Eoin Colfer

Image of Eoin Colfer
(to Foaly) Captain Short's life is in danger, so push the button before I climb that tower and push it with your face!
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Buttons
Image of Eoin Colfer
No, mademoiselle, I would not like to see the children's menu. I have no doubt that the children's menu itself tastes better than the meals on it. I would like to order à la carte. Or don't you serve fish to minors?
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Children
Image of Eoin Colfer
Connor Broekhart was born to fly, or more accurately he was born flying.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Flying
Image of Eoin Colfer
I'm right there with you, darlin'. Unless you step on a landmine, in which case I'm way back in the Operations Room.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Fowl
Image of Eoin Colfer
It would take less than a second for you to die. But that's quite long enough to be in mortal agony, don't you think?
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Thinking
Image of Eoin Colfer
My bugs don't have bugs.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Bugs
Image of Eoin Colfer
Look at those two. Wasting time. You wouldn't catch me doing that.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Two
Image of Eoin Colfer
how does she know it's the right room?' wondered Descant. Oh, I don't know; mabye it's the magical red glow coming from the doorway, or perhaps it's the deafening howl of the temporal winds.' said Mervall. Descant nodded.'You could be right, brother. And don't think I don't know sarcasm when I hear it.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Brother
Image of Eoin Colfer
Maybe I’ll keep you.” Abbot chuckled and prodded Artemis’s back with his sword. “It’d be nice to have a pet human around. I could teach you tricks.” “I have a trick for you,” said Artemis, and he fired a single blast from the gun.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Nice
Image of Eoin Colfer
I wear a name tag to help people find me. It saves time when you're dealing with idiots.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Names
Image of Eoin Colfer
Satan was crouched in the corner of his office, playing a gameboy, 'Die alien scum' he was saying feverishly.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Office
Image of Eoin Colfer
Genius inspires resentment. A sad fact of life.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Inspire
Image of Eoin Colfer
I want you to know, my dear friend, that without you, I would not be the person I am today." He leaned in close and whispered, "I was a broken boy, and you fixed me. Thank you.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Boys
Image of Eoin Colfer
Holly walked rapidly into the cockpit, strapping herself into the pilot's chair. "Seven and a half hours to save the world. Isn’t there some law that says we get at least twenty-four?" Artemis strapped himself into the co-pilot's chair. "I don't think Opal bothers with laws.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Thinking
Image of Eoin Colfer
Butler could kill you a hundred different ways without use of his armoury. Though I'm sure one would be quite sufficient.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Different
Image of Eoin Colfer
Look!" said Foaly, pointing with some urgency into the vast steel-gray gloom, "Someone who cares!
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Who Cares
Image of Eoin Colfer
Radomosity, thought Artemis. And he felt like weeping.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Artemis
Image of Eoin Colfer
We're being lead by an idiot with a crayon.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Idiot
Image of Eoin Colfer
If I win, I'm a prodigy. If I lose, then I'm crazy. That's the way history is written.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Crazy
Image of Eoin Colfer
It's like learning to ride a unicorn. You never forget.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Fowl
Image of Eoin Colfer
And I will not be beaten by that jackass." "Jackass?" said Foaly, wounded. "My favorite uncle is a jackass.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Uncles
Image of Eoin Colfer
Good. Illegal is always faster.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Crime
Image of Eoin Colfer
(about his terrible attempt at making a sandwich) It's more difficult than it looks. (Artemis Fowl)
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Looks
Image of Eoin Colfer
I don't like lollipops.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Lollipop
Image of Eoin Colfer
You know, Miss Holly, you look very dramatic like that, backlit by the fire. Very attractive, if I may say so. I know you shared a moment passionne with Artemis which he subsequently fouled up with his typical boorish behavior. Let me just throw something out there for you to consider while we're chasing the probe: I share Artemis's passion but not his boorishness. No pressure; just think about it. This was enough to elicit a deafening moment of silence even in the middle of a crisis, which Orion seemed to be blissfully unaffected by.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Passion
Image of Eoin Colfer
She can't afford to commit more troops,' Holly whispered. 'The gate is her priority, and she needs to have as many Berserkers watching her back as possible. We are secondary at this point.' 'That will be her undoing,' Artemis gasped, already suffering under the weight of the flak jacket. 'Artemis Fowl will never be secondary.' 'I thought you were Artemis Fowl the Second?' said Holly.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Priorities
