Top Kings Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Kings quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Clarence Thomas
Merely because I was black, it seemed, I was supposed to listen to Hugh Maskela instead of Carole King, just as I was expected to be a radical, not a conservative. I no longer cared to play that game ... The black people I knew came from different places and backgrounds - social, economic, even ethnic - yet the color of our skin was somehow supposed to make us identical in spite of our differences. I didn't buy it. Of course we had all experienced racism in one way or another, but that did not mean we had to think alike
- Clarence Thomas
Collection: Kings
Image of Gordon Korman
Dan was suspicious. "How did he find out where we were staying?" Amy frowned. "I think that's the message inside the message. He wants us to know that he has a long reach–that's he's rich and powerful." "Like we'll see his giant mansion and assume he works at Burger King," scoffed Dan.
- Gordon Korman
Collection: Kings
Image of Leslie Ludy
When Christ becomes our focal point, we become everything we are meant to be-a servant to the glory of the King of all kings.
- Leslie Ludy
Collection: Kings
Image of Victoria Hanley
Those two are carved from the same tree." the queen said. By the same blade." The high king answered and offered her his arm in splendid dignity
- Victoria Hanley
Collection: Kings
Image of David Thewlis
It wasnt the greatest script in the world, but not many people can say theyve played a wicked king in a swashbuckling Arthurian special-effects monster movie.
- David Thewlis
Collection: Kings
Image of Luigi Pirandello
Pretending is a virtue. If you cant pretend, you can't be king.
- Luigi Pirandello
Collection: Kings
Image of Tommy Tenney
It takes the glory of God to conceal a matter. It takes the honor of the king to seek out for it.
- Tommy Tenney
Collection: Kings
Image of Pete Townshend
The fact of the matter is, I'm f**king brilliant. Not 'was' brilliant. 'Am' brilliant.
- Pete Townshend
Collection: Kings
Image of Mojo Nixon
Elvis is everywhere. Elvis is everything. Elvis is everybody. Elvis is still The King.
- Mojo Nixon
Collection: Kings
Image of C. Northcote Parkinson
No king or minister could have instructed Newton to discover the law of gravity, for they did not know and could not know that there was such a law to discover. No Treasury official told Fleming to discover penicillin. Nor was Rutherford instructed to split the atom by a certain date.
- C. Northcote Parkinson
Collection: Kings
Image of Robert De Niro
Better to be king for a night than a schmuck for a lifetime.
- Robert De Niro
Collection: Kings
Image of Hanna Rosin
There are always signs that a reign is ending, and they are usually spotted not in the king himself but in his court. In the inner circle, latent jealousies between advisers spill into open conflict, as they angrily debate who is to blame for the calamity, chewing over each other's past errors and pointing the finger at old and nascent enemies.
- Hanna Rosin
Collection: Kings
Image of Bill Moyers
[Martin Luther] King subpoened the nation's conscience. He was killed for it.
- Bill Moyers
Collection: Kings
Image of Chris Noth
It's over. The franchise is dead. The press killed it. Your magazine f**king killed it. New York Magazine. It's like all the critics got together and said, 'This franchise must die.' Because they all had the exact same review. It's like they didn't see the movie. Got any more gum?
- Chris Noth
Collection: Kings
Image of Timothy B. Tyson
We cherish the conventional story of Dr. King and nonviolence, in fact, precisely because that narrative demands so little of us…This conventional narrative is soothing, moving, and politically acceptable, and has only the disadvantage of bearing no resemblance to what actually happened.
- Timothy B. Tyson
Collection: Kings
Image of Timothy B. Tyson
In the years since his murder, we have transformed King into a kind of innocuous black Santa Claus.
- Timothy B. Tyson
Collection: Kings
Image of Adam Brody
I feel like Hollywood is a big high school again. Seriously, Ashton Kutcher is the prom king.
- Adam Brody
Collection: Kings
Image of Mary Downing Hahn
I think Stephen King must be the most terrified person in the universe.
