George Orwell

Image of George Orwell
In the past the need for a hierarchal form of society has been the doctrine specifically of the High. It had been preached by kings and aristocrats and the priests, lawyers and the like who were parasitical upon them, and it had generally been softened by promises of an imaginary world beyond the grave.
- George Orwell
Collection: Kings
Image of George Orwell
But you could not have pure love or pure lust nowadays. No emotion was pure, because everything was mixed up with fear and hatred. Their embrace had been a battle, the climax a victory. It was a blow struck against the Party. It was a political act.
- George Orwell
Collection: Party
Image of George Orwell
I have the most evil memories of Spain, but I have very few bad memories of Spaniards.
- George Orwell
Collection: Memories
Image of George Orwell
Imperialism as he [Kipling] sees it is a sort of forcible evangelising.
- George Orwell
Collection: Imperialism
Image of George Orwell
Saints should always be judged guilty until they are proved innocent, but the tests that have to be applied to them are not, of course, the same in all cases.
- George Orwell
Collection: Saint
Image of George Orwell
Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever. You might dodge successfully for a while, even for years, but sooner or later they were bound to get you.
- George Orwell
Collection: Years
Image of George Orwell
A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp.
- George Orwell
Collection: Flames
Image of George Orwell
The four great motives for writing prose are sheer egoism, esthetic enthusiasm, historical impulse, and political purpose.
- George Orwell
Collection: Writing
Image of George Orwell
He [Gandhi] was not one of those saints who are marked out by their phenomenal piety from childhood onwards, nor one of the other kind who forsake the world after sensational debaucheries.
- George Orwell
Collection: Childhood
Image of George Orwell
In general, the greater the understanding, the greater the delusion; the more intelligent, the less sane.
- George Orwell
Collection: Intelligent
Image of George Orwell
I hate purity, I hate goodness! I don't want virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones.
- George Orwell
Collection: Hate
Image of George Orwell
Several of them would have protested if they could have found the right arguments.
- George Orwell
Collection: Argument
Image of George Orwell
The birds sang, the proles sang. the Party did not sing. All round the world, in London and New York, in Africa and Brazil, and in the mysterious, forbidden lands beyond the frontiers, in the streets of Paris and Berlin, in the villages of the endless Russian plain, in the bazaars of China and Japan — everywhere stood the same solid unconquerable figure, made monstrous by work and childbearing, toiling from birth to death and still singing.
- George Orwell
Collection: New York
Image of George Orwell
When you meet anyone in the flesh you realize immediately that he is a human being and not a sort of caricature embodying certain ideas. It is partly for this reason that I don't mix much in literary circles, because I know from experience that once I have met and spoken to anyone I shall never again be able to feel any intellectual brutality towards him, even when I feel I ought to - like the Labour M.P.s who get patted on the back by dukes and are lost forever more.
- George Orwell
Collection: Circles
Image of George Orwell
To the future or to the past, to a time when thought is free, when men are different from one another and do not live alone— to a time when truth exists and what is done cannot be undone: From the age of uniformity, from the age of solitude, from the age of Big Brother, from the age of doublethink — greetings!
- George Orwell
Collection: Brother
Image of George Orwell
In some ways she was far more acute than Winston, and far less susceptible to Party propaganda. Once when he happened in some connection to mention the war against Eurasia, she startled him by saying casually that in her opinion the war was not happening. The rocket bombs which fell daily on London were probably fired by the Government of Oceania itself, "just to keep the people frightened."
- George Orwell
Collection: War
Image of George Orwell
The very word 'war', therefore, has become misleading. It would probably be accurate to say that by becoming continuous war has ceased to exist. ... War is Peace.
- George Orwell
Collection: War
Image of George Orwell
Before the war, and especially before the Boer War, it was summer all the year round.
- George Orwell
Collection: Summer
Image of George Orwell
They clichés will construct your sentences for you - even think your thoughts for you, to a certain extent - and at need they will perform the important service of partially concealing your meaning even from yourself.
- George Orwell
Collection: Thinking
Image of George Orwell
The Seven Commandments: Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend. No animal shall wear clothes. No animal shall sleep in a bed. No animal shall drink alcohol. No animal shall kill any other animal. All animals are equal.
- George Orwell
Collection: Sleep
Image of George Orwell
I had been in London innumerable times, and yet till that day I had never noticed one of the worst things about London-the fact that it costs money even to sit down.
- George Orwell
Collection: Cost
Image of George Orwell
Envy is a horrible thing. It is unlike all other kinds of suffering in that there is no disguising it, no elevating it into tragedy. It is more than merely painful, it is disgusting.
- George Orwell
Collection: Envy
Image of George Orwell
Do you know why you’re here? Shall I tell you why we brought you here? To cure you.To make you sane.
