Top Roots Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Roots quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Marion Milner
There seemed to be endless obstacles - it seemed that the root cause of them all was fear.
- Marion Milner
Collection: Roots
Image of Vidal Sassoon
When the doubters tell you it can't be done and all kind of tragedies will come your way, I say nonsense. If you can get to the very root of who you are and make something happen from it, my sense tells me you are going to surprise yourself.
- Vidal Sassoon
Collection: Roots
Image of Thomas Merton
The rush and pressure of modern life are a form, perhaps the most common form, of contemporary violence. To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands, to commit oneself to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything, is to succumb to violence. The frenzy of our activity neutralizes our work for peace. It destroys our own inner capacity for peace. It destroys the fruitfulness of our own work, because it kills the root of inner wisdom which makes work fruitful.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Roots
Image of Max Born
The belief in a single truth is the root cause for all evil in the world.
- Max Born
Collection: Roots
Image of Nathanael Emmons
Selfishness is the root and source of all natural and moral evils.
- Nathanael Emmons
Collection: Roots
Image of Charles Olson
Whatever you have to say, leave The roots on, let them Dangle And the dirt Just to make clear Where they come from.
- Charles Olson
Collection: Roots
Image of Elizabeth Blackwell
It is well worth the efforts of a lifetime to have attained knowledge which justifies an attack on the root of all evil ... which asserts that because forms of evil have always existed in society, therefore they must always exist.
- Elizabeth Blackwell
Collection: Roots
Image of Scott Hahn
At the root of all misery is unfulfilled desire.
- Scott Hahn
Collection: Roots
Image of St. Catherine of Siena
Ponder the fact that God has made you a gardener, to root out vice and plant virtue.
- St. Catherine of Siena
Collection: Roots
Image of John Bradshaw
Shame is the root of all addictions.
- John Bradshaw
Collection: Roots
Image of Ben Affleck
Anybody tells you that money is the root of all evil doesn't have any.
- Ben Affleck
Collection: Roots
Image of Kamila Shamsie
How do you eat your roots?
- Kamila Shamsie
Collection: Roots
Image of Nancy Willard
Live in your roots, not in your branches.
- Nancy Willard
Collection: Roots
Image of Baal Shem Tov
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Why? Because every human being has a root in the Unity, and to reject the minutest particle of the Unity is to reject it all.
- Baal Shem Tov
Collection: Roots
Image of Gene Simmons
There’s an old adage that says that money is the root of all evil. Bullshit. Lack of money is the root of all evil.
- Gene Simmons
Collection: Roots
Image of Bharati Mukherjee
Ancestral habits of mind can be constricting; they also confer one's individuality.
- Bharati Mukherjee
Collection: Roots
Image of Katherine Cecil Thurston
Enthusiasm is ever a gracious, pardonable thing, because in its essentials are youth and zeal and all high, white-hot qualities whose roots strike not in the base earth.
- Katherine Cecil Thurston
Collection: Roots
Image of Herman Wouk
A writer is nothing but a gray dirt-covered root. The works he sends up into the sunlight are his fruits, and only those are worthy of attention.
- Herman Wouk
Collection: Roots
Image of Warren W. Wiersbe
People can't see your root system, but God can. Praying and meditating on the Word of God will cause your roots to go down deep into His love.
- Warren W. Wiersbe
Collection: Roots
Image of Angelus Silesius
God does not care what good you did, but why you did it. He does not grade the fruit but probes the core and tests the root.
- Angelus Silesius
Collection: Roots
Image of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
The creative process is like music which takes root with extraordinary force and rapidity
- Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Collection: Roots
Image of Bill Burr
Surround yourself with positive people. Also, be a positive person. Root for people. Somebody else's success is not your failure.
- Bill Burr
Collection: Roots
Image of Frans de Waal
To neglect the common ground with other primates, and to deny the evolutionary roots of human morality, would be like arriving at the top of a tower to declare that the rest of the building is irrelevant, that the precious concept of "tower" ought to be reserved for the summit.
- Frans de Waal
Collection: Roots
Image of Frances Moore Lappé
I've grown certain that the root of all fear is that we've been forced to deny who we are.
- Frances Moore Lappé
Collection: Roots
Image of Vivian Stanshall
Fear is the root of all courage.
- Vivian Stanshall
Collection: Roots
Image of John Steinbeck
Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Roots
Image of Evelyn Waugh
... To know and love one other human being is the root of all wisdom.
