Top real Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of real quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Edward Whitacre, Jr.
I was brought in by the White House as GM's chairman in 2009, around the time of the bankruptcy, and became CEO later that year. As a company, we were grateful for the government's support. But as GM's financial health began to improve, I could detect no real sense of urgency, or even interest, on the part of the government to relinquish control.
- Edward Whitacre, Jr.
Collection: Real
Image of Gordon Korman
For someone who'e smarter than a supercomputer, sometimes you're a real idiot.
- Gordon Korman
Collection: Real
Image of Wil Wheaton
Keep playing games. Make time to play games with your friends and family, because it's surprisingly heartbreaking to wipe a thin layer of dust off a game you love, before you put it back on the shelf because the real world is calling you.
- Wil Wheaton
Collection: Real
Image of Jeff Ross
The real question is how do you stay funny in your 70s and 80s? And that's a real accomplishment, you know, the longevity.
- Jeff Ross
Collection: Real
Image of Rachel Carson
The real wealth of the Nation lies in the resources of the earth soil, water, forests, minerals, and wildlife. To utilize them for present needs while insuring their preservation for future generations requires a delicately balanced and continuing program, based on the most extensive research. Their administration is not properly, and cannot be, a matter of politics.
- Rachel Carson
Collection: Real
Image of Marjorie M. Liu
In real life, I knew that fandom was made up of women, and women of color, and women of all ages. But on the publishing side of comics, it was a lot of white, straight men. It was often jarring to me to be the only women at a meeting or at a panel at a comic-con. Fortunately I had mentors who were not blinded by my gender and who said, "Yes, we know you can write these books." That hasn't been the case for everyone. What gives me great hope is that in the eight to nine years since I've started, I've seen tremendous growth.
- Marjorie M. Liu
Collection: Real
Image of Erich Maria Remarque
For a moment I had a strange intuition that just this, and in a real, profound sense, is life; and perhaps happiness even - love with a mixture of sadness, reverence, and silent knowledge.
- Erich Maria Remarque
Collection: Real
Image of Cathy McMorris Rodgers
we're focusing too much energy on the symptom rather than the disease: Our real enemy is poverty, not welfare.
- Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Collection: Real
Image of Marie Osmond
Life can be real tough... you can either learn from your problems, or keep repeating them over and over.
- Marie Osmond
Collection: Real
Image of Edward de Bono
Perception is real even when it is not reality.
- Edward de Bono
Collection: Real
Image of Chaim Potok
Literature presents you with alternate mappings of the human experience. You see that the experiences of other people and other cultures are as rich, coherent, and troubled as your own experiences. They are as beset with suffering as yours. Literature is a kind of legitimate voyeurism through the keyhole of language where you really come to know other people's lives--their anguish, their loves, their passions. Often you discover that once you dive into those lives and get below the surface, the veneer, there is a real closeness.
- Chaim Potok
Collection: Real
Image of Darius Rucker
When somebody says to you the real USC is in L.A., tell them we were a school before they were a state.
- Darius Rucker
Collection: Real
Image of Niecy Nash
I joined church by myself in a borrowed suit at 13. I had my neighbor's bible. So my walk and my faith have always been very real.
- Niecy Nash
Collection: Real
Image of Russell Kirk
Real literature is something much better than a harmless instrument for getting through idle hours. The purpose of great literature is to help us to develop into full human beings.
- Russell Kirk
Collection: Real
Image of David Foster Wallace
If you worship money and things, if they are where you tap real meaning in life, then you will never have enough, never feel you have enough. It's the truth. Worship your body and beauty and sexual allure and you will always feel ugly. And when time and age start showing, you will die a million deaths before they finally grieve you. On one level, we all know this stuff already. It's been codified as myths, proverbs, clichés, epigrams, parables; the skeleton of every great story. The whole trick is keeping the truth up front in daily consciousness.
- David Foster Wallace
Collection: Real
Image of David Foster Wallace
Real leaders are people who “help us overcome the limitations of our own individual laziness and selfishness and weakness and fear and get us to do better, harder things than we can get ourselves to do on our own.
- David Foster Wallace
Collection: Real
Image of Joel Fuhrman
Nutritional excellence is the only real fountain of youth.
- Joel Fuhrman
Collection: Real
Image of Joel Fuhrman
Regardless of whether we are required to purchase medical insurance, know that we can only buy real health insurance in the produce section of the local supermarket.
- Joel Fuhrman
Collection: Real
Image of Joel Fuhrman
Delaying a meal brings about symptoms most people call "hunger." These symptoms include abdominal cramping, weakness, and feeling ill-the same as during drug withdrawal. This is not hunger. Our dietary habits, especially eating animal-protein-rich foods three times a day, are so stressful to the detoxification system in our liver and kidneys that we start to get withdrawal, or detoxification, symptoms the minute we aren't busy processing such food. Real hunger is not that uncomfortable.
- Joel Fuhrman
Collection: Real
Image of T.A. Barron
Vision, even for a dragon, is woefully unreliable. What you can see with great clarity may not be real; what you cannot see may be the ultimate reality.
- T.A. Barron
Collection: Real
Image of Philip Gourevitch
The photographs of one dead terrorist mastermind carry no real news or information about the nature or horror of war. They just create sensation instead of deeper understanding.
- Philip Gourevitch
Collection: Real
Image of Ann Voskamp
Real joy is not found in having the best of everything but in trusting that God is making the best of everything.
