Top Suicide Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Suicide quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Gordon Korman
Dan moved forward and replaced Jonah at the helm. "I've got a plan!" "That's my man!" The famous grin disappeared as Jonah took in the grim determination in Dan's features. His expression was as flat and expressionless as a naked skull. Dan steered the hurtling boat directly toward the rocky shore. "Amy, hang onto that painting!" "That's not a plan!" Jonah shouted. "That's suicide!
- Gordon Korman
Collection: Suicide
Image of Pattie Mallette
I went through a lot of abuse and a lot of really difficult things growing up - depression, anxiety, attempted suicide.
- Pattie Mallette
Collection: Suicide
Image of Pattie Mallette
One day I was 17 years old and I ended up trying to commit suicide and I ended up in the hospital. As a teenager, that was a really scary thing.
- Pattie Mallette
Collection: Suicide
Image of Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
It is unfortunate for the gods that, unlike us, they cannot commit suicide.
- Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
Collection: Suicide
Image of Boris Spassky
A man who is willing to commit suicide has the initiative.
- Boris Spassky
Collection: Suicide
Image of Barry Sonnenfeld
The weird thing is that I hate to fly, and the quote that I give people is that every time I get off a plane, I view it as a failed suicide attempt.
- Barry Sonnenfeld
Collection: Suicide
Image of Sonya Sones
Friends don't let friends commit social suicide.
- Sonya Sones
Collection: Suicide
Image of Tennessee Williams
There comes a time when you look into the mirror and you realize that what you see is all that you will ever be. And then you accept it. Or you kill yourself. Or you stop looking in mirrors.
- Tennessee Williams
Collection: Suicide
Image of John Waters
I could never kill myself. I approve of suicide if you have horrible health. Otherwise it's the ultimate hissy fit.
- John Waters
Collection: Suicide
Image of O. J. Simpson
Life's been good to me. Why am I so lonely and bored? I used to wonder why so many rich men commit suicide. I no longer wonder.
- O. J. Simpson
Collection: Suicide
Image of Antonio Porchia
You think you are killing me. I think you are committing suicide.
- Antonio Porchia
Collection: Suicide
Image of Susanna Kaysen
Actually, it was only part of myself I wanted to kill: the part that wanted to kill herself, that dragged me into the suicide debate and made every window, kitchen implement, and subway station a rehearsal for tragedy.
- Susanna Kaysen
Collection: Suicide
Image of Susanna Kaysen
It was a spring day, the sort that gives people hope: all soft winds and delicate smells of warm earth. Suicide weather.
- Susanna Kaysen
Collection: Suicide
Image of Susanna Kaysen
Suicide is a form of murder - premeditated murder. It isn't something you do the first time you think of doing it. It takes getting used to. And you need the means, the opportunity, the motive. A successful suicide demands good organization and a cool head, both of which are usually incompatible with the suicidal state of mind.
- Susanna Kaysen
Collection: Suicide
Image of James Agee
I suspect the in me: that I hate any job on earth, as a job and a hindrance and a semi-suicide.
- James Agee
Collection: Suicide
Image of Khushwant Singh
I was under police security for 15 years because I was on their hit-list. I opposed Khalistan because I thought it would be suicide for the Sikh community to demand a separate state, and they heard me because they knew I was one of them. I think I turned round at least the intelligent Sikh's point of view and that gave me enormous satisfaction.
- Khushwant Singh
Collection: Suicide
Image of John Berendt
By morning she was dead. She had not died of starvation or committed suicide by any conventional means. She had simply willed herself to die, and being a strong-willed woman, she had succeeded. She had missed dying on her birthday by two days.
- John Berendt
Collection: Suicide
Image of Michael Thomas Ford
Anyone can be crazy. That's usually just because there's something screwed up in your wiring, you know? But suicide is a whole different thing. I mean, how much do you have to hate yourself to want to just wipe yourself out?
- Michael Thomas Ford
Collection: Suicide
Image of Sumner Redstone
We don't think that someone who effectuates creative suicide and costs the company revenue should be on the lot.
