Top clever Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of clever quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Hans Rosling
We must obviously be much more clever in using resources, regulate with tax and promote innovations.
- Hans Rosling
Collection: Clever
Image of Frances Wright
Credulity is always a ridiculous, often a dangerous failing: it has made of many a clever man, a fool; and of many a good man, a knave.
- Frances Wright
Collection: Clever
Image of Lauren Willig
It is a truth universally acknowledged that one only comes up with clever, cutting remarks long after the other party is happily slumbering away.
- Lauren Willig
Collection: Clever
Image of Jeanette Winterson
In this life you have to be your own hero. By that I mean you have to win whatever it is that matters to you by your own strength and in your own way. Like it or not, you are alone in a forest, just like all those fairy tales that begin with a hero who’s usually stupid but somehow brave, or who might be clever, but weak as a straw, and away he goes (don’t worry about the gender), cheered on by nobody, via the castles and the bears, and the old witch and the enchanted stream, and by and by (we hope) he’ll find the treasure.
- Jeanette Winterson
Collection: Clever
Image of Hugh Nibley
[Eve] sees through Satan's disquise of clever hypocrisy, identifies him, and exposes him for what he is...[ever since Satan has] had it in for women.
- Hugh Nibley
Collection: Clever
Image of Laura Anne Gilman
Clever's not enough to hold me - I want characters who are more than devices to be moved about for Effect.
- Laura Anne Gilman
Collection: Clever
Image of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Tale-bearers are as bad as the tale-makers.
- Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Collection: Clever
Image of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
She's as headstrong as an allegory on the banks of the Nile.
- Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Collection: Clever
Image of Denise Mina
Most of the people who write to me are really clever, really engaged. They just want to say that they have read my book and liked it.
- Denise Mina
Collection: Clever
Image of Ernest Rutherford
I've just finished reading some of my early papers, and you know, when I'd finished I said to myself, 'Rutherford, my boy, you used to be a damned clever fellow.' (1911)
- Ernest Rutherford
Collection: Clever
Image of Thandie Newton
Humans are really interesting. We're so clever, what we do with our brain. How we manage to con ourselves into thinking all sorts of things is really fascinating. By the same token, if we could just convince ourselves of things that would gather us together and powerfully turn things around for the good, that would be awesome. It's doubtful because we're such a fear-based species.
- Thandie Newton
Collection: Clever
Image of Thandie Newton
[We assume] that the self is an actual living thing, but it's not. It's a projection which our clever brains create in order to cheat ourselves from the reality of death.
- Thandie Newton
Collection: Clever
Image of Jean-Pierre de Caussade
Those who have abandoned themselves to God always lead mysterious lives and receive from him exceptional and miraculous gifts by means of the most ordinary, natural and chance experiences in which there appears to be nothing unusual. The simplest sermon, the most banal conversations, the least erudite books become a source of knowledges and wisdom to these souls by virtue of God's purpose. This is why they carefully pick up the crumbs which clever minds tread underfoot, for to them everything is precious and a source of enrichment.
- Jean-Pierre de Caussade
Collection: Clever
Image of Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
...the number one reason knitters knit is because they are so smart that they need knitting to make boring things interesting. Knitters are so compellingly clever that they simply can't tolerate boredom. It takes more to engage and entertain this kind of human, and they need an outlet or they get into trouble. "...knitters just can't watch TV without doing something else. Knitters just can't wait in line, knitters just can't sit waiting at the doctor's office. Knitters need knitting to add a layer of interest in other, less constructive ways.
- Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
Collection: Clever
Image of Laurence Tribe
One of the most extraordinary examples in recent decades [of unitary visions of constitutional enterprise] is found in a book called "Takings"... Epstein makes an extremely clever but stunningly reductionist argument that the whole Constitution is really designed to protect private property... Can a constitution reflecting as diverse an array of visions and aspirations as ours really be reducible to such as sadly single-minded vision as that?
- Laurence Tribe
Collection: Clever
Image of Gavin de Becker
Every day people engaged in the clever defiance of their own intuition become, in midthought, victims of violence and accidents. So when we wonder why we are victims so often, the answer is clear: It is because we are so good at it.
- Gavin de Becker
Collection: Clever
Image of Patrick Rothfuss
Half of seeming clever is keeping your mouth shut at the right times.
- Patrick Rothfuss
Collection: Clever
Image of Martin Mull
Human beings are 70% water and with some the rest is colagen
- Martin Mull
Collection: Clever
Image of Marvin Olasky
Political journalists love graduate student intelligence, the ability to make clever allusions in seminars, and in 1999-2000, they hassled George W Bush for not having it. They didn't realise what this book succinctly displays: that the president has something far more important - CEO intelligence, the ability to ask tough questions, garner essential information and make discerning decisions.
- Marvin Olasky
Collection: Clever
Image of Tony DiTerlizzi
Clever is as clever does.
- Tony DiTerlizzi
Collection: Clever
Image of M.C. Beaton
Clever plastic surgery can restore an appearance of youth, but nothing changes the expression of age and experience in the eyes.
- M.C. Beaton
Collection: Clever
Image of Bertrand Russell
A stupid man's report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: Clever
Image of Robert H. Schuller
If you are creative enough to imagine a problem, you're clever enough to discover a solution.
- Robert H. Schuller
Collection: Clever
Image of Bess Streeter Aldrich
not all clever words are true. ... And inversely most things that are true are not clever.
- Bess Streeter Aldrich
Collection: Clever
Image of Lilian Jackson Braun
Beware of the clever ones; the dumb ones are safer.