- Evelyn Waugh
Collection: Roots
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
The tree that would grow to heaven must send its roots to hell.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Roots
Image of Josiah Stamp
The government are very keen on amassing statistics. They collect them, add them, raise them to the nth power, take the cube root and prepare wonderful diagrams. But you must never forget that every one of these figures comes in the first instance from the village watchman, who just puts down what he damn pleases.
- Josiah Stamp
Collection: Roots
Image of Orson Pratt
An inequality of property is the root and foundation of innumerable evils; it tends to derision, and to keep asunder the social feelings that should exist among the people of God. It is a principle originated in hell; it is the root of all evils. It is inequality in riches that is a great curse.
- Orson Pratt
Collection: Roots
Image of Samuel Chadwick
The root-trouble of the present distress is that the Church has more faith in the world and the flesh than in the Holy Ghost.
- Samuel Chadwick
Collection: Roots
Image of Walter Hilton
When you attack the roots of sin, fix your thought more on the God you desire than on the sin you abhor.
- Walter Hilton
Collection: Roots
Image of Joan Halifax
The roots of all living things are tied together. Deep in the ground of being, they tangle and embrace. This understanding is expressed in the term nonduality. If we look deeply, we find that we do not have a separate self-identity, a self that does not include sun and wind, earth and water, creatures and plants, and one another.
- Joan Halifax
Collection: Roots
Image of Henry Threadgill
If you go back to the roots of jazz, it was all about COLLECTIVE improvisation.
- Henry Threadgill
Collection: Roots
Image of Julius Streicher
The Jew is a devil in human form. It is fitting that he be exterminated root and branch.
- Julius Streicher
Collection: Roots
Image of Sanford Meisner
The truth of ourselves is the root of our acting.
- Sanford Meisner
Collection: Roots
Image of Sanford Meisner
The greatest piece of acting or music or sculpture or what-have-you always has its roots in the truth of human emotion.
- Sanford Meisner
Collection: Roots
Image of Hephzibah Menuhin
All of us are displaced. Few people live where their great-grandparents lived or speak the language their great-grandparents spoke.
- Hephzibah Menuhin
Collection: Roots
Image of Andrew Schneider
Marriage. It's a hard term to define. Especially for me--I've ducked it like root canal. Still there's no denying the fact that marriage ranks right up there with birth and death as one of the three biggies in the human safari. It's the only one though that we'll celebrate with a conscious awareness. Very few of you remember your arrival and even fewer of you will attend your own funeral.
- Andrew Schneider
Collection: Roots
Image of Bela Fleck
There are a lot of chapters to the banjo's history. Part of it are the roots in Africa, where it's a more primitive instrument. Then it comes to the United States where it morphs into the slave music that they created here, which was very African in origin.
- Bela Fleck
Collection: Roots
Image of Michel-Rolph Trouillot
History is the fruit of power, but power itself is never so transparent that its analysis becomes superfluous. The ultimate mark of power may be its invisibility; the ultimate challenge, the exposition of its roots.
- Michel-Rolph Trouillot
Collection: Roots
Image of Gloria Gaither
Tradition gives us a sense of solidarity and roots, a knowing there are some things one can count on.
- Gloria Gaither
Collection: Roots
Image of Gottlob Frege
I compare arithmetic with a tree that unfolds upwards in a multitude of techniques and theorems while the root drives into the depths.
- Gottlob Frege
Collection: Roots
Image of Anne Nicol Gaylor
There were many groups working for women's rights, but none of them dealt with the root cause of women's oppression-religion.
- Anne Nicol Gaylor
Collection: Roots
Image of Faraaz Kazi
Whenever the cloud of ego threatens to engulf me, I remind myself of my roots. It helps keeping my feet on the ground.
- Faraaz Kazi
Collection: Roots
Image of Miranda Lambert
When your roots grow out and things go south, go back to the salon
- Miranda Lambert
Collection: Roots
Image of Pol Pot
To kill the grass you must also remove the root
- Pol Pot
Collection: Roots
Image of Karel Capek
It's not possible to search for God using the methods of a detective... There is no way. You can only wait till God's axe severs your roots: then you will understand that you are here only through a miracle, and you will remain fixed forever in wonderment and equilibrium.
- Karel Capek
Collection: Roots
Image of John Fire Lame Deer
We all come from the same root, but the leaves are all different.
- John Fire Lame Deer
Collection: Roots
Image of Johann Gottlieb Fichte
We do not act because we know, but we know because we are called upon to act; the practical reason is the root of all reason.
- Johann Gottlieb Fichte
Collection: Roots