- Mary Downing Hahn
Collection: Kings
Image of Susanna Clarke
There is nothing else in magic but the wild thought of the bird as it casts itself into the void. There is no creature upon the earth with such potential for magic. Even the least of them may fly straight out of this world and come by chance to the Other Lands. Where does the wind come from that blows upon your face, that fans the pages of your book? Where the harum-scarum magic of small wild creatures meets the magic of Man, where the language of the wind and the rain and the trees can be understood, there we will find the Raven King.
- Susanna Clarke
Collection: Kings
Image of Stephen R. Lawhead
To friends! Life belongs to those who love, and where love reigns is man truly king!
- Stephen R. Lawhead
Collection: Kings
Image of Khushwant Singh
Nature provides that a man who slaves all day should spend the hours of the night in a palace full of houris whereas a king who wields the sceptre by day should have his sleep disturbed by nightmares of rebellion and assassination.
- Khushwant Singh
Collection: Kings
Image of Jane Rule
casino owners spoke more loudly than any of the other kings of industry to defend their contribution to society. They could speak more loudly because theirs was the purest activity of civilized man. They had transcended the need for a product. They could maintain and advance life with machines that made nothing but money.
- Jane Rule
Collection: Kings
Image of Sarah Monette
The obligation d'âme meant that his only allegiance was to Felix, making them a separate kingdom of two, with Felix as king and Mildmay as ministers, army, and populace all combined in one. A stormy little kingdom, I thought, with periodic flare-ups of civil war and a magnificently unstable government. And I was glad I wasn’t a citizen of it.
- Sarah Monette
Collection: Kings
Image of Marion Zimmer Bradley
Beware what you speak,' said the Merlin very softly, 'for indeed the words we speak make shadows of what is to come, and by speaking them we bring them to pass, my king.
- Marion Zimmer Bradley
Collection: Kings
Image of Andy Summers
Usually, the best thing is when the band goes to the bar and gets the corner table, we sit there like kings, and then they bring people to us. It's just rock 'n' roll. It's stupid, really.
- Andy Summers
Collection: Kings
Image of Joseph Fielding Smith
Satan has control now. No matter where you look, he is in control, even in our own land. He is guiding the governments as far as the Lord will permit him. That is why there is so much strife, turmoil, and confusion all over the earth. One master mind is governing the nations. It is not the president of the United States; it is not Hitler; it is not Mussolini; it is not the king or government of England or any other land; it is Satan himself.
- Joseph Fielding Smith
Collection: Kings
Image of Julius Evola
A woman who is perfectly woman is superior to a man who is imperfectly man, just as a farmer who is faithful to his land and performs his work perfectly is superior to a king who cannot do his own work.
- Julius Evola
Collection: Kings
Image of Shannon Hale
You, what are you? The brat of lucky parents who were related to a childless king. There is no such thing as royal blood. I believe we are what we make ourselves, and as such, you, Crown Princess, are nothing.
- Shannon Hale
Collection: Kings
Image of Farid al-Din Attar
A thousand for his love expired each day, And those who saw his face, in blank dismay Would rave and grieve and mourn their lives away- To die for love of that bewitching sight Was worth a hundred lives without his light. None could survive his absence patiently, None could endure this king's proximity- How strange it was that man could neither brook The presence nor the absence of his look!
- Farid al-Din Attar
Collection: Kings
Image of P. L. Travers
Who are you?" she inquired, as the cat passed by. I'm the cat that looked at a king," he replied. And I," she remarked with a toss of her head, "am the cow that jumped over the moon." Is that so?" said the cat. "Whatever for?" The cow stared. She had never been asked that question before. And suddenly it occured to her that there might something else to do than jumping over moons.
- P. L. Travers
Collection: Kings
Image of Jordan Sonnenblick
What do you call a planet where bad guys stroll through life with success draped around their shoulders like a King’s cloak, while random horrors are visited upon the innocent heads of children? I call it Earth.
- Jordan Sonnenblick
Collection: Kings
Image of Victor Ortiz
I want to be one of the greats. I want to be the pound for pound king and I know what it takes to get there.
