Top News Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of News quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Paolo Bacigalupi
Most of the news about the state of the environment is pretty ugly. This is frightening for me personally, but actually motivational for me artistically.
- Paolo Bacigalupi
Collection: News
Image of T.A. Barron
Some say "The end is near," as if that is shocking news. The truth is, the end is always near. What is actually shocking is that we, ourselves, can help to choose which end.
- T.A. Barron
Collection: News
Image of Eric Ries
Better to have bad news that's true than good news we made up
- Eric Ries
Collection: News
Image of Karen Russell
What passes for news is just morbid speculation or cartoonish screaming, followed by diaper commercials.
- Karen Russell
Collection: News
Image of Paul Ryan
The tax code is 10 times the size of the Bible with none of the good news.
- Paul Ryan
Collection: News
Image of Carl Bernstein
The failures of the press have contributed immensely to the emergence of a talk-show nation, in which public discourse is reduced to ranting and raving and posturing. We now have a mainstream press whose news agenda is increasingly influenced by this netherworld.
- Carl Bernstein
Collection: News
Image of Vanna Bonta
The news is disease in disguise pretending to be information.
- Vanna Bonta
Collection: News
Image of Andrea Thompson
I have enjoyed anchoring at 'Headline News' but have decided that it is time for me to make a change in my daily professional life.
- Andrea Thompson
Collection: News
Image of Matt    Chandler
While the good news of the gospel may not appeal to everyone, the bad news of the gospel still applies to everyone.
- Matt Chandler
Collection: News
Image of Ellis Peters
Of all the reports that fly about the world, ill news is the surest of all to arrive!
- Ellis Peters
Collection: News
Image of Ward Churchill
I consider PirateBallerina to be the most credible news source in the Denver area.
- Ward Churchill
Collection: News
Image of Sheila Walsh
Theres not one good thought in me, apart from God. Thats the good news.
- Sheila Walsh
Collection: News
Image of Jim Courier
The good news is I have time.
- Jim Courier
Collection: News
Image of Joe Scarborough
If you don't have a hologram, how can you understand what's going on in the news? Right? Am I right?
- Joe Scarborough
Collection: News
Image of Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe
It is hard news that catches readers. Features hold them.
- Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe
Collection: News
Image of Nicolas Bentley
No news is good news. No journalists is even better.
- Nicolas Bentley
Collection: News
Image of Carl F. H. Henry
The gospel is good news only if it arrives in time.
- Carl F. H. Henry
Collection: News
Image of Marine Le Pen
We don't have a lot of Sikhs in France. We've got some. But we don't really hear much from them or about them. Which is good news.
- Marine Le Pen
Collection: News
Image of Norman Cousins
If news is not really news unless it is bad news, it may be difficult to claim we are an informed nation
- Norman Cousins
Collection: News
Image of Robert J. Samuelson
The tendency for politicians to claim credit for favorable news is as natural as flatulence in cows.
- Robert J. Samuelson
Collection: News
Image of Wes Nisker
If you don't like the news go out and make some of your own.
- Wes Nisker
Collection: News
Image of Don Nickles
[The Internal Revenue Code is] about 10 times the size of the Bible and, unlike the Bible, contains no good news
- Don Nickles
Collection: News
Image of Denrele Edun
I don’t read the news. I make the news
- Denrele Edun
Collection: News
Image of Billy Crystal
Good news, they found Nemo! The bad news is, they found him in one of Wolfgang Puck's puff pastries.
- Billy Crystal
Collection: News
Image of Al Ries
The best way to make news is to announce a new category, not a new product.
- Al Ries
Collection: News
Image of Joanne Froggatt
When something is dramatized it provokes a much more emotive response than just hearing a story on the news.
- Joanne Froggatt
Collection: News
Image of Reinhard Bonnke
The Gospel is ‘Good News’, not ‘Good History’, because when it’s preached, it happens.
- Reinhard Bonnke
Collection: News
Image of Steve Jurvetson
The future will be less predictable, forecast rises will shrink, company lifetimes will shrink, new entrants will proliferate and it’s going to just get more unpredictable. If you thought financial crises came and went, just count on them – another economic collapse, it’s almost going to be like not news any more. But for startups this is great, because it’s a perpetual driver of disruption.
- Steve Jurvetson
Collection: News
Image of Harold Evans
Internet news cycles are by the minute, and any fool can take a headline from the Associated Press and send it out as news.
- Harold Evans
Collection: News
Image of James Berardinelli
There's good news and bad news about 2 Fast 2 Furious, the moronic follow-up to The Fast and the Furious and a contender for the worst movie of 2003. The good news is that it's better, albeit marginally, than Freddy Got Fingered. The bad news is that it's 15 minutes longer.
- James Berardinelli
Collection: News
Image of Walter Schloss
Don't sell on bad news.
- Walter Schloss
Collection: News
Image of Gloria Borger
For most folks, no news is good news; for the press, good news is not news.
- Gloria Borger
Collection: News
Image of Elsa Morante
So much of the news was invented for propaganda.
- Elsa Morante
Collection: News
Image of Hazel Gaynor
Good news comes in large packages
- Hazel Gaynor
Collection: News
Image of Jill Stein
This may be news to Big Money politicians, but they actually don't own our votes.
- Jill Stein
Collection: News
Image of Tom Mboya
I have news for you, there is no Superman (it’s up to us.)
- Tom Mboya
Collection: News
Image of Paul Krassner
There is indeed a business like show business. It's the news.
- Paul Krassner
Collection: News
Image of Lennart Nilsson
Of course, today at the Karolinska Institute, I am working with some top experts - even some Nobel prize winners. They have the latest news and I have the technique.
- Lennart Nilsson
Collection: News
Image of Sahndra Fon Dufe
The headlines are never in the news! And so, what I am saying is the news is never on the headlines
- Sahndra Fon Dufe
Collection: News
Image of Ruth Gordon
Anything that begins 'I don't know how to tell you this' is never good news.
- Ruth Gordon
Collection: News
Image of William Gaddis
We want someone to bring us the news.
- William Gaddis
Collection: News
Image of Manu Joseph
You acquire a new kind of intelligence when you stay away from instant news.
- Manu Joseph
Collection: News
Image of Burton Malkiel
It's not that stock prices are capricious. It's that the news is capricious.
- Burton Malkiel
Collection: News
Image of Fred W. Friendly
Today's reporter is forced to become an educator more concerned with explaining the news than with being first on the scene.
- Fred W. Friendly
Collection: News
Image of Bill Mallonee
The good news doesn't make any sense unless you know what the bad news is first, and the bad news goes pretty deep.
- Bill Mallonee
Collection: News
Image of Nate Lowman
A lot of the images I use are already out there in the public or in the news. I just steal them or photograph them or repaint them, so they've already been talked about, already been consumed.
- Nate Lowman
Collection: News
Image of Robert G. Picard
Charging for news online won't work if what is provided is the same as is available elsewhere.
- Robert G. Picard
Collection: News
Image of Gracia Martore
News in printed form is in secular decline. However, news delivered the way consumers want it is growing and thriving.
- Gracia Martore
Collection: News
Image of John Maxwell Hamilton
Foreign news is one of the most expensive kinds of news and, unlike in colonial days, one of the categories with the lowest levels of audience interest.
- John Maxwell Hamilton
Collection: News
Image of Eliza Griswold
News isn't designed to talk about daily life in its nuances, but poetry is.
- Eliza Griswold
Collection: News