- Sumner Redstone
Collection: Suicide
Image of Thomas Bernhard
All my life I have had the utmost admiration for suicides. I have always considered them superior to me in every way.
- Thomas Bernhard
Collection: Suicide
Image of Pierre Bourdieu
You cannot cheat with the law of conservation of violence: all violence is paid for, and for example, the structural violence exerted by the financial markets, in the form of layoffs, loss of security, etc., is matched sooner or later in the form of suicides, crime and delinquency, drug addiction, alcoholism, a whole host of minor and major everyday acts of violence.
- Pierre Bourdieu
Collection: Suicide
Image of Cintra Wilson
It was, just as Kinski had predicted, suicide. He should never have done it. It is widely held by those who knew him, and Kinski himself, that he never recovered from Woyzeck. But what was the ultimate result? If you are the viewer of this film, Kinski's portrayal shocks your feelings out of the vault of intellectualizing or passive observing. He forces you to feel with him, to align yourself with your buried emotions. He outs your sensitivity. Is this not something Christ-like? It is, for my money. Kinski is the pure cure for the 21st-century disease - the numbness unto droning.
- Cintra Wilson
Collection: Suicide
Image of Robert Blair
The common damn'd shun their society.
- Robert Blair
Collection: Suicide
Image of Desmond Tutu
Israel will never get true security and safety through oppressing another people. A true peace can ultimately be built only on justice. We condemn the violence of suicide bombers, and we condemn the corruption of young minds taught hatred; but we also condemn the violence of military incursions in the occupied lands, and the inhumanity that won't let ambulances reach the injured.
- Desmond Tutu
Collection: Suicide
Image of Robert Baer
The first suicide bombing that entered my consciousness was the Beirut embassy bombing. It was very personal. I'd been in the embassy and I knew most of the people in the station who were killed in the bombing. So you take the personal aspect of it and the mystery of who the bomber was and the fact that a small group of people could drive us out of a country that was absolutely key to the United States, and what was behind this... The fact that they've been able to hide the embassy bombers' identities for all these years tells me we're up against a very capable movement.
- Robert Baer
Collection: Suicide
Image of Carolyn Parkhurst
You wake up and you feel - what? Heaviness, an ache inside, a weight, yes. A soft crumpling of the flesh. A feeling like all the surfaces inside you have been rubbed raw. A voice in your head - no, not voices, not like hearing voices, nothing that crazy, just your own inner voice, the one that says 'Turn left at the corner' or 'Don't forget to stop at the post office,' only now it's saying, 'I hate myself.' It's saying, 'I want to die.'
- Carolyn Parkhurst
Collection: Suicide
Image of Carolyn Parkhurst
Because for most of us, suicide is a moment we'll never choose. It's only for people like Lexy, who know they might choose eventually, who believe they have a choice to make.
- Carolyn Parkhurst
Collection: Suicide
Image of Dave Mustaine
If I'm gonna commit suicide, I'll go out eatin' pussy to death.
- Dave Mustaine
Collection: Suicide
Image of Mel Brooks
Being short never bothered me for three seconds. The rest of the time I wanted to commit suicide.
- Mel Brooks
Collection: Suicide
Image of Murray Rothbard
We must, therefore, emphasize that 'we' are not the government; the government is not 'us.' The government does not in any accurate sense 'represent' the majority of the people. But, even if it did, even if 70 percent of the people decided to murder the remaining 30 percent, this would still be murder and would not be voluntary suicide on the part of the slaughtered minority. No organicist metaphor, no irrelevant bromide that 'we are all part of one another,' must be permitted to obscure this basic fact.
- Murray Rothbard
Collection: Suicide
Image of Alfred Adler
All failures - neurotics, psychotics, criminals, drunkards, problem children, suicides, perverts, and prostitutes - are failures because they are lacking in social interest
- Alfred Adler
Collection: Suicide
Image of Lisa Genova
Even then, more than a year earlier, there were neurons in her head, not far from her ears, that were being strangled to death, too quietly for her to hear them. Some would argue that things were going so insiduously wrong that the neurons themselves initiated events that would lead to their own destruction. Whether it was molecular murder or cellular suicide, they were unable to warn her of what was happening before they died.
