Top car Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of car quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Siri Hustvedt
In August of 2002, I survived a car accident. Although I can still see the van speeding toward us, I cannot bring to mind the crash itself - only its aftermath.
- Siri Hustvedt
Collection: Car
Image of Frank Oz
I don't buy diamonds, I don't buy cars, but I enjoy travelling. I'm not a very possessive person as far as things go.
- Frank Oz
Collection: Car
Image of Ed Begley, Jr.
California has always led the way on environmental protection and always reaped the benefits, pioneering everything from catalytic convertors on cars to stationary source reduction.
- Ed Begley, Jr.
Collection: Car
Image of Ratan Tata
I have two or three cars that I like, but today, Ferrari would be the best car I have driven in terms of being an impressive car.
- Ratan Tata
Collection: Car
Image of Marion Barry
I promise you a police car on every sidewalk.
- Marion Barry
Collection: Car
Image of Ann McLane Kuster
Go into the auto mechanic, you've got to know computers to be able to work on the cars.
- Ann McLane Kuster
Collection: Car
Image of Scott Cook
I spent some time studying Toyota, because how could a loom maker - they made looms. That was their business for 50 years, 35 years - and then they decided to go into the car business after everyone else was in the car business.
- Scott Cook
Collection: Car
Image of Paloma Picasso
I think, aesthetically, car design is so interesting - the dashboards, the steering wheels, and the beauty of the mechanics. I don't know how any of it works, I don't want to know, but it's inspirational.
- Paloma Picasso
Collection: Car
Image of Erma Bombeck
I've exercised with women so thin that buzzards followed them to their cars.
- Erma Bombeck
Collection: Car
Image of Jennifer Saunders
I'm a total petrolhead. My three brothers and I used to ride scrambling bikes in the field near where we lived. We all liked cars. I've always loved the smell of an engine.
- Jennifer Saunders
Collection: Car
Image of Sally Phillips
I think everyone is forgetting what plastic surgery is for - if you have a face-eating tumour, lose a breast or are involved in a car accident, then it's a good idea.
- Sally Phillips
Collection: Car
Image of Elon Musk
The U.S. automotive industry has been selling cars the same way for over 100 years, and there are many laws in place to govern exactly how that is to be accomplished.
- Elon Musk
Collection: Car
Image of Chris Bangle
The old 7 Series, the E38, was an elegant car, an evolution of the classic BMW look. But it wasn't penetrating the luxury market as we desired. It just didn't have the presence to be noticed.
- Chris Bangle
Collection: Car
Image of Tom Segura
You get such a visceral thrill driving a race car. You think you've driven, and then you're like, 'Oh, I was doing something for 20 years that I didn't realize I hadn't experienced the real version of.'
- Tom Segura
Collection: Car
Image of Danica Patrick
Every time I get into a Nationwide car after being in a Cup car, I feel so much more comfortable than I did previously.
- Danica Patrick
Collection: Car
Image of Carlos Sainz Jr.
I do try rallying. I do like rallying a lot. We have a rally car there in the countryside in Madrid. And everytime I'm there, I just jump in and have some fun. I really like rallying.
- Carlos Sainz Jr.
Collection: Car
Image of Alex Hirsch
Driving a fast/luxurious car has always been something I aspired to. For some reason, it makes me super happy being behind the wheel of these cars.
- Alex Hirsch
Collection: Car
Image of Boris Johnson
Huge numbers of people in London depend on their cars. Fuel duty is becoming a big factor in people's cost of living. I believe in trying to ease these burdens.
- Boris Johnson
Collection: Car
Image of Tom Perez
If you're one car accident away from poverty, you're on a high wire without a safety net. And that's a challenging proposition.
- Tom Perez
Collection: Car
Image of John Zimmer
The independence once represented by the car has been replaced by cell phones and social networks, which are now at the forefront of people's expression of freedom and access. Once a symbol of 'coming of age,' many drivers are waiting longer to get their licenses.
- John Zimmer
Collection: Car
Image of Rita Mae Brown
You sell a screenplay like you sell a car. If someone drives it off a cliff, that's it.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Car
Image of Richard Hammond
My grandfather on one side was trained as a cabinetmaker but eventually worked as a coachbuilder and then built cars. I inherited from him a love of cars, but with no technical ability whatsoever, sadly!
- Richard Hammond
Collection: Car
Image of Bow Wow
People ask for this life, but they don't really understand what comes with it. People just see the outside and that looks good - big houses, cars, girls, but you never see how the person is feeling deep down inside. Me personally, being a man, I'm going to feel better displaying all of this and pouring my heart out on each record.
- Bow Wow
Collection: Car
Image of London Breed
Improving our transportation infrastructure reduces car trips, helps us reach our carbon emission reduction goals, is healthier for our residents, and saves lives. Too often in the past we have been slow to make these common sense improvements to our streets.
- London Breed
Collection: Car
Image of Aaron Neville
Me and my partners had been stealing cars for a while.
