Top Nice Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Nice quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Max von Sydow
Only very rarely are foreigners or first-generation immigrants allowed to be nice people in American films. Those with an accent are bad guys
- Max von Sydow
Collection: Nice
Image of Marjorie M. Liu
Nice characters are boring! I like writing upbeat characters - that's my natural tendency.
- Marjorie M. Liu
Collection: Nice
Image of Marjorie M. Liu
Nice characters are boring!
- Marjorie M. Liu
Collection: Nice
Image of Kevin Brockmeier
If your reading life and your friendships overlap, that's just a nice coincidence - a case where the conversation you're having with books and the conversation you're having with actual human beings happen to dovetail.
- Kevin Brockmeier
Collection: Nice
Image of Claire LaZebnik
Every guy seems nice until he’s not.
- Claire LaZebnik
Collection: Nice
Image of Claire LaZebnik
Alex touches her arm. "You look nice." "Nice?" she repeats. "Try harder, Alex." He flushes adorably. "Really nice," he says. "Next time, try this," Harry says. He reaches for my hand. "Franny, I didn't know what beauty was until I saw you walking toward us a minute ago. "I like this better," I say, pulling away. "At least he sounded like he meant it." "I meant it," Harry says, almost irritably.
- Claire LaZebnik
Collection: Nice
Image of August Strindberg
Growing old-it's not nice, but it's interesting.
- August Strindberg
Collection: Nice
Image of Lauren Willig
Tell them I have the headache--no, the plague! I need something nice and contagious.
- Lauren Willig
Collection: Nice
Image of Larry Winget
I have discovered there are only a handful of good ideas in the whole world. You already know them. You have heard them your entire life. Here are some of the main keys to being more successful: Take personal responsibility. Things change, so be flexible. Work smart and work hard. Serve others well. Be nice to others. Be optimistic. Have goals; want something big for yourself. Stay focused. Keep learning. Become excellent at what you do. Trust your gut. When in doubt, take action. Earn all you can. Save all you can. Give all you can. Enjoy all you've got. Above all keep it simple.
- Larry Winget
Collection: Nice
Image of Erin McKean
Language is a nice way to remember things.
- Erin McKean
Collection: Nice
Image of Erin McKean
You can weaponize nice... Being nice can make you be a little underestimated.
- Erin McKean
Collection: Nice
Image of Lilith Saintcrow
Christophe, with the careful tone of an adult telling a kid not to pet the nice foaming-rabid pooch.
- Lilith Saintcrow
Collection: Nice
Image of James Sallis
What critics might call eclectic, and Eastern folks quirky, we Southerners call cussedness-and it's the cornerstone of the American genius. As in: 'There's a right way, a wrong way, and my way.' You want to see how that looks on the page, pick up any of Craig McDonald's novels. He's built him a nice little shack out there way off all the reg'lar roads, and he's brewing some fine, heady stuff. Leave your money under the rock and come back in an hour.
- James Sallis
Collection: Nice
Image of Kimberly Elise
I think it's always nice to have a film where the underdog comes out on top, doing their best, and surpasses everybody's expectations.
- Kimberly Elise
Collection: Nice
Image of Jacqueline Woodson
Sometimes you do have to laugh to keep from crying. And sometimes the world feels all right and good and kind of like it's becoming nice again around you. And you realize it, and realize how happy you are in it, and you just gotta laugh.
- Jacqueline Woodson
Collection: Nice
Image of Ilona Andrews
"Did those nice church ladies come by again?" He nodded. "I asked them if a man died and then the woman remarried, and then the three of them met in heaven, would it be a sin for them to have a threesome, since they were all married in God's eye. And they decided they were late to be somewhere else."
- Ilona Andrews
Collection: Nice
Image of Jonathan Maberry
Yo! Deadheads," he yelled, waving his sword to taunt them. "Nice try, but you're messing with Benny-freaking-Imura, zombie killer. Booyah!