- Victor Ortiz
Collection: Kings
Image of Guillermo del Toro
The saddest journey in the world is the one that follows a precise itinerary. Then you're not a traveler. You're a f@@king tourist.
- Guillermo del Toro
Collection: Kings
Image of Eric Ludy
We mustn't claim to stand for our King but then deny Him by living a fleshly existence. Our King's Mighties don't shy away from the blazing searchlight of God's Word, but rather, willingly expose their souls and cry, 'Dear King, if there be anything that stands between You and me, if there be anything that shrouds Your glory, if there be anything that will weaken my sword in battle, purge it, slay it, utterly destroy it!
- Eric Ludy
Collection: Kings
Image of Geoffrey Rush
Like any classic you hope to get rid of all the varnish that's built up over the centuries where people expect it to be in a certain way. It's a mighty play. It's about a very old king who also happens to be a very old father, so you've got the state and the domestic levels in there together. It's a story in extremis. Everyone knows the end, there's only two people left alive.
- Geoffrey Rush
Collection: Kings
Image of Andrew Young
He [Martin Luther King Jr.] always used to say you have no choice about being born or dying. The only thing you have a choice about is what you die for.
- Andrew Young
Collection: Kings
Image of J.R. Ward
From one king to another, know that I'm giving you the middle finger right now." And he was, with a smile.
- J.R. Ward
Collection: Kings
Image of Connie Willis
If King Harold had had swans on his side, England would still be Saxon.
- Connie Willis
Collection: Kings
Image of Gordon Smith
From the American retelling of Romeo and Juliet in West Side Story to the Japanese adaptation of King Lear in Ran, Shakespeare's cultural influence is virtually limitless.
- Gordon Smith
Collection: Kings
Image of Linda Howard
It was just a kiss – " "Yeah, and King Kong was just a monkey.
- Linda Howard
Collection: Kings
Image of Heraclitus
Those who approach life like a child playing a game, moving and pushing pieces, possess the power of kings.
- Heraclitus
Collection: Kings
Image of Pat Boone
When we fully realize who God is, we learn that each of us is a child of the King!
- Pat Boone
Collection: Kings
Image of Guru Nanak
We are born of woman, we are conceived in the womb of woman, we are engaged and married to woman. We make friendship with woman and the lineage continued because of woman. When one woman dies, we take another one, we are bound with the world through woman. Why should we talk ill of her, who gives birth to kings? The woman is born from woman; there is none without her. Only the One True Lord is without woman
- Guru Nanak
Collection: Kings
Image of Guru Nanak
From woman, man is born; within woman, man is conceived; to woman he is engaged and married. Woman becomes his friend; through woman, the future generations come. When his woman dies, he seeks another woman; to woman he is bound. So why call her bad? From her, kings are born. From woman, woman is born; without woman, there would be no one at all.
- Guru Nanak
Collection: Kings
Image of Norman Reedus
I hate that word, 'quirky.' It's like the worst f - king word in the world.
- Norman Reedus
Collection: Kings
Image of Robert Bolt
Some men think the Earth is round, others think it flat; it is a matter capable of question. But, if it is flat, will the King's command make it round? And, if it is round, will the King's command flatten it?
- Robert Bolt
Collection: Kings
Image of Ozzy Osbourne
The most unbelievable thing about my behaviour is that I was convinced it was entirely f**king normal.
- Ozzy Osbourne
Collection: Kings
Image of S.M. Stirling
And the first king was a lucky soldier.
- S.M. Stirling
Collection: Kings
Image of Fulton J. Sheen
Pride is the king of is the first of the pallbearers of the soul...other vices destroy only their opposite virtues, as wantonness destroys chastity; greed destroys temperance; anger destroys gentleness; but pride destroys all virtues.
- Fulton J. Sheen
Collection: Kings
Image of Patrick Stewart
What identifies an individual as a king is how other people behave towards him. All authority is assumed, and if other people don't accept your authority then you don't have it. Perhaps the critical thing to being a convincing figure of authority is actually not to try too hard.
- Patrick Stewart
Collection: Kings