Jay Leno

Image of Jay Leno
A number of plastic surgeons are claiming that looking at John Kerry now, as opposed to a few months ago, they believe he's had Botox shots. They claim a number of his worry lines have vanished. They haven't vanished, just Howard Dean is wearing them now.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Believe
Image of Jay Leno
Former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling appeared before Congress. Do you think they even bothered swearing him in? Now he is denying he lied to Congress last week. He's saying it was just the liquor talking.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jay Leno
President Bush says he has just one question for the American voters, 'Is the rich person you're working for better off now than they were four years ago?'
- Jay Leno
Collection: Years
Image of Jay Leno
President Bush has unveiled his first campaign commercial, highlighting all of his accomplishes in office. That's why it's a 60-second spot.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Office
Image of Jay Leno
President Bush got a little upset with a reporter for calling him 'sir' instead of 'Mr. President.' Man, how upset is he going to be after the election when they start calling him George again?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Men
Image of Jay Leno
John Kerry said today he wants to debate President Bush once a month. Hey good luck, if Bush couldn't make it to the National Guard once a month, he's not going to show up for this.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Good Luck
Image of Jay Leno
Starbuck's is going to start selling instant coffee. This is for people who want the quality of Sanka, but want to pay the high Starbuck's price.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Coffee
Image of Jay Leno
President Bush released his tax returns yesterday. He listed the economy as a liability. He gets to write that off.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Writing
Image of Jay Leno
They said that President Bush's war in Iraq has cost the former Spanish Prime Minister his job. So President Bush isn't losing American jobs anymore, he's branching out to other countries.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Country
Image of Jay Leno
The NFL draft is going to be this Thursday. That's a huge night for college players. That's the night they start being paid over the table.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Football
Image of Jay Leno
I was born the day I got my license. When I was a kid, if I wanted to go somewhere and see things, you have to get in your car and actually go.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Kids
Image of Jay Leno
It was reported in the paper that President Bush received a 'warm reception' from the Daytona 500 drivers. Well sure, the drivers had never met anyone who was sponsored by more oil companies than they were.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Oil
Image of Jay Leno
Some sad news, President Bush's lapdog passed away. Gee, I didn't even know Tony Blair was sick?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Sick
Image of Jay Leno
With Halloween coming this weekend, they say not one person in the country is planning to dress up as Governor Sarah Palin. You know why? ... The costume costs $150,000.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Country
Image of Jay Leno
President Bush is now focusing on jobs. I think the one job he's focusing most on is his own. The White House is now backtracking from its prediction that 2.6 million new jobs will be created in the U.S. this year. They say they were off by roughly 2.6 million jobs.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jay Leno
President Obama signed a bill preventing members of Congress from profiting from insider trading. Didn't you think that was already illegal?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Thinking
Image of Jay Leno
A new study shows that the child population in San Francisco is dwindling and in fact San Francisco has the smallest share of children of any major city in the United States. That's odd, huh? For some reason couples in San Francisco don't seem to be reproducing as much as couples in other cities. Gee, I wonder what the problem is there? You think it might be something in the Rice-A-Roni?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Children
Image of Jay Leno
A Libyan rebel has admitted to killing Moammar Gadhafi. He said he shot Gadhafi twice in the temple, to which Michele Bachmann said, "I didn't even know the guy was Jewish.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Guy
Image of Jay Leno
The FDA is now warning people not to eat raw cookie dough this holiday season. Is that how fat we're getting in this country? Our ovens are too slow now?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Country
Image of Jay Leno
They say if the warming trend continues, by 2015 Hillary Clinton might actually thaw out.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Trends
Image of Jay Leno
Oil prices jumped to well over $100 a barrel, and analysts say it's due to tension in the Middle East. So, luckily, it's just a temporary thing.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Oil
Image of Jay Leno
The entire spring and summer line from Marc Jacobs was stolen on the way to the fashion show in Paris. The thief is considered armed and fabulous.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Summer
Image of Jay Leno
Bill Maher and I are on against each other, and we're friends. He can do my show any time he wants, and I've done Politically Incorrect several times. There's no reason to think competition has to be adversarial.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Friendship
Image of Jay Leno
Republicans are calling the Bush-Cheney ticket the 'Wizard of Oz' ticket. One needs a heart and the other needs a brain.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Heart
Image of Jay Leno
Oh, here's your tax dollars at work. This is what makes people furious. The head of the GSA, a woman named Martha Johnson, has resigned after they found out she spent over $830,000 on a four-day government conference in Las Vegas. And the president is furious. Not President Obama, the president of China. It's his money. It's his money she spent.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Vegas
Image of Jay Leno
Barack Obama said yesterday that the economy was 'going to get worse before it gets better.' See, that's when you know the campaign is really over. Remember before the election? 'The audacity of hope!' 'Yes, we can!' 'A change we can believe in!' Now it's, 'We're all screwed.'
