Top new york Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of new york quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Jeff Ross
Comedians a lot of times we're on the road, we're by our self. We come home to New York to our empty one-bedroom apartment, you know, and we need a place to go where you see a bunch of other miserable people sit around and eat a corned beef sandwich.
- Jeff Ross
Collection: New York
Image of Alber Elbaz
Yves Saint Laurent gave women power, Chanel liberated them and when I joined Lanvin, I thought 'what do I bring to women? One day, I received an SMS from a friend in New York - she was in a taxi on the way to court to face her arsehole ex-husband, and she said to me 'Alber, I am wearing a Lanvin dress, and I feel so protected.' That to me was the biggest compliment I ever received. To have a 500 gram piece of silk make her feel protected - that made me very happy indeed.
- Alber Elbaz
Collection: New York
Image of L.P. Hartley
Mr. Scott Fitzgerald deserves a good shaking. Here is an unmistakable talent unashamed of making itself a motley to the view. The Great Gatsby is an absurd story, whether considered as romance, melodrama, or plain record of New York high life.
- L.P. Hartley
Collection: New York
Image of Fay Wray
When I'm in New York I look at the Empire State Building and feel as though it belongs to me ... or is it vice versa?
- Fay Wray
Collection: New York
Image of Tony Bennett
I have always loved jazz music and as a teen growing up in New York City and then later on as an adult have great memories of the jazz clubs that were all located on 52nd Street. I still catch as many jazz shows as I can when I am in New York. And when I perform, I have my jazz quartet by my side. Jazz musicians keep things spontaneous and very "live," which is the way I like to perform.
- Tony Bennett
Collection: New York
Image of John Derbyshire
Razib Khan Hired And Fired By The New York Times, Both On The Same Day!
- John Derbyshire
Collection: New York
Image of Robert Harling
The New York Times credited me with the rediscovery and revival of red velvet cake. I consider this as one of my great life achievements.
- Robert Harling
Collection: New York
Image of Suketu Mehta
A city like Bombay, like New York, that is a recent creation on the planet and does not have a substantial indigenous population, is full of restless people. Those who have come here have not been at ease somewhere else. And unlike others who may have been equally uncomfortable wherever they came from, these people got up and moved. As I have discovered, having once moved, it is difficult to stop moving.
- Suketu Mehta
Collection: New York
Image of Chris Noth
At least Manhattan, in terms of danger and eccentricity, is much more of a theme park now. You couldn't really shoot the old Law & Order in New York today. It's a different city.
- Chris Noth
Collection: New York
Image of Liam Neeson
There's periods now in our New York residence when I hear the door opening, especially the first couple of years... Anytime I hear that door opening I still think I'm gonna hear her.
- Liam Neeson
Collection: New York
Image of Amy Waldman
While researching 'The Submission,' I went to a protest against the Ground Zero mosque in New York when I was about to give birth to twins. It was about 100 degrees. People thought I was very dedicated.
- Amy Waldman
Collection: New York
Image of Eliot Spitzer
It sucks. I used to be governor of New York.
- Eliot Spitzer
Collection: New York
Image of Jeff Shaara
I spend half my time in Montana, the other half in New York City. In unique ways, both places help me unwind, and both are the most satisfying places to live I can imagine.
- Jeff Shaara
Collection: New York
Image of Laura Moriarty
The thing that got me about the Orphan Trains was that the experiences were so varied. Some of the kids went from neglect and hunger in New York to loving farm families who couldn't wait to fatten them up, who gave them medical care, an education, affection. And some of the kids became the victims of terrible cruelty, and more hunger, and more neglect - it all depended on who adopted them off of the train.
- Laura Moriarty
Collection: New York
Image of Mary Jo Putney
[On New York City:] From a dating point of view, it's like a really large rummage sale - lots of strange items, but darned little that you'd want to take home.
- Mary Jo Putney
Collection: New York
Image of Alexander Woollcott
You haven't lived until you died in New York.
- Alexander Woollcott
Collection: New York
Image of Casey Affleck
I live in New York full time. I can't live in L.A., because I fear people think I'm a vagrant there.
- Casey Affleck
Collection: New York
Image of Tom Seaver
God is living in New York, and he's a Mets fan.
