Top Issues Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Issues quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Francis Parkman
The most momentous and far-reaching question ever brought to issue on this continent was: Shall France remain here, or shall she not?
- Francis Parkman
Collection: Issues
Image of Anthony Wayne
Issue the orders, sir, and I will storm hell!
- Anthony Wayne
Collection: Issues
Image of Bruce R. McConkie
No one can argue with a testimony, it is not a debatable issue. It is there to be accepted or rejected.
- Bruce R. McConkie
Collection: Issues
Image of Susie Orbach
Fat is a social disease, and fat is a feminist issue.
- Susie Orbach
Collection: Issues
Image of Shay Mitchell
I've always felt like you should love who you love - sexuality doesn't matter. It would be so cool in the future if it weren't even an issue to anybody anymore.
- Shay Mitchell
Collection: Issues
Image of Anna Funder
There are no people who are whole" he says. "Everyone has issues of their own to deal with. Mine might be a little harder, but the main thing is how on deals with them.
- Anna Funder
Collection: Issues
Image of David Allen
You can't manage time, you actually only manage what you do during time. So the management issue is not so much about time, it's more about how do you manage your focus, how do you manage your actions and your activities in terms of what you do.
- David Allen
Collection: Issues
Image of Madeleine Albright
The reason I made women's issues central to American foreign policy, was not because I was a feminist, but because we know that societies are more stable if women are politically and economically empowered.
- Madeleine Albright
Collection: Issues
Image of Rick Perry
I may have the genetic coding that Im inclined to be an alcoholic, but I have the desire not to do that, and I look at the homosexual issue the same way.
- Rick Perry
Collection: Issues
Image of Oliver Stone
What scares me most about the media is that so many of them don't realize that by presenting and highlighting certain issues, opinions, and perspectives over others, they can manipulate and control people's beliefs in subtle ways.
- Oliver Stone
Collection: Issues
Image of Sandra Day O'Connor
In my work a good library is essential. It enables me to learn the background and previous discussions of the various issues I am called upon to decide. It provides the stability and continuity for the rule of law.
- Sandra Day O'Connor
Collection: Issues
Image of Tim Winton
In fiction 'issues' are accidental, sometimes incidental. The place and the people it creates are paramount.
- Tim Winton
Collection: Issues
Image of William J. Brennan
Debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust and wide-open and that...may well include vehement, caustic, and sometimes unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials.
- William J. Brennan
Collection: Issues
Image of Margaret Heffernan
As long as it (an issue) remains invisible, it is guaranteed to remain insoluble.
- Margaret Heffernan
Collection: Issues
Image of Mark Shields
You have to understand that Republicans are on lockstep on one issue. They will not raise taxes. Democrats are in lockstep on another issue, pro-choice in all cases on abortion.
- Mark Shields
Collection: Issues
Image of Sam Zell
The single biggest issue that I'm very sensitive to is inflation. I'm very concerned that this extended period where the interest rates were quite low and stimulated a lot of activity could breed inflation and create a problem for us.
- Sam Zell
Collection: Issues
Image of Sam Zell
When you got a demand issue it's hard to imagine the stock market at an all-time high.
- Sam Zell
Collection: Issues
Image of Kate Bornstein
It's easy to fictionalize an issue when you're not aware of the many ways in which you are privileged by it.
- Kate Bornstein
Collection: Issues
Image of Zadie Smith
Those beliefs about the essential goodness or beauty of the world are fundamentally paper-thin bullshit. There's not an essential belief that isn't a contingent belief. It could all be destroyed in a second, at any second. And I have an issue with that.
- Zadie Smith
Collection: Issues
Image of Massimo Vignelli
You do design because you feel it inside; you have a moral issue to spread quality in our environment.
- Massimo Vignelli
Collection: Issues
Image of Daniel Suarez
At issue is not whether the global economy will pass away. It is passing away. Rising populations and debt combined with depletion of freshwater sources and fossil fuel make the status quo untenable. The only question is whether civil society will survive the transition.
- Daniel Suarez
Collection: Issues
Image of Mary Kay Andrews
You have more issues than National Geographic by Austin LeFleur in Hissy Fit
- Mary Kay Andrews
Collection: Issues
Image of Jason Reitman
With each one of my films, I'm exploring one of my own issues and I try to expose myself a little in the film.
- Jason Reitman
Collection: Issues
Image of Peter Brimelow
I regard many of the neoconservatives as personal friends, but that's not stopped them from behaving with extraordinary viciousness towards those of us who raised the immigration issue.
- Peter Brimelow
Collection: Issues
Image of Jim Bolger
Politicians, no matter who they are, shouldn't be able to manipulate the public on a single issue and then call an election at the height of support - that's a little bit of a manipulation of democracy.
- Jim Bolger
Collection: Issues
Image of Frances Moore Lappé
Hunger is a people-made phenomenon, so the central issue is power: the power of those who make the decisions about what is grown and who, or what, it's grown for.
- Frances Moore Lappé
Collection: Issues
Image of John H. McWhorter
Frankly, Barack Obama is a standard issue leftist that you would expect of somebody with his particular experience, and he doesn't exactly hide it.
