Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 47

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 47 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Ray Bradbury
Writing is not a serious business. It’s a joy and a celebration. You should be having fun with it.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Fun
Image of Steven Yeun
Yeah, it's been pretty gnarly. It's fun. It can only be fun, unless you're really squirmy about that. Honestly, during that guts episode, they didn't tell Andrew and I anything. They just put trenchcoats on us and said, "All right, just stand right here and we're going to put this stuff on you."
- Steven Yeun
Collection: Fun
Image of Steven Yeun
What I learned, in the two months that we shot, I don't think I could have learned in two to four years of drama school. It's invaluable to me, and that's been the most fun. It's been nice to let this be a learning experience in everything.
- Steven Yeun
Collection: Fun
Image of Steven Yeun
The most fun thing about doing the show is that, as a nerd, the fun has been in learning and having it be like a grad school for me, every day. Every moment is a new experience. Every conversation is a new gain.
- Steven Yeun
Collection: Fun
Image of Tucker Max
There are fun nights, there are crazy nights, and then there are those nights that make men legends.
- Tucker Max
Collection: Fun
Image of Tucker Max
If you just don't have any idea what you want to do, the worst thing you can do is go to law school. If you can go to college, maybe it's fine to have four years of fun and learn a little bit, that's okay, but if you have to go two hundred thousand dollars in debt, that's not something I would recommend.
- Tucker Max
Collection: Fun
Image of Bill Vaughan
Whether it is fun to go to bed with a good book depends a great deal on who's reading it.
- Bill Vaughan
Collection: Fun
Image of Caitlin Moran
I can only work between the hours of 8:30 and 4:30, because that's when the kids are at school. So I get to do all my work and have all of my fun in that time, which means just sitting on a chair, typing, alternately clicking between writing a column and being on Twitter, and smoking as many cigarettes as I can before my lungs give out.
- Caitlin Moran
Collection: Fun
Image of William Shakespeare
Sir Andrew Ague-Cheek: I'll stay a month longer. I am a fellow o' the strangest mind i' the world; I delight in masques and revels sometimes altogether (He's an oddity in that he enjoys having fun)
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Fun
Image of Peter Berg
The big fun in Battleship is that there are no current battleships in the Navy today. The battleships are about 1,000 feet long and they have huge guns. They were what you saw in WWII. The last battleship that was used was the Missouri, which is what the Japanese surrendered to...
- Peter Berg
Collection: Fun
Image of Peter Berg
The way you set up for a sequel is by having a successful film. The focus is on making a successful film, and making a film that travels around the world, and that people enjoy and have fun with, and that people are able to escape with.
- Peter Berg
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Stallman
Every decision a person makes stems from the person's values and goals. People can have many different goals and values; fame, profit, love, survival, fun, and freedom, are just some of the goals that a good person might have. When the goal is to help others as well as oneself, we call that idealism. My work on free software is motivated by an idealistic goal: spreading freedom and cooperation. I want to encourage free software to spread, replacing proprietary software that forbids cooperation, and thus make our society better.
- Richard Stallman
Collection: Fun
Image of Mark Twain
A good and wholesome thing is a little harmless fun in this world; it tones a body up and keeps him human and prevents him from souring.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Fun
Image of Cornel West
I have a whole lot of fun in trying to serve others and just keeping it funky, trying to keep it real, trying to ensure that we are able to be ourselves and get beyond these deodorized discourses and deodorized spaces that put on masks.
- Cornel West
Collection: Fun
Image of Francois de La Rochefoucauld
The only good imitations are those that poke fun at bad originals.
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Collection: Fun
Image of Robert Rauschenberg
By the time you establish your priorities, there really isn't any fun or need to interest yourself in what you're doing. And this I find disastrous.
- Robert Rauschenberg
Collection: Fun
Image of Elizabeth Chandler
I love the book legacy of lies it amazing and is fun to read over and over again
- Elizabeth Chandler
Collection: Fun
Image of Desmond Tutu
Life is funny and we are really funny, especially when we get to be hoity toity; we can be so ridiculous. Life is fun.
- Desmond Tutu
Collection: Fun
Image of Taylor Swift
I don't think it's the most important thing in life to fit it. I think it's the most important thing in life to dance to the beat of your own drum and to look like you're having more fun than the people who look cool like they fit in.
- Taylor Swift
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Branson
We're going where no one has gone before. There's no model to follow, nothing to copy. That is what makes this so exciting.
- Richard Branson
Collection: Fun
Image of Claudia Gray
That buy is totally cracked out," Vic said one day, as we walked past Balthazar in the great hall. I don't think he's on alything." I didn't mean, for real. If he was cracked out for real, he'd probably be having more fun, right?" Vic shrugged. "Balty looks like he's not having any fun. He looks like he never had any. Like he wouldn't know fun if it started dancing around yelling 'I'm fun' in his face.
- Claudia Gray
Collection: Fun
Image of Mel Brooks
Look, I had to take chances or it wasn't fun being funny.
- Mel Brooks
Collection: Fun
Image of Rumi
Peace is wonderful, but / ecstatic dance is more fun / and less narcissistic
- Rumi
Collection: Fun
Image of Rachel Vincent
"I signed on for the role of ‘boyfriend,’ not ‘conscience.’ If you want wholesome and ethical, you’ll have to look elsewhere. But I promise that won’t be half as much fun as this is…" His hand slid down my side and over my hip, and my heart beat faster.
