Top stars Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of stars quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Lana Parrilla
My boyfriend says I dress like a rock star but I would say my style is hip and comfortable.
- Lana Parrilla
Collection: Stars
Image of Jandy Nelson
It’s never occurred to me that the stars are still up there shining even in the daytime when we can’t see them.
- Jandy Nelson
Collection: Stars
Image of Charles Spurgeon
You may fear that the Lord has passed you by, but it is not so: he who counts the stars, and calls them by their names, is in no danger of forgetting his own children. He knows your case as thoroughly as if you were the only creature he ever made, or the only saint he ever loved. Approach him and be at peace.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Stars
Image of Wil Wheaton
Even when I was little, people would always ask me if I wanted to be a movie star, and I would always say, "No, I just want to be an actor."
- Wil Wheaton
Collection: Stars
Image of Wil Wheaton
I met [Shatner] on the set of Star Trek V, and he was horrible to me. He was cruel, and dismissive, and treated me the way I understand he treats pretty much everyone who tells him how much they loved him as Captain Kirk.
- Wil Wheaton
Collection: Stars
Image of Gloria Naylor
She could walk through a lightning storm without being touched; grab a bolt of lightning in the palm of her hand; use the heat of lightning to start the kindling going under her medicine pot. She turned the moon into salve, the stars into swaddling cloth, and healed the wounds of every creature walking up on two or down on four.
- Gloria Naylor
Collection: Stars
Image of Richard E. Byrd
The human race, my intuition tells me, is not outside the cosmic process and is not an accident. It is as much a part of the universe as the trees, the mountains, the aurora, and the stars.
- Richard E. Byrd
Collection: Stars
Image of Rachel Weisz
I think mystery is kind of great. I don't know anything about Bette Davis or Katharine Hepburn or Ava Gardner - not really - and I like that. I love watching their movies because they're my personal movie stars. I don't know what they eat and who their trainer is.
- Rachel Weisz
Collection: Stars
Image of Vikram Seth
Behind every door on every ordinary street, in every hut in every ordinary village in this middling planet of a trivial star, such riches are to be found. The strange journeys we undertake on our earthly pilgrimage, the joy and suffering we taste or confer, the chance events that leave us together or apart, what a complex trace they leave: so personal as to be almost incommunicable, so fugitive as to be almost irrecoverable.
- Vikram Seth
Collection: Stars
Image of Kevin Brockmeier
You remember having friends who used to lampoon the world so effortlessly, crouching at the verge of every joke and waiting to pounce on it, and you remember how they changed as they grew older and the joy of questioning everything slowly became transformed into the pain of questioning everything, like a star consuming its own core.
- Kevin Brockmeier
Collection: Stars
Image of T.A. Barron
You're saying that our souls and the stars and the wings of a butterfly are all somehow connected?
- T.A. Barron
Collection: Stars
Image of T.A. Barron
You know what I like best about looking at the stars? Not the stars themselves, but all those empty spaces between the stars. That's where I can imagine traveling for ever and ever. That's where I can imagine infinity.
- T.A. Barron
Collection: Stars
Image of Max Ehrmann
Lift up my eyes from the earth and let me not forget the uses of the stars.
- Max Ehrmann
Collection: Stars
Image of Ann Rinaldi
Love is like light and there are two kinds, the bursting fireworks of the moment and the solid, fixed stars that sometimes become obscured in the heavens, but are always there, year after year, for a lifetime.
- Ann Rinaldi
Collection: Stars
Image of Jim Cymbala
Doesn’t the God who created the universe out of nothing and put all the stars in place, have the power to take care of your situation?
- Jim Cymbala
Collection: Stars
Image of Charles G.D. Roberts
O wild, dark flower of woman, Deep rose of my desire, An Eastern wizard made you Of earth and stars and fire.
- Charles G.D. Roberts
Collection: Stars
Image of Alan Paton
because life slips away, and because I need for the rest of my journey a star that will not play false to me, a compass that will not lie.