- Tom Seaver
Collection: New York
Image of Glenway Wescott
New York City is a great apartment hotel in which everyone lives and no one is at home.
- Glenway Wescott
Collection: New York
Image of Tom Ridge
I don't think there's a city that has done more and sustained a higher level of security and protection than New York City.
- Tom Ridge
Collection: New York
Image of Tom Ridge
The near-term attacks ... will either rival or exceed the 9/11 attacks... And it's pretty clear that the nation's capital and New York city would be on any list.
- Tom Ridge
Collection: New York
Image of Ed O'Neill
I used to be a wonderful auditioner. When I was living in New York, I'd audition every day. And I like to audition. But then it got to a point where I didn't like it anymore. So once it got to there and I also knew more about the business and I thought, "I can't do this anymore."
- Ed O'Neill
Collection: New York
Image of Jonathan Nolan
Each week the machine is spitting out a number for a new person or a new world within New York that you get to know. And the idea from the beginning was that some of the characters would stick around and become part of the lives of the show, and the world of the show itself will continue to grow.
- Jonathan Nolan
Collection: New York
Image of Harry Golden
I remember how often some of us walked out of the darkness of the Lower East Side and into the brilliant sunlight of Washington Square.
- Harry Golden
Collection: New York
Image of Busta Rhymes
New York is traditional New York, you know what I'm saying? It's the stomping ground of the hustlers and go-getters
- Busta Rhymes
Collection: New York
Image of Dawn Powell
There is something more annoying than pleasant in finding neighbors from back home chiselling in on your own exclusive New York. It mitigates your triumph in having conquered the great city and brings home the ungratifying truth that anyone can do it.
- Dawn Powell
Collection: New York
Image of Dawn Powell
An evening up on the Empire State roof-the strangest experience. The huge tomb in steel and glass, the ride to the 84th floor and there, under the clouds, a Hawaiian string quartet, lounge, concessions and, a thousand feet below, New York-a garden of golden lights winking on and off, automobiles, trucks winding in and out, and not a sound. All as silent as a dead city-and it looks adagio down there.
- Dawn Powell
Collection: New York
Image of Roger Rosenblatt
Get rid of the guns. We had the Second Amendment that said you have the right to bear arms. I haven't seen the British really coming by my house looking for it. And besides, the right to bear arms is not an absolute right anyway, as New York's Sullivan Law proves. We talk about ourselves as a violent society, and some of that is right and some of it is claptrap. But I think if you took away the guns, and I mean really take away the guns, not what Congress is doing now, you would see that violent society diminish considerably.
- Roger Rosenblatt
Collection: New York
Image of Nelson Rockefeller
There is no doubt that many expensive national projects may add to our prestige or serve science. But none of them must take precedence over human needs. As long as Congress does not revise its priorities, our crisis is not just material, it is a crisis of the spirit.
- Nelson Rockefeller
Collection: New York
Image of Steve Perry
I love New York, Chicago, London, St. Bart's and Italy but one of my fave cities in the whole world is San Francisco. Why? Those are all places that I love to go to cause it feels good to me personally when I'm there.
- Steve Perry
Collection: New York
Image of Edward Rutherfurd
You can do what you like, sir, but I'll tell you this. New York is the true capital of America. Every New Yorker knows it, and by God, we always shall.
- Edward Rutherfurd
Collection: New York
Image of Stefan Sagmeister
At the opening of our exhibition at Deitch Projects in New York we featured a wall of 10,000 bananas. Green bananas created a pattern against a background of yellow bananas spelling out the sentiment: Self-confidence produces fine results. After a number of days the green bananas turned yellow too and the type disappeared. When the yellow background bananas turned brown, the type (and the self-confidence) appeared again, only to go away when all bananas turned brown.
- Stefan Sagmeister
Collection: New York
Image of Mark Kurlansky
The egg creams of Avenue A in New York and the root beer float....are among the high points of American gastronomic inventiveness.
- Mark Kurlansky
Collection: New York
Image of Gwen Cooper
To be a person who loves books is to be half in love with the idea of New York.
- Gwen Cooper
Collection: New York
Image of Fritz Leiber
Traffic growled and snarled, rising at times to a machine-gun rata-tat-tat, while pedestrians were scuttling about with that desperate ratlike urgency characteristic of all big American cities, but which reaches its ultimate in New York.
