Top Writing Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Ray Bradbury
Write a short story every week. It's not possible to write 52 bad short stories in a row.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Writing
Image of Ray Bradbury
Your intuition knows what to write, so get out of the way.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Writing
Image of Carol S. Dweck
This point is . . . crucial,” writes Dweck. “In the fixed mindset, everything is about the outcome. If you fail — or if you’re not the best — it’s all been wasted. The growth mindset allows people to value what they’re doing regardless of the outcome.
- Carol S. Dweck
Collection: Writing
Image of Paullina Simons
I have a certain sensibility that I bring to my writing that comes from knowing two things: what I as a reader like to read, and what as a writer I am capable of. I know my own limits. I know there are things I cannot do.
- Paullina Simons
Collection: Writing
Image of Tina St. John
My final historical romance came out December 2005. While I enjoyed writing medieval romances, I was also dying to write something with more edge.
- Tina St. John
Collection: Writing
Image of Gloria Naylor
There is a problem in America. An Irish or Polish American can write a story and it's an American story. When a Black American writes a story, it's called a Black story. I take exception to that. Every artist has articulated to his own experience. The problem is that some people do not see Blacks as Americans.
- Gloria Naylor
Collection: Writing
Image of Earl Nightingale
Time can't be managed. I merely manage activities. Each night, I write down on a sheet of paper a list of the things I have to accomplish the next day. And when I wake up ... I do them.
- Earl Nightingale
Collection: Writing
Image of Barbara Pym
I imagine the proverb about too many cooks spoiling the broth can be applied to writing as well as anything else. The poetical or literary broth is better cooked by one person.
- Barbara Pym
Collection: Writing
Image of Barbara Pym
Novel writing is a kind of private pleasure, even if nothing comes of it in worldly terms.
- Barbara Pym
Collection: Writing
Image of Marjorie M. Liu
When I first started out in comics they would put me on these Women of Marvel panels, and these young women would come up to me and say, "I really want to write comics but I don't know if I can because I'm told that it's just for guys." I would say, "That's bullshit. That's absolute bullshit. Look at me!" But the one area where we still need to work on is that we need more women of color. That's not common thing yet.
- Marjorie M. Liu
Collection: Writing
Image of Paolo Bacigalupi
I write at a standing desk, which has helped me be much more productive and solved some back problems, but mostly all my quirky habits have to do with procrastination and avoidance rather than with work. I'm slowly trying to stamp those out.
- Paolo Bacigalupi
Collection: Writing
Image of Vikram Seth
Boredom provides a stronger inclination to write than anything.
- Vikram Seth
Collection: Writing
Image of Alexander Pushkin
Write for pleasure and publish for money.
- Alexander Pushkin
Collection: Writing
Image of Kevin Brockmeier
With every sentence she writes, Davis freshens the senses. Her novels achieve a tone that’s unlike anyone else’s, creating an atmosphere you don’t so much interpret as breathe.
- Kevin Brockmeier
Collection: Writing
Image of Lois Duncan
Sit down every day and DO IT. Writing is a self-taught craft; the more you work at it, the more skilled you become. And when you're not writing, READ.
- Lois Duncan
Collection: Writing
Image of Jerry Saltz
I think that writing is a process that tells you what you think. You sometimes actually don't know what your opinion is until you hear yourself trying to piece it out and have it make sense to you. The process itself is so bizarre and mysterious that you never know what it's going to tell you.
- Jerry Saltz
Collection: Writing
Image of Max Ehrmann
I contracted a disease which I have never shaken off. The disease was idealism. Because of it, I did the thing in life I wanted to do - Writing.
- Max Ehrmann
Collection: Writing
Image of Frederik Pohl
People as me how I do research for my science fiction. The answer is, I never do any research.
- Frederik Pohl
Collection: Writing
Image of Keri Russell
Adrienne [ Shelly] had 100 per cent control over this movie [ Waitress] as a director. She didn't just write it, direct it and act in it, she was the creative force behind everything, from the jokes down to the expressions.
- Keri Russell
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan Brandis
Teen magazines keep writing that my eyes ´twinkle´ when I talk. Look, I´m a guy. I don´t twinkle, you know! You can say that my eyes ´sparkle´ maybe, but not ´twinkle´ alright? Got that teen magazine writers?!
- Jonathan Brandis
Collection: Writing
Image of Calvin Trillin
In modern America, anyone who attempts to write satirically about the events of the day finds it difficult to concoct a situation so bizarre that it may not actually come to pass while his article is still on the presses.
- Calvin Trillin
Collection: Writing
Image of Grace Paley
I begin by writing paragraphs that don’t have an immediate relation to a plot. The sound of the story comes first.
