Top Doors Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Doors quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Simon R. Green
I went to a house that was not a house. I opened a door that was not a door. And what I saw, I saw.
- Simon R. Green
Collection: Doors
Image of Dan Buettner
Inconvenience yourself: ditch the remote, the garage door opener, the leaf-blower; buy a bike, broom, rake, and snow shovel.
- Dan Buettner
Collection: Doors
Image of Mark Gatiss
I prefer sneaking in the back door.
- Mark Gatiss
Collection: Doors
Image of Darius Rucker
All the doors that I had to close. All the things I knew but I didn't know. Thank God for all I missed. 'Cause it led me here to this.
- Darius Rucker
Collection: Doors
Image of Howard Wilkinson
It's like being on Death Row in an American jail. You are waiting for the door handle to turn, not knowing whether it's a reprieve or just your final breakfast before being executed.
- Howard Wilkinson
Collection: Doors
Image of Elizabeth Smart
I must spin good ghosts out of my hope to oppose the hordes at my window. If those who look in see me condescend to barricade the door, they will know too much and crowd in to overcome me.
- Elizabeth Smart
Collection: Doors
Image of Hiromu Arakawa
If there's no door, then I'll make one!
- Hiromu Arakawa
Collection: Doors
Image of Jonathan Maberry
Closure isn't closure until someone's ready to close the door.
- Jonathan Maberry
Collection: Doors
Image of Robin Roberts
When fear knocks, to let faith answer the door.
- Robin Roberts
Collection: Doors
Image of Ivan Reitman
Evolution .. Just the right formula of science and comedy may get moviegoers through the door.
- Ivan Reitman
Collection: Doors
Image of Gavin Newsom
This door's wide-open now. It's going to happen whether you like it or not.
- Gavin Newsom
Collection: Doors
Image of George Ade
When Wealth walks in at the Door, the Press Agent comes in through the Window.
- George Ade
Collection: Doors
Image of Robert Anton Wilson
How many times... have you encountered the saying, 'When the student is ready, the Master speaks?' Do you know why that is true? The door opens inward. The Master is everywhere, but the student has to open his mind to hear the Masters Voice.
- Robert Anton Wilson
Collection: Doors
Image of Hugh Walpole
[A distressing event] came like a door banging on to a silent room.
- Hugh Walpole
Collection: Doors
Image of Mary Downing Hahn
I never thought that people my own age could die, let alone be murdered. Things like that didn't happen in 1955. The suburbs were a safe place, where nobody even locked their doors.
- Mary Downing Hahn
Collection: Doors
Image of David Wong
Are the most dangerous creatures the ones that use doors or the ones that don't?
- David Wong
Collection: Doors
Image of Matt Bomer
My parents raised me right, so I always open doors for people and try to have good manners.
- Matt Bomer
Collection: Doors
Image of Colleen Coble
He released her with obvious reluctance and shoved open his door, then came around to open her door. His chivalry brought an even broader smile. "Bet this doesn't last long", she teased. He took her hand. "You keep waiting for me to open it, and I will keep coming around.
- Colleen Coble
Collection: Doors
Image of Jeanne Moreau
I have always had the urge to open forbidden doors: with a curiosity and an obstinacy that verge on masochism.
- Jeanne Moreau
Collection: Doors
Image of Olive Schreiner
If the bird does like its cage, and does like its sugar and will not leave it, why keep the door so very carefully shut?
- Olive Schreiner
Collection: Doors
Image of Jean Sasson
You go first. Go through the door before me. Enter the limousine while I wait by your side. Enter the shops while I stand behind, guarding your back. Sit at the table before me. Please, sample the tastiest morsels while I sit quietly. My desire is that you go first, in every occasion of earthly life. Only once will I go before you, And that will be at my last moment. For when death claims us, you must go last. Because I can't live one second without you.
- Jean Sasson
Collection: Doors
Image of James Rollins
It ain't always rocket science, sometimes a door is just a door.
- James Rollins
Collection: Doors
Image of Malin Akerman
It's definitely been a conscious decision to seek out roles that are different, in any way, from anything that I've done, just to prove to myself that I can do it and to challenge myself. If I can, then great, it will open up those doors and just prove to other directors and peers that I am, in fact, available for things other than comedy.
- Malin Akerman
Collection: Doors
Image of Charles Finch
Like everyone I slipped into adulthood like a delinquent through the back door.
- Charles Finch
Collection: Doors
Image of Jill Shalvis
Who’s there?” “The scratcher of your itch,” he said. She opened the door a crack and stuck her nose out. “Was that supposed to be romantic?
- Jill Shalvis
Collection: Doors
Image of Henry B. Eyring
Our education must never stop. If it ends at the door of the classroom on graduation day, we will fail. And we will need the help of heaven to know which of the myriad things we could study we would most wisely learn. We cannot waste time entertaining ourselves when we have the chance to read or to listen to whatever will help us learn what is true and useful. Insatiable curiosity will be our hallmark.
