Top Broken Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Broken quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Justina Chen
Inertia is so easy—don't fix what's not broken. Leave well enough alone. So we end up accepting what is broken, mistaking complaining for action, procrastinating for deliberation.
- Justina Chen
Collection: Broken
Image of Michael Phelps
Records are always made to be broken no matter what they are. Anybody can do anything that they set their mind to.
- Michael Phelps
Collection: Broken
Image of Alan Paton
The tragedy is not that things are broken. The tragedy is that things are not mended again.
- Alan Paton
Collection: Broken
Image of Melanie Rawn
The future is not set in stone, and even if it was, stone can be broken.
- Melanie Rawn
Collection: Broken
Image of Ilona Andrews
When I'm with him, I can feel myself getting better. It's like he's picking up broken pieces of me and putting me back together, and I don't even know he's doing it. We never talk about it. We don't go to therapy. He just loves me and that's enough.
- Ilona Andrews
Collection: Broken
Image of Jennifer Worth
The shell must be broken before the bird can fly.
- Jennifer Worth
Collection: Broken
Image of Wendy Mass
(T)he world is broken up into pieces,'s up to everyone to help put it all back together. It's about recognizing the spark of life in everyone and everything, and gluing those shards back together.
- Wendy Mass
Collection: Broken
Image of Bjork
If you wake up / And the day feels broken / Just lean into the crack
- Bjork
Collection: Broken
Image of Brian Selznick
If you lose your purpose ... it's like you're broken.
- Brian Selznick
Collection: Broken
Image of Meg Ryan
I love what you might call brutal elegance. Where form and function are really obvious. There is nothing easily broken in this house.
- Meg Ryan
Collection: Broken
Image of Lisa See
i would rather be married to broken jade than flawless clay
- Lisa See
Collection: Broken
Image of Kami Garcia
Maybe it needed to be broken. Sometimes things have to break before you can fix them.
- Kami Garcia
Collection: Broken
Image of John Wilmot
Now piercèd is her virgin zone; She feels the foe within it. She hears a broken amorous groan, The panting lover's fainting moan, Just in the happy minute.
- John Wilmot
Collection: Broken
Image of Rachel Naomi Remen
Helping, fixing, and serving represent three different ways of seeing life. When you help, you see life as weak. when you fix, you see life as broken. When you serve, you see life as whole. Fixing and helping may be the work of the ego, and service the work of the soul.
- Rachel Naomi Remen
Collection: Broken
Image of Algernon Charles Swinburne
I remember the way we parted, The day and the way we met; You hoped we were both broken-hearted And knew we should both forget.
- Algernon Charles Swinburne
Collection: Broken
Image of Edith Wharton
Life's just a perpetual piecing together of broken bits.
- Edith Wharton
Collection: Broken
Image of Wendell Berry
Only by restoring the broken connections can we be healed. Connection is health. And what our society does its best to disguise from us is how ordinary, how commonly attainable, health is. We lose our health -- and create profitable diseases and dependencies -- by failing to see the direct connections between living and eating, eating and working, working and loving.
- Wendell Berry
Collection: Broken
Image of Diane Setterfield
A good story is always more dazzling than a broken piece of truth.
- Diane Setterfield
Collection: Broken
Image of Myla Goldberg
Miriam realizes she is a broken vessel, pieces of her scattered everywhere. She has been finding those pieces, in their many forms, and bringing them together so she can be whole again.
- Myla Goldberg
Collection: Broken
Image of Ned Vizzini
I feel dead, wasted, awful, broken and useless. It's not the kind of feeling you forget.
- Ned Vizzini
Collection: Broken
Image of Carl Icahn
And I'm convinced, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you can work with the unions because the unions want to survive. If they are confronted simply with the question: "Do you want this company to survive or do you want it to be broken up?" they will listen. It's their livelihood.
- Carl Icahn
Collection: Broken
Image of Matthew Quick
I feel like I’m broken—like I don’t fit together anymore. Like there’s no more room for me in the world or something. Like I’ve overstayed my welcome here on Earth, and everyone’s trying to give me hints about that constantly. Like I should just check out.
- Matthew Quick
Collection: Broken
Image of Nalini Singh
Some things need to be broken to become stronger.
- Nalini Singh
Collection: Broken
Image of C.E. Murphy
I'm not a goddamned faith healer! I don't talk to God! I'm a mechanic and her goddamned engine was broken! --Joanne
- C.E. Murphy
Collection: Broken
Image of Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost and without compass, God's love encompasses us completely. ... He loves every one of us, even those who are flawed, rejected, awkward, sorrowful, or broken.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Collection: Broken
Image of Tom Perrotta
Once you'd broken through that invisible barrier that separates one person from another, you were connected forever, whether you liked it or not.
