Top fun Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Ray Bradbury
Get rid of those friends of yours who make fun of you and don't believe in you. And when you leave here tonight, go home, make a phone call and fire them. Anyone that doesn't believe in you and your future, to hell with them.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Fun
Image of Lisa Jewell
If you loveach other, whatever happens you can deal with it, you can work it out. Because if there's one thing I've learned, it's that it's really not much fun having an adventure with someone you're not in love with.
- Lisa Jewell
Collection: Fun
Image of Julia Stiles
It's fun to stay at the Y! M! C! A!
- Julia Stiles
Collection: Fun
Image of Julia Stiles
If I'm gong out to a club I like to have fun with it. I'll use blue or red sparkly eyeliners and glittery eye shadows. Then I'll put on some blue mascara. I focus on the eyes.
- Julia Stiles
Collection: Fun
Image of Jeff Ross
Life has to keep going, so you can either be a victim the rest of your life and let it drag you down into drugs and alcohol and depression or you can turn it into something good, fun even, you know, and I tell young people who are going through depression that this might be the most important time of your life. This might be what makes you a great artist later on.
- Jeff Ross
Collection: Fun
Image of Christopher Fowler
Kim Newman brings Dracula back home in the granddaddy of all vampire adventures. Anno Dracula couldn't be more fun if Bram Stoker had scripted it for Hammer. It's a beautifully constructed Gothic epic that knocks almost every other vampire novel out for the count.
- Christopher Fowler
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Scarry
Everything has an educational value if you look for it. But it's the fun I want to get across.
- Richard Scarry
Collection: Fun
Image of Dan Buettner
Have fun, be active. Ride a bike instead of driving, for example.
- Dan Buettner
Collection: Fun
Image of Matt Hardy
Matt Hardy may be dysfunctional, but you can't spell dysfunctional without fun. My goal in the professional wrestling industry is to put fun into the dysfunctionality of it.
- Matt Hardy
Collection: Fun
Image of Jessica Biel
It's a new stage and a new moment in my life. I'm moving forward. It feels quite inspiring, fun, and positive. As I get older, I find a greater sense of self-confidence. I've learned that it's fine to not try to be anything else but myself.
- Jessica Biel
Collection: Fun
Image of Jessica Biel
You know, those iconic things we wanted to throw in for fun, but I think the point to see it was to see how totally different it was from what Len wanted to do with it. It's a different beast completely.
- Jessica Biel
Collection: Fun
Image of Jon M. Huntsman Sr.
You just work day and night if the cause in your heart is justified. You just go out and drive yourself to get the money. And you have fun doing it. It's a real rush. The people I particularly dislike are those who say 'I'm going to leave it in my will.' What they're really saying is 'If I could live forever, I wouldn't give any of it away.
- Jon M. Huntsman Sr.
Collection: Fun
Image of Andy Stern
College is about three things: homework, fun, and sleep...but you can only choose two.
- Andy Stern
Collection: Fun
Image of T.A. Barron
It's much more fun to be the exception, not the rule
- T.A. Barron
Collection: Fun
Image of Tanya Huff
Dexter thrust a pamphlet into Samuel's hand. "Greenstreet Mission. We're doing a Christmas dinner. You can get a meal and hear the word of God." Samuel smiled in relief. This, finally, he understood. "Which word?" "What?" "Well, God's said a lot of words, you know, and a word like 'it' or 'the' wouldn't be worth hearing again but its always fun listening to Him try and say aluminum.
- Tanya Huff
Collection: Fun
Image of Christine Taylor
I'm an impulse buyer. There are so many great things online! Having two kids, I feel like that's an easy, fun way to shop without letting it take up your entire day.
- Christine Taylor
Collection: Fun
Image of Hal Sutton
Let me tell you what's fun in golf - low scores. The manufacturers have tricked people into believing that distance is everything. There is no place on the scorecard that says you need to hit it 350 yards.
- Hal Sutton
Collection: Fun
Image of Glenn Beck
Whoever thought a tiny candy bar should be called fun size was a moron.
- Glenn Beck
Collection: Fun
Image of Matthew Modine
When you're young, you get by on charm and good looks, not that I miss being charming or good-looking, but then you start to understand things about life, about the craft of acting. You approach it a different way. It's much more fun now than it was, because you take more chances and risks. I enjoy acting now more than when I was young.
- Matthew Modine
Collection: Fun
Image of Calvin Trillin
There is a theory that sooner or later anything in America that is any fun at all will be ruined by people from California.
- Calvin Trillin
Collection: Fun
Image of Grace Paley
The best training is to read and write, no matter what. Don't live with a lover or roommate who doesn't respect your work. Don't lie, buy time, borrow to buy time. Write what will stop your breath if you don't write.
- Grace Paley
Collection: Fun
Image of Rupert Brooke
It's all a terrible tragedy. And yet, in it's details, it's great fun. And - apart from the tragedy - I've never felt happier or better in my life than in those days in Belgium.
- Rupert Brooke
Collection: Fun
Image of George Soros
If investing is entertaining, if you're having fun, you're probably not making any money. Good investing is boring.
- George Soros
Collection: Fun
Image of Susan Orlean
I love convincing a reader that an unusual or seemingly ordinary subject is worth his or her time - it's part of the fun for me as a writer.
- Susan Orlean
Collection: Fun
Image of Sam Peckinpah
Well, killing a man isn't clean and quick and simple. It's bloody and awful. And maybe if enough people come to realize that shooting somebody isn't just fun and games, maybe we'll get somewhere.
- Sam Peckinpah
Collection: Fun
Image of Ginger Rogers
The most important thing in anyone's life is to be giving something. The quality I can give is fun, joy and happiness. This is my gift.
