Top Parent Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Parent quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Attila the Hun
It's not that I succeed, it's that everyone else has to fail, horribly, preferably in front of their parents.
- Attila the Hun
Collection: Parent
Image of Sonya Sones
My parents are great listeners Which is why I never tell them anything
- Sonya Sones
Collection: Parent
Image of John Waters
I always wanted to be a juvenile delinquent but my parents wouldn't let me.
- John Waters
Collection: Parent
Image of David Schwimmer
My parents from a very young age raised my sister and I under a pressure to achieve. Theyre both attorneys. So good marks, getting through university, there was a huge emphasis and pressure to do well and keep going.
- David Schwimmer
Collection: Parent
Image of Jenna Blum
Nothing is ever quite right, is it, after a parent dies? No matter how well things go, something always feels slightly off.
- Jenna Blum
Collection: Parent
Image of Katharine Whitehorn
One reason you are stricken when your parents die is that the audience you've been aiming at all your life - shocking it, pleasing it - has suddenly left the theater.
- Katharine Whitehorn
Collection: Parent
Image of Karen Joy Fowler
But no one is easier to delude than a parent; they see only what they wish to see.
- Karen Joy Fowler
Collection: Parent
Image of Sheila Heti
My parents are both scientists, and I was raised without god.
- Sheila Heti
Collection: Parent
Image of Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Once I've accepted a role, I'll let my parents and my sisters read it because they find it entertaining.
- Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Collection: Parent
Image of Natasha Trethewey
When I was born here in Gulfport in 1966, my parents' interracial marriage was still illegal. And it was very hard to drive around town with my parents, to be out in public with my parents.
- Natasha Trethewey
Collection: Parent
Image of Aaliyah
My parents just tell me, ‘If you know what you want, you should stay determined and go for it. You can do anything.’
- Aaliyah
Collection: Parent
Image of Han Nolan
And she didn't once say anything about this being a sin. It used to be I got the word sin slapped in my face every time I did something wrong, but come on, when you live in a sin-free family with sin-free parents and a sin-free sister, well, you can't help but sin a little extra on their behalf.
- Han Nolan
Collection: Parent
Image of Judy Blume
Having the freedom to read and the freedom to choose is one of the best gifts my parents ever gave me.
- Judy Blume
Collection: Parent
Image of Scott Snyder
[Bruce] sees a lot of himself in [Batman], you know? You could argue that something even worse than what happened to Bruce happened to [Duke's] parents, who are now Joker-ized*. They're not just gone or irretrievably lost. And I'm NOT curing them, so you can put that out there! There's no relief from that.
- Scott Snyder
Collection: Parent
Image of Steven Spielberg
From a very young age, my parents taught me the most important lesson of my whole life: They taught me how to listen. They taught me how to listen to everybody before I made up my own mind. When you listen, you learn. You absorb like a sponge - and your life becomes so much better than when you are just trying to be listened to all the time.
- Steven Spielberg
Collection: Parent
Image of Louise Rennison
Vaisey said, "Is it because your parents don't understand you?" Charlie said, "No, it's because our parents understand us very well, and that is why they wanted us to go away.
- Louise Rennison
Collection: Parent
Image of Mike Birbiglia
I didn't realize how good I was with computers until I met my parents.
- Mike Birbiglia
Collection: Parent
Image of Nadeem Aslam
History is the third parent.
- Nadeem Aslam
Collection: Parent
Image of Olivia Munn
Be okay with who you are. And that you can't choose your parents or what life you were born into, but you can choose the kind of person you want to be.
- Olivia Munn
Collection: Parent
Image of Catherine O'Hara
I lived in LA for a few months. It seemed like no one there had parents. Or if they did have parents, they would deny it.
- Catherine O'Hara
Collection: Parent
Image of Anchee Min
My parents lived likeas the neighbours described thema pair of chopsticks, always in harmony.
- Anchee Min
Collection: Parent
Image of Art Spiegelman
I know this is insane, but i somehow wish i had been in auschwitz with my parents so i could really know what they lived through! I guess it's some kind of guilt about having had an easier life than they did.
- Art Spiegelman
Collection: Parent
Image of Victoria Principal
I was very lucky. My parents raised me in such a way that it never occurred to me that I wasn't equal
- Victoria Principal
Collection: Parent
Image of Anthony Quinn
There's no sense that you're there forever. No parent is there forever.
