Top book Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of book quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Lloyd Jones
You cannot pretend to read a book. Your eyes will give you away. So will your breathing. A person entranced by a book simply forgets to breathe. The house can catch alight and a reader deep in a book will not look up until the wallpaper is in flames.
- Lloyd Jones
Collection: Book
Image of Lloyd Jones
I had found a new friend. The surprising thing is where I’d found him – not up a tree or sulking in the shade, or splashing around in one of the hill streams, but in a book. No one had told us kids to look there for a friend. Or that you could slip inside the skin of another. Or travel to another place with marshes, and where, to our ears, the bad people spoke like pirates.
- Lloyd Jones
Collection: Book
Image of Betty MacDonald
There’s nothing as cozy as a piece of candy and a book.
- Betty MacDonald
Collection: Book
Image of Edna St. Vincent Millay
This book, when I am dead, will be A little faint perfume of me. People who knew me well will say, She really used to think that way.
- Edna St. Vincent Millay
Collection: Book
Image of Simon R. Green
Books can be terrible snobs.
- Simon R. Green
Collection: Book
Image of Ray Bradbury
A book is a loaded gun.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Book
Image of Ashwin Sanghi
Writing is a intensely personal activity. I can pen down my best thoughts when Im alone. But when one is elevated into the stature of an author, you have to think about your books in terms of their business angle.
- Ashwin Sanghi
Collection: Book
Image of Matthew Gregory Lewis
An author, whether good or bad, or between both, is an animal whom every body is privileged to attack: for though all are not able to write books, all conceive themselves able to judge them.
- Matthew Gregory Lewis
Collection: Book
Image of Paullina Simons
A bus came. The soldier turned away from her and walked toward it. Tatiana watched him. Even his walk was from another world; the step was too sure, the stride too long, yet somehow it all seemed right, looked right, felt right. It was like stumbling on a book you thought you had lost. Ah, yes, there it is.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Book
Image of Hans Rosling
Thank you industrialization. Thank you steel mill. Thank you power station. And thank you chemical processing industry that gave us time to read books.
- Hans Rosling
Collection: Book
Image of Tina St. John
I consciously try not to play favorites with my characters or my books.
- Tina St. John
Collection: Book
Image of Richard Scarry
I'm not interested in creating a book that is read once and then placed on the shelf and forgotten. I am very happy when people have worn out my books, or that they're held together by Scotch tape.
- Richard Scarry
Collection: Book
Image of Barbara Pym
I stretched out my hand towards the little bookshelf where I kept cookery and devotional books, the most comfortable bedside reading.
- Barbara Pym
Collection: Book
Image of Marjorie M. Liu
I started out writing romance novels, and that's a side of publishing that's very female oriented. 99.9% of the writers are women, most of the editors are women, and these are books written for the female gaze. And so my point of view - the way I looked at fandom and publishing and writing - was all about women. So for me that's what was natural, that's what was comfortable. And then I moved over to comics. And all of a sudden it was... Pardon the expression, it was a sausage fest.
- Marjorie M. Liu
Collection: Book
Image of Theodore Parker
The books which help you most are those which make you think the most. The hardest way of learning is by easy reading; every man that tries it finds it so. But a great book that comes from a great thinker, — it is a ship of thought, deep freighted with truth, with beauty too.
- Theodore Parker
Collection: Book
Image of Ryan North
The secret to writing sound effects is having a room you can be alone in, trying to make the sounds yourself, and seeing what comes out. It's similar to if you're writing a character talking with their mouth full: the only way I know to transcribe that is to stuff my fist in my mouth and write down what sounds I make when I try to talk.
- Ryan North
Collection: Book
Image of Kevin Brockmeier
The books you love best - those are the immensity of the sea.
- Kevin Brockmeier
Collection: Book
Image of Kevin Brockmeier
I always try to stay as quiet as possible about a book until it's finished.
- Kevin Brockmeier
Collection: Book
Image of Susan Mallery
Where's Lori?" he asked when he saw the nurse wasn't there. "She's not avoiding me, is she?" His grandmother slipped off her glasses, put down her book and stared at him. "Amazingly enough, the whole world doesn't revolve around you, Reid. Lori's sister is sick and Lori took her to the doctor. She'll be back in an hour or so. Can you survive on your own until then, or should I call 9-1-1 for emergency assistance?
- Susan Mallery
Collection: Book
Image of Michael Scott
The best moment is when you walk into a bookstore and see a pile of your books - that is the oddest experience in the world!
- Michael Scott
Collection: Book
Image of Daniel Radcliffe
I'm the only kid in the world who doesn't want an eighth Harry Potter book.
- Daniel Radcliffe
Collection: Book
Image of Kate Klise
And so, we end with a beginning. Because every ending is really a beginning. All you need is a house that's old and creaky ... filled with lots of books ... a cat ... a person who's willing to try again ... someone who promises never to leave ... and most important of all ... a little Hope.
- Kate Klise
Collection: Book
Image of Romain Rolland
No one ever reads a book. He reads himself through books.
- Romain Rolland
Collection: Book
Image of Romain Rolland
The greatest book is not the one whose message engraves itself on the brain, as a telegraphic message engraves itself on the ticker-tape, but the one whose vital impact opens up other viewpoints, and from writer to reader spreads the fire that is fed by the various essences, until it becomes a vast conflagration leaping from forest to forest.