- Aaron Neville
Collection: Car
Image of Carroll Shelby
The reason I moved to California the first time was to build the Cobra. I thought it was stupid to have a 1918 taxicab engine in what Europeans like to call a performance car when a little American V-8 could do the job better.
- Carroll Shelby
Collection: Car
Image of Donella Meadows
Smart development invests in insulation, efficient cars, and ever-renewed sources of energy. Dumb growth crashes around looking for more oil.
- Donella Meadows
Collection: Car
Image of Richard Pryor
There was a time in my life when I thought I had everything - millions of dollars, mansions, cars, nice clothes, beautiful women, and every other materialistic thing you can imagine. Now I struggle for peace.
- Richard Pryor
Collection: Car
Image of Deco
I joined Benfica from Brazil, but from the car which came to pick me up from the airport, I kept seeing all these signs which said, 'Alverca,' 'Alverca,' 'Alverca.' So I asked, 'Where are we going?' The answer was the one that I feared: 'We're going to Alverca, to your apartment.' Once I got inside I cried with rage.
- Deco
Collection: Car
Image of Kevin Wilson
Short stories, for me, it's like you step inside this brand new car and you drive it and you drive it into a tree and you walk away from it.
- Kevin Wilson
Collection: Car
Image of J. G. Ballard
There are signs, I think, that people aren't satisfied by consumerism: that people resent the fact that the most moral decision in their lives is choosing what colour their next car will be.
- J. G. Ballard
Collection: Car
Image of Yvonne Strahovski
I remember being at Greenblatt's on Sunset, and some guy just walked straight up to me, and he had some bling on and whatever, and said something about a party down in Malibu and asked if I would jump in his car and go to the party. All I could think was, 'Who are you? I don't know you, and I don't care about how good your car is.'
- Yvonne Strahovski
Collection: Car
Image of Antonio Sabato, Jr.
I've been driving race cars professionally for a while: 200 mph types of things.
- Antonio Sabato, Jr.
Collection: Car
Image of Mary Barra
A car is thirty thousand parts you're putting together.
- Mary Barra
Collection: Car
Image of Conor Oberst
I have a car in Nebraska. When I bought it, they gave me a satellite radio, and there's an 'indie-rock' station. It's just nothing I'm interested in.
- Conor Oberst
Collection: Car
Image of Richard Thaler
For many people, being asked to solve their own retirement savings problems is like being asked to build their own cars.
- Richard Thaler
Collection: Car
Image of Joe Walsh
We're sober now, and we all have families and obligations of being senior citizens. Oh, that's hard to say. We have grown-up responsibilities. We used to all live in the same car.
- Joe Walsh
Collection: Car
Image of Graham Nelson
If you're setting a game during the Cuban Missile Crisis, look through a library. find out what people were wearing, what other issues were in the news, how houses were furnished, what cars were being driven. Especially include things which now seem foreign.
- Graham Nelson
Collection: Car
Image of Paul Walker
I really like the Evo from '2Fast.' That car is a lot of fun as a daily driver. They're really quick on the track, too, when they're set up right.
- Paul Walker
Collection: Car
Image of Linda Ronstadt
Ninety-eight percent of the singing I did was private singing - it was in the shower, at the dishwasher, driving my car, singing with the radio, whatever. I can't do any of that now. I wish I could. I don't miss performing, particularly, but I miss singing.
- Linda Ronstadt
Collection: Car
Image of John Elkann
Components are important in the evolution of cars, and there is increasing need for electronics.
- John Elkann
Collection: Car
Image of Carlos Ghosn
Electric cars are going to be very important for urban transportation.
- Carlos Ghosn
Collection: Car
Image of Mario Andretti
A racing car is an animal with a thousand adjustments.
- Mario Andretti
Collection: Car
Image of Buddy Rice
When the car's going well, I purr like a kitten.
- Buddy Rice
Collection: Car
Image of Aubrey de Grey
My approach is to start from the straightforward principle that our body is a machine. A very complicated machine, but none the less a machine, and it can be subjected to maintenance and repair in the same way as a simple machine, like a car.
- Aubrey de Grey
Collection: Car
Image of Pamela Adlon
Sometimes when I'm in the car driving, I scream at the top of my lungs.
- Pamela Adlon
Collection: Car
Image of Jensen Huang
I'm looking forward to real big advances in autopilot capability. I'm also expecting companies all over the world starting to deploy mapping and experimental cars for taxi services. You'll see a lot more activity around that.
- Jensen Huang
Collection: Car
Image of Susie Wolff
It's not a gender thing. You can pick anyone off the street and it depends on his or her own character how they can drive a car.
- Susie Wolff
Collection: Car
Image of Elon Musk
Winning 'Motor Trend' Car of the year is probably the closest thing to winning the Oscar or Emmy of the car industry.
- Elon Musk
Collection: Car
Image of Mitski
I can't read in a car, because I'll get sick. It's almost instant.
- Mitski
Collection: Car