Top Party Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Party quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Attila the Hun
Never arbitrate. Arbitration allows a third party to determine your destiny. It is a resort of the weak.
- Attila the Hun
Collection: Party
Image of Michael Joseph Oakeshott
We consider ourselves to be free because no one in our society is allowed unlimited powerno leader, faction, party or 'class', no majority, no government, church, corporation, trade, or professional association or trade union. The secret of its freedom is that it is composed of a multitude of organisations in the constitution of the best of which is reproduced that diffusion of power which is characteristic of the whole.
- Michael Joseph Oakeshott
Collection: Party
Image of Andy Stern
Unions should not be lapdogs to a political party, they should be watchdogs for their members interests.
- Andy Stern
Collection: Party
Image of Tony Benn
The Tory party is the enemy of democracy.
- Tony Benn
Collection: Party
Image of Tony Benn
When Blair was elected leader of the Labour Party, he said, "New Labour is a new political party" - that was the phrase he used, and I'm so glad he said it because he set up his own party and I'm not a member of it.
- Tony Benn
Collection: Party
Image of James St. James
If we're all going to hell in a handbasket, we might as well make it a party on the way down
- James St. James
Collection: Party
Image of Harriet Lerner
An intimate relationship is one in which neither party silences, sacrifices, or betrays the self and each party expresses strength and vulnerability, weakness and competence in a balanced way.
- Harriet Lerner
Collection: Party
Image of Franka Potente
If you ever get really dressed up for a party, you get a feeling from the reactions of people that you don't need to be that loud. It's the same when you act. You have to always consider what's around you and the texture of things and try to meld in with what's going on.
- Franka Potente
Collection: Party
Image of Jeaniene Frost
Slumber party with Dracula, all things considerd why not?
- Jeaniene Frost
Collection: Party
Image of Shelley Winters
I don't want to smoke cigars or go to stag parties, wear jockey shorts or pick up the check.
- Shelley Winters
Collection: Party
Image of Ron Reagan
I've never joined any political party and have no plans to do so. I'm fully independent.
- Ron Reagan
Collection: Party
Image of Bill Moyers
Fox News and Rush Limbaugh have raised ignorance to ideology and stupefied an entire political party. No more roguish and rowdy band of predators ever did more to demean and despoil the democracy on whose carcass they feed.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Party
Image of Bill Moyers
In America, one of our two major parties is dominated by extremists dedicated to destroying the social contract, and the other party has been so enfeebled by two decades of collaboration with the donor class it can offer only feeble resistance to the forces that are devastating everyday people.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Party
Image of George Ayittey
Western-style multi-party democracy is possible but not suitable for Africa.
- George Ayittey
Collection: Party
Image of Ann M. Martin
Because, you see, you only need one friend for a party. One is enough. Two is enough. Anything is enough.' ~pg 107; Adam on friendship
- Ann M. Martin
Collection: Party
Image of Claire Messud
That's so her. You know, torn between Big Ideas and a party. She's always been that way.
- Claire Messud
Collection: Party
Image of Liu Xiaobo
I can't imagine here would be a Chinese Gorbachev. But the party will gradually open up. For instance, it has already set a time limit for political reforms in Hong Kong. And in four years time, there won't be a strongman to name the General Secretary at the party congress. That means that the various factions will have to develop better rules for naming their leader. But there won't be a timeline for political reform.
- Liu Xiaobo
Collection: Party
Image of Liu Xiaobo
For the party, the Beijing Games are the biggest political happening of 2008. Everything revolves around them. This will be a huge celebration for the President Hu Jintao and the Premier Wen Jiabao.
- Liu Xiaobo
Collection: Party
Image of Liu Xiaobo
China after Olympics will progress very slowly. But the demands for freedom - on the part of ordinary people but also party members - won't be as easy to contain.
- Liu Xiaobo
Collection: Party
Image of Nora Roberts
Some things in life are out of your control. You can make it a party or a tragedy.
- Nora Roberts
Collection: Party
Image of Bobby Seale
But I think people, especially white people, have to come to understand that the language of the ghetto is a language of its own, and as the party - whose members for the most part come from the ghetto - seeks to talk to the people, it must speak the people's language.
- Bobby Seale
Collection: Party
Image of Harry Golden
No man does right by a woman at a party.
- Harry Golden
Collection: Party
Image of Khushwant Singh
The last to learn of gossip are the parties concerned
- Khushwant Singh
Collection: Party
Image of Alan Shearer
If you want to have a great party at Wembley, don't invite the Germans.
- Alan Shearer
Collection: Party
Image of Alan Shearer
I want to be around when Newcastle win a trophy because I want to see this place lift off. It will be one hell of a party for a long time.
- Alan Shearer
Collection: Party
Image of William Ernest Hocking
Every social need, such as the need for friendship, must be a party to its own satisfaction: I cannot passively find my friend as a ready-made friend; a ready-made human being he may be, but his friendship for me I must help to create by my own active resolve.
- William Ernest Hocking
Collection: Party
Image of John Baldwin Buckstone
Why should we break up Our snug and pleasant party? Time was made for slaves, But never for us so hearty.