- Ginger Rogers
Collection: Fun
Image of Larry Winget
If life is no fun, it is because you are no fun. Your life is always a reflection of who you are... Try this: Stop taking things, including yourself, so seriously. Life is not as complicated as you have made it out to be.
- Larry Winget
Collection: Fun
Image of Don Roff
When you're writing what you love, it's the most fun you can have with your clothing still on, unless of course, you write naked.
- Don Roff
Collection: Fun
Image of Hiromu Arakawa
You've certainly mellowed out... you used to be fun, full of life and emotion. Lust, Greed, Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath, and Pride. Of course, excessive want will destroy anyone, but those same desires are necessary to understand what it means to be human. Why did you rid yourself of them?
- Hiromu Arakawa
Collection: Fun
Image of Scott O'Dell
Many of our tribe went to the cliff each night to count the number killed during the day. They counted the dead otter and thought of the beads and other things that each pelt meant. But I never went to the cove and whenever I saw the hunters with their long spears skimming over the water, I was angry, for these animals were my friends. It was fun to see them playing or sunning themselves among the kelp. It more fun than the thought of beads to wear around my neck.
- Scott O'Dell
Collection: Fun
Image of Ilona Andrews
You replaced me with a shaved poodle?” “He’s got mad skills.” Derek’s eyebrows crept up. “He can vomit and urinate at the same time and he doesn’t make fun of my car.
- Ilona Andrews
Collection: Fun
Image of M. John Harrison
SF is an opportunity to have an intense relationship with your own imagination. It's a kind of drive-by poetry, trashy and addictive; it's fun. After that, for me, it's an opportunity to explore that kind of imaginative artifact from inside, and use a little camped-up contemporary science as a way of generating new metaphors around my typical obsessions.
- M. John Harrison
Collection: Fun
Image of Saul Perlmutter
It's an unusual opportunity, a chance for so many people to share in the excitement and the fun of the fact that we may be on to hints as to what the Universe is made out of. I guess the whole point of a prize like this is to be able to get that out into the community
- Saul Perlmutter
Collection: Fun
Image of Steve Wozniak
I just believe in whatever you're going to do, even if it's work, have a little bit of fun attitude about it. You can be happy.
- Steve Wozniak
Collection: Fun
Image of Jill Bennett
The angry lesbian stereotype is true - Im one of them - but underneath that there is fun and frolic and we need to show that a little bit more now.
- Jill Bennett
Collection: Fun
Image of Alexander Skarsgard
If you are with someone who is awesome and having a good time, you can sit at a bus station and still have fun.
- Alexander Skarsgard
Collection: Fun
Image of Lisa Gardner
What I loved about romances was the character, and I think I still bring that to my novels. What romance taught me was that the 'who' will always matter more than the 'what.' It's fun to come up with plots, but I want to make sure the reader cares about who it's happening to.
- Lisa Gardner
Collection: Fun
Image of Paul Neilan
But really it’s condescending and patronizing not to make fun of someone because they’re old or stupid or crippled or morbidly obese. Banged up people don’t want your pity. They just want to be treated like everyone else. Mockery, when done without prejudice or discretion, can be a form of respect. It’s the closest we’ll ever come to true equality.
- Paul Neilan
Collection: Fun
Image of Ivan Reitman
I've always believed in populating my films with characters who we like, who we have some warmth for, who have warmth for each other, who we would like to hang out with, who we emulate in one way or another. It's not that they all get along, or that there aren't bad people or people we make fun of. But at the core, there's a kind of sweetness.
- Ivan Reitman
Collection: Fun
Image of George Plimpton
I have never been convinced there's anything inherently wrong in having fun.
- George Plimpton
Collection: Fun
Image of Haley Joel Osment
I think most actors would say some of the most fun roles are when you're evil, and that's been really exciting to be the bad guy in a lot of scenarios. Because when you're 12, you don't get to play the villain too often.
- Haley Joel Osment
Collection: Fun
Image of Katherine Hannigan
I believe good plans are the best way to maximize fun, avoid disaster, and possibly, save the world. I spend a lot of my time making them.
- Katherine Hannigan
Collection: Fun
Image of Katherine Hannigan
There is never enough time for fun.
- Katherine Hannigan
Collection: Fun
Image of John Waters
I respect everything I make fun of.
- John Waters
Collection: Fun
Image of Bisco Hatori
Kaoru: Grownups are so tiresome. They fake their smiles all day long and they try to force us to do the same. It's no fun at all.
- Bisco Hatori
Collection: Fun
Image of Bisco Hatori
Kyoya: Some say I only became more calculating but I don't care... because you lose out if you don't have fun, right?
- Bisco Hatori
Collection: Fun
Image of Kenny Wormald
I was a dancer, and it's not really cool for a boy to dance, so it was inspiring to see a movie like 'Footloose' where a guy is dancing masculine and had a proper reason behind it. It made me feel cool, and when these kids would make fun of me, I'd be like, 'Oh, didn't you see 'Footloose,' man?
- Kenny Wormald
Collection: Fun
Image of David Archuleta
It's fun just spending time with everyone. It's something that's so simple, yet so valuable to me
- David Archuleta
Collection: Fun
Image of W. Clement Stone
Effort and work can become fun when you establish specific desirable goals.
- W. Clement Stone
Collection: Fun
Image of Dennis Quaid
You have to have the fire in your belly. I'm having more fun now with acting than I did when I first started out, because I'm doing it just because I really enjoy it. I'm not trying to "make it" anymore. I'm not trying to be anything, you know? The biggest this and that for anybody. I'm just enjoying it.
- Dennis Quaid
Collection: Fun