- Jay Leno
Collection: Believe
Image of Jay Leno
One thing about mildly dyslexic people - they're good at setting everything else aside to pursue one goal.
- Jay Leno
Collection: People
Image of Jay Leno
If you give everybody a slice of pie, you will still have more than enough.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Jay Leno
Ambition beats genius 99% of the time
- Jay Leno
Collection: Ambition
Image of Jay Leno
Your preoccupation should be on doing what you do as well as you can.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Preoccupation
Image of Jay Leno
According to federal reports filed yesterday, the Obama campaign spent more money than they raised in the month of May. They spent more money than they raised? Well, that's called being a Democrat
- Jay Leno
Collection: Yesterday
Image of Jay Leno
Jack Abramoff is going to testify against some of the other weasels in Congress. A lobbyist testifying against congressmen? How many Bibles are going to burst into flames in that courtroom?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Flames
Image of Jay Leno
The White House approved an exemption in Obamacare coverage for Congress and members of their staff. Members complained that the Affordable Care Act will cost them thousands extra a year in premiums. Wait a minute. It's their bill. If it's too expensive, why did they name it the Affordable Care Act?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Years
Image of Jay Leno
According to Kim Jong-Il's biography, they say he has been constantly accused of dishonesty, drunkenness and sexual excess. So if he lived here, he could be in Congress.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Excess
Image of Jay Leno
Folks, we're starting to learn more and more about that man arrested in the New York SUV car bombing case. His name is Faisal Shahzad. He's from Pakistan. What tipped off the authorities he might be the bomber? His name is Faisal Shahzad. He's from Pakistan.
- Jay Leno
Collection: New York
Image of Jay Leno
Howard Dean announced today he will campaign in seven states. The states are Rage, Frenzy, Fury, Rath, Fever, Agitation, and Delirium. Yeeeeaaaah!
- Jay Leno
Collection: Agitation
Image of Jay Leno
Did you hear about the dog that was so high-strung, he developed a nervous tick?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Dog
Image of Jay Leno
In an interview with Univision, President Obama said if there's one thing he's learned, it's that you can't change Washington from within. So what is he saying - that if we want real change, we should throw him out?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Real
Image of Jay Leno
I was in the ROTC. Of course, ROTC stood for "Running off to Canada."
- Jay Leno
Collection: Running
Image of Jay Leno
The Senate voted 97-0 for an anti-spam bill to stop those annoying things you get on your computer. The senators made it very clear that when you start misleading the American people and start taking their money over false promises, that's our turf, buddy!
- Jay Leno
Collection: People
Image of Jay Leno
A dead body was discovered this week on the grounds of a country estate owned by Queen Elizabeth. The queen said today she hopes this serves as a reminder to anybody on her staff that there is a right way and a wrong way to polish sterling silver.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Country
Image of Jay Leno
I don’t like goodbyes, NBC does.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Goodbye
Image of Jay Leno
That must be strange, cheating on your wife with a flight attendant. They're in bed and she's says, 'In the event that wife should come home early please notice the location of the nearest emergency exit.'
- Jay Leno
Collection: Cheating
Image of Jay Leno
President Bush said global warming is happening much quicker than he thought, and then his staff pulled him aside and said 'It's just springtime.'
- Jay Leno
Collection: President
Image of Jay Leno
Big news on CNN, a search has uncovered illegal biochemical agents, toxins and other dangerous substances. Not in Iraq, in Rush Limbaugh's medicine cabinet.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Iraq
Image of Jay Leno
Rick Perry unveiled his new tax plan. He says he wants a flat tax. He believes that tax should be flat, just like the earth.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Believe
Image of Jay Leno
So, it's pretty crazy. Look, we're bailing out Wall Street, we're bailing out banks, we're bailing out car companies. In fact, did you know there's a special box on your tax form this year you can check if you want a portion of your taxes to actually go to running the government?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Running
Image of Jay Leno
The Senate is now considering increasing government subsidies for corn growers to produce more ethanol. If we produce enough ethanol we can postpone our next invasion of a Middle Eastern country for two to three years.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Country
Image of Jay Leno
Heating bills this winter are the highest they've been in five years, but President Bush has a plan to combat rising bills. It's called global warming.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Winter