- Alan Paton
Collection: Stars
Image of Beth Kephart
Here’s another change I’ve noticed: The dark is more than the sun dropping off, more than the moon and the stars. It’s what you can’t see that you hope you will see, what hasn’t been that might be.
- Beth Kephart
Collection: Stars
Image of Wayne Thomas Batson
your name your name, paragal, in the old toung, means 'one of pure light' and so you once were. but know this: when your stroke gfalls, so shall your own star fall. Your light will go out, and you will earn a newname. You shall be caled paragor - 'one of true darkness.' darkness will be your dwelling place and it will consume you. You willl ever be hungry for what you can naver have, No darkness in alleble will be as you
- Wayne Thomas Batson
Collection: Stars
Image of Sam Peckinpah
I created 'The Westerner' because of anger - anger at never-miss sheriffs, always-right marshalls, whitewashed gunfighters ... anger at TV's quick-draw tin gods who stand behind a tin star or ten cents' worth of righteous anger and justify their skill and slaughter with a self-conscious grin or a minute's worth of bad philosophy.
- Sam Peckinpah
Collection: Stars
Image of Maud Hart Lovelace
The wastes of snow on the hill were ghostly in the moonlight. The stars were piercingly bright.
- Maud Hart Lovelace
Collection: Stars
Image of Adelaide Anne Procter
Have we not all, amid life's petty strife, Some pure ideal of a noble life That once seemed possible? Did we not hear The flutter of its wings, and feel it near, And just within our reach? It was. And yet We lost it in this daily jar and fret, And now live idle in a vague regret; But still our place is kept, and it will wait, Ready for us to fill it, soon or late. No star is ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been.
- Adelaide Anne Procter
Collection: Stars
Image of Mojo Nixon
People from outer space they come up to me, they don't look like Doctor Spock, they don't look like Klingons, all that Star Trek jive. They look like Elvis.
- Mojo Nixon
Collection: Stars
Image of Shelley Winters
In those days, young stars, male and female, were all virgins until married, and if divorced, they returned magically to that condition.
- Shelley Winters
Collection: Stars
Image of Shelley Winters
Acting is the developing of one's own personality, too, you know. That's what the public buys in a star, shall we say, the personality thing.
- Shelley Winters
Collection: Stars
Image of Philip Wylie
The first gold star a child gets in school for the mere performance of a needful task is its first lesson in graft.
- Philip Wylie
Collection: Stars
Image of E. O. Wilson
Humanity today is like a waking dreamer, caught between the fantasies of sleep and the chaos of the real world. The mind seeks but cannot find the precise place and hour. We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology. We thrash about. We are terribly confused by the mere fact of our existence, and a danger to ourselves and to the rest of life.
- E. O. Wilson
Collection: Stars
Image of Patrick White
To understand the stars would spoil their appearance.
- Patrick White
Collection: Stars
Image of Jonathan Maberry
There was a sliver of moon and a splash of stars, and the light outlined her face and glistened on the tears that ran like mercury down her cheeks.
- Jonathan Maberry
Collection: Stars
Image of Vinoba Bhave
When we will all see our role in society as servants, we will all light up the sky together like countless stars on a dark night. Don’t think of society as the sky on a full moon night. The moon’s harsh light blinds us to the true and humble work of the stars. But on a moonless night, the true servants shine forth, as though they are connected invisibly in this vast and infinite cosmos.
- Vinoba Bhave
Collection: Stars
Image of Patrick Carman
I watched the night sky with it's countless stars and its moon, and I wondered about the universe and all that had been created, why the stars and the moon rose at night and the sun in the day, how vast it must be, how I could never understand the infinite measure of its size.
- Patrick Carman
Collection: Stars
Image of Anne M. Mulcahy
Who you are, what your values are, what you stand forthey are your anchor, your north star. You won't find them in a book. You'll find them in your soul.
