Top thinking Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of thinking quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Jandy Nelson
People die, I think, but your relationship with them doesn't. It continues and is ever-changing.
- Jandy Nelson
Collection: Thinking
Image of Eric Berne
Losers spend time explaining why they lost. Losers spend their lives thinking about what they're going to do. They rarely enjoy doing what they're doing.
- Eric Berne
Collection: Thinking
Image of L. Tom Perry
We must not pick and choose which commandments we think are important to keep but acknowledge all of God’s commandments. We must stand firm and steadfast, having perfect confidence in the Lord’s consistency and perfect trust in His promises.
- L. Tom Perry
Collection: Thinking
Image of Max von Sydow
Do it, do it, do it. And watch good actors. See what they are doing and how they are doing it. You have to practically participate, I think, in order to develop yourself.
- Max von Sydow
Collection: Thinking
Image of Patricia McCormick
Arriving to class late is disruptive of the learning process. I think that it is disrespectful to both the instructor and the students. I generally find a problem with students being tardy to my 9:10 a.m. class, in which students would come in thirty minutes late to this fifty minute class. I started locking my door at 9:15 second semester.
- Patricia McCormick
Collection: Thinking
Image of Carol S. Dweck
In a growth mindset, challenges are exciting rather than threatening. So rather than thinking, oh, I'm going to reveal my weaknesses, you say, wow, here's a chance to grow.
- Carol S. Dweck
Collection: Thinking
Image of Carol S. Dweck
We like to think of our champions and idols as superheroes who were born different from us. We don’t like to think of them as relatively ordinary people who made themselves extraordinary.
- Carol S. Dweck
Collection: Thinking
Image of Clarence Thomas
Long gone is the time when we opposed the notion that we all looked alike and talked alike. Somehow we have come to exalt the new black stereotype above all and to demand conformity to that norm... [However], I assert my right to think for myself, to refuse to have my ideas assigned to me as though I was an intellectual slave because I'm black.
- Clarence Thomas
Collection: Thinking
Image of Patrick deWitt
We rode along in silence, thinking our private thoughts. Charlie and I had an unspoken agreement not to throw ourselves into speedy travel just after a meal. There were many hardships to our type of life and we took these small comforts as they came; I found they added up to something decent enough to carry on
- Patrick deWitt
Collection: Thinking
Image of Gordon Korman
Don't think of it as losing a boyfriend. Think of it as gaining a stalker." -Dan Cahill
- Gordon Korman
Collection: Thinking
Image of Nick Burd
I stopped wanting to float away from my life, because in the end my life was all I had. I'd walk the Fairmont campus and look up to the sky and I wouldn't see myself drifting off like some lost balloon. Instead I saw the size of the world and found comfort in its hugeness. I'd think back to those times when I felt like everything was closing in on me, those times when I thought I was stuck, and I realized that I was wrong. There is always hope. The world is vast and meant for wandering. There is always somewhere else to go.
- Nick Burd
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jeff Ross
People are not afraid to be very direct with police. And I think that's part of the problem is that people are angry at the cops and then the cops are stressed out and they, you know, pay it backwards, so to speak.
- Jeff Ross
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ray Winstone
We sometimes get lost in a bubble... when you get to a certain age you're always thinking about the old days and how it wasn't like that then. Well, yeah, that's great and it's very nostalgic and all that, but actually the world has moved on.
- Ray Winstone
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ray Winstone
You've always got to have an imagination in the game we're in but it explodes on this. You get to try the costumes on before you start and feel the weight of them, which is great. But then you're opposite some of the greatest actors in the world and away you go. You find your imagination takes over without you really even thinking about it.
- Ray Winstone
Collection: Thinking
Image of Tina St. John
Look at me Elise. Tell me what you think I’m feeling,” he murmured, then bent his head to hers and pressed his mouth to her parted lips.
- Tina St. John
Collection: Thinking
Image of Gloria Naylor
That's one of the privileges of old age - you can give plenty of advice 'cause most folks think that's all you got left anyway.
- Gloria Naylor
Collection: Thinking
Image of Earl Nightingale
The strangest secret in the world is that you become what you think about.
- Earl Nightingale
Collection: Thinking
Image of Earl Nightingale
Control your thoughts. Decide about that which you will think and concentrate upon. You are in charge of your life to the degree you take charge of your thoughts.
- Earl Nightingale
Collection: Thinking
Image of Barbara Pym
I was so astonished that I could think of nothing to say, but wondered irrelevantly if I was to be caught with a teapot in my hand on every dramatic occasion.
- Barbara Pym
Collection: Thinking
Image of Harold B. Lee
The trouble with us today, there are too many of us who put question marks instead of periods after what the Lord says. I want you to think about that. We shouldn't be concerned about why He said something, or whether or not it can be made so. Just trust the Lord. We don't try to find the answers or explanations. We shouldn't try to spend time explaining what the Lord didn't see fit to explain. We spend useless time.
- Harold B. Lee
Collection: Thinking
Image of V. S. Naipaul
Small things start us in new ways of thinking
- V. S. Naipaul
Collection: Thinking
Image of V. S. Naipaul
I think when you see so many Hindu temples of the 10th century or earlier disfigured, defaced, you realise that something terrible happened. I feel the civilisation of that closed world was mortally wounded by those invasions the old world is destroyed. That has to be understood. Ancient Hindu India was destroyed.
- V. S. Naipaul
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rachel Weisz
I think if you ask the audience to like you, it's all over.