- Grace Paley
Collection: Writing
Image of Grace Paley
Write what will stop your breath if you don’t write.
- Grace Paley
Collection: Writing
Image of Grace Paley
People will sometimes say, "Why don't you write more politics?" And I have to explain to them that writing the lives of women IS politics.
- Grace Paley
Collection: Writing
Image of Grace Paley
I write for the still, small possibility of justice.
- Grace Paley
Collection: Writing
Image of Grace Paley
We write about what we don't know about what we know.
- Grace Paley
Collection: Writing
Image of Rupert Brooke
There are only three things in the world, one is to read poetry, another is to write poetry, and the best of all is to live poetry.
- Rupert Brooke
Collection: Writing
Image of John Taylor
A doctor is a man who writes prescriptions, till the patient either dies or is cured by nature.
- John Taylor
Collection: Writing
Image of L.P. Hartley
It's better to write about things you feel than about things you know about.
- L.P. Hartley
Collection: Writing
Image of Jason Schwartzman
It takes so long to write a script, thinking to yourself, "Am I wasting my time? Am I putting everything into this thing that maybe just won't ever exist?" I always think, God, acting is so much easier. At least for acting you have the source material already.
- Jason Schwartzman
Collection: Writing
Image of Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
I don't have the strength to keep writing this. To go on living with this feeling is painful beyond description. Isn't there someone kind enough to strangle me in my sleep?
- Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
Collection: Writing
Image of Ignazio Silone
No one can ever write about anything that happened to him after he was twelve years old.
- Ignazio Silone
Collection: Writing
Image of Rose Tremain
Forget the boring old dictum, 'Write about what you know.' Instead, seek out an unknown yet knowable area of experience that's going to enhance your understanding of the world and write about that.
- Rose Tremain
Collection: Writing
Image of Rose Tremain
Never be satisfied with a first draft. In fact, never be satisfied with your own stuff at all, until you're certain it's as good as your finite powers can enable it to be.
- Rose Tremain
Collection: Writing
Image of Rose Tremain
Learn from cinema. Be economic with descriptions. Sort out the telling detail from the lifeless one. Write dialogue that people would actually speak.
- Rose Tremain
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Weyrich
I agree with Dreher when he writes, 'we can't build anything good unless we live by the belief that man does not exist to serve the economy, but the economy exists to serve man...A society built on consumerism must break down eventually for the same reason socialism did'
- Paul Weyrich
Collection: Writing
Image of Susan Orlean
You have to simply love writing, and you have to remind yourself often that you love it.
- Susan Orlean
Collection: Writing
Image of Susan Orlean
Most writing doesn’t take place on the page; it takes place in your head.
- Susan Orlean
Collection: Writing
Image of Susan Orlean
There's a marvelous sense of mastery that comes with writing a sentence that sounds exactly as you want it to.
- Susan Orlean
Collection: Writing
Image of Kathryn Stockett
Write about what disturbs you, particularly if it bothers no one else.
- Kathryn Stockett
Collection: Writing
Image of Molly Ringwald
I've been acting for so long it's more like - I won't say easy, exactly, but there's not the same angst with writing that comes about with acting. Writing - particularly when you're writing yourself, when it's you, when it's your life, you really can't hide.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Writing
Image of Molly Ringwald
I think we do live in a very specialized society, where once you think about somebody as one thing, it's hard to change that. But I do a lot of things. I act, I write, I sing.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Writing
Image of Molly Ringwald
I feel like women very often do write differently than men, but women write things that men can't write.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Writing
Image of Molly Ringwald
I don't have control over how people choose to perceive me. The only thing I have control over is my writing.
- Molly Ringwald
Collection: Writing
Image of Linda Lael Miller
I love writing Christmas stories, especially of the historical variety.
- Linda Lael Miller
Collection: Writing
Image of Meg Rosoff
The imagination can be dangerous. It can change the world. And that is why we write.
- Meg Rosoff
Collection: Writing
Image of Toni Morrison
There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Snowden
Every time you pick up the phone, dial a number, write an e-mail, make a purchase, travel on the bus carrying a cell phone, swipe a card somewhere, you leave a trace, and the Government has decided that it's good idea to collect it all, everything, even if you've never been suspected of doing a crime.
- Edward Snowden
Collection: Writing
Image of Pete Townshend
If you don't want anyone to know anything about you, don't write anything.
- Pete Townshend
Collection: Writing
Image of T.C. Boyle
The professorial dictum has always been to write what you know, but I say write what you don't know and find something out. And it works.
- T.C. Boyle
Collection: Writing