- Lisa Genova
Collection: Suicide
Image of Robert Toombs
Mr. President at this time it is suicide, murder, and will lose us every friend at the North. You will wantonly strike a hornet's nest which extends from mountain to ocean, and legions now quiet will swarm out and sting us to death.
- Robert Toombs
Collection: Suicide
Image of Gosho Aoyama
A detective who uses his deductive powers to corner a suspect and then does nothing to stop them from committing suicide is no better than a murderer himself. - Kudo Shinichi
- Gosho Aoyama
Collection: Suicide
Image of Robin Williams
If you're that depressed, reach out to someone. And remember, suicide is a permanent solution, to a temporary problem.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Suicide
Image of Ayn Rand
There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism - by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.
- Ayn Rand
Collection: Suicide
Image of Brendan Behan
Many a man has decided to stay alive not because of the will to live but because of the determination not to give assorted surviving bastards the satisfaction of his death.
- Brendan Behan
Collection: Suicide
Image of Joanne Greenberg
suicide is a crime - the only crime that, if successful, guarantees that the perpetrator will not be punished for it. This makes it the most serious crime of all.
- Joanne Greenberg
Collection: Suicide
Image of Joanne Greenberg
suicide is the ultimate 'one-up,' as it were, the accusation that brooks no defense, the argument won at last.
- Joanne Greenberg
Collection: Suicide
Image of Tiffanie DeBartolo
Did you really want to die?" "No one commits suicide because they want to die." "Then why do they do it?" "Because they want to stop the pain.
- Tiffanie DeBartolo
Collection: Suicide
Image of Tiffanie DeBartolo
No one commits suicide because they want to die.
- Tiffanie DeBartolo
Collection: Suicide
Image of F. Sionil José
Life is always sad. That's what makes suicide so tempting because life is all that we really have and haven't. Death makes us equals, too, because the foul and the good all die. The past, the present, and the future-what escape is there from these? None-and yet sometimes we are life's happy victims.
- F. Sionil José
Collection: Suicide
Image of Jared Padalecki
On New Year's Eve, my dear friend lost his battle with depression . . . Though he wasn't the first friend I've lost to suicide, I sure hope he's the last. I wish I had the chance to go back and tell them what they meant to me. I wish I had the chance to beg them to seek help, to keep fighting. I wish they knew that they were surrounded by countless others who struggle on a daily basis.
- Jared Padalecki
Collection: Suicide
Image of Monica Drake
In the middle of a wrist's suicide slash-line, below the layered skin and above the pulse, there's an acupuncture point that says, Get back to who you were meant to be. This is the heart spot, the center. Your whole life the skin on that place will stay closest to being a baby's skin, as close as you can get anymore to the way you started, the way you once thought you'd always be.
- Monica Drake
Collection: Suicide
Image of Monica Drake
In the middle of a wrist's suicide slash-line, below the layered skin and above the pulse, there's an acupuncture point that says, “Get back to who you were meant to be.”
- Monica Drake
Collection: Suicide
Image of Paul Watzlawick
The suicide arrives at the conclusion that what he is seeking does not exist; the seeker concludes that what he has not yet looked in the right place
- Paul Watzlawick
Collection: Suicide
Image of Mandy Patinkin
People who go into the arts are often hurt people. Many are manic-depressive. Some have tried suicide and some have succeeded. It's just part of the game. We are people who are oversensitive. That's why we're in this business, because of our need to communicate.
- Mandy Patinkin
Collection: Suicide
Image of Gary Bauer
Human life has dignity at every age the taking of innocent human life is always wrong. I believe our nation at every level of government must reject any scheme to permit or promote assisted suicide and euthanasia.
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Suicide
Image of Tom Spanbauer
I'm an old Catholic. I don't believe in anything Catholic but I do believe that Catholicism keeps me from committing suicide.
- Tom Spanbauer
Collection: Suicide