Top Flames Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Flames quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Alexander Pushkin
If you but knew the flames that burn in me which I attempt to beat down with my reason.
- Alexander Pushkin
Collection: Flames
Image of Pete Townshend
No one respects the flame quite like the fool who's badly burned
- Pete Townshend
Collection: Flames
Image of J.V. Hart
Courage is the decision to fly straight into the flame while knowing the consequences.
- J.V. Hart
Collection: Flames
Image of Anya Seton
Her lips were drawn to his like a moth to a flame.
- Anya Seton
Collection: Flames
Image of Alfred North Whitehead
The purpose of education is not to fill a vessel but to kindle a flame.
- Alfred North Whitehead
Collection: Flames
Image of Patti Smith
If we keep our little flame alive, our first feeling of enthusiasm of who we are, without the influence or intervention of others, we will prevail.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Flames
Image of Gene Tierney
A flame burns brightest just before it goes out.
- Gene Tierney
Collection: Flames
Image of Anna McPartlin
She was drawn to damaged souls like a moth to a flame.
- Anna McPartlin
Collection: Flames
Image of Jim Morrison
I want to have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.
- Jim Morrison
Collection: Flames
Image of Edmund White
Psychoanalysis feeds on intensity, as though life were all flame and no ash.
- Edmund White
Collection: Flames
Image of Irving Stone
Our secret thoughts - do they ever show up? The small flame of our soul can be burning hot, but no one comes to its warmth. Passersby see only a small whiff going through the chimney. Don't we need to take care of that flame, cherish it and patiently wait until someone will come and sit at it, do we?
- Irving Stone
Collection: Flames
Image of Edith Stein
The soul of woman must be expansive and open to all human beings, it must be quiet so that no small weak flame will be extinguished by stormy winds; warm so as not to benumb fragile buds... empty of itself, in order that extraneous life may have room in it; finally, mistress of itself and also of its body, so that the entire person is readily at the disposal of every call.
- Edith Stein
Collection: Flames
Image of Jean Antoine Petit-Senn
Envy, like flame, blackens that which is above it, and which it cannot reach.
- Jean Antoine Petit-Senn
Collection: Flames
Image of Sigrid Undset
the most dangerous temptations are not due to the active, sudden flames of desire, 'the lusts of the flesh,' but to the disinclinations of the flesh, its indolence and sluggishness, our tendency to become creatures of habit.
- Sigrid Undset
Collection: Flames
Image of Louis D. Brandeis
There is a spark of idealism within every individual which can be fanned into flame and bring forth extraordinary results.
- Louis D. Brandeis
Collection: Flames
Image of Sergei Lukyanenko
For every prophet there are a thousand interpreters to distort the essence of the religion, to replace the bright flame with the heat of the inquisitors' pyres.
- Sergei Lukyanenko
Collection: Flames
Image of Patrick Süskind
Not a visible enthusiasm but a hidden one, an excitement burning with a cold flame.
- Patrick Süskind
Collection: Flames
Image of Richard Sibbes
See a flame in a spark, a tree in a seed. See great things in little beginnings.
- Richard Sibbes
Collection: Flames
Image of William Sharp
The desire of love, Joy:The desire of life, Peace:The desire of the soul, Heaven:The desire of God ... a flame-white secret forever.
- William Sharp
Collection: Flames
Image of Dante Alighieri
From a small spark, Great flame has risen.
- Dante Alighieri
Collection: Flames
Image of John Armstrong
For wisest ends this universal Power Gave appetites, from whose quick impulse life Subsists, by which we only live, all life Insipid else, unactive, unenjoy'd. Hence to this peopled earth, which, that extinct, That flame for propagation, soon would roll A lifeless mass, and vainly cumber heaven.
- John Armstrong
Collection: Flames
Image of Andrew Davidson
Everything burns if the flame is hot enough. The world is nothing but a crucible.
- Andrew Davidson
Collection: Flames
Image of Irving Layton
Time flames like a paraffin stove / and what burns are the minutes I live.