- Anne M. Mulcahy
Collection: Stars
Image of Luc Besson
I'm a big Star Wars fan.
- Luc Besson
Collection: Stars
Image of Chris d'Lacey
There is a sign in the heavens Another light in the darkness A better time is beginning There is a fire star coming I see the mark of the ice bear In the tears of the dragon And you'd better start wishing There is a fire star coming Stay with me, my love...... ....Until the stars have blinked their last Wherever on this earth you walk He will arouse, excite, inspire, My Valentine, my one dark fire.
- Chris d'Lacey
Collection: Stars
Image of Robert Rodriguez
If you want to be a rock star, you're not going to just walk on stage. You gotta go practice in the garage until your fingers bleed. I always say that - the same with writing and the same with filmmaking - if it's really your passion, you've just got to stick with it and do it.
- Robert Rodriguez
Collection: Stars
Image of Laura Moriarty
Shooting stars are not really stars at all but meteorites, burning their way through our atmosphere, sometimes landing in the oceans and in the middle of could make wishes on them if you like, but they are really just pieces of rock falling down from the sky, and they could land on your head and kill you just as you look up to make a wish. Really, they're just rocks. They don't care about your wishes at all.
- Laura Moriarty
Collection: Stars
Image of Robert Anton Wilson
It is a great privilege to be conscious in this universe. Those who understand, shine like stars.
- Robert Anton Wilson
Collection: Stars
Image of Cecil Rhodes
To think of these stars that you see overhead at night, these vast worlds which we can never reach. I would annex the planets if I could; I often think of that. It makes me sad to see them so clear and yet so far.
- Cecil Rhodes
Collection: Stars
Image of Edward Young
Mine is the night, with all her stars.
- Edward Young
Collection: Stars
Image of Elijah Wood
I'm not a star!!! A star is nothing but a ball of gas!!!
- Elijah Wood
Collection: Stars
Image of Catherine Fisher
He had wanted so hard to Escape, to find the stars. And all he had found was a new prison.
- Catherine Fisher
Collection: Stars
Image of Catherine Fisher
The Stars. Jared slept beneath them, uneasy in the rustling leaves. From the battlements Finn gazed up at them, seeing the impossible distances between galaxies and nebulae, and thinking they were not as wide as the distances between people. In the study Claudia sensed them, in the sparks and crackles on the screen. In the prison, Attia dreamt of them, She sat curled on the hard chair, Rix repacking his hidden pockets obsessively with coins and glass discs and hidden handkerchiefs. A single spark flickered deep in the coin Keiro spun and caught, spun and caught.
- Catherine Fisher
Collection: Stars
Image of Sydney Pollack
All films are political, whether they mean to be or not. Star Wars is political. As soon as you have conflict, which is the key to most films, you have politics. It's just that some are more artful with the handling of politics than others.
- Sydney Pollack
Collection: Stars
Image of Edith Piaf
Use your faults, use your defects; then you're going to be a star.
- Edith Piaf
Collection: Stars
Image of Henry Miller
We are dancing in the hollow of nothingness. We are one flesh, but separated like stars.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Stars
Image of James Agee
And somewhat as in blind night, on a mild sea, a sailor may be made aware of an iceberg, fanged and mortal, bearing invisibly near, by the unwarned charm of its breath, nothingness now revealed itself: that permanent night upon which the stars in their expiring generations are less than the glinting of gnats, and nebulae, more trivial than winter breath; that darkness in which eternity lies bent and pale, a dead snake in a jar, and infinity is the sparkling of a wren blown out to sea; that inconceivable chasm of invulnerable silence in which cataclysms of galaxies rave mute as amber.
- James Agee
Collection: Stars
Image of Khushwant Singh
When the world is itself draped in the mantle of night, the mirror of the mind is like the sky in which thoughts twinkle like stars.
- Khushwant Singh
Collection: Stars
Image of Donald Trump
When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Stars