Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 48

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 48 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Ted Nugent
Freedom is not free, and we all have a lot of work ahead of us. And I perform the ultimate soundtrack to get the job done every day. We're not having any fun at all.
- Ted Nugent
Collection: Fun
Image of Lora Leigh
Damned mating heat. Lawe is threatening to join a monastery and Rule's threatening to quit. Why don't you two try to show the younger guys it can be fun instead of taking a note out of everyone else's books and letting it drive you insane? -Jonas
- Lora Leigh
Collection: Fun
Image of Jim Butcher
I didn't want to believe that killing was deep inside of me. I didn't want to think about the part of me that took a dark joy in gathering all the power it could and using it as I saw fit, everything else be damned. There was power to be had in hatred, too, in anger and in lust, in selfishness and in pride. And I knew that there was some dark corner of me that would enjoy using magic for killing—and then long for more. That was black magic, and it was easy to use. Easy and fun. Like Legos.
- Jim Butcher
Collection: Fun
Image of James Blunt
I have friends who were friends of mine before I did music and they are my friends now, and we share life experiences. It's no fun unless you're sharing with people, looking out for them as they are looking out for you.
- James Blunt
Collection: Fun
Image of Will Oldham
Making money is awesome and fun as hell, but they're saying, "Well, you're offered a whole lot of money to do this," and it's like, well, I do want the money, but I don't really do that - like headline a big festival or something like that. I could go there and do that, but it isn't really what I do. It feels weird to me.
- Will Oldham
Collection: Fun
Image of Burt Reynolds
It was a bit of a lark when I agreed to do [Smokey and the Bandit], and I knew we'd have fun if we could get Jackie Gleason.
- Burt Reynolds
Collection: Fun
Image of Gwyneth Paltrow
Beyoncé's like, 'Okay. The singing is great. But you're not having any fun.' She's like, 'Remember when we were at Jay's concert and Panjabi MC comes on and you do your crazy Indian dance? Do that. Be you!'
- Gwyneth Paltrow
Collection: Fun
Image of Patti Smith
I actually had another motivation for letting Steven [Sebring] film us. After I'd been out of the public eye for 16 years, lost my friends and lost my husband, some of my confidence had been undermined. Steven made the process of filming fun; I could pretend that we were in something like Don't Look Back.
- Patti Smith
Collection: Fun
Image of Bill Vaughan
The magnificence of mountains, the serenity of nature-nothing is safe from the idiot marks of man's passing.
- Bill Vaughan
Collection: Fun
Image of Doug Stanhope
Paralympics... fascinating because just watching anyone with a major disability trying to do everyday chores is fun to watch.
- Doug Stanhope
Collection: Fun
Image of Rick Riordan
Leo couldn't help smiling. "That could be fun." "Fun" she said unhappily. "Blue elephants." "Blue elephants." "Kiss me you fool." "You fool.
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Fun
Image of Robin Williams
To make fun of an administration, to make fun of anything, Mark Twain said, is the last defense of democracy.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Fun
Image of Michael Buckley
Puck rushed into the kitchen. He looked as if he had just gotten off a roller coaster. "That was awesome!" he cried. "The arrow coming out is totally more fun to watch going in.
- Michael Buckley
Collection: Fun
Image of Robert Redford
I enjoyed working with Dustin Hoffman. That was really fun. He decided that to really be effective as Woodward and Bernstein, considering their differences, we should spend some time together. Because Dustin and I were very different.
- Robert Redford
Collection: Fun
Image of Oren Peli
I've been having a lot of fun exploring different aspects of filmmaking, like writing and producing. There isn't a specific plan and I usually don't know what's going to be the next thing I do.
- Oren Peli
Collection: Fun
Image of Steven Soderbergh
I never leave the writer behind, because you rewrite the movie in post, or at least I do. I always do, and I feel like anybody who doesn't at least explore that possibility is short-changing themselves. Editing is the most fun and most exciting part of the process.