- Jonathan Maberry
Collection: Nice
Image of Richard Thompson
Over the years, I've had fairly benign record companies who gave me a lot of rope, but in spite of that, there's still restrictions and expectations. It's nice to be at the cottage-industry size, which I think is kind of the business model of the age anyway. It's the way to be. The Internet makes a lot of that possible. Having a loyal fan base is also very useful to keep me operating; people can find your website, and the venues that you're playing at, the merchandise you have for sale, all that kind of stuff. It's great to be able to reach the audience in a more direct way.
- Richard Thompson
Collection: Nice
Image of Richard Thompson
I'm glad I can do both full-band electric and solo acoustic performances. It's nice to have contrast, so if you get fed up with one, you can just switch to the other one. It's great to go to a town and play an acoustic show, and then you can come back a year later and play electric, and the show's really fairly different. The repertoire will be 50 percent different. The musical energy is completely different.
- Richard Thompson
Collection: Nice
Image of Dan Gutman
A lot of people seem nice when you first meet them. Then later you find out that they are evil villains who plan to take over the world.
- Dan Gutman
Collection: Nice
Image of Caroline Wozniacki
I have proven people wrong so many times. I was told when I was younger there is no chance I will make the top 100, top 50, top 30. Every time I have proven them wrong. It's kind of nice.
- Caroline Wozniacki
Collection: Nice
Image of David Hyde Pierce
Nothing ever guarantees you anything-that's my rule. My other rule is never believe anything that anyone tells you, and then you'll never be fooled. It's not as cynical as it sounds; it's just that people always say something for a reason-maybe a nice reason, maybe a devious reason-so on that level, you can't take things at face value.
- David Hyde Pierce
Collection: Nice
Image of Wendy Mass
Nothing nice you ever do for anyone is for no reason.
- Wendy Mass
Collection: Nice
Image of Koushun Takami
You wear nice clothes, you seek respect, you make a lot of money, but what's the point? It's all pointless. Of course, this kind of meaninglessness might suit this crappy nation. But, you see, we still have emotions like joy and happiness, right? They may not mount to much. But they fill up our emptiness. That's the only explanation I have.
- Koushun Takami
Collection: Nice
Image of Koushun Takami
Nice jewelry and a boys corpse. Oh you're so pretty.
- Koushun Takami
Collection: Nice
Image of Joss Whedon
I mean, I knew I wasn't a nice person, but what did I do in my past life to deserve this? I must have hit a bus full of nuns while driving a stolen car on my way to selling drugs to schoolchildren!
- Joss Whedon
Collection: Nice
Image of Adam Brody
I like great directors who are scarce. Prolific ones are nice too but for me, there's something about the scarcity that makes it all the more valuable.
- Adam Brody
Collection: Nice
Image of Jonathan Nolan
Believing the lie that time will heal all wounds is just a nice way of saying that time deadens us.
- Jonathan Nolan
Collection: Nice
Image of James Agee
Well, now, some people learn a little quicker than others. It's nice to learn fast but it's nice to take your time too.
- James Agee
Collection: Nice
Image of Henny Youngman
A guy complains of a headache. Another guy says, Do what I do. I put my head on my wife's bosom, and the headache goes away. The next day, the man says, Did you do what I told you to? Yes, I sure did. By the way, you have a nice house!
- Henny Youngman
Collection: Nice
Image of Karen Hawkins
But that's what happens when you allow a nice person to write a news paper serial for you; now the world thinks you're nice, too, which is silly in the extreme. Sadly, it's a burden that you must bear.
- Karen Hawkins
Collection: Nice
Image of Susan Wojcicki
Rarely are opportunities presented to you in a perfect way. In a nice little box with a yellow bow on top. 'Here, open it, it's perfect. You'll love it.' Opportunities -- the good ones -- are messy, confusing and hard to recognize. They're risky. They challenge you.
- Susan Wojcicki
Collection: Nice
Image of Peter Høeg
The knives in my apartment are only sharp enough to open envelopes with. Cutting a slice of coarse bread is on the borderline of their ability. I don't need anything sharper. Otherwise, on bad days, it might easily occur to me that I could always go stand in the bathroom in front of the mirror and slit my throat. On such occasions it's nice to have the added security of needing to go downstairs and borrow a decent knife from a neighbor.