- George Orwell
Collection: Cures
Image of George Orwell
It was soon noticed that when ever there was work to be done the cat could never be found.
- George Orwell
Collection: Cat
Image of George Orwell
Many people genuinely do not wish to be saints, and it is probable that some who achieve or aspire to sainthood have never felt much temptation to be human beings. If one could follow it to its psychological roots, one would, I believe, find that the main motive for "non-attachment" is a desire to escape from the pain of living, and above all from love, which, sexual or non-sexual, is hard work.
- George Orwell
Collection: Pain
Image of George Orwell
I'm fat, but I'm thin inside. Has it ever struck you that there's a thin man inside every fat man, just as they say there's a statue inside every block of stone?
- George Orwell
Collection: Block
Image of George Orwell
During part of 1941 and 1942, when the Luftwaffe was busy in Russia, the German radio regaled its home audience with stories of devastating air raids on London. Now, we are aware that those raids did not happen. But what use would our knowledge be if the Germans conquered Britain? For the purpose of a future historian, did those raids happen, or didn't they? The answer is: If Hitler survives, they happened, and if he falls they didn't happen.
- George Orwell
Collection: Fall
Image of George Orwell
Almost as swiftly as he had imagined it, she had torn her clothes off, and when she flung them aside it was with that same magnificent gesture by which a whole civilization seemed to be annihilated.
- George Orwell
Collection: Civilization
Image of George Orwell
it was only a hopeless fantasy, it passed like an april day, but a look and a word and the dreams they stirred they have stolen my heart away.
- George Orwell
Collection: Dream
Image of George Orwell
The existence of good bad literature—the fact that one can be amused or excited or even moved by a book that one's intellect simply refuses to take seriously—is a reminder that art is not the same thing as cerebration.
- George Orwell
Collection: Art
Image of George Orwell
If you set yourself to it, you can live the same life, rich or poor. You can keep on with your books and your ideas. You just got to say to yourself, "I'm a free man in here" - he tapped his forehead - "and you're all right.
- George Orwell
Collection: Book
Image of George Orwell
The ideal set up by the Party was something huge, terrible, and glittering-a world of steel and concrete, of monstrous machines and terrifying weapons-a nation of warriors and fanatics, marching forward in perfect unity, all thinking the same thoughts and shouting the same slogans, perpetually working, fighting, triumphing, persecuting-three hundred million people all with the same face.
- George Orwell
Collection: Party
Image of George Orwell
Happiness can only exist in acceptance.
- George Orwell
Collection: Acceptance
Image of George Orwell
Nothing holds it together except an idea which is indestructible.
- George Orwell
Collection: Ideas
Image of George Orwell
Between pigs and human beings there was not and there need not be any clash of interest whatsoever.
- George Orwell
Collection: Pigs
Image of George Orwell
A peace that was truly permanent would be the same as a permanent war.
- George Orwell
Collection: Fear
Image of George Orwell
The enemy of the moment always represented absolute evil, and it followed that any past or future agreement with him was impossible.
- George Orwell
Collection: Past
Image of George Orwell
We shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now.
- George Orwell
Collection: 1984 Important
Image of George Orwell
The organizing principal for any culture is War.
- George Orwell
Collection: War
Image of George Orwell
...the consciousness of being at war, and therefore in danger, makes the handing-over of all power to a small caste seem the natural, unavoidable condition of survival.
- George Orwell
Collection: War
Image of George Orwell
... what is peculiar to our own age is the abandonment of the idea that history could be told truthfully.
- George Orwell
Collection: Ideas
Image of George Orwell
The two aims of the Party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought. There are therefore two great problems which the Party is concerned to solve. One is how to discover, against his will, what another human being is thinking, and the other is how to kill several hundred million people in a few seconds without giving warning beforehand.
- George Orwell
Collection: War
Image of George Orwell
Weakness is strength.
- George Orwell
Collection: Bible
Image of George Orwell
Reality is inside the skull.
- George Orwell
Collection: Reality
Image of George Orwell
I did try very hard to tell the whole truth without violating my literary instincts.
- George Orwell
Collection: Trying
Image of George Orwell
He was a lonely ghost uttering a truth that nobody would ever hear.
- George Orwell
Collection: Lonely
Image of George Orwell
The one certain thing was that death never came at an expected moment.
- George Orwell
Collection: Death
Image of George Orwell
The cheaper books become, the less money is spent on books.
- George Orwell
Collection: Book
Image of George Orwell
A scrupulous writer in every sentence that he writes will ask himself. . . What am I trying to say? What words will express it?...And he probably asks himself. . . Could I put it more shortly? But you are not obliged to go to all this trouble. You can shirk it by simply throwing open your mind and letting the ready-made phrases come crowding in. They will construct your sentences for you
- George Orwell
Collection: Writing