Image of Eoin Colfer
Sometimes plans don't translate smoothly from paper to real life.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Real
Image of Eoin Colfer
And one more thing. About my name — Artemis — you were right. In London, it is generally a female name, after the Greek goddess of archery. But every now and then a male comes along with such a talent for hunting that he earns the right to use the name. I am that male. Artemis the hunter. I hunted you.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Hunting
Image of Eoin Colfer
Artemis: (shocked) Why, Doctor? This is a sensitive area. For all you know I could be suffering from depression. Doctor Po: I suppose you could. Is that the case? Artemis: (head in hands) It's my mother, Doctor. Doctor Po: Yes? Artemis: My mother, she... Doctor Po: Your mother, yes? Artemis: She forces me to endure this ridiculous therapy when the school's so-called counsellors are little better than misguided do-gooders with degrees.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Mother
Image of Eoin Colfer
Let us proceed under the assumption that the fairy folk do exist, and that I am not a gibbering moron.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Life
Image of Eoin Colfer
There is always a use for everything, Victor had told him. Even pain.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Pain
Image of Eoin Colfer
I feel like Alice falling into Wonderland. A line came to him: It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Nice
Image of Eoin Colfer
They have gone. And the tunnel is about to close. So, boys, I am looking for someone to blame.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Boys
Image of Eoin Colfer
Don't you worry about that, Mr. Adamsson. Why don't you head back to Reykjavik and spend some of that extortionate fee you charged me for a couple of hours' usage of your frankly third-rate restaurant and perhaps find a friendless tree stump to listen to your woes?
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Couple
Image of Eoin Colfer
Don't try to understand me, just be grateful that you felt the warmth of Zaphod Beeblebrox's aura on your wonderstruck face.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Grateful
Image of Eoin Colfer
Really, I'm trying to care, Artemis, really. But I thought it was all supposed to be over when the fat lady sings. Well, she's singing, but it doesn't appear to be over
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Singing
Image of Eoin Colfer
Wait," said Butler. "Just wait, Holly. Artemis has a plan." He squinted through the green dome. "What is your plan, Artemis?" All Artemis could do was smile and shrug.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Waiting
Image of Eoin Colfer
...I just pulled a pretty big job and needed to hide out for awhile." "...Where's all the loot?" "That, as my cousin Nord would say, is where my improvised lie falls apart." Artemis put two and two together and arrived at a very unpleasant four. "You were here to rob me!" "No, I wasn't. How dare you?!
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Cousin
Image of Eoin Colfer
He knew that Dr. Argon would advise him against bottling up his emotions as it would lead to psychological scarring in the long term.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Long
Image of Eoin Colfer
Hey, if you can't remember, don't worry about it. I'm having a few memory problems myself in this place. Little things like how long I've been here, what my purpose in life is, which feet to put my shoes on. Stuff like that.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Memories
Image of Eoin Colfer
Caballine likes me to be masterful. She calls me her stallion.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Likes
Image of Eoin Colfer
Miss me? Bet you did ... so would I.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Missing
Image of Eoin Colfer
Ma was using her for-company voice. Sweet on the outside but with an underlying death threat.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Sweet
Image of Eoin Colfer
In spite of what youngsters think, parents do not get a sneaky thrill out of punishing their children.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Children
Image of Eoin Colfer
The two of them went down in a heap, with not even a turkey to break their fall.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Fall
Image of Eoin Colfer
Sounded like girls. Mixed feelings on that score. He didn't despise them with the same passion he used to. In fact, Benny suspected that there would come a time in the not-too-distant future when he might develop a mysterious interest in them.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Girl
Image of Eoin Colfer
Artemis: I am not buoyed by that. Foaly: You are not supposed to be buoyed by that. You are supposed to be equalized. Mulch: I'm pretty sure that both of you just made really horrible jokes. But I'm not sure because I think you broke my funny bone.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Thinking
Image of Eoin Colfer
Vinyaya was being openly antagonistic, and that was an emotion that could be trusted, unless of course it was a bluff and the commander was a secret fan of his, unless it was a double bluff and she really did feel antagonistic.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Secret
Image of Eoin Colfer
Can we please focus? We are supposed to be professionals." Holly said. "Not me!" said Orion cheerily, "I'm just a Teenager with hormones running wild and may I say, young fairy lady, they're running wild in your direction.
- Eoin Colfer
Collection: Running