Top Brother Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Brother quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Erich Maria Remarque
Life is a disease, brother, and death begins already at birth. Every breath, every heartbeat, is a moment of dying - a little shove toward the end.
- Erich Maria Remarque
Collection: Brother
Image of Matt Hardy
I am really lucky to have Jeff. He is my best friend in the whole world, not only my brother.
- Matt Hardy
Collection: Brother
Image of Marina Warner
The Grimm brothers always said that their informants were women, which is possibly not true, women of the people. There is the constant evocation of women's voices, in the collecting and arrangement of these stories, and yet the message of so many of them is incredibly misogynist. I was very puzzled by that, and that book explores that contradiction.
- Marina Warner
Collection: Brother
Image of Phyllis Schlafly
One of the things Obama's been doing is deliberately trying to increase the percentage of our population that is dependent on government for their living. For example, do you know what was the second-biggest demographic group that voted for Obama? . . . Unmarried women. Seventy percent of unmarried women voted for Obama. And this is because, when you kick your husband out, you've got to have Big Brother government to be your provider. . . .
- Phyllis Schlafly
Collection: Brother
Image of Hiromu Arakawa
Riza: Without his Alchemy he's just... Jean: A little brat who swears a lot Maes: An arrogant pipsqueak Roy: Useless. Just useless Alphonse: Sorry big brother, I don't know how to add to that... Ed *starts to cry*: YOU'RE ALL PICKING ON ME!!!
- Hiromu Arakawa
Collection: Brother
Image of Eliot Spitzer
It's not Big Brother that we now have to be afraid of, but Big Browser.
- Eliot Spitzer
Collection: Brother
Image of Samuel Rutherford
When we shall come home, and enter into the possession of our Brother's fair kingdom, and when our heads shall find the weight of the eternal crown of glory, then we shall look back to pains and sufferings and then we will see life and sorrow to be less than one step or stride from a prison to glory. Our little inch of time-suffering is not worthy of our first night's welcome-home to heaven.
- Samuel Rutherford
Collection: Brother
Image of Billy Bob Thornton
I always wished there was somebody like the Coen Brothers and they appeared. And so yeah, my favorite role that I've ever done was in The Man Who Wasn't There. That's my very favorite character I've ever played.
- Billy Bob Thornton
Collection: Brother
Image of Stephen R. Lawhead
How is a man fortunate to live in the darkness, brother?" "Why do you wonder?" asked Blaise. "For only he who has lived in darkness truly knows and values the light.
- Stephen R. Lawhead
Collection: Brother
Image of Izaak Walton
I am, Sir, a brother of the angle.
- Izaak Walton
Collection: Brother
Image of Rebel Wilson
A League of Their Own' had some special meaning for me, I guess - it's about women joining together and being empowered, but also about sisters sticking together even when there's drama and struggles. I'm really close to my two sisters and my brother, so I liked that about it.
- Rebel Wilson
Collection: Brother
Image of Karen Hawkins
My dear brother, never allow a woman to hold all of the cards.
- Karen Hawkins
Collection: Brother
Image of Marion Zimmer Bradley
I think too many people presume to read the divine Scriptures and fall into such terrors as this,' said Patricius sternly. 'Those who presume on their learning will learn, I trust, to listen to their priests for the true interpretations.' The Merlin smiled gently. 'I cannot join you in that wish, brother. I am dedicated to the belief that it is God's will that all men should strive for wisdom in themselves, not look to it from some other. Babes, perhaps, must have their food chewed for them by a nurse, but men may drink and eat of wisdom for themselves.
- Marion Zimmer Bradley
Collection: Brother
Image of Mohammed Morsi
Today we can establish Sharia law because our nation will acquire well-being only with Islam and Sharia. The Muslim Brothers and the Freedom and Justice Party will be the conductors of these goals.
- Mohammed Morsi
Collection: Brother
Image of Samuel Daniel
Care-charmer Sleep, son of the sable Night, Brother to Death, in silent darkness born, Relieve my languish and restore the light; With dark forgetting of my care return. And let the day be time enough to mourn The shipwreck of my ill adventured youth: Let waking eyes suffice to wail their scorn Without the torment of the night's untruth.
- Samuel Daniel
Collection: Brother
Image of Samuel Daniel
Care-charmer Sleep, son of the sable Night, Brother to Death, in silent darkness born; Relive my languish, and restore the light.