- Rachel Weisz
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rachel Weisz
I just think that things get easier as you get older and wiser and more experienced. You get more confident about who you are as you get older. I find that really comforting.
- Rachel Weisz
Collection: Thinking
Image of Dan Buettner
I think we need to think about our physical activity as a reward, as something enjoyable and something we look forward to doing, not something that we regard as self-flogging.
- Dan Buettner
Collection: Thinking
Image of Michael Phelps
Anything is possible as long as you want it, you work for it. Doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, the only person that can really put pressure on you is yourself
- Michael Phelps
Collection: Thinking
Image of Julie Walters
When I think of the future, I think of doing my washing so I've something to wear tomorrow.
- Julie Walters
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jerry Bridges
We must allow the Bible to say what is says, not what we think it ought to say.
- Jerry Bridges
Collection: Thinking
Image of Edward de Bono
Intelligence is something we are born with. Thinking is a skill that must be learned.
- Edward de Bono
Collection: Thinking
Image of Edward de Bono
The quality of our thinking will determine the quality of our future
- Edward de Bono
Collection: Thinking
Image of Edward de Bono
Asking a question is the simplest way of focusing thinking...asking the right question may be the most important part of thinking.
- Edward de Bono
Collection: Thinking
Image of Niecy Nash
People recognize me from everything and as soon as I think I know where they know me from, I'm always wrong.
- Niecy Nash
Collection: Thinking
Image of Russell Kirk
The conservative "thinks of political policies as intended to preserve order, justice, and freedom. The ideologue, on the contrary, thinks of politics as a revolutionary instrument for transforming society and even transforming human nature. In his march toward Utopia, the ideologue is merciless.
- Russell Kirk
Collection: Thinking
Image of Vikram Seth
Think of many things. Never place your happiness in one person's power. Be just to yourself.
- Vikram Seth
Collection: Thinking
Image of Vikram Seth
I certainly think its very important that writers as citizens - not necessarily as writers, but just as ordinary citizens - should talk about things that matter to them.
- Vikram Seth
Collection: Thinking
Image of Luigi Pirandello
We all have a world of things inside ourselves and each one of us has his own private world. How can we understand each other if the words I use have the sense and the value that I expect them to have, but whoever is listening to me inevitably thinks that those same words have a different sense and value, because of the private world he has inside himself, too.
- Luigi Pirandello
Collection: Thinking
Image of Luigi Pirandello
We think we understand each other, but we never really do.
- Luigi Pirandello
Collection: Thinking
Image of Luigi Pirandello
It is so.When YOU think so
- Luigi Pirandello
Collection: Thinking
Image of Luigi Pirandello
If only we could see in advance all the harm that can come from the good we think we are doing.
- Luigi Pirandello
Collection: Thinking
Image of Paul Walker
Remember That No Matter How Cool You Think You May Be, You Are Not Cool Enough To Look Down On Any One...Ever.
- Paul Walker
Collection: Thinking
Image of Kevin Brockmeier
Sometimes you imagine that everything could have been different for you, that if only you had gone right one day when you chose to go left, you would be living a life you could never have anticipated. But at other times you think there was no other way forward--that you were always bound to end up exactly where you have.
- Kevin Brockmeier
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jerry Saltz
I think that cynicism is the enemy. Cynicism thinks it knows how things work. "Oh yeah, you know how that works." I think uncertainty is the thing you have to keep embracing. You have to keep saying, I actually don't know, and going out is going to tell me something every time.
- Jerry Saltz
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jennifer Rardin
Excellent." As soon as Bergman left earshot Vayl said, "I am going to buy you some pom-poms and a short pleated skirt-" Hey, if Bergman needs a cheerleard, that's what he's getting." Vayl tipped his head to one side and smiled wickedly. "I was just thinking perhaps I need a cheerleader as well." Cassandra got up. "If that's where this conversation is headed, I'm leaving." She wants some pom-poms too," I told Vayl. I do not!
- Jennifer Rardin
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jennifer Rardin
It looks as if I was thinking what you were thinking." "Actually, you weren't. I was really thinking I needed to ask you a question." "What was that?" "Do you think we should ask Goatee Guy how to find the caterer?" I smiled at him innocently as his eyebrows pratically met above his nose. "I am never going to share my pet peeves with you again."
- Jennifer Rardin
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jennifer Rardin
I like these boots," I told Vayl. "Do you think they'd sell them to me cheap? I keep ruining mine." "Since when do you fret over money?" he asked with amusement. "I was not even sure you knew what to do with it." I shrugged. "A women has needs." "Still." said Cole. "Gosh, Jaz, why didn't you say something to me? I'd never let you suffer.
- Jennifer Rardin
Collection: Thinking
Image of Nancy Werlin
It is absolutely okay with me if you need to keep some secrets. I've been thinking about this and I decided that a best friend is someone who, when they don't understand, they still understand.
- Nancy Werlin
Collection: Thinking
Image of Nancy Werlin
I think you have a right to whine. Honestly, Lucy. We all have the right to whine when life gets tough.
- Nancy Werlin
Collection: Thinking
Image of Claire LaZebnik
I cursed myself not only for forgetting to turn my phone off but for ever thinking that having a rock music ringtone was cool.
- Claire LaZebnik
Collection: Thinking
Image of Arthur Rubinstein
Sometimes I think, not so much am I a pianist, but a vampire. All my life I have lived off the blood of Chopin.
- Arthur Rubinstein
Collection: Thinking
Image of Arthur Bloch
If your project doesn't work, look for the part that you didn't think was important.
- Arthur Bloch
Collection: Thinking