- Rachel Vincent
Collection: Fun
Image of Judd Nelson
Voice-over stuff is so much fun because you don't have hair and makeup and wardrobe. You get to show up. And there were some talented people, and we don't even know them. And they're so gifted. They can do all these accents and voices. It's really fun to do that stuff. It's really like actor camp.
- Judd Nelson
Collection: Fun
Image of Nicholas Sparks
The movies are fun, but I'm a novelist. In many ways, screenwriting is much easier than writing novels. I find screenplays twenty times easier to write than a novel.
- Nicholas Sparks
Collection: Fun
Image of Roman Polanski
The torches ran off, and I found myself in a forest, at night, without any light, on skis, and that was not fun - particularly because I was drunk. Luckily at some point I started to see the light of the ski lift. To be in the forest in the middle of the night, it's terrible.
- Roman Polanski
Collection: Fun
Image of Michael Phelps
Swimming is fun. It's a lot funner than golf.
- Michael Phelps
Collection: Fun
Image of Donald Trump
And if it can’t be fun, what’s the point?
- Donald Trump
Collection: Fun
Image of J. K. Rowling
I love being a writer. I am very lucky my life's ambition turned out to be just as much fun as I thought it would be.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Fun
Image of Tom Peters
The number one premise of business is that it need not be boring or dull. It ought to be fun. If it's not fun, you're wasting your life.
- Tom Peters
Collection: Fun
Image of Tom Petty
That's stupid. You couldn't pay me to go. I'm not oversimplifying it. That's what's going on. I don't think it would be any fun without the drugs. It's a drug party.
- Tom Petty
Collection: Fun
Image of Dorothy Parker
On lady novelists: As artists they're rot, but as providers they're oil wells; they gush. Norris said she never wrote a story unless it was fun to do. I understand Ferber whistles at her typewriter.
- Dorothy Parker
Collection: Fun
Image of Carey Mulligan
When I went to the Oscars - the only time I've ever been to the Oscars - a few years ago, I wore this Prada dress covered in cooking utensils. I got drunk at the end of the night and started ripping them off and giving them as presents to people, so that was fun. I'm pretty sure that was the point of it, that's how Miuccia meant for it to go I'm sure.
- Carey Mulligan
Collection: Fun
Image of Katherine Paterson
Sitting in cold wet britches for an hour was no fun even in a magic kingdom.
- Katherine Paterson
Collection: Fun
Image of Chris O'Dowd
I don’t know if I’d do an action movie because I don’t know if I could keep a straight face honestly, I just think it’s so silly. Like I love watching them but I can’t imagine me doing one. Actually, you know what I’ve done, just for fun because I didn’t think there was any way that I could be in a superhero movie, so I’ve done a scene in the new “Thor” movie, just for that. I just do like one scene, which was quite fun.
- Chris O'Dowd
Collection: Fun
Image of John Waters
Shutting down governments on your computer is just as much as fun as going to a riot at Yale.
- John Waters
Collection: Fun
Image of Brian Weiss
Never take a mulligan on a par 3. A "hole in three" is not a fun story to relive.
- Brian Weiss
Collection: Fun
Image of Yogi Berra
The game is supposed to be fun. If you had a bad day, don't worry. You can't expect to get a hit every game.
- Yogi Berra
Collection: Fun
Image of Sigourney Weaver
When I was in college, I was an English major, but I was part of this great group at Stanford called the Company. We didn't know any better, so we did it all; we did King Lear, we did Hamlet, new plays ... And we did it all in a covered wagon that we took around the Bay Area. We all put our makeup on in one cracked mirror. It was the most fun I've ever had.
- Sigourney Weaver
Collection: Fun
Image of Ivanka Trump
Having toddlers always means that there's a fair amount of chaos at home, but that's part of the fun. And from a work perspective, we have projects under construction all over the world, including many right here in the US.
- Ivanka Trump
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Branson
I prefer to have a great time and to keep my wits about me.
- Richard Branson
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Branson
There are quite a few things I've done that even I thought might have been one step too far. But if you are willing to make a fool of yourself and make people smile, as long as you do it with a sense of fun, you can get away with it.
- Richard Branson
Collection: Fun
Image of A. A. Milne
Oh Tigger, where are your manners?" "I don’t know, but I bet they’re having more fun than I am.
- A. A. Milne
Collection: Fun
Image of Robert Plant
The States were much more fun. L.A. was L.A. It's not L.A. now. L.A. infested with jaded 12-year-olds is not the L.A. that I really dug.
- Robert Plant
Collection: Fun
Image of Tao Lin
While other rich people might be like, "Once I'm rich I'm going to go on a vacation to wherever," but instead they just keep wanting to be more rich. It just seems like it would be fun to do whatever you wanted. If I were really rich I would be flying places, I think.
- Tao Lin
Collection: Fun
Image of Zadie Smith
I know a lot of people who read and think: "George [Saunders] is so much fun." There's no denying you're fun to read, but as a writer I think of [George Saunders] as, in fact, not a fun and freewheeling type but really an obsessive control artist.
- Zadie Smith
Collection: Fun
Image of Randy Pausch
Never underestimate the importance of having fun. I'm dying and I'm having fun. And I'm going to keep having fun every day because there's no other way to play it.
- Randy Pausch
Collection: Fun