- Irving Layton
Collection: Flames
Image of Brian P. Cleary
Whatever story you're telling, it will be more interesting if, at the end you add, "and then everything burst into flames.
- Brian P. Cleary
Collection: Flames
Image of Alfred the Great
Food over flame burns, food over heat cooks
- Alfred the Great
Collection: Flames
Image of Ernest Bramah
Should a person on returning from the city discover his house to be in flames, let him examine well the change which he has received from the chair-carrier before it is too late; for evil never travels alone.
- Ernest Bramah
Collection: Flames
Image of Maria Weston Chapman
Don't drag the engine, like an ignoramus, but bring wood and water and flame, like an engineer.
- Maria Weston Chapman
Collection: Flames
Image of Ralph Cudworth
True zeal is an ignis lambeus, a soft and gentle flame, that will not scorch one's hand.
- Ralph Cudworth
Collection: Flames
Image of Antony Starr
Oftentimes, you read these pilot scripts that come through for American work, and they dont sing to you. Ive got to be honest, not many of them ignite the flame or give you that burning feeling of, Oh, God, I really want to be a part of this.
- Antony Starr
Collection: Flames
Image of Giannis Ritsos
I dissolved, so white, so unapproachable, amid my white flame, in the whiteness of moonlight
- Giannis Ritsos
Collection: Flames
Image of Pusha T
In God we trust, the game is all us. Til the sky calls or its flames on us.
- Pusha T
Collection: Flames
Image of Bryce Courtenay
I learned that in each of us there burns a flame of independence that must never be allowed to go out. That as long as it exists within us we cannot be destroyed.
- Bryce Courtenay
Collection: Flames
Image of Kurt Cobain
I'm going to be a superstar musician, kill myself, and go out in a flame of glory.
- Kurt Cobain
Collection: Flames
Image of Billy Bishop
Better to die voluntarily crashing than to have the enemy send you down in flames.
- Billy Bishop
Collection: Flames
Image of Romano Guardini
As one candle is lit from the flame of another, so is faith kindled by faith.
- Romano Guardini
Collection: Flames
Image of Jonathan Zittrain
The Internets distinct configuration may have made cyberattacks easy to launch, but it has also kindled the flame of freedom.
- Jonathan Zittrain
Collection: Flames
Image of Bruce Feirstein
Never settle with words what you can accomplish with a flame-thrower.
- Bruce Feirstein
Collection: Flames
Image of Alfred Doblin
I read like the flame reads the wood.
- Alfred Doblin
Collection: Flames
Image of Joan of Arc
[Before being burned at the stake for her faith:] Hold the cross high so I may see it through the flames.
- Joan of Arc
Collection: Flames
Image of Roy Yamaguchi
The best way to make a steak is grilled over an open flame or pan sauteed in a cast iron skillet.
- Roy Yamaguchi
Collection: Flames
Image of Joe King
Ruben V is the keeper of the flame of the San Antonio vibe
- Joe King
Collection: Flames
Image of Robert M. Morgenthau
The death penalty exacts a terrible price in dollars, lives and human decency. Rather than tamping down the flames of violence, it fuels them while draining millions of dollars from more promising efforts to restore safety to our lives.
- Robert M. Morgenthau
Collection: Flames
Image of James Lileks
Genius flames and dies, but amiable competence can live forever.
- James Lileks
Collection: Flames
Image of Renzo Novatore
Mine is an enthusiastic and dionysian pessimism, like a flame that sets my vital exuberance ablaze, that mocks at any theoretical, scientific or moral prison.
- Renzo Novatore
Collection: Flames
Image of Karl Lehenbauer
What's the definition of a good flame? One you agree with.
- Karl Lehenbauer
Collection: Flames
Image of Suzy Kassem
Faith is the flame that eliminates fear.
- Suzy Kassem
Collection: Flames
Image of Joshua
I have been baptized twice- once in water...once in flame.
- Joshua
Collection: Flames
Image of John C. Norcross
Awareness without emotion is a flame without fuel.
- John C. Norcross
Collection: Flames