- Tom Perrotta
Collection: Broken
Image of Mercy Otis Warren
The waves have rolled upon me, the billows are repeatedly broken over me, yet I am not sunk down.
- Mercy Otis Warren
Collection: Broken
Image of Louise Penny
Things are strongest where they're broken.
- Louise Penny
Collection: Broken
Image of Kamila Shamsie
When you can be this, why are you ever anything else? - Broken Verses
- Kamila Shamsie
Collection: Broken
Image of Bruce Wilkinson
Imagine what your life will look like when you have broken the bondage of fear.
- Bruce Wilkinson
Collection: Broken
Image of Buddy Wakefield
There is a point when tears don't work to wash things away anymore. Grabbing for breath has now broken my fingers.
- Buddy Wakefield
Collection: Broken
Image of Mickey Rourke
I'm an old broken down piece of meat and I deserve to be all alone . . .
- Mickey Rourke
Collection: Broken
Image of Ian McDonald
There's never been a rule of human behavior that hasn't been broken by someone, somewhere, sometime, in some circumstance mundane or spectacular. To be human is to transcend the rules.
- Ian McDonald
Collection: Broken
Image of Ilsa J. Bick
But sticking to rules just because they're there does not make them right. You need to learn when the rules should be broken.
- Ilsa J. Bick
Collection: Broken
Image of Dan Abnett
We pick up the pieces, Donna. Some of them are broken.
- Dan Abnett
Collection: Broken
Image of Bruno Schulz
As we manipulate everyday words, we forget that they are fragments of ancient and eternal stories, that we are building our houses with broken pieces of sculptures and ruined statues of gods as the barbarians did.
- Bruno Schulz
Collection: Broken
Image of Stephen Hunt
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
- Stephen Hunt
Collection: Broken
Image of Frances Hardinge
The world is like a broken wrist that healed the wrong way, and will never be the same again.
- Frances Hardinge
Collection: Broken
Image of Geraldine McCaughrean
[Peter Pan] has never broken his terrible habit of eavesdropping. So, maybe that wasn't the rustle of pages you heard while this story lasted, but Peter Pan himself, listening in. In exchanged for a story of yours, he might show you his most prized possession: James Hooks' map of Neverland. In exchange for a smile, he may show you Neverland itself.
- Geraldine McCaughrean
Collection: Broken
Image of Michael Marshall Smith
First time you hear something, it sounds outlandish and broken and like it doesn't make sense. But once it's been in your head awhile it's as if the other thoughts in there wriggle out of the way to give it some room.
- Michael Marshall Smith
Collection: Broken
Image of Abbi Glines
I'd worried that letting her get too close would break me. Unfortunately, I'd worried about that a little too late. Because I was broken. The Cage I was before Eva no longer existed. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I'd fallen in love with her. I'd allowed someone in and she hadn't want me. I hadn't been good enough. I never was.
- Abbi Glines
Collection: Broken
Image of Ben Quayle
My moral compass is so broken I can barely find the parking lot.
- Ben Quayle
Collection: Broken
Image of Megan Hart
I know everything and nothing about him all at the same time.
- Megan Hart
Collection: Broken
Image of Steve Almond
It is in these moments of tender and ridiculous nostalgia that I know something inside me is still broken.
- Steve Almond
Collection: Broken
Image of Billy Sunday
The only way to keep a broken vessel full is to keep it always under the tap.
- Billy Sunday
Collection: Broken
Image of John Perkins
No matter how many toys we amass we leave them behind when we die, just as we leave a broken environment, an economy that only benefits the richest, and a legacy of empowering greed over goodness. It is now time to commit to following a new path.
- John Perkins
Collection: Broken
Image of Justin Timberlake
Resolutions are just like rules. They're just made to be broken.
- Justin Timberlake
Collection: Broken
Image of Nick Vujicic
You don't know what God can do with your broken pieces until you give God your broken pieces.
- Nick Vujicic
Collection: Broken
Image of Bryan Davis
Assumptions are unopened windows that foolish birds fly into, and their broken bodies are evidence gathered too late.
- Bryan Davis
Collection: Broken
Image of Matt Papa
If the gospel has never broken you, you have never really heard it.
- Matt Papa
Collection: Broken