Top yoga Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of yoga quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Marianne Williamson
Ego says, "Once everything falls into place, I'll feel peace". Spirit says, "Find your peace, and then everything will fall into place".
- Marianne Williamson
Collection: Yoga
Image of Koren Zailckas
There's a limit to my patience with anything that smacks of metaphysics. I squirm at the mention of "mind expansion" or "warm healing energy." I don't like drum circles, public nudity or strangers touching my feet.
- Koren Zailckas
Collection: Yoga
Image of R.K. Narayan
You become writer by writing. It is a yoga.
- R.K. Narayan
Collection: Yoga
Image of Kelly Brook
I've never had one of those amazing yoga bodies. My body is what it is. I am sure if I went on a crash diet, lost two stone and toned up I could make loads of money by making fitness videos and selling my story to the tabloids. But I don't want to encourage women to be anything other than what they are. That's very important to me.
- Kelly Brook
Collection: Yoga
Image of Tim Minchin
The day they discover yoga mats are carcinogenic will be the happiest day of my life.
- Tim Minchin
Collection: Yoga
Image of Patricia Velasquez
I do hot yoga. I try to keep one hour a day where I have space to reflect and meditate and take care of me and what is going on inside. This way, I can be a better person to be around.
- Patricia Velasquez
Collection: Yoga
Image of B.K.S. Iyengar
The primary aim of yoga is to restore the mind to simplicity, peace, and poise, to free it from confusion and distress.
- B.K.S. Iyengar
Collection: Yoga
Image of B.K.S. Iyengar
It is not yoga that injures, but the way one does yoga that leads to injury.
- B.K.S. Iyengar
Collection: Yoga
Image of Sharon Salzberg
The critical element in meditation practice is beginning again. Everyone loses focus at times, everyone loses interest at times, and everyone gets distracted over and over again. What is essential, and also incredibly transforming, is realizing that we have the ability to begin again, without blaming or judging ourselves, without thinking we have failed, without losing heart, we can, and need to, constantly be beginning again.
- Sharon Salzberg
Collection: Yoga
Image of Rumi
The soul has been given its own ears to hear things mind does not understand.
- Rumi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Swami Satchidananda
Yoga began with the first person wanting to be healthy and happy all the time.
- Swami Satchidananda
Collection: Yoga
Image of Cheri Huber
When you're experiencing peace, it's coming from within you; you're 'doing' peace and this is true of anything else you might be looking for. Love, happiness, contentment, well-being come from within. Nothing external needs to change for you to have what you want.....If you want to be happier - be happier. If you want to be more relaxed - relax. If you want more friends - be friendly. Sounds simple. It is.
- Cheri Huber
Collection: Yoga
Image of Radhanath Swami
Humble people dont get Offended easily.
- Radhanath Swami
Collection: Yoga
Image of J. Courtney Sullivan
Reading poetry gives me a sense of calm, well-being, and love for humanity - the same stuff more flexible women get from yoga.
- J. Courtney Sullivan
Collection: Yoga
Image of Shunryu Suzuki
Treat every moment as your last. It is not preparation for something else.
- Shunryu Suzuki
Collection: Yoga
Image of Gary Snyder
When the mind is exhausted of images, it invents its own.
- Gary Snyder
Collection: Yoga
Image of Susan Strasberg
I meditate, I do yoga and I have a lot of friends who are healers.....And if none of that works, I go by a chocolate bar and a bottle of cognac.
- Susan Strasberg
Collection: Yoga
Image of Shlomo Carlebach
In Kabbalah, as in the Hassidic tradition, you cure the body, but you fix the soul. Curing takes time, but fixing, if you know how to do it, is immediate.
- Shlomo Carlebach
Collection: Yoga
Image of Rod Stryker
Do yoga in order to know what to do when you're not doing yoga.
- Rod Stryker
Collection: Yoga
Image of Rod Stryker
In the end, yoga has less to do with what you can do with your body and more to do with the happiness that unfolds from realizing your full potential.
- Rod Stryker
Collection: Yoga
Image of Rod Stryker
If you make time for silence, the sacred will unfold.
- Rod Stryker
Collection: Yoga
Image of Rod Stryker
The quality of your practice is ultimately measured by its effect on the quality of your life. In other words, mastery in yoga is mastery of life.
- Rod Stryker
Collection: Yoga
Image of Rod Stryker
Stop trying to distinguish the joy of meditation from the messiness of life. Begin to see the divine in everything. She is in the joy just as much as the misery.
- Rod Stryker
Collection: Yoga
Image of Rod Stryker
The point of yoga is to develop a level of clarity and self-understand ing so that when we’re done doing our yoga practice we make really good decisions, because that will determine whether we’re fulfilled. Not the quality of our poses. But really the yoga is what happens when we’re done practicing yoga.