- Lilian Jackson Braun
Collection: Clever
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
The world is full of people who are very clever at seeming much smarter than they really are.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Clever
Image of Joseph Pulitzer
What a newspaper needs in its news, in its headlines, and on its editorial page is terseness, humor, descriptive power, satire, originality, good literary style, clever condensation and accuracy, accuracy, accuracy.
- Joseph Pulitzer
Collection: Clever
Image of Stacy Schiff
Cleopatra stood at one of the most dangerous intersections in history; that of women and power. Clever women, Euripides had warned hundreds of years earlier, were dangerous.
- Stacy Schiff
Collection: Clever
Image of Geraldine McCaughrean
There are things roaming around inside my head as clever as Theseus in the Labyrinth. It's just that nobody ever gave them the necessary piece of string, so they'll never find their way out.
- Geraldine McCaughrean
Collection: Clever
Image of Lalla Ward
I think Douglas [Douglas Adams] was a real one-off. He was so clever and so intelligent and so well read in real science that he could make science fiction work as well as it did. And just such fun to have around, he was just such a lovely man.
- Lalla Ward
Collection: Clever
Image of Thom Yorke
If I had one wish I'd wish for a million wishes because I am clever.
- Thom Yorke
Collection: Clever
Image of Matthew Vaughn
If you give the audience what they expect, they'll be bored. There are no rules: You do what you want while respecting the boundaries. You don't poke people in the eye; you do things they haven't seen before and make it accessible, funny and clever.
- Matthew Vaughn
Collection: Clever
Image of David Bowie
Religion is for people who fear hell, spirituality is for people who have been there.
- David Bowie
Collection: Clever
Image of Herbert Beerbohm Tree
A charming fellow, and so clever: he models himself on me.
- Herbert Beerbohm Tree
Collection: Clever
Image of Ben Aaronovitch
The clever people at CERN are smashing particles together in the hope that Doctor Who will turn up and tell them to stop
- Ben Aaronovitch
Collection: Clever
Image of Anne Mallory
Beauty is something that is hard to debate. Every man thinks his ideal the best. But the wittiest woman rise to the top of this structure, conventional beauty often taking a back seat to a woman possessed of a clever tongue.
- Anne Mallory
Collection: Clever
Image of Lawrence Hill
beware the clever man that makes the wrong look right
- Lawrence Hill
Collection: Clever
Image of Allard K. Lowenstein
When President Nixon said that the American people don't want their foreign policy dictated from the street, unfortunately, he said the most clever political statement I think he's ever said.
- Allard K. Lowenstein
Collection: Clever
Image of Anita Roddick
We entrepreneurs are loners, vagabonds, troublemakers. Success is simply a matter of finding and surrounding ourselves with those open-minded and clever souls who can take our insanity and put it to good use.
- Anita Roddick
Collection: Clever
Image of Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
A clever woman often compromises her husband; a stupid woman only compromises herself.
- Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
Collection: Clever
Image of Mary Doria Russell
If we keep demanding that God yield up His answers, perhaps some day we will understand them. And then we will be something more than clever apes, and we shall dance with God.
- Mary Doria Russell
Collection: Clever
Image of John Bytheway
If someone were to ask whether communications skills or meekness is most important to a marriage, I'd answer meekness, hands down. You can be a superb communicator but still never have the humility to ask, 'Is it I?' Communication skills are no substitute for Christlike attributes. As Dr. Douglas Brinley has observed, 'Without theological perspectives, secular exercises designed to improve our relationship and our communication skills (the common tools of counselors and marriage books) will never work any permanent change in one's heart: they simply develop more clever and skilled fighters!
- John Bytheway
Collection: Clever
Image of Alberto Moravia
War has become an affair of machines...and soldiers are little more than clever mechanics.
- Alberto Moravia
Collection: Clever
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Mr. [Aldous] Huxley has been the alarming young man for a long time, a sort of perpetual clever nephew who can be relied on to flutter the lunch party. Whatever will he say next? How does he think of those things? He has been deplored once or twice, but feeling is in his favor: he is steadily read. He is at once the truly clever person and the stupid person's idea of the clever person; he is expected to be relentless, to administer intellectual shocks.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Clever
Image of Andrew Clements
And I love Jane Austen's use of language too--the way she takes her time to develop a phrase and gives it room to grow, so that these clever, complex statements form slowly and then bloom in my mind. Beethoven does the same thing with his cadence and phrasing and structure. It's a fact: Jane Austen is musical. And so's Yeats. And Wordsworth. All the great writers are musical.
- Andrew Clements
Collection: Clever
Image of Lou Reed
Between thought and expression lies a lifetime.
- Lou Reed
Collection: Clever
Image of Paul Di Filippo
Immensely clever and libidinously hilarious.The most astonishing thing about Love in a Dead Language is its ingenious construction. Insofar as any printed volume can lay claim to being a multimedia work, this book earns that distinction.
- Paul Di Filippo
Collection: Clever
Image of Kim Basinger
You lose your anonymity just like a helium balloon with a string. Therefore people are going to have their own opinion and they're going to write in whatever clever manner they desire
- Kim Basinger
Collection: Clever
Image of David Liss
Seduction is an absolute pleasure to read -- clever, suspenseful, exciting, mysterious, learned, and engrossing. Some of the best historical fiction I've read in quite some time and just plain reading fun. M.J. Rose is at the top of her game, and that is saying something.
- David Liss
Collection: Clever
Image of Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
We all have found ourselves in awkward, embarrassing situations, often brought on by ourselves - thinking we are saying something clever, for example, when it turns out to sound really mean or stupid. Those are the kind of embarrassing situations that we could have avoided. "Welcome to the human race," is about the only comfort we can give ourselves.
- Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Collection: Clever