- Romain Rolland
Collection: Book
Image of Lauren Willig
Old books exert a strange fascination for me -- their smell, their feel, their history; wondering who might have owned them, how they lived, what they felt.
- Lauren Willig
Collection: Book
Image of William Martin
A man will be known by his books.
- William Martin
Collection: Book
Image of Grace Paley
Every time you finish something ... you figure you've finally learned to write, right? Then you start something else and it turns out you haven't. You have learned how to write that story, or that book, but you haven't learned how to write the next one.
- Grace Paley
Collection: Book
Image of Ignazio Silone
I would willingly pass my life writing and re-writing the same book - that one book every writer carries within him - the image of his own soul.
- Ignazio Silone
Collection: Book
Image of Jeanette Winterson
Books, for me, are a home. Books don’t make a home – they are one, in the sense that just as you do with a door, you open a book, and you go inside. Inside there is a different kind of time and a different kind of space.
- Jeanette Winterson
Collection: Book
Image of Geraldine Brooks
A book is more than the sum of its materials. It is an artifact of the human mind and hand.
- Geraldine Brooks
Collection: Book
Image of Julie Gregory
Books are my friends, where it's okay to be silent, where you're not a freak if you don't want to get drunk, peel out in the parking lot, tip cows.
- Julie Gregory
Collection: Book
Image of Rose Tremain
In the planning stage of a book, don't plan the ending. It has to be earned by all that will go before it.
- Rose Tremain
Collection: Book
Image of Harriet Lerner
No book or expert can protect us from the range of painful emotions that make us human.
- Harriet Lerner
Collection: Book
Image of Franka Potente
Only in movies or books or TV do we have a chance to actually like aspects of a killer.
- Franka Potente
Collection: Book
Image of F.E. Higgins
With a book in your can go anywhere you want
- F.E. Higgins
Collection: Book
Image of Clare B. Dunkle
That's exactly how I want you to feel. When you finish this book, I want you to be filled with curiosity. I want you to say, “I have to find out what happens next,” and then I want you to head to your nearest library or bookstore to pick up a copy of Wuthering Heights.
- Clare B. Dunkle
Collection: Book
Image of Kathryn Stockett
I always order the banned books from a black market dealer in California, figuring if the State of Mississippi banned them, they must be good.
- Kathryn Stockett
Collection: Book
Image of Kathryn Stockett
Great books give you a feeling that you miss all day, until you finally get to crawl back inside those pages again.
- Kathryn Stockett
Collection: Book
Image of Kathryn Stockett
I grew up in the 1970s, but I don't think a whole lot had changed from the '60s. Oh, it had changed in the law books - but not in the kitchens of white homes.
- Kathryn Stockett
Collection: Book
Image of Hugh Nibley
Why read the Book of Mormon? Because angels do not come on trivial errands.
- Hugh Nibley
Collection: Book
Image of Hugh Nibley
The tragedy of the Book of Mormon is not what became of the Nephites but what the Nephites became.
- Hugh Nibley
Collection: Book
Image of Hugh Nibley
The Book of Mormon is an inexhaustible encyclopedia of knowledge.
- Hugh Nibley
Collection: Book
Image of Marina Warner
There is humanist enterprise of the book, and amongst that there are many, many stories. And that is why at the end, when he says that the stories are so illuminating that they must be engraved and encased in gold and put in the palace library, the people who compile the book are telling us that this is a collection of human wisdom.
- Marina Warner
Collection: Book
Image of Marina Warner
Many of the enchanted things in the book are lamps, carpets, sofas, gems, brass rings. It is a rather different landscape than the fairy tale landscape of the West. Though we have interiors and palaces, we don't have bustling cities, and there isn't the emphasis on the artisan making things. The ambiance from which they were written was an entirely different one. The Arabian Nights comes out of a huge world of markets and trade. Cairo, Basra, Damascus: trades and skills.
- Marina Warner
Collection: Book
Image of Marina Warner
There's a whole slew of wonderful speculation of flying in a fanciful way. Gulliver is one of the central examples; Swift has the hum of Arabian Nights in his ear with Gulliver's Travels. The difference is in scale - Gulliver as a kind of Sinbad kind of figure, the way he is picked up and carried. Just to finish up with Scheherazade, I do think that The Arabian Nights could be considered as a great book on women's position in the world.
- Marina Warner
Collection: Book
Image of Molly Ringwald
I think once you sort of cross over and you realize what books can be - and if they mean something to you - there's just no stopping you.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Book
Image of Linda Lael Miller
I think we all like to get away from our troubles and worries with a good book.
- Linda Lael Miller
Collection: Book
Image of Sylvia Brownrigg
I plan to learn enough to read you like a book.
- Sylvia Brownrigg
Collection: Book
Image of Maud Hart Lovelace
Betsy returned to her chair, took off her coat and hat, opened her book and forgot the world again.
- Maud Hart Lovelace
Collection: Book
Image of Maud Hart Lovelace
She thought of the library, so shining white and new; the rows and rows of unread books; the bliss of unhurried sojourns there and of going out to a restaurant, alone, to eat.
- Maud Hart Lovelace
Collection: Book