Top Advice Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Advice quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Aristotle Onassis
Get a sun lamp to keep you looking as if you have just come back from somewhere expensive.
- Aristotle Onassis
Collection: Advice
Image of Katherine Anne Porter
I will never again attempt to tell any young person what to do - the really gifted don't need advice and the others can't take it.
- Katherine Anne Porter
Collection: Advice
Image of Vidal Sassoon
Take good advice, make sure it is good advice, then do it your way.
- Vidal Sassoon
Collection: Advice
Image of Lois Wyse
Don't ever take advice from anyone who starts a sentence with, 'You may not like me for this, but it's for your own good - ' It never is.
- Lois Wyse
Collection: Advice
Image of Silvio Berlusconi
Berlusconi's advice to Italians trying to escape poverty: "Do it my way and earn more money".
- Silvio Berlusconi
Collection: Advice
Image of George S. Clason
You've learned the lessons well. You first learned to live on less than you earn. Next you learned to seek advice from those who are competent. Lastly, you've learned to make gold work for you.
- George S. Clason
Collection: Advice
Image of Joel Osteen
Don't use your words to describe the situation. Use your words to change the situation.
- Joel Osteen
Collection: Advice
Image of Harry Stack Sullivan
The supply of interpretations, like that of advice, greatly exceeds the need for them.
- Harry Stack Sullivan
Collection: Advice
Image of Charles Buxton
To make pleasures pleasant shorten them.
- Charles Buxton
Collection: Advice
Image of Helen Steiner Rice
Stop wishing for things you complain you have not, and start making the best of all that you've got.
- Helen Steiner Rice
Collection: Advice
Image of Paul Samuelson
When the economy was going up, [Milton Friedman and I] both gave the same advice, and when the economy was going down, we gave the same advice. But in between he didn't change his advice at all.
- Paul Samuelson
Collection: Advice
Image of David Puttnam
There's always a miasma of misinformation emerging from the higher education sector as to which are the "best" courses to take. My advice would always be to ignore the perceived wisdom and look for the most reliable evidence on the ground.
- David Puttnam
Collection: Advice
Image of Albert Schweitzer
A good example has twice the value of good advice
- Albert Schweitzer
Collection: Advice
Image of Mary Wortley Montagu
Begin nothing without considering what the end may be.
- Mary Wortley Montagu
Collection: Advice
Image of Selma Lagerlöf
Strange, when you ask anyone's advice you see yourself what is right.
- Selma Lagerlöf
Collection: Advice
Image of Said Nursi
If you want an enemy, the soul (nafs) is sufficient. If you want advice, death is sufficient.
- Said Nursi
Collection: Advice
Image of Kim Dotcom
Greece bankruptcy will trigger a market crash. My advice: Buy Bitcoin & Gold Both will rise when the markets crash.
- Kim Dotcom
Collection: Advice
Image of Ludwig Borne
The secret of power is the knowledge that others are more cowardly than you are.
- Ludwig Borne
Collection: Advice
Image of Chris Guillebeau
Often when we ask for advice, we don't really want advice-we want someone to say "That's great! Go for it!"
- Chris Guillebeau
Collection: Advice
Image of Richard Hugo
A poet is seldom hard up for advice. The worst part of it all is that sometimes the advice is coming from other poets, and they ought to know better.
- Richard Hugo
Collection: Advice
Image of Lee Kuan Yew
The human being needs a challenge, and my advice to every person in Singapore and elsewhere: Keep yourself interested, have a challenge.
- Lee Kuan Yew
Collection: Advice
Image of Aisha Tyler
The best advice anybody could have given me was to keep getting up over and over again.
- Aisha Tyler
Collection: Advice
Image of Timothy Keller
The Gospel is good news not good advice. Advice = what we should do. News = report of what was done for us.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Advice
Image of Pierre Beaumarchais
Vilify! Vilify! Some of it will always stick.
- Pierre Beaumarchais
Collection: Advice
Image of Chetan Bhagat
Sometimes in your life you just meet someone or hear something that nudges you on the right path. And that becomes the best advice. It could just be a bit of commonsense said in a way that resonates with something in you. It's nothing new, but because it connects with you it holds meaning for you.