- Anthony Quinn
Collection: Parent
Image of Rumer Willis
Love doesn't care who your parents are.
- Rumer Willis
Collection: Parent
Image of Regina Doman
My parents reverted to their Catholic faith through the charismatic renewal, so I was raised charismatic.
- Regina Doman
Collection: Parent
Image of Luke Rhinehart
Patterns are prostitution to the patter of parents.
- Luke Rhinehart
Collection: Parent
Image of Loretta Chase
Parents must be treated with respect, whether one wants to strangle them or not.
- Loretta Chase
Collection: Parent
Image of Angela Kinsey
Being a parent is amazing.
- Angela Kinsey
Collection: Parent
Image of Channing Tatum
I've got great genetics from parents, and I'm not moaning that I have such a hard life. Trust me; it's worked out so much more in the positive then the negative.
- Channing Tatum
Collection: Parent
Image of Anjelica Huston
Of wanting to pay my own way. I never asked my parents for money. I preferred to steal from my parents than ask them for money.
- Anjelica Huston
Collection: Parent
Image of Jenna Jameson
Ultimately, what really matters is not just the experiences you have at a young age, but whether or not you are equipped-by your parents, by your genetics, by your education-to survive and deal with them.
- Jenna Jameson
Collection: Parent
Image of Samuel West
What did my parents say when I told them I wanted to be an actor? 'Be a plumber.'
- Samuel West
Collection: Parent
Image of Dinah Maria Murlock Craik
A parent, unlike a poet, is not born - he is made.
- Dinah Maria Murlock Craik
Collection: Parent
Image of Elaine S. Dalton
As you climb the mountains of life, stay on the path of virtue. There will be others to help you- your parents, family members, bishops, advisers, and righteous friends of all ages. And if you are weary or take a wrong turn, change your direction and get back on the path of virtue. Always remember that the Savior is there for you. He will enable you to repent, strengthen you, lighten your burdens, dry your tears, comfort you, and continue to help you stay on the path.
- Elaine S. Dalton
Collection: Parent
Image of Francine du Plessix Gray
one forgives parents as naturally as one emancipates oneself from them - usually shortly afterward.
- Francine du Plessix Gray
Collection: Parent
Image of Emilia Clarke
I told my parents I wanted to be an actor and they were getting ready for a life of unemployment so they're just happy I'm in work!
- Emilia Clarke
Collection: Parent
Image of Norman Finkelstein
Apart from my parents, every family member on both sides was exterminated by the Nazis.
- Norman Finkelstein
Collection: Parent
Image of Jerry Rubin
Our parents are our first oppressors.
- Jerry Rubin
Collection: Parent
Image of Scott Simon
It's not the cost (although that pinches), or the time (though that grinds). After a while, it's the sheer galling indignity of being asked to prove, pay, and prove all over again that you're a worthy parent. Any true parent will tell you that that is impossible to prove in advance.
- Scott Simon
Collection: Parent
Image of Harrison Schmitt
It might be helpful to realize, that very probably the parents of the first native born Martians are alive today.
- Harrison Schmitt
Collection: Parent
Image of John Rosemond
The fewer words a parent uses, the more aurhoritative the parent sounds & the clearer the instruction.
- John Rosemond
Collection: Parent
Image of Sir Fulke Greville
Human knowledge is the parent of doubt.
- Sir Fulke Greville
Collection: Parent
Image of Big L
Im so ahead of my time my parents havent met yet
- Big L
Collection: Parent
Image of Larry Nelson
They remember when their parents went out there, had picnics on the Beck's Mill grounds. It was the nostalgia of it.
- Larry Nelson
Collection: Parent
Image of Ana Castillo
I'm obviously an American citizen. My parents are American citizens. But I'm not looked at as an American.
- Ana Castillo
Collection: Parent
Image of Richard Carmona
Because of the increasing rates of obesity, unhealthy eating habits and physical inactivity, we may see the first generation that will be less healthy and have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.
- Richard Carmona
Collection: Parent
Image of Genesis P-Orridge
Our identity is fictional, written by parents, relatives, education, society.
- Genesis P-Orridge
Collection: Parent
Image of John Kapelos
If my parents were alive, they'd giggle "John was an actor since day one!".
- John Kapelos
Collection: Parent
Image of Charlie Trotter
My parents couldnt be looser. It was the ultimate laissez faire upbringing.
- Charlie Trotter
Collection: Parent