- Ann Voskamp
Collection: Real
Image of Jennifer Rardin
For instance, dragons are deeply revered by the Chinese. According to legend they have megapowers that include weather control and life creation. And they’re seen as kind, benevolent creatures. Funny. Every fairy tale I’d ever heard involving dragons starred daring knights trotting off to kill said dragons. Probably the real reason every time East meets West they get pissed off and throw tea in our faces.
- Jennifer Rardin
Collection: Real
Image of Max Ehrmann
Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
- Max Ehrmann
Collection: Real
Image of Ann Rinaldi
When I write I am the real me.
- Ann Rinaldi
Collection: Real
Image of Tanya Huff
All writers believe in the magic of books; Jim Hines has created a system where that magic becomes real, usable, and very definitely not always safe.
- Tanya Huff
Collection: Real
Image of Michael Scott
To remain unknown in this modern world: that, indeed, is real power.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Real
Image of Michael Scott
How do you untell something? You can't. You can't put words back in your mouth. What you can do, is spread false gossip ... so people think that everything that's been said is untrue. Include that Stanley is having an affair. It's like the end of Spartacus. I have seen the movie half a dozen times, and I still don't know who the real Spartacus is. And, that is what makes that movie a classic whodunnit.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Real
Image of Frederik Pohl
That's really what SF is all about, you know: the big reality that pervades the real world we live in: the reality of change. Science fiction is the very literature of change. In fact, it is the only such literature we have.
- Frederik Pohl
Collection: Real
Image of Daniel Radcliffe
There is always this thing of will you get too old for your part? But people are playing a lot younger than they actually are in real life. I don't think it's as big an issue as a lot of people are making it out to be.
- Daniel Radcliffe
Collection: Real
Image of Ryan Seacrest
Without someone giving you a shot, opening a door, believing that your obsession is a real thing when you're young, you don't get the opportunity. Every single day I'm reminded of that.
- Ryan Seacrest
Collection: Real
Image of Keri Russell
We all have some version of a fantasy that's easy to escape to, and we all want a real relationship where there's a common give-and-take and you're seen for who you are, and appreciated for that.
- Keri Russell
Collection: Real
Image of Pattie Mallette
Oh my God ... YOU are real. Oh my God ... You ARE real. OH MY GOD ... You are REAL! Oh my God ... You're really real!
- Pattie Mallette
Collection: Real
Image of Tony Benn
People in debt become hopeless and hopeless people don't vote. They always say that that everyone should vote but I think that if the poor in Britain or the United States turned out and voted for people that represented their interests there would be a real democratic revolution.
- Tony Benn
Collection: Real
Image of Kate Klise
Remember that other people are as real as you.Other people's feelings are as real as yours.In fact, our feelings are what make us real.
- Kate Klise
Collection: Real
Image of Jason Schwartzman
The film industry is an awkward business - you get together with strangers, get to know them very well and then you make a lot of promises to see each other and you don't. Maybe that is like a real family.
- Jason Schwartzman
Collection: Real
Image of Ignazio Silone
Sometimes I'm haunted by the thought that we have only one life and that we live it provisionally, waiting in vain for the day when real life will begin. And so life passes by.
- Ignazio Silone
Collection: Real
Image of Dean Ornish
Real power is not given to us or even created; real power is realized. It comes from realizing an inner sense of peace, self-worth, and happiness.
- Dean Ornish
Collection: Real
Image of Ariel Sharon
I have in the past declared that in order to achieve a real, just and durable peace, I would be willing to make painful compromises. But we cannot make any compromise on the security of our citizens and their right to live without the threat of terrorism and violence.
- Ariel Sharon
Collection: Real
Image of James St. James
We are all freaks. Yes! Alone in our rooms at night, we are all weirdoes and outcasts and losers. That is what being a teenager is all about! Whether you admit it or not, you are all worried that the others won’t accept you, that if they knew the real you, they would recoil in horror. Each of us carries with us a secret shame that we think is somehow unique…And if we are, each of us, freaks – then can’t we accept what’s different in each other and move on?
- James St. James
Collection: Real
Image of Paul Weyrich
The real enemy is the secular humanist mindset which seeks to destroy everything that is good in this society.
- Paul Weyrich
Collection: Real
Image of Lewis Thomas
The capacity to blunder slightly is the real marvel of DNA. Without this special attribute, we would still be anaerobic bacteria and there would be no music.
- Lewis Thomas
Collection: Real
Image of Jerry West
I always wanted the ball in my hands with a game on the line, as I think any real competitor does.
- Jerry West
Collection: Real
Image of Fred Rogers
Imagine what our real neighborhoods would be like if each of us offered . . . just one kind word to another person.
- Fred Rogers
Collection: Real
Image of Fred Rogers
Real strength has to do with helping others.
- Fred Rogers
Collection: Real
Image of David Whyte
A real conversation always contains an invitation. You are inviting another person to reveal herself or himself to you, to tell you who they are or what they want.
- David Whyte
Collection: Real
Image of Robert J. Shiller
A major boom in real stock prices in the US after Black Tuesday brought them halfway back to 1929 levels by 1930. This was followed by a second crash, another boom from 1932 to 1937, and a third crash. Speculative bubbles do not end like a short story, novel, or play. There is no final denouement that brings all the strands of a narrative into an impressive final conclusion. In the real world, we never know when the story is over.
- Robert J. Shiller
Collection: Real
Image of Andre Breton
The imaginary is what tends to become real.
- Andre Breton
Collection: Real
Image of Edward Snowden
If you’re not acting on your beliefs, then they probably aren’t real.
- Edward Snowden
Collection: Real