Top Iraq Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Iraq quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Scott Ritter
While we were never able to provide 100 percent certainty regarding the disposition of Iraq's proscribed weaponry, we did ascertain a 90-95 percent level of verified disarmament. This figure takes into account the destruction or dismantling of every major factory associated with prohibited weapons manufacture, all significant items of production equipment, and the majority of the weapons and agent produced by Iraq.
- Scott Ritter
Collection: Iraq
Image of Scott Ritter
There has been no case made - based on anything other than speculation - that Iraq poses a threat.
- Scott Ritter
Collection: Iraq
Image of Scott Ritter
[Operation] Rockingham was spinning reports and emphasizing reports that showed non-compliance (by Iraq with UN inspections) and quashing those which showed compliance. It was cherry-picking intelligence.
- Scott Ritter
Collection: Iraq
Image of Leon Panetta
The White House was so eager to rid itself of Iraq that it was willing to withdraw rather than lock in arrangements that would preserve our influence and interests.
- Leon Panetta
Collection: Iraq
Image of Jalal Talabani
I must tell you that I am committed, as the president of Iraq, to benchmarks and to do our best to achieve some progress forward for national reconciliation.
- Jalal Talabani
Collection: Iraq
Image of Jalal Talabani
The brutal regime of the dictator fell, the regime that ruled Iraq for decades, the decades of darkness. The decades that were of tyranny.
- Jalal Talabani
Collection: Iraq
Image of Nancy Pelosi
Saddam Hussein certainly has chemical and biological weapons. There's no question about that.
- Nancy Pelosi
Collection: Iraq
Image of Eli Roth
'Hostel' is that's how I feel about what's going on in Iraq. There's people that just want money and people are being sacrificed for it.
- Eli Roth
Collection: Iraq
Image of Paul Wolfowitz
Iraq has no history of ethnic conflict.
- Paul Wolfowitz
Collection: Iraq
Image of Hosni Mubarak
Iraq should commit itself to implement the U.N. resolutions, and the Iraqi leadership should put the interests of its people into consideration.
- Hosni Mubarak
Collection: Iraq
Image of John Pilger
The people who died in the Twin Towers in that terrible crime mattered. The people who were bombed to death in dusty villages in Afghanistan didn't matter, even though it now seems that their numbers were greater. The people who will die in Iraq don't matter.
- John Pilger
Collection: Iraq
Image of Brent Scowcroft
After the '30s, we said, "no more Munichs." And it got us in a lot of problems. Then we said, "No more Vietnams." Now if we say, "No more Iraqs," the next one won't be an Iraq. It will be something different. You can't learn lessons.
- Brent Scowcroft
Collection: Iraq
Image of Les Paul
If you're in the U.S. and talk to someone on the phone who's in Iraq, you'll experience sound delay. It isn't long, but the sound has to go to a satellite and back, it's used for everything. I'm proud to have that be something I invented.
- Les Paul
Collection: Iraq
Image of David Cameron
Every time I visit Iraq or Afghanistan I am blown away.
- David Cameron
Collection: Iraq
Image of Dick Cheney
What we did in Iraq was exactly the right thing to do. If I had it to recommend all over again, I would recommend exactly the same course of action.
- Dick Cheney
Collection: Iraq
Image of Juan Cole
Did you know that they introduced the 15 percent flat tax on individual and corporate income in Iraq? Something that some politicians very much wanted to push in the United States without success but in Iraq they do it.
- Juan Cole
Collection: Iraq
Image of Robert Byrd
The money the president wants to borrow for Iraq will come directly out of the American taxpayer wallets in the form of Medicare and Social Security receipts. That's your money
- Robert Byrd
Collection: Iraq
Image of Eric Shinseki
I do not want to criticize while my soldiers are still bleeding and dying in Iraq.
- Eric Shinseki
Collection: Iraq
Image of Kenneth Adelman
I have no doubt we're going to find big stores of weapons of mass destruction.
- Kenneth Adelman
Collection: Iraq
Image of Kenneth Adelman
Desert Storm II would be in a walk in the park... The case for 'regime change' boils down to the huge benefits and modest costs of liberating Iraq.
- Kenneth Adelman
Collection: Iraq
Image of William Kristol
Iraq's always been very secular.
- William Kristol
Collection: Iraq
Image of Ahmed Chalabi
What was said before is not important.
- Ahmed Chalabi
Collection: Iraq
Image of Conrad Burns
They appear to have had a higher voter turnout in Iraq than we did in our recent federal elections, and we didnt have terrorists threatening to kill our families if we voted.
- Conrad Burns
Collection: Iraq
Image of John Fugelsang
Blaming Obama for Iraq violence is like blaming Daniel Craig because Octopussy sucked.
- John Fugelsang
Collection: Iraq
Image of Greg Proops
If Iraq's weapons are weapons of mass destruction, surely ours are weapons of growth and nurturing.
- Greg Proops
Collection: Iraq
Image of Robin Cook
The longer we remain in Iraq the more our occupation becomes part of the problem... rather than the solution.
- Robin Cook
Collection: Iraq
Image of Bernard Kerik
I understand, probably more than anyone, what a threat Iraq was and the people that threatened Iraq was. I was beneath the towers on September 11th when they fell. And I -- again, I just -- I want to thank the President for the honor in allowing me to go there, because I lost 23 people. I wear this memorial band for the 23 I lost.