- John H. McWhorter
Collection: Issues
Image of C. Wright Mills
You can never really understand an individual unless you also understand the society,historical time period in which they live,personal troubles, and social issues
- C. Wright Mills
Collection: Issues
Image of Neil deGrasse Tyson
Today, scientists sound the alarm on other environmental dangers. Vested interests still hire their own scientists to confuse the issue. But in the end, nature, will not be fooled.
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
Collection: Issues
Image of Josiah Stamp
If you want to remain a slave to the banks and want them to pay the cost of your own slavery, then let them continue the issue of currency control and regulate the money supply of the nation.
- Josiah Stamp
Collection: Issues
Image of Tony Blair
The big issue of our time is trying to deal with extremism based on a perversion of religion and how you get peaceful coexistence between people of different faiths and cultures.
- Tony Blair
Collection: Issues
Image of Wayne LaPierre
When it comes to the issue of background checks, let's be honest - background checks will never be 'universal' - because criminals will never submit to them.
- Wayne LaPierre
Collection: Issues
Image of Akbar Ganji
Revolutions invariably don't solve the issue of justice, and in its place, suppression and limiting freedom replaces that idea.
- Akbar Ganji
Collection: Issues
Image of Charlotte Bunch
There is no issue that is not a women's issue.
- Charlotte Bunch
Collection: Issues
Image of David Quammen
But private lands development around the periphery of the parks - Grand Teton and Yellowstone - is a crucial issue because if those private lands are transformed from open pastures, meadow, forest land to suburbs, to little ranchettes, to shopping malls, to roads, to Starbucks - if those places are all settled for the benefit of humans, then the elk are not going to be able to migrate in and out of Yellowstone Park anymore. And if the elk can't migrate into the park, then that creates problems for the wolves, for the grizzlies, for a lot of other creatures.
- David Quammen
Collection: Issues
Image of Sarah Harmer
Gord [Downie] does so much Waterkeeper stuff. They were involved in [protesting clearcuts at] Clayoquot Sound [in the early '90s]. It's hard sometimes to use the capital you have as a beloved rock band and put it to various causes, especially when they're a bit more controversial, like energy issues.
- Sarah Harmer
Collection: Issues
Image of Colin S. Smith
Authentic gospel preaching always engages people with eternal issues.
- Colin S. Smith
Collection: Issues
Image of Dick Cheney
The issue is that [Saddam] has chemical weapons.
- Dick Cheney
Collection: Issues
Image of Margaret Heckler
The right to life is not a woman's issue. The Lord is the giver of life and only He can make choices about life. It is always a reward to have life ... only the Lord gives and takes life.
- Margaret Heckler
Collection: Issues
Image of Dalia Mogahed
We don't want to bury our heads in the sand about serious issues.
- Dalia Mogahed
Collection: Issues
Image of Stephen A. Schwarzman
I'm not feeling undertaxed. Tax reform is an important issue. You have to have an inherent sense of fairness.
- Stephen A. Schwarzman
Collection: Issues
Image of Gordon S. Wood
A mutual friend, Benjamin Rush, brought [Tomas Jefferson and John Adams] together in 1812, and they went on to exchange letters for the rest of their lives. But in their correspondence they tended to avoid the most controversial issues, such as slavery.
- Gordon S. Wood
Collection: Issues
Image of Jon Rappoport
A lot of issues need to be swept under the carpet---and poof, along comes SARS. Whether or not its appearance was coordinated, up front, to coincide with these scandals and tragedies in Iraq, one thing is for sure. SARS has been used as a smokescreen to keep the global public diverted and in fear.
- Jon Rappoport
Collection: Issues
Image of Gabriel Macht
Lawyers serve a purpose, and we couldn't operate as society without them. They can make things more complicated and difficult, but there are certain times where the need for them is crucial to an argument or an event or an issue.
- Gabriel Macht
Collection: Issues
Image of Walter Wykes
Most complaints, you know, aren't won or lost on their own merits, but rather on larger issues--politics and the position of the planets.
- Walter Wykes
Collection: Issues
Image of George Stigler
The Chicago Economics Department was in intellectual ferment, although the central issues of the 1930s were very different from those in later times. I had never before encountered minds of that quality at close quarters and they influenced me strongly.
- George Stigler
Collection: Issues
Image of Bob Harper
By default I am the good parent. I've used my own personal experience. I came from a world where I was in need and starving for the good parent, so it's like I'm bringing my own persona issues into that. I am the parent that I always wanted to have; that's how I look at my role.
- Bob Harper
Collection: Issues
Image of Jonathon Porritt
Climate change is not an environmental issue, but much more to do with security and economics
- Jonathon Porritt
Collection: Issues
Image of Penelope Leach
Your toddler will be "good" if he feels like doing what you happen to want him to do and does not happen to feel like doing anything you would dislike. With a little cleverness you can organize life as a whole, and issues in particular, so that you both want the same thing most of the time.
- Penelope Leach
Collection: Issues