Dana Gould

Image of Dana Gould
Competition is the death of art.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Art
Image of Dana Gould
If there's one thing worse than being really angry for no reason, it's suddenly remembering the reason.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Being Real
Image of Dana Gould
We all enter this world in the same way: naked, screaming, soaked in blood. But if you live your life right, that kind of thing doesn't have to stop there.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Crazy
Image of Dana Gould
Cupcakes - when you want to watch your weight, but still feel the pride that comes with eating an entire cake.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Pride
Image of Dana Gould
When you break life down, it's about 100% time management.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Time Management
Image of Dana Gould
That which does not kill you isn't finished.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Doe
Image of Dana Gould
If God had wanted women to have giant, fake boobs he'd be a lot like my brother.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Brother
Image of Dana Gould
Women are like pumpkins; you search and search for the perfect one, bring it home, and the next thing you know, you're looking for a knife.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Home
Image of Dana Gould
Take away the robots and the special effects, and Star Wars is just the simple story of a group of friends planning a terrorist attack.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Stars
Image of Dana Gould
When all the people covered in tattoos turn about 70 years old, they're going to look like a strange race of melting clowns.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Tattoo
Image of Dana Gould
I have one phobia, snakes. And by snakes I mean intimacy.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Mean
Image of Dana Gould
Did you know that Dog Heaven and Cat Hell were the same place?
- Dana Gould
Collection: Dog
Image of Dana Gould
Want to be happy? Don't live competitively. Be content who you are. Live at peace with yourself and the losers below you.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Want
Image of Dana Gould
My fantasy football team got mixed up in another fantasy and now they're stuck on a pirate ship with a chick in a Catwoman suit.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Football
Image of Dana Gould
In the midst of all the candy and commercialism, let's not lose sight of the true meaning of Halloween: tree worship and animal sacrifice.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Halloween
Image of Dana Gould
Every day is a gift. That said, I've gotten some pretty shitty gifts over the years.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Years
Image of Dana Gould
The hole on the face of an acoustic guitar is called the sound hole. The one of the face of its player is called the sincerity hole.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Player
Image of Dana Gould
The man who invented instant pudding was moved to action by an inability to wait for pudding.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Men
Image of Dana Gould
59% of all suicides are actually botched murder-suicides performed by dyslexics.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Suicide
Image of Dana Gould
Anything is possible if you believe in yourself, said the guidance counsellor, stifling a laugh.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Believe
Image of Dana Gould
Our dog just wanders around the house with a concerned look on his face. Dogs are just people who can't find their phone.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Dog
Image of Dana Gould
What if you died, and you found out that when you died, we all went to the same place. No Heaven, no Hell, doesn't matter what you did in life - you all go to the same place, regardless. I know a lot of nice people who will be really pissed off. You'll see Gandhi arguing with the doorman.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Nice
Image of Dana Gould
The expression working like a dog dates back to a time in America when men would rise early, then lie around all day and lick their balls.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Dog
Image of Dana Gould
Whoever coined the phrase, killing two birds with one stone, not only hated birds but also thought we needed to conserve stones.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Two
Image of Dana Gould
Life is like jury duty. Just do it and get it over with.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Life Is Like
Image of Dana Gould
I've never slept with a virgin, but I love breaking the seal on a new peanut butter.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Peanut Butter
Image of Dana Gould
I would think, if you were horny enough, there'd come a time when it was hos before bros.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Thinking
Image of Dana Gould
Now that the Sanctity and Holiness of heterosexual marriage has been destroyed, are they going to cancel The Bachelor?
- Dana Gould
Collection: Holiness
Image of Dana Gould
What men say: I'm sorry, honey. I was wrong. What men think: I'd love a Chipwich. I should go get one.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Sorry
Image of Dana Gould
The more women walk around in sweat pants, the harder it is to tell who's out jogging and who's running away from a mugger.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Running
Image of Dana Gould
It's been years since any hillbilly has reported getting sodomized by an alien. Did they break up and not tell us?
- Dana Gould
Collection: Years
Image of Dana Gould
Showing joy by jumping up and down and clapping goes away at some point between pre-school and being old enough to go to orgies.
- Dana Gould
Collection: School
Image of Dana Gould
Do transvestites have to dress up for Halloween or do they pretty much qualify from the get-go?
- Dana Gould
Collection: Halloween
Image of Dana Gould
A good competition for comedians would be where a comedian has a conversation and is then quizzed on what the other person says.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Competition
Image of Dana Gould
Homo sapiens are the only mammals who intentionally hold Beard Of Bees competitions.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Competition
Image of Dana Gould
Maybe the next three Star Wars movies will tell the story of how the last three Star Wars movies got so shitty.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Stars
Image of Dana Gould
Twitter is not a good place for people who feel they're being followed.
- Dana Gould
Collection: People
Image of Dana Gould
Always remember, you don't stop shitting your pants because you grow old. You grow old because you stop shitting your pants.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Remember You
Image of Dana Gould
I don't want to say my mom is late on trends, but this morning she said, Have a shagadelic day, sweetheart.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Mom
Image of Dana Gould
Can you have a seance to summon the ghost of a dead zombie?
- Dana Gould
Collection: Zombie
Image of Dana Gould
Having kids means there's always someone around to blame your fart on.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Mean
Image of Dana Gould
Drum Competitions are called such because no one wants to win the big Beat Off.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Winning
Image of Dana Gould
I feel sorry for high school teams still named the Cougars. Now what does the coach say? Get out there and play like horny old ladies!
- Dana Gould
Collection: Sorry
Image of Dana Gould
Rejected names for World War II: 'Global Super Killfest', 'Germaniacal Japandamonium', 'World War 1: New Moon'.
- Dana Gould
Collection: War
Image of Dana Gould
Corn is the only food you hold like corn.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Corn
Image of Dana Gould
If Jesus was a baby, there was a point, on that Holiest of nights, in that Holiest of mangers, where he made a big, Holy load.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Baby
Image of Dana Gould
Dogs: the best friend you will ever have that pees on your couch and stays your friend.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Dog
Image of Dana Gould
New synonyms for sex: Going to a family function, getting the hard part over with, anti-fillet. Get it? Sex!
- Dana Gould
Collection: Sex
Image of Dana Gould
Is it still okay to make fun of schizophrenics? There's a little voice in my head that says no.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Fun
Image of Dana Gould
The best part of living in constant terror is you always have a place to live.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Places To Live