- Steven Soderbergh
Collection: Fun
Image of Joe Rogan
Comedy shows in D.C. are so much fun. I think because of the intense area that is connected to politics that people need, they need their down time. D.C. audiences are almost universally praised by comedians.
- Joe Rogan
Collection: Fun
Image of Joe Rogan
I always do that at the end of shows, like a Q&A session. First of all it lets people know that this isn't some preprogrammed, press-play show where I have to say the exact same words in the exact same order. That's part of the thing with live comedy is that people like the fun aspect of it and I enjoy the taking questions part.
- Joe Rogan
Collection: Fun
Image of Ozzy Osbourne
I never thought I could write anything or do a show sober, ever. But I did the Black Sabbath shows sober, and it was so much better fun for me, and everybody.
- Ozzy Osbourne
Collection: Fun
Image of Ashley Jensen
It was almost like being a child again because you felt like you were in your bedroom and it almost felt like no one was really watching you. So, you were just kind of having a bit of fun on your own doing silly voices in the bedroom.
- Ashley Jensen
Collection: Fun
Image of Nick Offerman
Doing voice work is more like recording music that people are going to listen to. You're creating an oral experience using whatever bells and whistles you have in your voice, and you can shut your eyes and use your imagination and nobody's going to see if the faces you make don't match the voices you make. That's a lot of fun.
- Nick Offerman
Collection: Fun
Image of Ray Bradbury
But most of all, I like to watch people. Sometimes I ride the subway all day and look at them and listen to them. I just want to figure out who they are and what they want and where they are going. Sometimes I even go to Fun parks and ride in the jet cars when they race on the edge of town at midnight and the police don't care as long as they're insured. As long as everyone has ten thousand insurance everyone's happy. Sometimes I sneak around and listen in subways. Or I listen at soda fountains, and do you know what? People don't talk about anything.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Fun
Image of Daniel Keyes
Punctuation, is? fun!
- Daniel Keyes
Collection: Fun
Image of Paramahansa Yogananda
Sri Yukteswar used to poke gentle fun at the commonly inadequate conceptions of renunciation."A beggar cannot renounce wealth," Master would say. "If a man laments: 'My business has failed; my wife has left me; I will renounce all and enter a monastery,' to what worldly sacrifice is he referring? He did not renounce wealth and love; they renounced him!"Saints like Gandhi, on the other hand, have made not only tangible material sacrifices, but also the more difficult renunciation of selfish motive and private goal, merging their inmost being in the stream of humanity as a whole.
- Paramahansa Yogananda
Collection: Fun
Image of Ambrose Bierce
OUT-OF-DOORS, n. That part of one's environment upon which no government has been able to collect taxes. Chiefly useful to inspire poets.
- Ambrose Bierce
Collection: Fun
Image of Robert Pattinson
It's fun to deal with the terror and the huge highs and lows of things. We're still getting massive surprises, every time you have any kind of Twilight-related event or anything.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Fun
Image of Timothy Olyphant
If I were to direct an episode, then there would be no one for me to blame, and that's not any fun. It's more about sitting in the back seat and trying to drive.
- Timothy Olyphant
Collection: Fun
Image of Todd Solondz
Casting is great fun, except for the business of it. I love the casting process. I love the editing process. I love working with the music. And even prep is very exciting. But once you get there and the clock is ticking, all it is is stress.
- Todd Solondz
Collection: Fun
Image of James Patterson
I'm pretty sure that if you looked up the word "nuts" in the dictionary, you'll find my picture. Just another fun feature of my mutant-birdkid-freak package.
- James Patterson
Collection: Fun
Image of Diana Ross
I would like to enjoy my life a little bit more so I can really have more fun, but my work is my fun.
- Diana Ross
Collection: Fun
Image of Mike Birbiglia
The list of fun and easily fixed brain diseases is very short.
- Mike Birbiglia
Collection: Fun
Image of Kevin Spacey
Im attracted to things that are challenging and fun and interesting, and it certainly seems that audiences enjoy them as well.
