Jay Leno

Image of Jay Leno
The difference between Men and Women is that Men love The 3 Stooges, and Women think they're assholes.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Men
Image of Jay Leno
Today, President Barack Obama promised to 'detect and pursue' American tax evaders, as opposed to his first 100 days, in which he detected and nominated American tax evaders.
- Jay Leno
Collection: President
Image of Jay Leno
There is a new book out about Hillary Clinton that claims Bill is still having affairs but Hillary continues to look the other way. The only problem is when Hillary does look the other way Bill's having sex with a women over there too.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Sex
Image of Jay Leno
According to the Mayans, the world is supposed to end in the year 2012. Are you buying that? When's the last time you even ran into a Mayan?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Years
Image of Jay Leno
Nissan is designing a car that will read the driver's mind. I already know what I'm going to do. I want a car that will read the other guy's mind.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Car
Image of Jay Leno
President Obama's been reaching out to Iran, reaching out to Cuba, reaching out to Latin America. The only place he can't seem to be able to reach out to: Texas. ... Despite Governor Rick Perry talking about how Texas could secede from the Union if it wanted to, 75 per cent of the people who live there want to stay in the United States. Of course they want to stay. I mean, after spending all that time and effort sneaking across the border to get here, why would they want to leave?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Latin
Image of Jay Leno
It's cold out. It's even cold in Florida. So cold today that Katherine Harris put on a third layer of makeup.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Makeup
Image of Jay Leno
Sarah Palin has revealed she has tried marijuana, but she did not like it. You know, it's amazing: 200 million Americans have smoked marijuana. The only ones who don't like it seem to be elected officials. Ever notice that?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Marijuana
Image of Jay Leno
Republicans are now saying that Dan Rather should lose his job because he misled the country with bogus information. Which is odd because the Democrats are saying the exact same thing about President Bush.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Country
Image of Jay Leno
The lead story on MSNBC was the news that there was nothing new to report in the Gary Condit story. So remember when there is nothing new to report, MSNBC will be the station not to report it first.
- Jay Leno
Collection: News
Image of Jay Leno
Actually, the University of California says they may start a marijuana research center. Really? I thought the University of California was a marijuana research center.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Marijuana
Image of Jay Leno
Joe Biden once again denied stories that he will be replaced on the ticket in 2012. He says he will continue to embarrass President Obama for another four years.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Years
Image of Jay Leno
"This is now the twelfth day of rioting in France. They have been rioting for almost two weeks. And France has still not surrendered. That's like a record.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Two
Image of Jay Leno
Yesterday Gary Condit spent the whole day attending an agricultural meeting. Boy, that's when you know a congressman's in real trouble: when he spends the whole day actually working.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Real
Image of Jay Leno
The good news is, President Obama was born in America. The bad news is, so was Donald Trump.
- Jay Leno
Collection: America
Image of Jay Leno
Here's an uplifting story. Congratulations to the Little League team from Huntington Beach, California. Yeah, they beat Japan to win the Little League World Series. That's pretty good. See, that proves that when math and science aren't involved, our kids can beat anybody.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Uplifting
Image of Jay Leno
The other night, President Bush's press conference was pre-empted by 'American Idol.' You know the difference between President Bush and 'American Idol?' See, on 'American Idol,' the one with the most votes wins.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Winning
Image of Jay Leno
Twenty-one years ago today Saddam Hussein was first elected president of Iraq and he has been re-elected ever since. Apparently they have the same electoral process we do, you don't need the popular vote to win.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Winning
Image of Jay Leno
I went to see that movie 'From Hell,' or as Osama bin Laden calls it - 'Roots.'
- Jay Leno
Collection: Roots
Image of Jay Leno
Yesterday, Saddam Hussein got 100 percent of the vote. Well, that's according to Saddam's campaign manager, Jeb Hussein.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Yesterday
Image of Jay Leno
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said this week there's a good chance we never get bin Laden. bin Laden! We couldn't even get O.J.!
- Jay Leno
Collection: Defense
Image of Jay Leno
There's a new Osama bin Laden video. He's the only person that is looking thin during the holidays. How does he do it? I think he's going to Jenny Craig.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Holiday
Image of Jay Leno
BP CEO Tony Hayward said he would just like to get his life back. He wants to get his life back. You know, I say give him life plus 20.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Giving
Image of Jay Leno
President Bush said it's now time for a change in Iraq and he wants them to have a Western-style democracy like ours. So right now in Iraq, the economy is collapsing, businessmen are corrupt, and Hussein wants his son to take over as president. Sounds like mission accomplished.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Change
Image of Jay Leno
This Tony Haywire guy, whatever his name is, he told the BBC on Sunday that he believes the new oil cap that they've installed will eventually capture the vast majority of oil spewing from the well. You know, if they could capture half the BS spewing from Tony Hayward, people would be thrilled.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Believe
Image of Jay Leno
It looks like President Obama has a new campaign slogan: 'Yes I Did.'
