Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 50

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 50 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The characteristic feature of the loser is to bemoan, in general terms, mankind's flaws, biases, contradictions, and irrationality - without exploiting them for fun and profit
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Collection: Fun
Image of Rachel Caine
Ummm…” She licked her lips. “Define fun.” “Quit doing that, jailbait. It’s distracting.
- Rachel Caine
Collection: Fun
Image of Bertolt Brecht
From the start it has been the theatre's business to entertain people ... it needs no other passport than fun.
- Bertolt Brecht
Collection: Fun
Image of Adam Savage
The explosions, like the urban legends, are a great way of bringing people in to watch, because it's really fun, and you know we're always going to give you a satisfying ending.
- Adam Savage
Collection: Fun
Image of Tiger Woods
We have a lot of fun every year, and I really enjoy being part of junior golf and the development of these players.
- Tiger Woods
Collection: Fun
Image of Mitch Albom
There is nothing more fun than hanging around with friends and banging on instruments. Anyone who has ever done it knows that this is true.
- Mitch Albom
Collection: Fun
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
My need is for safety, fun and to have distribution of resources, a sustainable life on the planet. NVC is a strategy that serves me to meet these needs.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Fun
Image of Charles Simic
I'm not a stickler for truth. To me, lying in poetry is much more fun. I'm against lying in life, in principle, in any other activity except poetry.
- Charles Simic
Collection: Fun
Image of Holly Black
She’s an old lady,” Barron says. “And she’s been locked up for years. Let her have some fun. She needs to blow off steam. Seduce old dudes. Lose money at canasta.
- Holly Black
Collection: Fun
Image of Al Yankovic
It fit pretty nicely into my schedule because we'd pretty much finished the bulk of promotion for Mandatory Fun and were just getting geared up for the World Tour so this was a nice time for me to be working on it.
- Al Yankovic
Collection: Fun
Image of Emo Philips
Santa Fe is fun to visit, but property there will cost you an arm and a dillo.
- Emo Philips
Collection: Fun
Image of Michelle Pfeiffer
It's fun to explore areas that are taboo that you're not allowed to in real life as an actor.
- Michelle Pfeiffer
Collection: Fun
Image of Jill Scott
Saturday Night Live is a show that I think I could have a lot of fun on, just being different characters and maybe singing, too.
- Jill Scott
Collection: Fun
Image of Gayle Forman
Why get stained when getting dirty is so much more fun
- Gayle Forman
Collection: Fun
Image of Rachel Caine
Michael patted him on the shoulder. “I like this plan,” he said. “You and Eve, picking up cake and flowers, and you can’t even say a word. Should be tons of fun.” Shane almost choked, and gave Michael a sideways glare. Michael sent him a hundred-watt smile in return—no fangs, which was probably for the best.
- Rachel Caine
Collection: Fun
Image of Jack Welch
There are advantages to being the chairman. One of my favorite perks was picking out an issue and doing what I called a "deep dive." It's spotting a challenge where you think you can make a difference - one that looks like it would be fun - and then throwing the weight of your position behind it. Some might justifiably call it "meddling." I've often done this just about everywhere in the company.
- Jack Welch
Collection: Fun
Image of Nicki Minaj
See you told me I would lose but I won. I might cop a million Jimmy Choos just for fun.
- Nicki Minaj
Collection: Fun
Image of Jon Stewart
Condoleezza Rice was confirmed by a vote of 85, 13, despite a contentious but futile protest vote by democrats. By the way, for a fun second term drinking game, chug a beer every time you hear the phrase 'contentious but futile protest vote by democrats.' By the time Jeb Bush is elected, you'll be so wasted you won't even notice the war in Syria.
- Jon Stewart
Collection: Fun
Image of Ellen Page
I didn't even think about it when I read the script and then shooting their movie and someone was like "boy, press is going to be fun". And I didn't really know what they were talking about because to me it's just a film shows it as an extremely viable option which is obviously the most important thing for young individuals.
- Ellen Page
Collection: Fun
Image of Bill Watterson
I write separately from the inking up. I'm sure this varies from cartoonist to cartoonist; I find that the writing is the hard part and the drawing is the fun part.
- Bill Watterson
Collection: Fun
Image of Bill Watterson
A playful mind is inquisitive, and learning is fun. If you indulge your natural curiosity and retain a sense of fun in new experience, I think you'll find it functions as a sort of shock absorber for the bumpy road ahead.
- Bill Watterson
Collection: Fun
Image of Shay Mitchell
Pore strips, definitely, they are my go-to especially with all the makeup that I wear. I've always been fascinated with what comes out of your pores after you take them off. Who hasn't? It's so fun to take it off and try and find the little guys.
- Shay Mitchell
Collection: Fun
Image of Paul Simon
The risk of failure is part of the fun of what I do.
- Paul Simon
Collection: Fun
Image of Janette Rallison
Misfortune and Fortune are eerily similar, but Fortune is a better dresser and more fun at parties.
- Janette Rallison
Collection: Fun
Image of Will Rogers
A lot of guys have had a lot of fun joking about Henry Ford because he admitted one time that he didn't know history. He don't know it, but history will know him. He has made more history than his critics ever read.
- Will Rogers
Collection: Fun
Image of Brené Brown
We judge people in areas where we’re vulnerable to shame, especially picking folks who are doing worse than we’re doing. If I feel good about my parenting, I have no interest in judging other people’s choices. If I feel good about my body, I don’t go around making fun of other people’s weight or appearance. We’re hard on each other because we’re using each other as a launching pad out of our own perceived deficiency.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Fun
Image of Nikki Sixx
People want to see the car crash instead of the race. But, when you're the one in the car that's crashing, it's not much fun. I'm enjoying the race.