- Bernard Kerik
Collection: Iraq
Image of Mowaffak al-Rubaie
A system devolving power to the regions is the route to a viable Iraq.
- Mowaffak al-Rubaie
Collection: Iraq
Image of David Kay
In my judgment, based on the work that has been done to this point of the Iraq Survey Group, and in fact, that I reported to you in October, Iraq was in clear violation of the terms of U.N.Resolution 1441.
- David Kay
Collection: Iraq
Image of Amr Moussa
The end of foreign occupation is one of the pre-requisites if we are to witness any progress in our efforts to help Iraq go forward.
- Amr Moussa
Collection: Iraq
Image of Sheldon Richman
The draft is a monstrous violation of individual liberty, and even a good motive cannot make it otherwise. In a free society no one should be compelled to take up arms, or be forced to kill or risk being killed... But who can blame prospective volunteers from doubting that there is a threat from Iraq? The Bush administration has yet to make a persuasive argument to that effect.
- Sheldon Richman
Collection: Iraq
Image of David Ignatius
A change of strategy suggests there is a strategy. I don't see a strategy that deals with - that concerns with dealing wit with ISIL overall. There is some sort of strategy for dealing with it in Iraq. I'm not sure there is one in Syria. And Libya is another problem altogether.
- David Ignatius
Collection: Iraq
Image of Thomas Andrews
The more [people] know about the invasion and occupation of Iraq, the less they support it.
- Thomas Andrews
Collection: Iraq
Image of Margo Kingston
If Australia is attacked, it's no longer terrorism. We have invaded Iraq. Iraq, or its new allies, have every right to attack back.
- Margo Kingston
Collection: Iraq
Image of Tito Ortiz
There are guys over in Iraq that have been there for up to 14 months. It has been really tough on them. So any support that I can give; I'll give as much as I can.
- Tito Ortiz
Collection: Iraq
Image of Sandy Berger
Dealing with the threat that Secretaries Albright and Cohen have described, the threat from Saddam Hussein, demands constant resolve by the United States and by the international community; and at times, action. As long as he remains in power, we must be prepared to respond firmly to reckless actions that threaten the region and our interests. We've done that successfully over this decade.
- Sandy Berger
Collection: Iraq
Image of Sandy Berger
For the last eight years, American policy toward Iraq has been based on the direct threat Saddam poses to international security. That threat is clear. Saddam's history of aggression leaves little doubt that he would resume his drive for regional domination and his quest for weapons of mass destruction if he had the chance.
- Sandy Berger
Collection: Iraq
Image of Sandy Berger
[Saddam] Hussein maintains an active and aggressive nuclear weapons program.
- Sandy Berger
Collection: Iraq
Image of Sandy Berger
The possibility that Saddam Hussein will use his biological and chemical weapons to attack us, directly or in concert with terrorists, cannot be dismissed.
- Sandy Berger
Collection: Iraq
Image of Thelma Drake
What I see as the greatest threat to America is that the American people will put political pressure on their leaders to pull out of Iraq before we should.
- Thelma Drake
Collection: Iraq
Image of Howard Fineman
When Americans invade Iraq, Bush says, we will be greeted as liberators by the Iraqi people, proving that taking out Saddam Hussein was the right thing to do.
- Howard Fineman
Collection: Iraq
Image of Ari Fleischer
Well, there is no question that we have evidence and information that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, biological and chemical particularly . . . all this will be made clear in the course of the operation, for whatever duration it takes.
- Ari Fleischer
Collection: Iraq
Image of Margaret Drabble
My anti-Americanism has become almost uncontrollable. It has possessed me, like a disease. It rises up in my throat like acid reflux, that fashionable American sickness. I now loathe the United States and what it has done to Iraq and the rest of the helpless world.
- Margaret Drabble
Collection: Iraq
Image of Andrew Bacevich
Rejection would be a disaster for the U.S., but ratification alone will not end our problems in Iraq. Even if the constitution is ratified, the insurgents are not going to lay down their arms.
- Andrew Bacevich
Collection: Iraq
Image of Andrew Gilligan
Basic services such as electricity have never been worse and the economy of Arab Iraq is in ruins.
- Andrew Gilligan
Collection: Iraq
Image of Christopher Dodd
We need willingness to consider different mission in Iraq.
- Christopher Dodd
Collection: Iraq
Image of Michael Hastings
A woman I loved [Andi Parhamovich] was killed in Baghdad in January 2007 – al-Qaeda in Iraq took credit for it … The memorial service with me crying over an empty coffin.
- Michael Hastings
Collection: Iraq
Image of Jodie Evans
There were no terrorists in Iraq. There's never been an Iraqi terrorist.
- Jodie Evans
Collection: Iraq
Image of Jim Gerlach
Since the ousting and capture of Saddam Hussein by U.S. forces, civil rights and personal freedoms have been restored in Iraq, as well as equal rights to all, not just to Saddams entourage of terrorists.
- Jim Gerlach
Collection: Iraq
Image of Nathaniel Fick
I was in Afghanistan and then obviously in Iraq. And I realized that you can't control life. You can do a lot to prepare. You can train, and at the end of the day there's an element that's always going to be beyond your control.
- Nathaniel Fick
Collection: Iraq