Top Block Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Block quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Valerie Bertinelli
When you're busy blocking out difficult emotions and feelings, you're not going to feel the good stuff, either.
- Valerie Bertinelli
Collection: Block
Image of Don Roff
Nothing's a better cure for writer's block than to eat ice cream right out of the carton.
- Don Roff
Collection: Block
Image of Jacqueline Woodson
That's what makes best friends. It's not whether or not you live on the same block or go to the same school, but how you feel about each other in your hearts.
- Jacqueline Woodson
Collection: Block
Image of Bill Moyers
Plutocracy too long tolerated leaves democracy on the auction block, subject to the highest bidder.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Block
Image of Amy Waldman
In Germany, you have a huge official memorial to the murdered Jews and then you have this artist who's been putting these stumbling blocks, these brass cobblestones, outside the houses Jews were taken away from. It's somewhat controversial and has met some resistance.
- Amy Waldman
Collection: Block
Image of Hans Fallada
I don't want any funny business, and above all I don't want to be dragged into other people's funny business. If it's to be my head on the block, I want to know that it's doing there, and not that it's some stupid things that other people have done.
- Hans Fallada
Collection: Block
Image of Robert Anton Wilson
Intelligence is the capacity to receive, decode and transmit information efficiently. Stupidity is blockage of this process at any point. Bigotry, ideologies etc. block the ability to receive; robotic reality-tunnels block the ability to decode or integrate new signals; censorship blocks transmission.
- Robert Anton Wilson
Collection: Block
Image of James N. Frey
Writer's block is real. It happens. Some days you sit down at the old typewriter, put your fingers on the keys, and nothing pops into your head. Blanko. Nada. El nothingissimo. What you do when this happens is what separates you from the one-of-thesedays- I'm-gonna-write-a-book crowd.
- James N. Frey
Collection: Block
Image of James N. Frey
You will never work through writer's block if you walk away from your typewriter. That will only make it easier to walk away the next time.
- James N. Frey
Collection: Block
Image of Richard Whately
Falsehood is difficult to be maintained. When the materials of a building are solid blocks of stone, very rude architecture will suffice; but a structure of rotten materials needs the most careful adjustment to make it stand at all.
- Richard Whately
Collection: Block
Image of Robert Motherwell
If you can't find your inspiration by walking around the block one time, go around two times-but never three.
- Robert Motherwell
Collection: Block
Image of Dean Young
I don't believe in writer's block, writing well is very easy; it's writing horribly, the horrible work necessary to do to get to writing well, that is so difficult one may just not be willing to do it.
- Dean Young
Collection: Block
Image of Jordan Sonnenblick
I seriously think I could have sat in the middle of the kitchen floor rubbing two sticks together over a pile of dynamite blocks and gasoline cans, and my parents would be oblivious, as long as I was keeping myself occupied.
- Jordan Sonnenblick
Collection: Block
Image of Mother Teresa
What we sometimes consider a stumbling block is rather a rock we can step on.
- Mother Teresa
Collection: Block
Image of Marsha Norman
Mama, I know you used to ride the bus. Riding the bus, and it’s hot and bumpy and crowded and too noisy, and more than anything else in the world, you wanna get off. And the only reason in the world you don’t get off is it’s still fifty blocks from where you’re going. Well, I can get off right now if I want to. Because even if I ride fifty more years and get off then, it’s still the same place when I step down to it. Whenever I feel like it, I can get off. Whenever I’ve had enough, it’s my stop. I’ve had enough.
- Marsha Norman
Collection: Block
Image of Ellen Schreiber
Did I hear it's going to be someone's birthday?" a familiar male's voice said from behind me. I didnt even bother turning around and continued walking, but that didn't stop my nemesis from disturbing me. He jumped in front of me, blocking my way. "It's been a whole year, has it?" he asked in a syrupy tone. "Maybe this birthday I'll finally give you what you've always wanted.
- Ellen Schreiber
Collection: Block
Image of Vita Sackville-West
Days I enjoy are days when nothing happens, When I have no engagements written on my block, When no one comes to disturb my inward peace, When no one comes to take me away from myself And turn me into a patchwork, a jig-saw puzzle, A broken mirror that once gave a whole reflection, Being so contrived that it takes too long a time To get myself back to myself when they have gone.