- Peter Høeg
Collection: Nice
Image of Helen DeWitt
There is a strange taboo in our society against ending something merely because it is not pleasant-- life, love, a conversation, you name it, the etiquette is that you must begin in ignorance & persevere in the face of knowledge, & though I naturally believe that this is profoundly wrong it's not nice to go around constantly offending people.
- Helen DeWitt
Collection: Nice
Image of Brooke Astor
No matter how horrid a person may appear on the surface, if you dig deeper, you will find some nice, unexpected little quality.
- Brooke Astor
Collection: Nice
Image of Louis Tomlinson
Always be nice to people. Whatever how bad they are to you. To show them you are not like them.
- Louis Tomlinson
Collection: Nice
Image of Sharon Osbourne
I'm at the age where i don't have to kiss arse or play nice!
- Sharon Osbourne
Collection: Nice
Image of Dara Torres
When I revealed the campaign, some lady in the front row, a photographer, asked "is that airbrushed?" So I just lifted my shirt up and my stomach was the exact same thing as in the ads. It was actually kinda nice that she said that, because I'm sure plenty of people probably thought that. That's one of the reasons I did it - especially when you work so hard to get your body to look like that - it's frustrating.
- Dara Torres
Collection: Nice
Image of Mort Walker
You taught me to be nice, so nice that now I am so full of niceness, I have no sense of right and wrong, no outrage, no passion.
- Mort Walker
Collection: Nice
Image of David Nicholls
Occasionally, very occasionally, say at four o’clock in the afternoon on a wet Sunday, she feels panic-stricken and almost breathless with loneliness. Once or twice she has been known to pick up the phone to check that it isn’t broken. Sometimes she thinks how nice it would be to be woken by a call in the night: ‘get in a taxi now’ or ‘I need to see you, we need to talk’. But at the best of times she feels like a character in a Muriel Spark novel – independent, bookish, sharp-minded, secretly romantic.
- David Nicholls
Collection: Nice
Image of Meg Ryan
Women are socialized to be nice, to be docile. I call it 'shrink to fit': Shrink yourself to fit what others expect of you.
- Meg Ryan
Collection: Nice
Image of Kerstin Gier
The others can’t see me,” said the little ghost. “I know,” I said. “My name’s Gwyneth. What’s yours?” “Dr. White to you,” said Dr. White. “I’m Robert,” said the ghost. “That’s a very nice name,” I said. “Thank you,” said Dr. White. “I’ll return the compliment by saying you have very nice veins.
- Kerstin Gier
Collection: Nice
Image of Erle Stanley Gardner
Now listen, Lam," he said, "you’re a nice egg but you’ve got yourself poured into the wrong pan.
- Erle Stanley Gardner
Collection: Nice
Image of Rosemary Sutcliff
I have a special "ah, here I am again, I know exactly what they are going to have for breakfast" feeling when I get back into Roman Britain, which is very nice.
- Rosemary Sutcliff
Collection: Nice
Image of Denise Mina
We don't really go in for big family dinners, but Scottish people are famously confrontational. It's a cultural thing, so maybe we don't need to have them to clear the air. Also, traditional family food isn't as nice here so there's no payoff for traveling hundreds of miles.
- Denise Mina
Collection: Nice
Image of Charles Olson
Were all moving, moving, moving. Isnt it nice?
- Charles Olson
Collection: Nice
Image of Mike Tyson
You have to have a bunch of dimensions [of yourself]. You have to be able to adapt in this world. You can't be a nice guy living in a world of savages.
- Mike Tyson
Collection: Nice
Image of Suzi Quatro
When you are famous, you never can be sure why somebody's being nice. You just have to develop a very good sixth sense. I call it my bullshit detector.
- Suzi Quatro
Collection: Nice
Image of Roger Zelazny
It would be nice if there were some one thing constant and unchanging in the universe. If there is such a thing, then it is a thing which would have to be stronger than love, and it is a thing which I do not know.
- Roger Zelazny
Collection: Nice
Image of Ice T
I've been pulled out of my nice new car and laid out in the street by the police, interrogated and then have them get in the car and roll off leaving me lying in the street without even saying 'Get up.' The humiliation that they can put on a black man because they determine that you ain't got the money.
- Ice T
Collection: Nice