- Samuel Daniel
Collection: Brother
Image of Henry Beston
Wolves are not our brothers; they are not our subordinates, either. They are another nation, caught up just like us in the complex web of time and life.
- Henry Beston
Collection: Brother
Image of Edward Said
Take a young man from Gaza living in the most horrendous conditions - most of it imposed by Israel - who straps dynamite around himself and then throws himself into a crowd of Israelis. I've never condoned or agreed with it, but at least it is understandable as the desperate wish of a human being who feels himself being crowded out of life and all of his surroundings, who sees his fellow citizens, other Palestinians, his parents, sisters, and brothers, suffering, being injured, or being killed. He wants to do something, to strike back.
- Edward Said
Collection: Brother
Image of Tony Shalhoub
And Big Night, I think by the end, the brothers find that balance, when they touch each other on the shoulder over breakfast and it's understood that what should never have driven them apart almost drove them apart. I think that's a true moment.
- Tony Shalhoub
Collection: Brother
Image of Alexei Sayle
Dire Straits is a great band. Someone tells you they like ""Brothers in Arms"" and immediately you know they're a stupid annoying git.
- Alexei Sayle
Collection: Brother
Image of Joaquin Phoenix
I'm proud of my brother. I would never not want to be associated with him.
- Joaquin Phoenix
Collection: Brother
Image of Ann Richards
We have forgotten to be our brothers and sisters keepers. And we have forgotten that the Number 1 goal is to love one another.
- Ann Richards
Collection: Brother
Image of Linda Blair
Warner Brothers had to hire [a stunt double] and no one thought a child could do this. Billy Friedkin came to me before we were filming [The Exorcist] and said "if you do not do all of this film, the film will be a joke." It's why they stripped the makeup down to the bare minimum, a piece on my chin, piece across my mouth that disfigured my mouth. You have scars here. Take away my eyebrows. It was my real hair. Shampoo was put in it that dried.
- Linda Blair
Collection: Brother
Image of Denise Mina
Crime is a very hard genre to feminise. If you have a female protagonist she is going to be looking after her mum when she gets older; she is going to be worried about her brother and sister; she will be making a living while bringing up kids.
- Denise Mina
Collection: Brother
Image of Jordan Sonnenblick
A typical weeknight when he was home like this: 1. Sit down and try to do homework. 2. Get interrupted by Jeffrey: “Please play with me!” 3. Ignore brother, try to do homework. 4. Get interrupted by Jeffrey: “Come ON, Steven! I’m BORED!” 5. Beg Jeffrey for five minutes of peace. 6. Get begged for five minutes of play: “Steven, you never, ever play with me—ever!” 7. Move entire homework operations center to different room. 8. Repeat steps #1-7 as directed by small drugged maniac.
- Jordan Sonnenblick
Collection: Brother
Image of Shimon Peres
The Holocaust is a great warning to us all. We shall never forget our sisters and brothers. We have to ensure it is not repeated and to ensure we never go back to the days when humans behaved as beasts. Forgetfulness is a menace, we must remember.
- Shimon Peres
Collection: Brother
Image of Jenny Lawson
When I was in junior high I read a lot of Danielle Steele. So I always assumed that the day I got engaged I'd be naked, covered in rose petals, and sleeping with the brother of the man who'd kidnapped me.
- Jenny Lawson
Collection: Brother
Image of Lynne Ewing
That's Collin."She panicked."He can't see you!" Don't tell me you're afraid of your own brother?"Staton seemed to think that was funny.She hated the smirk that crept over his face. She shoved him."You want Collin to kill you?Hide." That made him laugh louder."Kill me?" Stop it,"she warned him,or he'll hear you." You think I should be afraid of your brother?I'm immortal." Collin's heavy steps filled the downstairs hallway.Her heart raced.Why was life so complicated?
- Lynne Ewing
Collection: Brother
Image of Lynne Ewing
Stanton emerged from the shadows. "So your brother thinks you need a boyfriend?"he teased. "Stop.
- Lynne Ewing
Collection: Brother
Image of Tecumseh
Brothers, we must be united; we must smoke the same pipe; we must fight each other's battles; and more than all, we must love the Great Spirit.
- Tecumseh
Collection: Brother
Image of Robert Munsch
I almost flunked first grade and also the second, third, forth, and fifth; but my younger brother was in the grade behind me and he was a brain and nobody wanted to have me be in the same grade as him, so they kept passing me. I never learned how to spell, graduated from eighth grade counting on my fingers to do simple addition, and in general was not a resounding academic success.
