Top pain Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of pain quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Lisa Jewell
Friends can be a pain. They can be demanding and hard work. But maybe that's because they're the wrong friends. I read a quote once, can't remember who by, but they said that your friends aren't necessarily the people you like best, they're just the people who got there first.
- Lisa Jewell
Collection: Pain
Image of Tina St. John
She wanted to feel him pound away her fears, a hammer to smash through all her guilt and pain and emptiness.
- Tina St. John
Collection: Pain
Image of Gloria Naylor
They all trying to say something with music that you can't say with plain talk. There ain't really no words for love or pain. And the way I see it, only fools go around trying to talk their love or talk their pain. So the smart people make music and you can kinda hear about it without them saying anything.
- Gloria Naylor
Collection: Pain
Image of Colm Toibin
Some of our loves and attachments are elemental and beyond our choosing, and for that very reason they come spiced with pain and regret and need and hollowness and a feeling as close to anger as I will ever be able to manage.
- Colm Toibin
Collection: Pain
Image of Bernie Siegel
Life is a labor pain; we are here to give birth to ourself.
- Bernie Siegel
Collection: Pain
Image of Chaim Potok
I looked at my right hand, the hand with which I painted. There was power in that hand. Power to create and destroy. Power to bring pleasure and pain. Power to amuse and horrify. There was in that hand the demonic and the divine at one and the same time. The demonic and the divine were two aspects of the same force. Creation was demonic and divine. Creativity was demonic and divine. I was demonic and divine.
- Chaim Potok
Collection: Pain
Image of Chaim Potok
We live less than the time it takes to blink an eye, if we measure our lives against eternity. So it may be asked what value is there to a human life. There is so much pain in the world. What does it mean to have to suffer so much, if our lives are nothing more than the blink of an eye?...I learned a long time ago, Reuven, that a blink of an eye in itself is nothing; but the eye that blinks, that is something.
- Chaim Potok
Collection: Pain
Image of Samuel Richardson
Women love those best (whether men, women, or children) who give them most pain.
- Samuel Richardson
Collection: Pain
Image of Alexander Pushkin
I loved you: and, it may be, from my soul The former love has never gone away, But let it not recall to you my dole; I wish not sadden you in any way. I loved you silently, without hope, fully, In diffidence, in jealousy, in pain; I loved you so tenderly and truly, As let you else be loved by any man.
- Alexander Pushkin
Collection: Pain
Image of Ann Voskamp
Joy and pain, they are but two arteries of the one heart that pumps through all those who don't numb themselves to really living.
- Ann Voskamp
Collection: Pain
Image of Susan Mallery
The worst part is the unknown. The pain of being alone, the loneliness, is familiar. You've dealt with that. You understand it. But loving someone, risking everything, is unknown. There's no way to know how bad it's going to be. You barely survive the pain of being alone, so how can you deal with anything worse? So you don't bother to try.
- Susan Mallery
Collection: Pain
Image of Jessica Sorensen
When he inches into me, I feel the pain, but I also feel the invisible chains around my wrists break and shatter.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Pain
Image of Alan Paton
Pain and suffering, they are a secret. Kindness and love, they are a secret. But I have learned that kindness and love can pay for pain and suffering.
- Alan Paton
Collection: Pain
Image of Pattie Mallette
Getting into my teen years, I was filled with so much shame and pain that I got really involved with drugs and alcohol. I was hanging out with the wrong people and getting involved in the wrong relationships and everything just sort of spun out of control.
- Pattie Mallette
Collection: Pain
Image of Aberjhani
Your pain is a school unto itself–– and your joy a lovely temple.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Pain
Image of Francis Thompson
Nothing begins, and nothing ends, That is not paid with moan; For we are born in others pain And perish in our own.
- Francis Thompson
Collection: Pain
Image of Linda Lael Miller
Everybody's heart is like a cup. They stumble from place to place and person to person, trying to get them filled. They get cracked, those cups, and even broken. Some people throw them away, thinking that it will stop the pain. Poor fools. Nobody can fill a cup but Almighty God Himself. Nobody.
- Linda Lael Miller
Collection: Pain
Image of Adelaide Anne Procter
Do not look at life's long sorrow; see how small each moment's pain.
- Adelaide Anne Procter
Collection: Pain
Image of Toni Morrison
If you take racism away from certain people - I mean, vitriolic racism as well as the sort of social racist - if you take that away, they may have to face something really terrible, misery, self-misery, and deep pain about who they are.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Pain
Image of Jürgen Moltmann
Hope is lived when it comes alive, when we go outside of ourselves and, in joy and pain take part in the lives of others.
- Jürgen Moltmann
Collection: Pain
Image of T.C. Boyle
Pleasure, I remind myself, is inseparable from its lawfully wedded mate, pain.
- T.C. Boyle
Collection: Pain
Image of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
Where there is hunger there is no hope. There is only desolation and pain. Hunger nurtures violence and fanaticism. A world where people starve will never be safe
- Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
Collection: Pain
Image of Christopher Reeve
Pain is inevitable. Misery is a choice.
- Christopher Reeve
Collection: Pain
Image of Martha Plimpton
Once when we were fifteen, River (Phoenix) and I went out for this fancy dinner in Manhattan and I ordered soft-shell crabs. He left the restaurant and walked around on Park Avenue, crying. I went out and said, "I love you so much. Why?" He had such a pain that I was eating an animal, that he hadn't impressed on me what was right. I loved him for that. For his dramatic desire that we share every belief, that I be with him all the way
- Martha Plimpton
Collection: Pain
Image of Joseph Bruchac
Another of the hard things about being in a war, grandchildren, is that although there are times of quiet when the fighting has stopped, you know you will soon be fighting again. Those quiet times give you the chance to think about what has happened. Some of it you would rather not think about, as you remember the pain and the sorrow. You also have time to worry about what will happen when you go into battle again.
