Josh Billings

Image of Josh Billings
It is a statistical fact that the wicked work harder to reach hell than the righteous do to enter heaven
- Josh Billings
Collection: Clever
Image of Josh Billings
My advice to those who are about to begin, in earnest, the journey of life, is to take their heart in one hand and a club in the other.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Funny
Image of Josh Billings
The quickest way to take the starch out of someone who is always blaming himself is to agree with him.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Way
Image of Josh Billings
What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul I suppose this depends somewhat upon the size of the soul. I think there are cases where the trade would do.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Wise
Image of Josh Billings
It's not so hard to get rich as it is to know when you have gotten rich.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Humor
Image of Josh Billings
Good nonsense is good sense in disguise.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Nonsense
Image of Josh Billings
There are only two qualities in the world: efficiency and inefficiency; and only two sorts of people: the efficient and the inefficient.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Two
Image of Josh Billings
Human happiness konsists in having what yu want, and wanting what yu have.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Happiness
Image of Josh Billings
Fashion makes fools of some, sinners of others, and slaves of all.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Fashion
Image of Josh Billings
There is a significant Latin proverb; to wit: Who will guard the guards?
- Josh Billings
Collection: Latin
Image of Josh Billings
It is true that wealth won't make a man virtuous, but I notice there ain't anybody who wants to be poor just for the purpose of being good.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Wise
Image of Josh Billings
There never yet was a mother who taught her child to be an infidel.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Mother
Image of Josh Billings
Shame is the dying embers of virtue.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Dying
Image of Josh Billings
Pedigrees seldom improve by age; the grandson is too often a weak infringement on the grandsire's parent.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Parent
Image of Josh Billings
Too many individuals are like Shakespeare's definition of "echo,"--babbling gossips of the air.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Echoes
Image of Josh Billings
Poverty is the step-mother of genius.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Mother
Image of Josh Billings
A secret ceases to be a secret if it is once confided - it is like a dollar bill, once broken, it is never a dollar again.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Broken
Image of Josh Billings
A man cannot learn to be wise any more than he can learn to be handsome.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Wise
Image of Josh Billings
We have some writers so abstruse and deep that they drown themselves in their fathomless sentences.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Writing
Image of Josh Billings
Pity costs nothing, and it ain't worth nothing.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Cost
Image of Josh Billings
Suicide is cheating the doctor out of job.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Suicide
Image of Josh Billings
Successful writers learn at last what they should learn at first,--to be intelligently simple.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Successful
Image of Josh Billings
It is not much trouble to doctor sick folks, but to doctor healthy ones is troublesome.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Doctors
Image of Josh Billings
Building air castles is a harmless business as long as you don't attempt to live in them.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Business
Image of Josh Billings
Biography is the best form of history.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Biographies
Image of Josh Billings
The highest philosophers, in explaining the mystery of this world, are obliged to call in the aid of another.
- Josh Billings
Collection: World
Image of Josh Billings
It is easy to assume a habit; but when you try to cast it off, it will take skin and all.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Addiction
Image of Josh Billings
Jealousy is one of love's parasites.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Jealousy
Image of Josh Billings
We are ap tu hate them, who wont take our advice, and despise them who do.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Hate
Image of Josh Billings
Adam invented love at first sight, one of the greatest labor-saving machines the world ever saw.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Love
Image of Josh Billings
In the whole history of the world there is but one thing that money cannot wit--the wag of a dog's tail.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Dog
Image of Josh Billings
Experience is a grindstone; and it is lucky for us, if we can get brightened by it, and not ground.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Josh Billings
The books are balanced in heaven, not here.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Book
Image of Josh Billings
Prejudice is a house-plant which is very apt to wilt if you take it out-of-doors among folks.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Doors
Image of Josh Billings
It's not what we don't know that prevents us from succeeding; it's what we know that just ain't so that is our greatest obstacle.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Succeed
Image of Josh Billings
Take the selfishness out of this world and there would be more happiness than we should know what to do with.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Selfishness
Image of Josh Billings
Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Debt
Image of Josh Billings
Silence is said to be golden, but the best fools the world has ever produced had nothing to say on the subject
- Josh Billings
Collection: Silence
Image of Josh Billings
Common sense is an instinct given to man and enough of it is genius. Smartness is measured by the level of common sense one has, not by how much educated or knowledgeable he is.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Men
Image of Josh Billings
There is only one good substitute for the endearments of a sister, and that is the endearments of some other fellow's sister.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Substitutes
Image of Josh Billings
There is no passion of the human heart that promises so much and pays so little as revenge.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Revenge
Image of Josh Billings
There is a sort of charm in ugliness, if the person has some redeeming qualities and is only ugly enough.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Quality
Image of Josh Billings
The time to pray is not when we are in a tight spot but just as soon as we get out of it.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Time
Image of Josh Billings
The fools in this world make about as much trouble as the wicked do.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Wicked
Image of Josh Billings
Man is my brother, and I am nearer related to him through his vices than I am through his virtue.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Brother
Image of Josh Billings
Advice is like castor oil — easy enough to give but dreadful hard to take.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Funny
Image of Josh Billings
A witty writer is like a porcupine; his quill makes no distinction between friend and foe.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Witty
Image of Josh Billings
The hardest thing any man can do is to fall down on the ice when it's slippery, and get up and praise the Lord.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Fall
Image of Josh Billings
I hold that a man has as much right to spell a word as it is pronounced as he has to pronounce it the way it ain't spelled.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Men