- Vita Sackville-West
Collection: Block
Image of Nick Harkaway
ARGH! There's no such thing [as writer's block]. Seriously: THERE. IS. NO. SUCH. THING. You know what there is? There's a bunch of problems, creative and otherwise, that can stop you writing. They are not block. They are important skills.
- Nick Harkaway
Collection: Block
Image of William Stafford
There is no such thing as writer's block for writers whose standards are low enough.
- William Stafford
Collection: Block
Image of Timothy Zahn
Are you ready? I'm three blocks past ready. Pardon? Skip it.
- Timothy Zahn
Collection: Block
Image of Robert B. Parker
Writer's block? I've never heard of a plumber complain about plumber's block.
- Robert B. Parker
Collection: Block
Image of Ann Patchett
For the most part wisdom comes in chips rather than blocks. You have to be willing to gather them constantly, and from sources you never imagined to be probable. No one chip gives you the answer for everything. No one chip stays in the same place throughout your entire life. The secret is to keep adding voices, adding ideas, and moving things around as you put together your life. If you’re lucky, putting together your life is a process that will last through every single day you’re alive.
- Ann Patchett
Collection: Block
Image of Manolo Blahnik
I'm a doodler. It was my first job as a boy, and I still do it. At night I keep a block of paper and a pencil with a huge piece of string next to me. When I have an idea, I grab the string and just doodle.
- Manolo Blahnik
Collection: Block
Image of Ralph Keyes
...wrote Lawrence Block. "Someone once told me that fear and courage are like lightning and thunder; they both start out at the same time, but the fear travels faster and arrives sooner. If we just wait a moment, the requisite courage will be along shortly." (quoted from Write for Your Live by Lawrence Block)
- Ralph Keyes
Collection: Block
Image of Ann Aguirre
We stood back-to-back, blocking and striking in harmony; sometimes it felt like his arms and legs were an extension of me. I could count on him to keep them off me from behind.
- Ann Aguirre
Collection: Block
Image of Isobelle Carmody
The mirror had broken into millions of pieces and the wind blew them all over the world. If a person got a speck in their eye, the person would only see the ugly side of things from then on, but if a piece got in their blood and it reached their heart, it would freeze into a solid block of ice and they couldn't feel anything anymore
- Isobelle Carmody
Collection: Block
Image of Darby Conley
Bucky Katt: A bad writer is just a good writer with writer's block.
- Darby Conley
Collection: Block
Image of Camille Paglia
Man has traditionally ruled the social sphere; feminism tells him to move over and share his power. But woman rules the sexual and emotional sphere, and there she has no rival. Victim ideology, a caricature of social history, blocks women from recognition of their dominance in the deepest, most important realm. ?
- Camille Paglia
Collection: Block
Image of Alan Garner
... I had never given much credence to the phenomenon of "writer's block". I was more inclined to think of it as "writer's impatience", and to follow Arthur Koestler's dictum: "Soak; and wait.
- Alan Garner
Collection: Block
Image of Suzanne Weyn
There are a million things one might do with a block of wood. But what do you think might happen if someone, just once, believed in it?
- Suzanne Weyn
Collection: Block
Image of Shawn Achor
Successful people see adversity as a stepping stone rather than a stumbling block.
- Shawn Achor
Collection: Block
Image of Bob Newhart
Well, if you’re a native Chicagoan, you know how dumb he [Dr. Robert Hartley] is. He gets on the Ravenswood El, he goes past his stop on Sheridan Road, he gets off in Evanston, where the El is on the ground, and then he walks back 55 blocks to his apartment. Now, would you want to have that man as a psychologist? A man who misses his stop every day?
- Bob Newhart
Collection: Block
Image of Bret Michaels
I'm not the new kid on the block anymore. Writers always use the phrase "aging rocker," and I'm like, "What other option do I have?" You're either aging or you're dead.
- Bret Michaels
Collection: Block
Image of Taylor Momsen
I really enjoy English and poetry and writing classes. You do get writer's block when you're writing music, and having inspiration from other great writers is great. You have to look for inspiration because sometimes music isn't the only thing that you can look at.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Block
Image of Barbara De Angelis
The obstacles in our path are not blocking us-they are redirecting us. Their purpose is not to interfere with our happiness; it is to point us toward new routes to our happiness, new possibilities, new doorways.