- Joseph Bruchac
Collection: Pain
Image of Eric Greitens
Alone, human beings can feel hunger. Alone, we can feel cold. Alone, we can feel pain. To feel poor, however, is something we do only in comparison to others.
- Eric Greitens
Collection: Pain
Image of Eric Greitens
If people can live through genocide and retain compassion, if they can take strength in pain, if they are able, still, to laugh, then certainly we can learn something from them.
- Eric Greitens
Collection: Pain
Image of Jacqueline Woodson
Racism doesn't know color, death doesn't know age, and pain doesn't know might.
- Jacqueline Woodson
Collection: Pain
Image of Elie Wiesel
A Jew must be sensitive to the pain of all human beings. A Jew cannot remain indifferent to human suffering... The mission of the Jewish people has never been to make the world more Jewish, but to make it more human.
- Elie Wiesel
Collection: Pain
Image of Hiromu Arakawa
A lesson without pain is meaningless. For you cannot gain something without sacrificing something in return.
- Hiromu Arakawa
Collection: Pain
Image of Luke Davies
If time stood still, and we could choose the time, the best time, then love without pain would be all I know.
- Luke Davies
Collection: Pain
Image of Kenji Miyazawa
We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey. She who loves roses must be patient and not cry out when she is pierced by thorns.
- Kenji Miyazawa
Collection: Pain
Image of Francoise d'Aubigne, Marquise de Maintenon
Pleasure and pain, the good and the bad, are so intermixed that we can not shun the one without depriving ourselves of the other.
- Francoise d'Aubigne, Marquise de Maintenon
Collection: Pain
Image of Akhenaton
Why seeketh thou revenge, O man! with what purpose is it that thou pursuest it? Thinkest thou to pain thine adversary by it? Know that thou thyself feelest its greatest torments.
- Akhenaton
Collection: Pain
Image of John Selden
All things are God's already; we can give him no right, by consecrating any, that he had not before, only we set it apart to his service - just as a gardener brings his master a basket of apricots, and presents them; his lord thanks him, and perhaps gives him something for his pains, and yet the apricots were as much his lord's before as now.
- John Selden
Collection: Pain
Image of Dennis Miller
Liberals always feel your pain. Unless of course, they caused it.
- Dennis Miller
Collection: Pain
Image of Matthew J. Kirby
When you are in pain, a moment is an eternity.
- Matthew J. Kirby
Collection: Pain
Image of Thomas Brooks
Satan promises the best, but pays with the worst; he promises honor, and pays with disgrace; he promises pleasure, and pays with pain; he promises profit, and pays with loss, he promises life, and pays with death. But God pays as he promises; all his payments are made in pure gold.
- Thomas Brooks
Collection: Pain
Image of Christina Dodd
...the pain of the constant, bone-chilling loneliness she'd accustomed herself to. And learned to live with it.
- Christina Dodd
Collection: Pain
Image of Alice Walker
To acknowledge our ancestors means we are aware that we did not make ourselves, that the line stretches all the way back, perhaps to God; or to Gods. We remember them because it is an easy thing to forget: that we are not the first to suffer, rebel, fight, love and die. The grace with which we embrace life, in spite of the pain, the sorrow, is always a measure of what has gone before.
- Alice Walker
Collection: Pain
Image of Amber Benson
Mindi Scott has a real talent for getting inside her protagonist's head. She sketches out Coley's story in grand swathes, and then paints in all the little details, so that you feel as though you are enmeshed in Coley's brain: thinking her thoughts, feeling her confusion, anger, and, in the end, pain. I just don't think it's possible to read this book and not identify with Coley in some way.
- Amber Benson
Collection: Pain
Image of Andrew Lloyd Webber
Love changes everything. Days are longer, words mean more. Love changes everything. Pain is deeper than before. Love can turn your world around, and that world will last forever.
- Andrew Lloyd Webber
Collection: Pain
Image of Samuel Rutherford
I urge you a nearer communion with Christ, and a growing communion. There are curtains to be opened in Christ that we have never seen before... Therefore dig deep, and sweat, and labor. Take pains for Him, and set aside as much time as you can in each day for Him.
- Samuel Rutherford
Collection: Pain
Image of Caroline Rhea
When yer in a funk, people in love are a royal pain in the patookus.
- Caroline Rhea
Collection: Pain
Image of Edward Young
Leisure is pain; take off our chariot wheels; how heavily we drag the load of life!
- Edward Young
Collection: Pain
Image of Glenway Wescott
There must always be some pretentiousness about literature, or else no one would take its pains or endure its disappointments.
- Glenway Wescott
Collection: Pain
Image of Henry Miller
The truly great writer does not want to write: he wants the world to be a place in which he can live the life of the imagination. The first quivering word he puts to paper is the word of the wounded angel: pain.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Pain
Image of Susanna Kaysen
I was trying to explain my situation to myself. My situation was that I was in pain and nobody knew it, even I had trouble knowing it. So I told myself, over and over, You are in pain. It was the only way I could get through to myself. I was demonstrating externally and irrefutably an inward condition.
- Susanna Kaysen
Collection: Pain
Image of Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Though my natural instinct is to wish for a life free from pain, trouble, and adversity, I am learning to welcome anything that makes me conscious of my need for Him. If prayer is birthed out of desperation, then anything that makes me desperate for God is a blessing.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Collection: Pain
Image of Susan Wittig Albert
Living in a culture that prefers to shut out the dark, avoid shadows, and anesthetize pain means that many people are isolated. ... Family, friends, and co-workers, fearful of the dark, are reluctant to participate in our shadow experience and may urge us to be done with the dark before it is done with us.
- Susan Wittig Albert
Collection: Pain