- Robert Munsch
Collection: Brother
Image of Lynsay Sands
Lucern felt himself "She called my erections wonderful?" Entienne just gaped, then raised a fist to knock on his brother's forehead as if it were a door "Hello! Earth calling Luc! She thinks it's rigor mortis.
- Lynsay Sands
Collection: Brother
Image of Loung Ung
When I approach a more mature age, I am not going to live in America. Visiting my grandmother, when she was 94, which is a very long life in Cambodia, I saw how important it was that she was in a community with my sisters, brothers and all grandchildren were so involved in her life. I liked that experience so much more than visiting my sister-in-law's grandparents in a nursing home. It's about looking at a community through your window versus being part of a community that's alive, that is youthful and old and hungry and smelly and loud, where everything is vibrant and colorful.
- Loung Ung
Collection: Brother
Image of Desmond Tutu
To treat anyone as if they were less than human, less than a brother or a sister, no matter what they have done, is to contravene the very laws of our humanity.
- Desmond Tutu
Collection: Brother
Image of Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
I could not cry for my own brother; he would not want me to. But I found myself crying for this hated stranger and the endless slaughter that I had almost contributed to." (page 8)
- Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Collection: Brother
Image of Tim Bishop
As Serbia continues to move towards rectifying the evils of its past and joining the ranks of democratic nations, it is important that the individuals involved in the death of the Bytyqi brothers are held accountable for their actions[.]
- Tim Bishop
Collection: Brother
Image of Liz Phair
I grew up with a lot of brothers and male cousins, so I had to worm my way in to get heard. But that's sort of what excites me.
- Liz Phair
Collection: Brother
Image of Joyce Johnson
Jack Kerouac seems to have been preoccupied with the question of duality from a very young age. He seemed to feel that there was more than one person inside him. Indeed he would veer from friendly, open and so on to someone who was angry. In a way, there was a swing also between his American self and what he later called his Franco-American older brother. There was a swing between the deeply introverted part of himself and the person he became out in the world, having to act in an extroverted way.
- Joyce Johnson
Collection: Brother
Image of Guru Nanak
The highest religion is to rise to universal brother hood; aye to consider all creatures your equals.
- Guru Nanak
Collection: Brother
Image of W. E. B. Du Bois
I believe that all men, black and brown, and white, are brothers, varying, through Time and Opportunity, in form and gift and feature, but differing in no essential particular, and alike in soul and in the possibility of infinite development.
- W. E. B. Du Bois
Collection: Brother
Image of Julie Bowen
I tell my kids, "Look, your life is a video game, and I have to get you from level zero to 18 as an independent person with all your skills and limbs intact. Every time you hit your brother or throw food, you're taking us all back."
- Julie Bowen
Collection: Brother
Image of Nick Jonas
I always had a knack for putting the peanut butter on the bread. My brother Kevin knew how to spread the jelly around real good. When we found out Joe could cut off the crusts, well, that's when we knew we had something special.
- Nick Jonas
Collection: Brother
Image of Liev Schreiber
He was very supportive of me, ... He saw every single play I did in New York. Ill never forget looking out into the audience and watching my brother, who was 40 years younger than my grandfather, sleeping in his chair during some of my early plays. My grandfather Alex never fell asleep.
- Liev Schreiber
Collection: Brother
Image of Raekwon
You know the steez; you know my whole program. Brothers from the No-Lands, all we want is the G's guns and grams.
- Raekwon
Collection: Brother
Image of Bruce Springsteen
When they built you brother they broke the mold.
- Bruce Springsteen
Collection: Brother
Image of Madeline Miller
He is more worth to you, perhaps. But the stranger is someone else's friend and brother. So which life is more important?
- Madeline Miller
Collection: Brother
Image of Luke Treadaway
Other actors dont get asked about their brothers or sisters, so why do I have to always answer questions about having a twin brother? I suppose its interesting for everybody other than me.
- Luke Treadaway
Collection: Brother
Image of Jennifer Fallon
And try to stay out of trouble with the ladies. Remember, they all have fathers and brothers and some of them have armies.
- Jennifer Fallon
Collection: Brother
Image of E. Nesbit
People think six is a great many, when it's children. ...they don't mind six pairs of boots, or six pounds of apples, or six oranges, especially in equations, but they seem to think that you ought not to have five brothers and sisters.
- E. Nesbit
Collection: Brother