Top America Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of America quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Richard E. Byrd
No woman has ever stepped on Little America - and we have found it to be the most silent and peaceful place in the world.
- Richard E. Byrd
Collection: America
Image of Fred Thompson
America needs a president who understands the nature of the world we live in.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: America
Image of Andrej Pejic
I don't get out of bed for less than $50 a day. I want to make that clear to America. This is a new age of androgynous supermodels. We don't get out of bed for less than $50 a day.
- Andrej Pejic
Collection: America
Image of Jeremiah Wright
No, no, no, not God bless America — God damn America!
- Jeremiah Wright
Collection: America
Image of Jeremiah Wright
God damn America for treating her citizens as less than human!
- Jeremiah Wright
Collection: America
Image of Harry Belafonte
America can no longer afford to be as arrogant as we've been. We can no longer exempt ourselves from the global family of concern.
- Harry Belafonte
Collection: America
Image of Harry Belafonte
We Have Got To Bring Corporate America To Its Knees
- Harry Belafonte
Collection: America
Image of Beatrice Wood
Here in America we're doing the most wonderful crafts
- Beatrice Wood
Collection: America
Image of Kwame Nkrumah
All people of African descent, whether they live in North or South America, the Caribbean, or in any part of the world are Africans and belong to the African nation.
- Kwame Nkrumah
Collection: America
Image of Claire Messud
To my mind, Guernica is the most important online intellectual and literary journal in America today.
- Claire Messud
Collection: America
Image of Doug Stanhope
America takes credit for giving you freedom that you had anyway. It's like going to a wedding and putting your tag on somebody elses box.
- Doug Stanhope
Collection: America
Image of Lance Morrow
The busybodies have begun to infect American society with a nasty intolerance - a zeal to police the private lives of others and hammer them into standard forms - A Nation of Finger Pointers.
- Lance Morrow
Collection: America
Image of Madam C. J. Walker
America doesn't respect anything but money. What our people need is a few millionaires.
- Madam C. J. Walker
Collection: America
Image of O. J. Simpson
In America you get as much justice as you can afford.
- O. J. Simpson
Collection: America
Image of Jerry Springer
The overarching issue, as I see it, is the elitism of America's political system; the fact that regular, ordinary Americans aren't considered in policy debates or legislation, and regularly get shafted by the powers-that-be in Washington.
- Jerry Springer
Collection: America
Image of Peggy Noonan
You don't have to be old in America to say of a world you lived in: 'that world is gone.'
- Peggy Noonan
Collection: America
Image of Peggy Noonan
The biggest improvement in the flow of information in America in our lifetimes is that no single group controls the news anymore.
- Peggy Noonan
Collection: America
Image of Donald Trump
In America, establishment politicians have betrayed our workers, they've betrayed our borders and, most of all, they've betrayed our freedoms.
- Donald Trump
Collection: America
Image of Mike Pence
Ronald Reagan said a nation without borders is not a nation. Donald Trump is committed to restoring the borders of America.
- Mike Pence
Collection: America
Image of Sharon Osbourne
I thought America needed to see what a normal family was really like.
- Sharon Osbourne
Collection: America
Image of Marisha Pessl
It’s hard, in America, not to equate ‘happiness’ with ‘things’.
- Marisha Pessl
Collection: America
Image of Paul Ryan
The condition of your birth doesn't determine the outcome of your life. This is America.
- Paul Ryan
Collection: America
Image of Mike Royko
Newspapers, magazines and other publications have the constitutional right to be offensive, even disgusting. As evidence of that, just watch this space regularly.
- Mike Royko
Collection: America
Image of Avi
People are freer in America. But there are more tears.
- Avi
Collection: America
Image of Douglas Rushkoff
We're living in an economy where productivity is no longer the goal, employment is. That's because, on a very fundamental level, we have pretty much everything we need. America is productive enough that it could probably shelter, feed, educate, and even provide health care for its entire population with just a fraction of us actually working ... Our problem is not that we don't have enough stuff-it's that we don't have enough ways for people to work and prove that they deserve this stuff.
- Douglas Rushkoff
Collection: America
Image of Dillon Burroughs
What if every church in America had a ministry to stand against modern slavery?
- Dillon Burroughs
Collection: America
Image of Forrest Church
America's egalitarian mandate reflects the liberality of the creator, and thus countermands, by divine witness, all feudal and aristocratic structures. It also parallels the Jewish concept of repair the world, or Tikkun ha'olam, which holds that the human spirit is in partnership with God to help finish the work of creation.
- Forrest Church
Collection: America
Image of Robert Mondavi
America was built on the can-do spirit and will continue to thrive on the can-do spirit.