- Fritz Leiber
Collection: New York
Image of Charles Schumer
Our borders are much too porous...We want to keep them open, but we also have to be much more careful. ...Right now, if you get on an airplane [to the U.S.] and claim asylum...when you arrive at Kennedy Airport in New York, they will say to you, 'OK, we'll give you a hearing on whether you deserve asylum. Show up in a year.' And two-thirds of the people never show up.
- Charles Schumer
Collection: New York
Image of Pete Doherty
There's a difference between performing in Philadelphia to New York as much as a difference between playing in Luton and playing in San Francisco, y’know what I mean?
- Pete Doherty
Collection: New York
Image of Carl Bernstein
All institutions have lapses, even great ones, especially by individual rogue employees - famously in recent years at The Washington Post, The New York Times, and the three original TV networks.
- Carl Bernstein
Collection: New York
Image of Megan Abbott
I wrote my graduate thesis at New York University on hard-boiled fiction from the 1930s and 1940s, so, for about two years, I read nothing but Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett, James Cain and Chester Himes. I developed such a love for this kind of writing.
- Megan Abbott
Collection: New York
Image of Linus Pauling
Just one living cell in the human body is, more complex than New York City.
- Linus Pauling
Collection: New York
Image of Sarah Dunn
It was one of those perfect New York October afternoons, when the explosion of oranges and yellows against the bright blue sky makes you feel like your life is passing through your fingers, that you've felt this autumn-feeling before and you'll probably get to feel it again, but one day you won't anymore, because you'll be dead.
- Sarah Dunn
Collection: New York
Image of Whitney M. Young
You don’t get black power by chanting it. You get it by doing what the other groups have done. The Irish kept quiet. They didn’t shout “Irish Power”, “Jew Power”, [or] “Italian Power”. They kept their mouths shut and took over the police department of New York City, and the mayorship of Boston.
- Whitney M. Young
Collection: New York
Image of Dave Mustaine
When I left New York, after getting fired from Metallica, all I remember is that I wanted blood. Theirs.
- Dave Mustaine
Collection: New York
Image of Gerhard Schroder
It was with horror that I learned of the abominable terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington in which so many innocent people have lost their lives. My government staunchly condemns these acts of terrorism. The German people are at the side of the United States of America in this difficult hour. I wish to express my deep-felt condolences and complete solidarity to you and the American people. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families.
- Gerhard Schroder
Collection: New York
Image of Elaine Stritch
I love holidays in New York. I love `em. I want to celebrate something all the time and New York has holidays for every day of the week, practically. I like holidays in New York City.
- Elaine Stritch
Collection: New York
Image of Elaine Stritch
New York is like a disco, but without the music
- Elaine Stritch
Collection: New York
Image of Murray Rothbard
Once one concedes that a single world government is not necessary, then where does one logically stop at the permissibility of separate states? If Canada and the United States can be separate nations without being denounced as in a state of impermissible ‘anarchy’, why may not the South secede from the United States? New York State from the Union? New York City from the state? Why may not Manhattan secede? Each neighbourhood? Each block? Each house? Each person?
- Murray Rothbard
Collection: New York
Image of Ben Stiller
I was staying on [writer/director/actor] Eric Schaeffer's couch in New York, and he said, "I've got this movie [If Lucy Fell]. Can you do five days on it?" And I was like, "Yeah, anything. Twenty-four hours times five is 120 hours. Oh, great, I'll fill 120 hours of my life with something." So I did that and it was fun, and then I did Flirting with Disaster.
- Ben Stiller
Collection: New York
Image of George D. Prentice
In New York City, the common bats fly only at twilight. Brick-bats fly at all hours.
- George D. Prentice
Collection: New York
Image of Joe Queenan
Martin Scorcese is probably America's greatest living director, and while he is not a titan like John Ford or Alfred Hitchcock or Federico Fellini, he is certainly consistently more interesting than Steven Spielberg, Brian de Palma, Francis Ford Coppola or Woody Allen. Even a failure like Gangs of New York or a curiosity like The Aviator is more interesting and ambitious than Munich, The Black Dahlia or Scoop.
- Joe Queenan
Collection: New York