- Kevin Spacey
Collection: Fun
Image of Chris Rock
The thing I try to get across to the writers - and I do a lot of writing, too - is that when I do stand-up, nothing I talk about is funny. Everything is really sad and tragic and then I make it funny.
- Chris Rock
Collection: Fun
Image of Steven Spielberg
With all the movies I've made about history, it's not really fun because you're trying to get it right. You've got history telling how it was, and then my imagination is telling me how I wish it had been, but I can't go there, so I have to censor myself. I'm very good about stopping myself from creating history that never occurred, but it's frustrating.
- Steven Spielberg
Collection: Fun
Image of Robin Williams
The dramas for me allow me to explore more behavioral, deeper psychological things. But the comedies obviously allow me to explore the idea of really working off other people. I'm having more fun doing that.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Fun
Image of Robin Williams
I got to ninth grade and there was wrestling, and I went, 'Wait a minute, this is fun.' Basically, it was a chance for a small kid like me to get a chance to wail on another small kid. I went, 'I love this.' The discipline of it was great. Plus, I really started to be good at it.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Fun
Image of Robin Williams
I prefer to be handcuffed at home. The idea of voice work to me is great fun, especially when it's a chance to do two different voices.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Fun
Image of Robert Pattinson
The first period of getting famous was incredibly strange to me and really fun at the beginning because you didn't realise the consequences of anything. You could say or do whatever you wanted and it just didn't matter.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Fun
Image of William Shakespeare
In brief, sir, study what you most affect.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Fun
Image of Elizabeth Wurtzel
A deeply true, wholly aching account of the dangerous way we live now--LOVE JUNKIE is great fun to read, and finally fully redemptive. Rachel Resnick brings a light, delightful touch to a hard subject, and creates a great, relatable, readable memoir.
- Elizabeth Wurtzel
Collection: Fun
Image of Anton Szandor LaVey
Self-deceit—It’s in the “Nine Satanic Statements” but deserves to be repeated here. Another cardinal sin. We must not pay homage to any of the sacred cows presented to us, including the roles we are expected to play ourselves. The only time self-deceit should be entered into is when it’s fun, and with awareness. But then, it’s not self-deceit!
- Anton Szandor LaVey
Collection: Fun
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
We come to recognize that playfulness, as a philosophical stance, can be very serious indeed; and moreover, that it possesses an unfailing capacity to arouse ridicule and hostility in those among us who crave certainty, reverence, and restraint.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Fun
Image of Veronica Roth
What did you do, memorize a map of the city for fun?” says Christina. “Yes,” says Will, looking puzzled. “Didn’t you?
- Veronica Roth
Collection: Fun
Image of Hunter S. Thompson
I've always considered writing the most hateful kind of work. I suspect it's a bit like fucking - which is fun only for amateurs. Old whores don't do much giggling.
- Hunter S. Thompson
Collection: Fun
Image of James Patterson
A classroom . People trying to stick me in classrooms was becoming as predictable and annoying as people trying to kill me, but with less-fun results.
- James Patterson
Collection: Fun
Image of John Ruskin
You were made for enjoyment, and the world was filled with things which you will enjoy, unless you are too proud to be pleased with them, or too grasping to care for what you can not turn to other account than mere delight.
- John Ruskin
Collection: Fun
Image of Jeanette Winterson
Gambling is not a vice, it is an expression of our humanness. We gamble. Some do it at the gaming table, some do not. You play, you win, you play, you lose. You play.
- Jeanette Winterson
Collection: Fun
Image of Jillian Michaels
Many different factors make up a fitness phenomenon, but the most critical are a sense of community, a ton of fun, a sense of accomplishment, and an empowering component that makes people feel they can become or do anything they want.
- Jillian Michaels
Collection: Fun
Image of Todd Rundgren
They may be stupid, but they sure are fun.
- Todd Rundgren
Collection: Fun