Top childhood Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of childhood quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Gordon Korman
In our family, you don't get a childhood. We're too busy trying to dominate the world.
- Gordon Korman
Collection: Childhood
Image of George Soros
If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood which I felt I had to control, otherwise I might end up in the loony bin. But when I made my way in the world I wanted to indulge myself in my fantasies to the extent that I could afford.
- George Soros
Collection: Childhood
Image of Andre Breton
The mind which plunges into Surrealism, relives with burning excitement the best part of childhood.
- Andre Breton
Collection: Childhood
Image of Jane Wagner
Childhood comes at a time in your life when you are too young to understand what you are going through. And you're too young to understand that you are too young to understand.
- Jane Wagner
Collection: Childhood
Image of Barry Hughart
Don't be ashamed of reliving your childhood, Ox, because all of us must do it now and then to maintain our sanity.
- Barry Hughart
Collection: Childhood
Image of Alexandre Dumas-fils
One has always had a childhood, whatever one becomes.
- Alexandre Dumas-fils
Collection: Childhood
Image of Bruce Chatwin
Proust, more perspicaciously than any other writer, reminds us that the 'walks' of childhood form the raw material of our intelligence.
- Bruce Chatwin
Collection: Childhood
Image of Rick Steves
It's never too late to have a happy childhood, and age only matters if you're a cheese.
- Rick Steves
Collection: Childhood
Image of Andrei Tarkovsky
The death of childhood is the beginning of poetry.
- Andrei Tarkovsky
Collection: Childhood
Image of Jane Yolen
Literature is a textually transmitted disease, normally contracted in childhood.
- Jane Yolen
Collection: Childhood
Image of Mary Pipher
Adolescence is a border between childhood and adulthood. Like all borders, it's teeming with energy and fraught with danger.
- Mary Pipher
Collection: Childhood
Image of Banana Yoshimoto
No one can survive childhood without being wounded. Everyone remembers at least one time when their parents rejected them, pushed them away, even though they may have still been in the womb, blind, and unable to speak. That's why, as adults, we all look for someone to become our parents again, and for someone to look after us in times of need. And we search for a person to live with who can provide the companionship we so desperately want.
- Banana Yoshimoto
Collection: Childhood
Image of Elizabeth Hand
Endless longing; a face you'd known since childhood, since birth almost; a body that moved as though it were your own. These were things you never spoke of, things you never hoped for; things you could never admit to. Things you'd die for, and die of.
- Elizabeth Hand
Collection: Childhood
Image of Ivan Doig
Childhood is the one story that stands by itself in every soul.
- Ivan Doig
Collection: Childhood
Image of Aisha Tyler
I take the most wrenchingly painful moments of my life, brush them off and present them for the amusement of others. Luckily for me, my childhood was torture.
- Aisha Tyler
Collection: Childhood
Image of Karl Rahner
Childhood is not a state which only applies to the first phase of our lives in the biological sense. Rather it is a basic condition which is always appropriate to a life that is lived aright.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Childhood
Image of James O'Barr
Childhood is over when you know you’re gonna die.
- James O'Barr
Collection: Childhood
Image of Claudia Black
It is not possible to be honest in the here and now when you continue to discount and minimize your childhood experiences.
- Claudia Black
Collection: Childhood
Image of Michael  Grant
I had a hard childhood. Hard for my parents. Not that bad for me.
- Michael Grant
Collection: Childhood
Image of Alex Shakar
Childhood and adulthood were not factors of age but states of mind.
- Alex Shakar
Collection: Childhood
Image of Tess Gerritsen
My childhood was spent in my local library in a San Diego suburb. It's where I became a writer - by 1st becoming a reader!
- Tess Gerritsen
Collection: Childhood
Image of Kate Douglas Wiggin
Pictures made in childhood are painted in bright hues.
- Kate Douglas Wiggin
Collection: Childhood
Image of Peter Cameron
I always looked forward to being an adult, because I thought the adult world was, well—adult. That adults weren’t cliquey or nasty, that the whole notion of being cool, or in, or popular would case to be the arbiter of all things social, but I was beginning to realize that the adult world was as nonsensically brutal and socially perilous as the kingdom of childhood.
- Peter Cameron
Collection: Childhood
Image of Renzo Piano
I dont remember a single thing in my childhood that was not related in some way to building.
- Renzo Piano
Collection: Childhood
Image of Mark Vonnegut
Most adults have forgotten what they had to do to survive childhood.
- Mark Vonnegut
Collection: Childhood
Image of Martha Grimes
An idyllic childhood is probably illusion.