- Robert Mondavi
Collection: America
Image of Bill Bradley
A lot of people want to change the world, but only a few people want to change themselves. When it comes to the issue of race in America, we have to do both.
- Bill Bradley
Collection: America
Image of Pat Boone
The movies television and music we used to produce created an image of America that the world envied... now the millions around the world call us the Great Satan - and with good cause.
- Pat Boone
Collection: America
Image of Charles Schumer
This is government's primary function - to keep us safe - and when large percentages in America don't feel safe, they start asking: What am I paying my taxes for? What is government all about?
- Charles Schumer
Collection: America
Image of Tom Shales
In the realm of pop celebrity, the bar has been lowered so far that there is no bar. People can be famous for being famous, famous for being infamous, famous for having once been famous and, thanks largely to the Internet, famous for not being famous at all.
- Tom Shales
Collection: America
Image of Walter F. Mondale
Bill Proxmire represents almost the last of one of America's most remarkable generations.
- Walter F. Mondale
Collection: America
Image of Edmund White
I felt if I went chronologically, I'd get bogged down in childhood and that's part of our culture of complaint in America. This endless wailing about your childhood.
- Edmund White
Collection: America
Image of Michelle Alexander
We have not ended racial caste in America, we have merely redesigned it.
- Michelle Alexander
Collection: America
Image of Richard Neal
We could quite easily, Republicans and Democrats working together, do something that everybody in America desires, and that is a simplification of our Tax Code.
- Richard Neal
Collection: America
Image of Art Blakey
That.s what Jazz music is all about.We started the Messengers because somebody had to mind the store for jazz.No America--no Jazz. It is the only culture that America has brought forth.
- Art Blakey
Collection: America
Image of Ted Nugent
I have obviously failed to galvanize and prod, if not shame enough Americans to be ever vigilant not to let a Chicago communist raised communist educated communist nurtured subhuman mongrel like the ACORN community organizer gangster Barack Hussein Obama to weasel his way into the top office of authority in the United States of America.
- Ted Nugent
Collection: America
Image of Joanna Russ
There are more whooping cranes in the United States of America than there are women in Congress.
- Joanna Russ
Collection: America
Image of Mick Taylor
The Blues scene now is international. In the '50s it was purely something that you would hear in black clubs, played by black musicians, especially in America. But from the '60s onwards it changed
- Mick Taylor
Collection: America
Image of Nina Simone
We have ordered things so long in a certain way, we are numb. Nobody dares question it. This is what is wrong, symbolically, with America.
- Nina Simone
Collection: America
Image of Jeff Sessions
I am totally committed to maintaining the freedom and equality America has to provide to every citizen.
- Jeff Sessions
Collection: America
Image of Jeff Sessions
I noticed one thing. According to the ABA statistics, only 3.5 percent of lawyers in America in 2000 were Hispanic, yet they - Hispanics make up 5 percent of the federal district court judges and 6 percent of circuit court judges.
- Jeff Sessions
Collection: America
Image of Thomas Peterffy
America's wealth comes from the efforts of people striving for success. Take away their incentive with badmouthing success and you take away the wealth that helps us take care of the needy.
- Thomas Peterffy
Collection: America
Image of Derrick Bell
We live in a system that espouses merit, equality, and a level playing field, but exalts those with wealth, power, and celebrity, however gained.
- Derrick Bell
Collection: America
Image of Malcolm Wallop
Today government touches everything in America and harms almost everything it touches. Federal, state, and local governments together spend 42 out of every 100 dollars we earn. Those who do the taxing and spending have long since ceased to work for the people as a whole. Rather, they work for themselves and for their clients-the education industry, the welfare culture, public-employee unions, etc.
- Malcolm Wallop
Collection: America
Image of Feisal Abdul Rauf
The world wants to like America. The guiding values that Thomas Jefferson articulated so eloquently - life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - resonate strongly around the world, transcending countless superficial and cultural differences, not because these are American values, but because they are universal values, embedded in the human heart.
- Feisal Abdul Rauf
Collection: America
Image of David Satcher
Otis Brawley is one of America's truly outstanding physician scientists. In How We Do Harm, he challenges all of us-- physicians, patients, and communities-- to recommit ourselves to the pledge to 'do no harm.'
- David Satcher
Collection: America
Image of Eric Linklater
There won't be any revolution in America ... the people are too clean. They spend all their time changing their shirts and washing themselves. You can't feel fierce and revolutionary in a bathroom.
- Eric Linklater
Collection: America
Image of Randy Travis
History will tell the story, America will always stand.
- Randy Travis
Collection: America