- Chetan Bhagat
Collection: Advice
Image of Michael Palmer
Never compare your inside with somebody else's outside. -Gabe Singleton remembering his counselor's first advice-
- Michael Palmer
Collection: Advice
Image of Walter M. Miller, Jr.
The trouble with being a priest was that you eventually had to take the advice you gave to others.
- Walter M. Miller, Jr.
Collection: Advice
Image of Maira Kalman
if something does go wrong, here is my advice... KEEP CALM and CARRY ON.
- Maira Kalman
Collection: Advice
Image of Augusto Roa Bastos
There is always time to take more time.
- Augusto Roa Bastos
Collection: Advice
Image of David Petersen
You should always aim to be your own mouse, Lieam. In already are. You are not so quick to jump into danger as Saxon and not as pensive of mind as Kenzie. They rely on each other too much. Saxon knows he can afford to be reckless since Kenzie acts as his conscience. And Kenzie can linger in his thoughts and plans, because he knows Saxon can defend him. I tested Kenzie earlier. I wanted to see if he would be swayed by my advice. It took Saxon's coaxing to make up the greyfur's mind. Be compleete with in yourself young will never disappoint. Even in solitude.
- David Petersen
Collection: Advice
Image of Paul Valery
Beware of what you do best; its bound to be a trap.
- Paul Valery
Collection: Advice
Image of Kathleen Winsor
There's an old press-agents' slogan that's good advice: Don't read your publicity - weigh it.
- Kathleen Winsor
Collection: Advice
Image of Bernard Williams
Unsolicited advice is the junk mail of life.
- Bernard Williams
Collection: Advice
Image of Otto Preminger
I do not welcome advice from actors, they are here to act.
- Otto Preminger
Collection: Advice
Image of Miguel de Cervantes
Woman's advice has little value, but he who won't take it is a fool.
- Miguel de Cervantes
Collection: Advice
Image of Ben Silbermann
Don't take too much advice.
- Ben Silbermann
Collection: Advice
Image of Kirk Cameron
God speaks with authority on every subject including marriage and His advice trumps Oprah's every time.
- Kirk Cameron
Collection: Advice
Image of Neil Kinnock
I'm prepared to take advice on leisure from Prince Philip. He's a world expert on leisure. He's been practicing it for most of his adult life.
- Neil Kinnock
Collection: Advice
Image of Frank Capra
My Advice to Young Filmmakers is This: Don't Follow Trends. Start Them!
- Frank Capra
Collection: Advice
Image of Justus von Liebig
If you want to become a chemist, you will have to ruin your health. If you don't ruin your health studying, you won't accomplish anything these days in chemistry. Liebig's advice to Kekulé.
- Justus von Liebig
Collection: Advice
Image of Gustav Holst
Always ask for advice but never take it.
- Gustav Holst
Collection: Advice
Image of Callie Khouri
My advice is that if you really want to be a screenwriter, get out here and be ready to take no for an answer many times until you find your way through it and are fortunate enough to get something made.
- Callie Khouri
Collection: Advice
Image of David Halberstam
Always stay in with the outs.
- David Halberstam
Collection: Advice
Image of Paul Haggis
You have to be careful of the advice you take.
- Paul Haggis
Collection: Advice
Image of Marshall Goldsmith
Treat every piece of advice as a gift or a compliment and simply say, “Thank you.
- Marshall Goldsmith
Collection: Advice
Image of Eric Church
The best advice I've been given is kind of the "dance with the one who brought you" thing. You got here on what you do so don't change that.
- Eric Church
Collection: Advice
Image of Jean Baptiste Massillon
Agreeable advice is seldom useful advice.
- Jean Baptiste Massillon
Collection: Advice
Image of Kurt Tucholsky
Expect nothing. Today: that is your life.
- Kurt Tucholsky
Collection: Advice
Image of Kurt Tucholsky
Language is a weapon, keep it honed!
- Kurt Tucholsky
Collection: Advice