- Martha Grimes
Collection: Childhood
Image of Michael Wincott
Childhood's over the moment you know you're going to die.
- Michael Wincott
Collection: Childhood
Image of Susan Cheever
The actual American childhood is less Norman Rockwell and Walt Disney than Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe.
- Susan Cheever
Collection: Childhood
Image of John Wolcot
Some one has said of a fine and honorable old age, that it was the childhood of immortality.
- John Wolcot
Collection: Childhood
Image of Ken Dodd
I had an idyllic childhood and when my parents bought me a Punch and Judy Show and a ventriloquist's dummy, I'd perform anywhere, anytime. My parents were wonderful when I told them I wanted to be an entertainer.
- Ken Dodd
Collection: Childhood
Image of Tim Kaine
We spend at least $5 for remedial education right now for every dollar we put in early childhood education. All the studies on early childhood education show this is going to pay for itself.
- Tim Kaine
Collection: Childhood
Image of Terry Leahy
I had a very happy childhood and very loving parents. We didn't have much money and I suppose therefore you felt that anything you did you'd have to do on your own, so it does make you quite motivated.
- Terry Leahy
Collection: Childhood
Image of Jean-Georges Noverre
I should never conclude were I to speak to you of all the misfortunes which have their origin in the faulty carriage of the body. All these defects, mortifying for those who have contracted them, cannot be remedied except in their early stages. A habit born in childhood is strengthened in youth, becomes deeply rooted in adulthood and is incurable in old age.
- Jean-Georges Noverre
Collection: Childhood
Image of Jan Struther
In childhood the daylight always fails too soon - except when there are going to be fireworks.
- Jan Struther
Collection: Childhood
Image of Tayeb Salih
Everyone starts at the beginning of the road, and the world is in an endless state of childhood.
- Tayeb Salih
Collection: Childhood
Image of Robert M. Price
The born-again gospel promises joy and peace of mind, but it does so by prolonging childhood.
- Robert M. Price
Collection: Childhood
Image of Philippe Aries
It is as if, to every period of history, there corresponded a privileged age and a particular division of human life: "youth" is the privileged age of the seventeenth century, childhood of the nineteenth, adolescence of the twentieth.
- Philippe Aries
Collection: Childhood
Image of Frances Xavier Cabrini
The impressions of childhood are never obliterated.
- Frances Xavier Cabrini
Collection: Childhood
Image of Rick Bayan
CHILDHOOD: The rapidly shrinking interval between infancy and first arrest on a drug or weapons charge.
- Rick Bayan
Collection: Childhood
Image of Chris Patten
Those of us who had a perfectly happy childhood should be able to sue for deprivation of literary royalties.
- Chris Patten
Collection: Childhood
Image of Michael K. Williams
You know, my childhood was pretty colorful; I like to use the word turbulent.
- Michael K. Williams
Collection: Childhood
Image of Yves Klein
I had proof that I had five senses, that I knew how to get myself to function! And then I lost my childhood.
- Yves Klein
Collection: Childhood
Image of George William Russell
In the lost boyhood of Judas, Christ was betrayed.
- George William Russell
Collection: Childhood
Image of Dorothy Richardson
A happy childhood is perhaps the most-fortunate gift in life.
- Dorothy Richardson
Collection: Childhood
Image of Sheila Kaye-Smith
Pictures of my life stretch back into what must have been my very earliest childhood. ... They are not movies, then, nor are they talkies, but they are quite distinctly feelies.
- Sheila Kaye-Smith
Collection: Childhood
Image of Sandra Bullock
Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying to overcome.
- Sandra Bullock
Collection: Childhood
Image of Kim Stanley
You can't choose your childhood, it's just what happens to you. But after that you choose. And that's really what (makes you).
- Kim Stanley
Collection: Childhood
Image of Anthony Doerr
You bury your childhood here and there. It waits for you, all your life, to come back and dig it up.
- Anthony Doerr
Collection: Childhood
Image of George Singleton
There's a ton of truth in Flannery O'Connor's notion that "Anybody who has survived his childhood has enough information about life to last him the rest of his days."
- George Singleton
Collection: Childhood
Image of Elizabeth Enright
Grownups! Everyone remembers them. How strange and even sad it is that we never became what they were: beings noble, infallible, and free. We never became them. One of the things we discover as we live is that we never become anything different from what we are. We are no less ourselves at forty than we were at four, and because of this we know grownups as Grownups only once in life: during our own childhood. We never meet them in our lives again, and we will miss them always.
- Elizabeth Enright
Collection: Childhood