Top school Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of school quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Julia Stiles
My regular school didn't know what to do with me!
- Julia Stiles
Collection: School
Image of Julia Stiles
Education is huge for me. I went to public school until I turned thirteen, and was lucky enough to afford college once I became successful as an actress.
- Julia Stiles
Collection: School
Image of Elayne Boosler
There's only one difference between Jews and Catholics. Jews are born with guilt, and Catholics have to go to school to learn it.
- Elayne Boosler
Collection: School
Image of Bernice Johnson Reagon
I think the Civil Rights Movement changed that trajectory for me. The first thing I did was leave school. I was suspended for my participation in Movement demonstrations in my hometown, December, 1961
- Bernice Johnson Reagon
Collection: School
Image of Beth Kephart
In high school, my desire for friendship far outweighed my talent for it.
- Beth Kephart
Collection: School
Image of Adam Weishaupt
It is necessary to gain the common people to our order. The best means to that end is influence in the schools.
- Adam Weishaupt
Collection: School
Image of Adam Weishaupt
We must win the common people in every corner. This will be obtained chiefly by means of the schools, and by open, hearty behavior, show, condescension, popularity, and toleration of their prejudices, which we shall at leisure root out and dispel.
- Adam Weishaupt
Collection: School
Image of Lewis Thomas
If we had better hearing, and could discern the descants of sea birds, the rhythmic tympani of schools of mollusks, or even the distant harmonics of midges hanging over meadows in the sun, the combined sound might lift us off our feet.
- Lewis Thomas
Collection: School
Image of Nancy Pearcey
Schools ought to teach students to challenge secular ideologies masquerading as science in the classroom.
- Nancy Pearcey
Collection: School
Image of Abraham Verghese
What we need in medical schools is not to teach empathy, as much as to preserve it. The process of learning huge volumes of information about disease, of learning a specialised language, can ironically make one lose sight of the patient one came to serve; empathy can be replaced by cynicism.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: School
Image of Jenna Ushkowitz
I liked to scrapbook and collage a whole lot in high school. Im always ripping things out of magazines, and always collecting quotes from the Internet. When I was 17, I loved AIM. I was obsessed with my buddy list!
- Jenna Ushkowitz
Collection: School
Image of Don Young
I never had the chance to decide; I was drafted to serve my nation. While I received a deferment to attend school, I ultimately served in the United States Army in the years following the Korean conflict.
- Don Young
Collection: School
Image of Robert Falcon Scott
Make the boy interested in natural history if you can; it is better than games; they encourage it in some schools.
- Robert Falcon Scott
Collection: School
Image of Marva Collins
People have to live by rules in the world. Why do we pretend in school that they don't?
- Marva Collins
Collection: School
Image of Eric Schlosser
There's been a growing effort to kick soda out of the schools. And governors as different as Arnold Schwarzenegger in California and Mike Huckabee in Arkansas have worked hard to get soda and junk food out of their state schools, which is good.
- Eric Schlosser
Collection: School
Image of Patrick Carman
I go to a Catholic school and I'm telling you: invisibility = eternal damnation. You can take it to the bank.
- Patrick Carman
Collection: School
Image of Harold Ramis
Well, for me, it's the relationship between comedy and life - that's the edge I live on, and maybe it's my protection against looking at the tragedy of it all. It's seeing life in balance. Comedy and tragedy co-exist. You can't have one without the other. I'm of the school that anything can be funny, if seen from a comedic point of view.
- Harold Ramis
Collection: School
Image of Brandon Sanderson
Joel, lad, school is about learning to learn. If you don't practice studying things you don't like, then you'll have a very hard time in life.
- Brandon Sanderson
Collection: School
Image of Wendy Mass
I've learned that the universe doesn't care what our motives are, only our actions. So we should do things that will bring about good, even if there is an element of selfishness involved. Like the kids at my school might join the Key Club or Future Buisness Leaders of America, because it's a social thing and looks good on their record, not because they really want to volunteer at the nursing home. But the people at the nursing home still benefit from it, so it's better that the kids do it than not do it. And if they never did it, then they wouldn't find out that they actually liked it.
- Wendy Mass
Collection: School
Image of Koushun Takami
Shogo looked at Shuya and Noriko. "The winner's forced to transfer to another school where he or she is ordered not to mention the game and is instructed instead to lead a normal life. That's all." Shuya felt his chest well up inside and his face froze. He stared at Shogo and realized that Noriko was holding her breath. Shogo said, "I was a student in Third Year Class C, Second District, Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture." He added, "I survived the Program held in Hyogo Prefecture last year.
- Koushun Takami
Collection: School
Image of Raegan Butcher
Prison is like high school with knives.
- Raegan Butcher
Collection: School
Image of Stephen R. Lawhead
Life is a school of the spirit.
- Stephen R. Lawhead
Collection: School
Image of Sara Paxton
People would be surprised to know that I've gone to regular school my whole life and I don't have one friend who is an actor!
- Sara Paxton
Collection: School
Image of Helen DeWitt
Perhaps this is the root of all evil, that gardeners are not put in charge of our schools.
- Helen DeWitt
Collection: School
Image of Helen DeWitt
I once read somewhere that Sean Connery left school at the age of 13 and later went on to read Proust and Finnegans Wake and I keep expecting to meet an enthusiastic school leaver on the train, the type of person who only ever reads something because it is marvellous (and so hated school). Unfortunately the enthusiastic school leavers are all minding their own business.