- Henry B. Eyring
Collection: Doors
Image of Karen White
There is how we were before, and how we are now, and the time between is spent choosing which doors to open, and which to close.
- Karen White
Collection: Doors
Image of Karen White
We live, we love. These are the choices we are given, to open doors or to close them. It is all we have, and it is enough
- Karen White
Collection: Doors
Image of Bob Saget
I'm a believer that when one door closes another one opens. But why does the one opening always hit me full-speed-knob-first into my nuts?
- Bob Saget
Collection: Doors
Image of Maureen Corrigan
To read Helen Macdonald's memoir, H Is for Hawk, is to feel as though Emily Bronte just turned up at your door, trailing all the windy, feral outdoors into your living room.
- Maureen Corrigan
Collection: Doors
Image of Daniel Keyes
There are so many doors to open. I am impatient to begin." --Charlie Gordan
- Daniel Keyes
Collection: Doors
Image of Jenny Lawson
Then I yelled through his door, "It's an anniversary gift for you, asshole. Two whole weeks early. FIFTEEN YEARS IS BIG METAL CHICKENS.
- Jenny Lawson
Collection: Doors
Image of Charles Studd
For five years we never went outside our doors without a volley of curses from our neighbours.
- Charles Studd
Collection: Doors
Image of Edith Wharton
But I have sometimes thought that a woman's nature is like a great house full of rooms: there is the hall, through which everyone passes in going in and out; the drawing-room, where one receives formal visits; the sitting-room, where the members of the family come and go as they list; but beyond that, far beyond, are other rooms, the handles of whose doors perhaps are never turned; no one knows the way to them, no one knows whither they lead; and in the innermost room, the holy of holies, the soul sits alone and waits for a footstep that never comes.
- Edith Wharton
Collection: Doors
Image of Lea Thompson
If I don't have to act, I'd rather not. I'd rather not act cold. I'd rather actually be cold. That's my weird way of acting. If the door is supposed to be locked, I'd rather have it locked. But of course, most of the time, we have to act, and that's okay, too.
- Lea Thompson
Collection: Doors
Image of Richard Kadrey
I tap a Malediction out of the box, fire it up, and puff. It tastes like a tire fire in a candy factory next door to a strip club. The best cigarettes ever.
- Richard Kadrey
Collection: Doors
Image of Richard Russo
I was the one who did come through that door. You were the one she was waiting for.
- Richard Russo
Collection: Doors
Image of Derek Landy
Doors are for people with no imagination.
- Derek Landy
Collection: Doors
Image of Jose Saramago
There are such moments in life, when, in order for heaven to open, it is necessary for a door to close.
- Jose Saramago
Collection: Doors
Image of Jose Saramago
Every second that passes is like a door that opens to allow in what has not yet happened, what we call the future, but, to challenge the contradictory nature of what we have just said, perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the future is just an immense void, that the future is just the time on which the eternal present feeds.
- Jose Saramago
Collection: Doors
Image of W. G. Sebald
No one can explain exactly what happens within us when the doors behind which our childhood terrors lurk are flung open.
- W. G. Sebald
Collection: Doors
Image of Michael Rosenbaum
Though it`s a small price to pay, shaving my head has opened more doors than I ever thought possible.
- Michael Rosenbaum
Collection: Doors
Image of Melina Marchetta
Be prepared for the worst, my love, for it lives next door to the best.
- Melina Marchetta
Collection: Doors
Image of Jacob Bronowski
There is no absolute knowledge. And those who claim it, whether they are scientists or dogmatists, open the door to tragedy.
- Jacob Bronowski
Collection: Doors
Image of Edith Pattou
That's the trouble with loving a wild thing: You're always left watching the door.
- Edith Pattou
Collection: Doors
Image of Darcey Steinke
The problem with being a modern woman, I thought, as the front door swung wide, is that you have to pretend to be stronger than you are.
- Darcey Steinke
Collection: Doors
Image of A. C. Benson
The joy of all mysteries is the certainty which comes from their contemplation, that there are many doors yet for the soul to open on her upward and inward way.
- A. C. Benson
Collection: Doors
Image of Susan Glaspell
Resentment opens no door and breeds no courage.
- Susan Glaspell
Collection: Doors
Image of Grant Morrison
Stop being frightened. You only see a monster because they want you to see monsters everywhere. They've conditioned you to look for monsters in every shadow, every coat hung on every door. As long as we keep seeing monsters, we'll continue to need protection and that's how other people get to control our lives.
- Grant Morrison
Collection: Doors
Image of Ryan Stiles
The sky, the sky beyond the door is bluuuuuuue!
- Ryan Stiles
Collection: Doors