- Barbara De Angelis
Collection: Block
Image of Jess Walter
Who isn't crazy sometimes? Who hasn't driven around a block hoping a certain person will come out; who hasn't haunted a certain coffee shop, or stared obsessively at an old picture; who hasn't toiled over every word in a letter, taken four hours to write a two-sentence email, watched the phone praying it will ring; who doesn't lay awake at night sick with the image of her sleeping with someone else?
- Jess Walter
Collection: Block
Image of William George Jordan
Self-confidence without self-reliance is as useless as a cooking recipe without food. Self-confidence sees the possibilities of the individual; self-reliance realizes them. Self-confidence sees the angel in the unhewn block of marble; self-reliance carves it out for oneself.
- William George Jordan
Collection: Block
Image of John Roberts
There are many different causes of the scarring. Viruses are common. Hepatitis B, hepatitis C, what we call autoimmune diseases where the body attacks the liver itself such as primary biliary cirrhosis is an autoimmune disease; sclerosing cholangitis is an autoimmune disease; and so those diseases where the liver is being destroyed by either the virus or an autoimmune disease, it can only scar, and why it doesn't regenerate has to do with the fact that there is this ongoing scar tissue that blocks that regeneration.
- John Roberts
Collection: Block
Image of Elliott Smith
I don't really think of time off as writing blocks. I think that's a western notion of demonizing inactivity. When your imagination decides it needs to take a nap. maybe that's what it needs to do.
- Elliott Smith
Collection: Block
Image of Ariel Gore
One thing that blocks flow is self-consciousness.
- Ariel Gore
Collection: Block
Image of Ehud Olmert
I don't want to block every contact with the Palestinians, I think that would be a mistake, and I think that Abu Mazen has an independent status as democratically elected head of the Palestinian people, and it's important if I will talk with him.
- Ehud Olmert
Collection: Block
Image of Patricia Briggs
- Patricia Briggs
Collection: Block
Image of Rob Thurman
Why is it always the world? Why is it never just half a block? Or Jersey? You know, something we could live without?
- Rob Thurman
Collection: Block
Image of Hedi Slimane
My parents offered me my first camera for my birthday and I developed an exclusive passion for it over the years. Since I was not the most social kid on the block, the camera helped me to express myself, invent my own language - something like a secret garden. I decided early on I would not write in a diary but take silent photographs instead.
- Hedi Slimane
Collection: Block
Image of Ezra Miller
If one took a role with the intention of, "I'll show them what I can do!," then it's not going to be good because the ego is going to just block everything.
- Ezra Miller
Collection: Block
Image of Simon Wiesenthal
There were millions of such families anxious only for peace and quiet in their own little nests. These were the mounting blocks by which the criminals climbed to power and kept it.
- Simon Wiesenthal
Collection: Block
Image of David Bohm
There is a difficulty with only one person changing. People call that person a great saint or a great mystic or a great leader, and they say, 'Well, he's different from me - I could never do it.' What's wrong with most people is that they have this block - they feel they could never make a difference, and therefore, they never face the possibility, because it is too disturbing, too frightening.
- David Bohm
Collection: Block
Image of Donald E. Westlake
I know people who have suffered writer's block, and I don't think I've ever had it. A friend of mine, for three years he couldn't write. And he said that he thought of stories and he knew the stories, could see the stories completely, but he could never find the door. Somehow that first sentence was never there. And without the door, he couldn't do the story. I've never experienced that. But it's a chilling thought.
- Donald E. Westlake
Collection: Block
Image of Jenny Downham
There's a gang of boys on bikes blocking the road ahead. They've got their hoods up, cigarettes shielded. The sky's a really strange colour and there's hardly anyone else about. I slow right down. "What shall I do?" "Reverse," Zoey says. "They're not going to move." I wind down the window. "Oi!" I yell "Move your arses!" They turn languid, shift lazily to the edge of the road and grin as I blow kisses at them. Zoey looks stunned, "What's got into you?" "Nothing- I just haven't learned reversing yet.
- Jenny Downham
Collection: Block
Image of Matt Haig
Beauty breeds beauty, truth triggers truth. The cure for writer's block is therefore to read.
- Matt Haig
Collection: Block