- Nikki Sixx
Collection: Fun
Image of Joss Whedon
When people say to me, 'Why are you so good at writing at women?' I say, 'Why isn't everybody?' Obviously there are differences between men and women - that's what makes it all fun. But we're all people. There's a lot of good writers who are very humanist, but still manage to kind of skip fifty-five per cent of the race. And I just don't get that. Not to be able to write an entire gender? To me, the question isn't how do you do it? It's how can you possibly avoid doing it?
- Joss Whedon
Collection: Fun
Image of Reggie Watts
Im pretty lazy when it comes to creativity. I just want it to be easy and fun.
- Reggie Watts
Collection: Fun
Image of Reggie Watts
You can either just have fun with the joke or you can have fun with the joke and think about the implication of it. It's totally up to the listener.
- Reggie Watts
Collection: Fun
Image of George Bernard Shaw
A third variety of drama ... begins as tragedy with scraps of fun in it ... and ends in comedy without mirth in it, the place of mirth being taken by a more or less bitter and critical irony.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Fun
Image of Haruki Murakami
I never plan. I never know what the next page is going to be..... But that's the fun of writing a novel or a story, because I don't know what's going to happen next.
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Fun
Image of Britney Spears
Acting is so much fun. It is a different ball game and I want to concentrate on that at the moment. I'm really passionate about what I do. I love entertainment and telling stories to people and I am very lucky that I am doing what I want to do.
- Britney Spears
Collection: Fun
Image of Mae West
Sometimes I don't drink so the next day I can remember having fun.
- Mae West
Collection: Fun
Image of Ellen Hopkins
A whole big, giant world full of men. Men with blue eyes. Brown eyes. Green eyes. And indescribable shades in between. Tall men. Short men. Skinny men. Built men. And all combinations thereof. Nice men (so I've heard, but never really seen). Mean men. Decent men, indecent. And who knows which is the best kind to have, to hold, to love? I'd say, with so many men in the world, it would pay to sample a few. Scratch that. More than a few. Lots and lots. And then a few more. And maybe, after years of research, you might find one worth not throwing back. But hey, the fun is in the fishing.
- Ellen Hopkins
Collection: Fun
Image of Ann Brashares
Don't ask me any questions right now. I'm grumpy and I'll probablly make fun of you. -Effie Kaligaris
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Fun
Image of Ann Brashares
She knew that when she got old it would be more fun to look back on a life of romance and adventure than a life of quiet habits. But looking back was easy. It was the doing that was painful. There were plenty of things she would like to look back on but wasn't willing to risk.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Fun
Image of William Saroyan
One day in the afternoon of the world, glum death will come and sit in you, and when you get up to walk, you will be as glum as death, but if you're lucky, this will only make the fun better and the love greater.
- William Saroyan
Collection: Fun
Image of Jerry Seinfeld
I think vacations are mostly completely stupid. Going to have coffee with a friend, you're probably going to have more fun than if you go to Aruba.
- Jerry Seinfeld
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Branson
Be authentic and organic. It can't be forced or it won't work. And most importantly, have fun.
- Richard Branson
Collection: Fun
Image of George Orwell
And the bigger the fall, the bigger the joke. It would be better fun to throw a custard pie at a bishop than at a curate.
- George Orwell
Collection: Fun
Image of Guillermo del Toro
For any actor to have Oliver Stone call him or her up… It’s a compliment. He expects you to be on your toes. If you’re not, he pokes at you until you react. He’s very provocative, creatively. It started like a lot of hard work, but it ended up a lot of fun.
- Guillermo del Toro
Collection: Fun
Image of Amy Poehler
I think if I have established anything in my book, it's that a key element of being my friend is being comfortable with my forced fun.
- Amy Poehler
Collection: Fun
Image of Liam Neeson
I'm fairly comfortable in fight sequences and stuff like that. I've done a few of them. I'm comfortable with that sort of stuff as long as I'm reasonably fit, and it's fun to do actually. I'm like a kid in a toy shop doing that stuff.
- Liam Neeson
Collection: Fun
Image of Jerry Spinelli
Nothing’s more fun than being carried away.
- Jerry Spinelli
Collection: Fun
Image of Debra Winger
I love telling stories. When people interview me live I'm totally forthcoming about stories like that - as long as it's not going to be in print or recorded. It's just for whoever's in the audience. It's always been for me kind of fun and then everyone walks out of there, "She told this story about da da da" but nobody can prove it.
- Debra Winger
Collection: Fun
Image of Derek Landy
Tanith frowned. Did people still go on DATES any more? She was sure they did. They probably called it something different though. She tried to think of the last date she'd been on. The last PROPER date. Did fighting side by side with Saracen Rue count as a date? They ended up snuggling under the moonlight, drenched in gore and pieces of brain - so it had PROBABLY been a date. If it wasn't, it was certainly a fun time had by all. Well, not ALL. But she and Saracen had sure had a blast.
- Derek Landy
Collection: Fun
Image of Derek Landy
It’s fairly standard. Also, I’m fourteen. Also, your beard’s stupid.” “Isn’t this fun?” Skulduggery said brightly. “The three of us getting along so well.
- Derek Landy
Collection: Fun
Image of Josh Radnor
My film school is making movies. But, I do think that being an actor has served me immensely, as both a writer and director, in terms of knowing what is playable and what will be fun to play, for actors, and also how to communicate to actors on set, and not screw them up and get them in their head.
- Josh Radnor
Collection: Fun