Dov Davidoff

Image of Dov Davidoff
Latin women enjoy being women more than other women.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Latin
Image of Dov Davidoff
Maybe necrophiliacs are just people that want to have sex without a lot of talking.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Sex
Image of Dov Davidoff
My bedroom is so messy, if I died of natural causes, the cops would be like no he didn't, clearly there was a struggle.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Struggle
Image of Dov Davidoff
Vegas; one of the few places still encouraging men in their fifties to dress like their in a boy-band from the 80's.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Boys
Image of Dov Davidoff
Why hasn't anyone opened a night club named 'No Drugs Allowed, Wink, Wink'?
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Night
Image of Dov Davidoff
Sleep is over rated, then again so is being awake.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Sleep
Image of Dov Davidoff
If you love sleep, you'll really enjoy death.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Death
Image of Dov Davidoff
Drugs in a disco are great for white people because it allows them to feel more Puerto Rican while dancing.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: White
Image of Dov Davidoff
The fabric of society is woven together by the needle of suppression and denial.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Society
Image of Dov Davidoff
Many television weather-women were one abusive parent away from prostitution.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Weather
Image of Dov Davidoff
Most people that commit to a life of celibacy weren't leaving that much on the table in the first place.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: People
Image of Dov Davidoff
Laughing at ones own attempt at humor while saying things just come to me should be punishable by death.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Laughing
Image of Dov Davidoff
Love is nature's LSD. You're going to see things that aren't really there.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Love Is
Image of Dov Davidoff
Fake titties are inversely proportioned to their owners level of self esteem. This being said, part of me loves them.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Self Esteem
Image of Dov Davidoff
I'd like you much better if you didn't like yourself so much.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Like You
Image of Dov Davidoff
I like shitty strip clubs. They look like what they are. I know what to expect. Unlike Congress, at least we know everybody is for sale.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Looks
Image of Dov Davidoff
If I were a gynecologist, I'd say things like, Okay, enough of the small talk. Let's check under the hood.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Gynecologists
Image of Dov Davidoff
Few things are more annoying than too many of any one ethnicity in the same room.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Ethnicity
Image of Dov Davidoff
Big black guys fear air travel almost as much as old white women fear big black guys.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Air
Image of Dov Davidoff
Violence is never the answer, unless you don't feel like talking.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Talking
Image of Dov Davidoff
Women want a man who is sensitive, but god forbid you can't get it up after being frightened by a small woodland animal.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Animal
Image of Dov Davidoff
We should create a holiday that celebrates money for what it is, essentially worthless paper, upon which we agree to pretend it has value.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Holiday
Image of Dov Davidoff
You're pregnant? Congratulations, the world needs another mindless, semiliterate consumer.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Congratulations
Image of Dov Davidoff
Please reduce the expectation in your tone when asking me how my day is going.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Expectations
Image of Dov Davidoff
Money can't buy happiness, unless you're favorite hooker's name is 'Happiness'.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Happiness
Image of Dov Davidoff
I'm pretty happy for someone who struggles with happiness.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Happiness
Image of Dov Davidoff
Few things interest me more than the things people don't say.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: People
Image of Dov Davidoff
It's difficult to feel silly and depressed at the same time, but I manage.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Silly
Image of Dov Davidoff
We're born alone and we die alone. So in between, let's spend time with people that make us feel good... or at least put-out.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: People
Image of Dov Davidoff
All politicians promise that which they cannot deliver. I just wish they did so less gleefully.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Promise
Image of Dov Davidoff
Women often use large fake breasts like a gun, pointing the weapon at you in an attempt to garner the attention their father never gave them.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Father
Image of Dov Davidoff
When cornered, a rattle snake can become so angry it's been known to bite itself, which is exactly how I feel in traffic and relationships.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Snakes
Image of Dov Davidoff
I've never understood why anybody makes a big deal about mansions. It's just a house with more rooms. You still have to face yourself.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: House
Image of Dov Davidoff
Living by the beach means feeling guilty about never going to the beach.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Beach
Image of Dov Davidoff
Writing a new film about cereal killers. Not serial killers, cereal killers. The main character can eat two, three boxes at a time.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Writing
Image of Dov Davidoff
If I do marry, I'll expect a pretty serious dowry. I'm talking goats, pigs, chickens, the works.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Pigs
Image of Dov Davidoff
I'm neither professional fighter nor physicist, therefore on some level I will always consider myself a failure.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Levels
Image of Dov Davidoff
People would be so much more interesting if they'd behave like who they are, and not like what they think others expect them to be.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Thinking
Image of Dov Davidoff
You know you've lived in LA to long when what you fear most about prison is a lack of organic produce.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Long
Image of Dov Davidoff
You forget how crazy people are in New York, all the people on the sidewalk. When you leave here, everyone's in their car. But I get back here - I just went to throw something in the garbage, and there was a guy in the garbage. And he wasn't looking in it; he is in it, looking out over 9th Ave like a fisherman.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: New York
Image of Dov Davidoff
Homemade' sounds much better when not referring to tattoos.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Tattoo
Image of Dov Davidoff
Facebook is great for getting upset about things people say even though you haven't seen them in 12 years.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Years
Image of Dov Davidoff
The more I get to know people, the less I know about people.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: People
Image of Dov Davidoff
I consider myself a patriot, but not for the traditional reasons. I'm just really passionate about apple pie.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Apples
Image of Dov Davidoff
I'd put my faith in god, but I haven't met him, and I've been hurt before.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Hurt
Image of Dov Davidoff
I'd find myself more interesting if I weren't with me all the time.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Interesting
Image of Dov Davidoff
Is it a bad sign when the thought of your x-girlfriend makes you say things like, Satan is a myth... I guess.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Girlfriend
Image of Dov Davidoff
I can always tell when a girl comes from a good family because she's what's known as not at all attracted to me.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Girl
Image of Dov Davidoff
Perhaps being hated in the right way is preferable to being loved in the wrong one.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Way