- Helen DeWitt
Collection: School
Image of Hannah More
Affliction is the school in which great virtues are acquired, in which great characters are formed.
- Hannah More
Collection: School
Image of Brian Schweitzer
All over Montana, you can walk into a bar, a café or even a school or a courthouse and just listen for a while as people talk to each other. And you will hear somebody, before very long, say something outrageously racist.
- Brian Schweitzer
Collection: School
Image of Andy Partridge
You may leave school, but it never leaves you.
- Andy Partridge
Collection: School
Image of John Newton
I am persuaded that love and humility are the highest attainments in the school of Christ and the brightest evidences that He is indeed our Master.
- John Newton
Collection: School
Image of Guillermo del Toro
You live and die two or three times making a movie. First, you write it, and the first pivotal moment comes when you can get it made. The second is in the process of making it, when the movie reveals itself to you, its flaws and its virtues. Then the most unnerving moment is when that movie is then launched into the world. It’s like bringing your kid to the first day at school and somebody points out that it has bowlegs, it is cross-eyed, or it’s gorgeous. You feel very exposed.
- Guillermo del Toro
Collection: School
Image of Joe R. Lansdale
Enjoy it if you do, but don't tell me how to live or teach it in school, or not allow a woman the right to choose, and so on. Yeah, all of that slips into my work. I even got a death threat the other day for not being pro gun, which just proves my point. They can kiss my ass.
- Joe R. Lansdale
Collection: School
Image of Jenny Lawson
If you enjoyed high school, you were probably a psychopath or a cheerleader. Or possibly both.
- Jenny Lawson
Collection: School
Image of Jenny Lawson
High School Is Life’s Way of Giving You a Record Low to Judge the Rest of Your Life By)
- Jenny Lawson
Collection: School
Image of William Penn
We are inclined to call things by the wrong names. We call prosperity 'happiness', and adversity 'misery' eventhough adversity is the school of wisdom and often the way to eternal happiness.
- William Penn
Collection: School
Image of Ellen Schreiber
Call school, tell them I'm lovesick.
- Ellen Schreiber
Collection: School
Image of Richard Peck
Humor is anger that was sent to finishing school.
- Richard Peck
Collection: School
Image of Jodi Thomas
You go to school everyday. Folks who think they've learned everything they need to know are usually dumber than chickens.
- Jodi Thomas
Collection: School
Image of Ivan Pavlov
School yourself to demureness and patience. Learn to inure yourself to drudgery in science. Learn, compare, collect the facts.
- Ivan Pavlov
Collection: School
Image of Ivan Pavlov
Gradualness, gradualness, and gradualness. From the very beginning of your work, school yourself to severe gradualness in the accumulation of knowledge.
- Ivan Pavlov
Collection: School
Image of Jeff Kinney
Greg starts a middle school and asks: Why is "bullies" such a big PROBLEM? And says people need to shave twice a day.
- Jeff Kinney
Collection: School
Image of Busy Philipps
I certainly did plays in high school and community theater, and I want to get back on the stage.
- Busy Philipps
Collection: School
Image of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
I don't belong to any school. I work in my corner. I admire Degas.
- Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Collection: School
Image of Hayden Panettiere
I've found that I really don't like - as most people don't about school that there are subjects which are necessary to learn but you don't really want to learn on top of those ones that you do want to learn. So to take a class for me, a class or two on subjects that I'm really, really interested in and curious about would be awesome.
- Hayden Panettiere
Collection: School
Image of Hayden Panettiere
I love to learn. But just going back into school because of what I do I'm so set in this path that I'm on right now and I'm so excited about it and I love doing it so much that I like to focus myself on one thing at a time.
- Hayden Panettiere
Collection: School
Image of Mary Pope Osborne
hough I was creative, I also liked math and science. At Knox College, I studied creative writing and earned a degree in chemistry, thinking I would attend medical school. Ultimately, I decided that a career in nursing would allow more time for pursuing other creative interests. While I worked as an RN, I wrote stories inspired by my patients, designed t-shirts, and made hand-painted sandals.
- Mary Pope Osborne
Collection: School
Image of Michelle Pfeiffer
I went to court-reporting school to study stenotyping. After awhile, whenever anybody spoke, in my mind my fingers would be punching it out. Even two years after I quit, my mind still did that.
- Michelle Pfeiffer
Collection: School
Image of Michael Parenti
In societies that worship money and success, the losers become objects of scorn. Those who work the hardest for the least are called lazy. Those forced to live in substandard housing are thought to be the authors of substandard lives. Those who do not finish high school or cannot afford to go to college are considered deficient or inept.
- Michael Parenti
Collection: School
Image of Julie Bowen
I discovered on school days, when they've got to get up at 6:30, they won't get out of bed. But on the weekends, they were up at 6 a.m. I was like, "Why do you guys wake up so early on the weekends?" It's like, "Because I wake up and I think, Is it a TV day? And if it is..." So we had to change that rule. I'm like, "Thank you for telling me what I need to do."
- Julie Bowen
Collection: School
Image of Nick Jonas
High school is about finding who you are, because that's more important than trying to be someone else.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: School
Image of Claudia Gray
Huging my pillow to my chest, I told myself, At least soon you won't have so much time to miss him. Soon school will start again, and then you'll be busier. Wait. Am I reduced to HOPING for school to start? Somehow, I have discovered a whole new level of pathetic.
- Claudia Gray
Collection: School