- Jay Leno
Collection: President
Image of Jay Leno
President Obama wants to raise taxes on the country's richest people. And you thought Donald Trump hated him before.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Country
Image of Jay Leno
I don't know why people are surprised the French don't want to help us get Saddam out of Iraq. After all, France wouldn't help us get the Germans out of France.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Iraq
Image of Jay Leno
For the first time the people of Iraq are united. Today on CNN I saw a Kurd, a Shiite and a member of the Republican Guard coming together to cart off a big screen TV.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Iraq
Image of Jay Leno
All of Iraq's oil fields are under U.S. control which is ironic considering all the gas stations here are run by Middle Easterners.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Running
Image of Jay Leno
How many have seen that Osama bin Laden footage? Pretty scary. In fact, today, NBC ordered 13 more episodes.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Nbc
Image of Jay Leno
The big winner last night in New Hampshire - Senator John Kerry. He won 39 percent of the vote, which is pretty good, and begs the question, why the long face?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Night
Image of Jay Leno
Have you noticed how the Republicans and Democrats try to copy each other at their conventions. Like at the Democratic convention John Kerry's daughter told a story about how he once gave CPR to her hamster. At the Republican convention the Bush girls are going to tell a story about how when their hamster was bad, their dad built them a little electric chair.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Girl
Image of Jay Leno
Today the Justice Department released e-mails where Walker criticized America. In the e-mails he said he never wanted to set foot in America again. See, that's the good part about hanging somebody. Their feet don't touch the ground.
- Jay Leno
Collection: America
Image of Jay Leno
I think Donald Trump and Jeb Bush are the frontrunners. It's kind of like the race between the tortoise and the bad hair.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jay Leno
Halloween's coming. Kids get very imaginative in my neighborhood. Last year, three kids showed up as Goldman Sachs executives and demanded 4.5 billion pieces of candy.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Halloween
Image of Jay Leno
Supporters of Osama bin Laden want to rename the Arabian Sea after bin Laden's death. They want to call it "Martyr's Sea." Please, hiding in your bedroom for six years with the blinds closed? How about "Chicken of the Sea?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Years
Image of Jay Leno
Vice President Cheney is also on vacation. He's in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. What better place for a guy who has had 4 heart attacks than a place with thin air, rugged hiking and all-beef dinners? Why don't they get some snow for him to shovel while he's out there, too?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Heart
Image of Jay Leno
An intruder broke into Mike Tyson's hotel room in Las Vegas while he was sleeping but got out before Tyson could get to him. I don't know what's scarier. Having someone breaking into your room while you're sleeping or breaking into someone else's room and finding out the guy is Mike Tyson.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Sleep
Image of Jay Leno
Statistics show 50% of the people use the internet. The rest have sex with real people.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Sex
Image of Jay Leno
Postal inspectors have been given advanced warning that Publishers Clearinghouse is sending packets of laundry detergent that could be mistaken for anthrax. Oh, good timing. What genius came up with this promotion? What's next - a ticking alarm clock? Let's put that in a box.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Genius
Image of Jay Leno
How would it be if we discovered that aliens only stopped by earth to let their kids take a leak?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Funny
Image of Jay Leno
The CEO of Enron, Jeffrey Skilling, married one of the Enron secretaries this week. It's amazing how romantic these Enron guys can be when they realize that wives can't be forced to testify against their husbands. Skilling said today she was the best secretary Enron had ever had. She could shred 950 words a minute. ... I guess they are on their honeymoon right now. That's going pretty well. Hey, he's used to screwing Enron employees.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Husband
Image of Jay Leno
Congratulation s to Rahm Emanuel on being elected mayor of Chicago. His first order of business after taking office will be to actually move to Chicago.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Congratulations
Image of Jay Leno
The price of oil is rising because of all the unrest in the Middle East. And the unrest in Wisconsin is causing the price of cheese to go through the roof.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Oil
Image of Jay Leno
President Obama said he plans on training 10,000 new math and science teachers. How about teaching math to that economic team of his?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Teacher
Image of Jay Leno
Well, there's a bright side to this for Ken Lay. You know, throughout the years Ken Lay has been a big campaign contributor to the Republican Party. So now, he'll be able to meet with those same people when he goes to prison.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Party
Image of Jay Leno
John Kerry reportedly flew in his private hairdresser before his "Meet the Press" interview for a total cost of $1,000. That's $1,000 for a haircut, which sounds like a lot, but have you seen the size of Kerry's head.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Sound
Image of Jay Leno
The Houston Astros want to change the name of Enron Field where they play. I guess the Enron name could cause problems for them. Like players could steal a base and then deny it.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Player