- Rod Stryker
Collection: Yoga
Image of Rod Stryker
Being able to recognize which of your desires are vital to pursue and which ones are not is often less than easy. This is precisely why the ancient sages counseled that we practice yoga. Their point was a very practical one: You are best able to discern which of your many desires should (and should not) be responded to when your mind is calm and tranquil.
- Rod Stryker
Collection: Yoga
Image of Rod Stryker
Clear perception is the cornerstone and an absolute necessity for living your best life - and that's exactly what the focus of a yoga practice should be all about.
- Rod Stryker
Collection: Yoga
Image of Michio Kushi
Yoga breathing control is practiced to influence our thinking. The lungs correspond to our fore brain and can influence our consciousness.
- Michio Kushi
Collection: Yoga
Image of Richard Hittleman
The yogi will tell you that you feel and look as young as your spine is elastic.
- Richard Hittleman
Collection: Yoga
Image of Fyodor Tyutchev
All the wonders you seek are within yourself. We should seek to discover our own special light. Know how to live within yourself; there in your soul lives a whole world of mysterious and enchanted thoughts; they will be drowned by noise of this world. Be still and listen to their singing and be silent.
- Fyodor Tyutchev
Collection: Yoga
Image of Sharon Gannon
The practice of yoga allows us to become more conscious of our own physical existence and how significant we really are.
- Sharon Gannon
Collection: Yoga
Image of Matthieu Ricard
Worries are pointless. If there's a solution, there's no need to worry. If no solution exists, there's no point to worry.
- Matthieu Ricard
Collection: Yoga
Image of Sheng-yen
Do not ask for less responsibility to be free and relaxed-ask for more strength!
- Sheng-yen
Collection: Yoga
Image of Nirmala Srivastava
You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you.
- Nirmala Srivastava
Collection: Yoga
Image of Richard Jeni
A bunch of bong-smoking, America-bashing, flag-burning, yoga-posing, incense-burning, dolphin-saving, salmon-eating hypocrites. These are the sensitive, liberal people who are always yelling about people's freedom of speech and expression, unless you happen to say something that pisses them off.
- Richard Jeni
Collection: Yoga
Image of S. N. Goenka
When one experiences truth, the madness of finding fault with others disappears.
- S. N. Goenka
Collection: Yoga
Image of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
Master your breath, let the self be in bliss, contemplate on the sublime within you.
- Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
Collection: Yoga
Image of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
Nowadays, the practice of yoga stops with just asanas. Very few even attempt dharana and dhyana (deeper meditation) with seriousness. There is a need to search once more and reestablish the practice and value of yoga in modern times.
- Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
Collection: Yoga
Image of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
In the practice of Yoga one can emphasize the body, the mind or the self and hence the effort can never be fruitless.
- Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
Collection: Yoga
Image of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
Where is the delusion when truth is known? Where is the disease when the mind is clear? Where is death when the Breath is controlled? Therefore surrender to Yoga.
- Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
Collection: Yoga
Image of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
Why do we need money beyond a point? If we are free of ill health, enmity, and debt, is that not enough? Too much money only leads to less peace.
- Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
Collection: Yoga
Image of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
Meditation results in marvels.
- Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
Collection: Yoga
Image of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
Never be in debt. Never reside near enemies. Never trap your body through disease. Never forget the Lord with his consort who resides in the heart.
- Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
Collection: Yoga
Image of Leza Lowitz
Down on my knees / I peel back the layers of the world.
- Leza Lowitz
Collection: Yoga
Image of Amanda Beard
I'm a firm believer in slowing down to improve my state of mind when I'm training, and yoga and meditation have been paramount to my success in this way.
- Amanda Beard
Collection: Yoga
Image of Joseph Campbell
No one in the world was ever you before, with your particular gifts and abilities and possibilities.
- Joseph Campbell
Collection: Yoga
Image of Prem Prakash
I am fond of reminding my yoga students of the saying "It takes one to know one" when they become lost I condemnation and judgment of others. The world that we perceive is a reflection of our own states of mind and reveals our own level of consciousness. The world is little more than a Rorschach blot in which we see our own desire systems projected. We see what we want to see. (116)
- Prem Prakash
Collection: Yoga
Image of Brian Regan
I thought yoga was easy - I went out and I bought a yoga video tape. I bought the beginners' yoga tape. I couldn't do anything on the whole hour - nothing - just fast forwarding: can't do that, can't do that - I know I can't do that. This woman in a soothing voice: 'Simply take the bottom of your right foot and place it on the small of your back.
- Brian Regan
Collection: Yoga
Image of Chuck Miller
Whatever you do in life, yoga shows you how to do it better.
- Chuck Miller
Collection: Yoga
Image of Rama Swami
The law of life is to leave behind the ground one is standing on and then step forward.
- Rama Swami
Collection: Yoga
Image of Ashley Rickards
I eat organic as much as possible, cleanse regularly, and love outdoor activities like paddle boarding, hiking, swimming, kickboxing, and yoga. But honestly it's more of a psychological thing for me. If I feel good on the inside, I treat my body with more respect.
- Ashley Rickards
Collection: Yoga