- John Baldwin Buckstone
Collection: Party
Image of J. B. Priestley
One of the delights beyond the grasp of youth is that of Not Going. Not to have an invitation for the dance, the party, the picnic, the excursion is to be diminished. To have an invitation and then not to be able to go -- oh cursed spite! Now I do not care the rottenest fig whether I receive an invitation or not. After years of illusion, I finally decided I was missing nothing by Not Going. I no longer care whether I am missing anything or not.
- J. B. Priestley
Collection: Party
Image of Thomas Reid
There is no greater impediment to the advancement of knowledge than the ambiguity of words. To this chiefly it is owing that we find sects and parties in most branches of science [and politics]; and disputes that are carried on from age to age, without being brought to issue.
- Thomas Reid
Collection: Party
Image of Theodore White
The power of the press in America is a primordial one. It sets the agenda of public discussion; and this sweeping political power is unrestrained by any law. It deter- mines what people will talk and think about-an authority that in other nations is reserved for tyrants, priests, parties and mandarins.
- Theodore White
Collection: Party
Image of Sam Wyly
I'm interested in personalities, not political parties.
- Sam Wyly
Collection: Party
Image of Mike Royko
In attacking the young, the liberal, and the black, Daley was in the mainstream of America's mass prejudices. The Democratic party may have suffered by his actions, but Daley came out...even more popular than before because bust their heads was the mood of the land and Daley had swung the biggest club.
- Mike Royko
Collection: Party
Image of Dorothea Brande
The worst effect of party is its tendency to generate narrow, false, and illiberal prejudices, by teaching the adherents of one party to regard those that belong to an opposing party as unworthy of confidence.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Party
Image of Mario Monti
I know that speaking with parties, which I do, but not very often, is seen by many as a contamination.
- Mario Monti
Collection: Party
Image of George Orwell
Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day be day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present in which the party is always right.
- George Orwell
Collection: Party
Image of Charles Buxton
A large family party is rather too much like a flight of tomtits; everlasting twitter, but no conversation; gregariousness without companionship.
- Charles Buxton
Collection: Party
Image of Teresa Medeiros
Twitter is the perpetual cocktail party where everyone is talking at once but nobody is saying anything.
- Teresa Medeiros
Collection: Party
Image of Lewis Hyde
Unlike the sale of a commodity, the giving of a gift tends to establish a relationship between the parties involved. When gifts circulate within a group, their commerce leaves a series of interconnected relationships in its wake, and a kind of decentralized cohesiveness emerges.
- Lewis Hyde
Collection: Party
Image of Enoch Powell
In the end, the Labour party could cease to represent labour. Stranger historic ironies have happened than that.
- Enoch Powell
Collection: Party
Image of Ice T
When we say a rapper, a rapper can say a rhyme. But an MC can rock a party.
- Ice T
Collection: Party
Image of Ralph Nader
The Democratic and Republican parties, two apparently distinct political entities feeding at the same corporate trough.
- Ralph Nader
Collection: Party
Image of Ralph Nader
We live in a two-party tyranny that doesn't believe in competition, can enforce it with penalties and obstructions, and they're getting closer and closer to being both one corporate party with two heads having different labels.
- Ralph Nader
Collection: Party
Image of Harvey Weinstein
I... grew up in politics and I used to work for the Democratic Party.
- Harvey Weinstein
Collection: Party
Image of Anita Shreve
The things that don't happen to us that we'll never know didn't happen to us. The nonstories. The extra minute to find the briefcase that makes you late to the spot where a tractor trailer mauled another car instead of yours. The woman you didn't meet because she couldn't get a taxi to the party you had to leave early from. All of life is a series of nonstories if you look at it that way. We just don't know what they are.
- Anita Shreve
Collection: Party
Image of Adam Rex
[J.Lo] found us a police car. Sort of. 'It's not a police car,' I said. 'It is,' said J.Lo. 'Looknow. Lights for flashing.' 'That's true.' 'Writing on the sides.' 'Yeah, but the writing? It says ''BullShake Party Patrol.'' Yes. Whatnow?
- Adam Rex
Collection: Party
Image of L. Neil Smith
We're all a bunch of badminton birdies who just got batted from the Republican side of the court to the Democrat side. We'll eventually get batted back again, of course, unless libertarians can manage to do something about it. If your principal concern, like mine, is freedom, there's absolutely no discernable difference between the two 'majors,' and for all practical purposes, they're one big party - the Boot On Your Neck party - pretending to be two.
- L. Neil Smith
Collection: Party
Image of Charles Trevelyan
I have the greatest sympathy with the growth of the socialist party. I think they understand the evils that surround us and hammer them into peoples minds better than we Liberals.
- Charles Trevelyan
Collection: Party
Image of Barbara Mikulski
When it comes to standing up for veterans, we cannot be the Republicans and Democrats, we have to be the red, white, and blue party.
- Barbara Mikulski
Collection: Party
Image of James K. Polk
Although in our country the Chief Magistrate must almost of necessity be chosen by a party and stand pledged to its principles and measures, yet in his official action he should not be the President of a part only, but of the whole people of the United States.
- James K. Polk
Collection: Party
Image of Herbert Butterfield
It has been said that the historian is the avenger, and that standing as a judge between the parties and rivalries and causes of bygone generations he can lift up the fallen and beat down the proud, and by his exposures and his verdicts, his satire and his moral indignation, can punish unrighteousness, avenge the injured or reward the innocent.
- Herbert Butterfield
Collection: Party