gay. Whew. Close one.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Yoga
Image of Dov Davidoff
Is there anything more attractive than a woman in high heels and low self esteem?
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Self Esteem
Image of Dov Davidoff
Man's inhumanity toward man is astounding, and I'm just talking about the lineup at certain comedy clubs.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Men
Image of Dov Davidoff
Do you love me for me?... I don't even love me for me.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Love
Image of Dov Davidoff
Being homeless is awful, but if you've ever tried to wrestle a duvet cover back onto a comforter you realise it's not without it's benefits.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Benefits
Image of Dov Davidoff
Happiness is a carnival game. It's never as easy as it looks, but the dumb ones always seem to be walking around with a big stuffed animal.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Happiness
Image of Dov Davidoff
People increase their use of the term 'sir' when their angry. Little do they know, it only causes me to feel more like I'm wearing a top hat.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: People
Image of Dov Davidoff
The Nazis were well dressed. Today's racists are a rag-tag bunch with no sense of style or panache.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Style
Image of Dov Davidoff
Monogamy is god's way of making death seem like a more reasonable option.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Death
Image of Dov Davidoff
Gay men greet each other just like straight guys do... If one of the straight guys saved the other one's life.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Gay