Top art Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of art quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of John Berger
What makes photography a strange invention is that its primary raw materials are light and time.
- John Berger
Collection: Art
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
We have art in order not to die of the truth.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Art
Image of Franz Liszt
Mournful and yet grand is the destiny of the artist.
- Franz Liszt
Collection: Art
Image of Wilson Mizner
Art is science made clear.
- Wilson Mizner
Collection: Art
Image of Anish Kapoor
Artists don't make objects. Artists make mythologies.
- Anish Kapoor
Collection: Art
Image of Rudyard Kipling
It's clever, but is it Art?
- Rudyard Kipling
Collection: Art
Image of Andre Malraux
Art is a revolt against fate. All art is a revolt against man's fate.
- Andre Malraux
Collection: Art
Image of Gwendolyn Brooks
Art hurts. Art urges voyages - and it is easier to stay at home.
- Gwendolyn Brooks
Collection: Art
Image of Peter De Vries
Murals in restaurants are on a par with the food in museums.
- Peter De Vries
Collection: Art
Image of Marvin Gaye
Great artists suffer for the people.
- Marvin Gaye
Collection: Art
Image of Conrad Hall
Painting and writing are solitary arts.
- Conrad Hall
Collection: Art
Image of Amy Lowell
Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in.
- Amy Lowell
Collection: Art
Image of Henry Ossawa Tanner
I will preach with my brush.
- Henry Ossawa Tanner
Collection: Art
Image of Henri Matisse
Drawing is like making an expressive gesture with the advantage of permanence.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Art
Image of Grandma Moses
If you know somethin' well, you can always paint it but people would be better off buyin' chickens.
- Grandma Moses
Collection: Art
Image of Robert Musil
Layer by layer art strips life bare.
- Robert Musil
Collection: Art
Image of Constantin Brancusi
There hasn't been any art yet. Art is just beginning.
- Constantin Brancusi
Collection: Art
Image of Corita Kent
That's why people listen to music or look at paintings. To get in touch with that wholeness.
- Corita Kent
Collection: Art
Image of Edward Steichen
Photography is a major force in explaining man to man.
- Edward Steichen
Collection: Art
Image of Anais Nin
If you do not breathe through writing, if you do not cry out in writing, or sing in writing, then don't write, because our culture has no use for it.
- Anais Nin
Collection: Art
Image of Jackson Pollock
I have no fear of making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own.
- Jackson Pollock
Collection: Art
Image of William Morris Hunt
The mission of art is to represent nature not to imitate her.
- William Morris Hunt
Collection: Art
Image of Edward Hopper
What I wanted to do was to paint sunlight on the side of a house.
- Edward Hopper
Collection: Art
Image of Octavio Paz
Art is an invention of aesthetics, which in turn is an invention of philosophers... What we call art is a game.
- Octavio Paz
Collection: Art
Image of George Lucas
All art is dependent on technology because it's a human endeavour, so even when you're using charcoal on a wall or designed the proscenium arch, that's technology.
- George Lucas
Collection: Art
Image of Ansel Adams
There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.
- Ansel Adams
Collection: Art
Image of Gertrude Stein
A writer should write with his eyes and a painter paint with his ears.
- Gertrude Stein
Collection: Art
Image of Michelangelo
Trifles make perfection, and perfection is no trifle.
- Michelangelo
Collection: Art
Image of Charles Dudley Warner
A great artist can paint a great picture on a small canvas.
- Charles Dudley Warner
Collection: Art
Image of J. Paul Getty
My love of fine art increased - the more of it I saw, the more of it I wanted to see.
- J. Paul Getty
Collection: Art
Image of Miguel de Unamuno
Art distills sensations and embodies it with enhanced meaning.
- Miguel de Unamuno
Collection: Art
Image of Henri Cartier-Bresson
To me, photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event.
- Henri Cartier-Bresson
Collection: Art
Image of George Henry Lewes
Insight is the first condition of Art.
- George Henry Lewes
Collection: Art
Image of Honore de Balzac
If we could but paint with the hand what we see with the eye.
- Honore de Balzac
Collection: Art
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Every artist was first an amateur.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Art
Image of Lionel Trilling
What marks the artist is his power to shape the material of pain we all have.
- Lionel Trilling
Collection: Art
Image of George Santayana
An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.
- George Santayana
Collection: Art
Image of William Wordsworth
Pictures deface walls more often than they decorate them.
- William Wordsworth
Collection: Art
Image of Paul Klee
One eye sees, the other feels.
- Paul Klee
Collection: Art
Image of Clara Schumann
My imagination can picture no fairer happiness than to continue living for art.
- Clara Schumann
Collection: Art
Image of William Hazlitt
Rules and models destroy genius and art.
- William Hazlitt
Collection: Art
Image of Novalis
The artist belongs to his work, not the work to the artist.
- Novalis
Collection: Art
Image of John Ciardi
Modern art is what happens when painters stop looking at girls and persuade themselves that they have a better idea.
- John Ciardi
Collection: Art
Image of James Huneker
Great art is an instant arrested in eternity.
- James Huneker
Collection: Art
Image of Oscar Wilde
No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist.
- Oscar Wilde
Collection: Art
Image of Elia Kazan
The writer, when he is also an artist, is someone who admits what others don't dare reveal.
- Elia Kazan
Collection: Art
Image of Wassily Kandinsky
An empty canvas is a living wonder... far lovelier than certain pictures.
- Wassily Kandinsky
Collection: Art
Image of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
I don't want to be interesting. I want to be good.
- Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Collection: Art
Image of Kiki Smith
Artists live in unknown spaces and give themselves over to following something unknown.
- Kiki Smith
Collection: Art
Image of Philip Guston
To paint is a possessing rather than a picturing.
- Philip Guston
Collection: Art