Top Looks Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Looks quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Jeff Ross
How is it possible that Courtney Love looks worse than Kurt Cobain?
- Jeff Ross
Collection: Looks
Image of Paolo Bacigalupi
The future looks a bit bleak to me.
- Paolo Bacigalupi
Collection: Looks
Image of Edward de Bono
You cannot look in a new direction by looking harder in the same direction.
- Edward de Bono
Collection: Looks
Image of Skrillex
Fantasy is hard to do when it comes to making it look good compared to something that's a documentary or hyper-realism.
- Skrillex
Collection: Looks
Image of Jeaniene Frost
That face. That body. And you know he’s packing. Look at the angle on that dangle.
- Jeaniene Frost
Collection: Looks
Image of E. O. Wilson
Look closely at nature. Every species is a masterpiece, exquisitely adapted to the particular environment in which it has survived. Who are we to destroy or even diminish biodiversity?
- E. O. Wilson
Collection: Looks
Image of Vidal Sassoon
If you look good, we look good.
- Vidal Sassoon
Collection: Looks
Image of Deanna Raybourn
She didn't look at me and I didn't look at her. Some questions are so direct the only way to ask them is sideways.
- Deanna Raybourn
Collection: Looks
Image of A. Whitney Brown
You know, you look at the chaos in the conservative camp right now, it's only too tempting to blame it all on pot. But in fact, the Reagan revolution owes a lot to Reefer. For one thing, it's made the symptoms of senility socially acceptable.
- A. Whitney Brown
Collection: Looks
Image of Jerry Springer
Look after yourself and each other.
- Jerry Springer
Collection: Looks
Image of Elif Safak
No matter who we are or where we live, deep inside we all feel incomplete. It's like we have lost something and need to get it back. Just what that something is, most of us never find out. And of those who do, even fewer manage to go out and look for it.
- Elif Safak
Collection: Looks
Image of Zona Gale
When you look at a corpse you can always sense your own breath better.
- Zona Gale
Collection: Looks
Image of Edward Tufte
If you’re told what to look for, you can’t see anything else.
- Edward Tufte
Collection: Looks
Image of Roger von Oech
Look for the second right answer.
- Roger von Oech
Collection: Looks
Image of Sharon Tate
Beauty is only a look. It has nothing to do with what I'm like inside.
- Sharon Tate
Collection: Looks
Image of Enid Blyton
If you can't look after something in your care, you have no right to keep it.
- Enid Blyton
Collection: Looks
Image of Chip Heath
What looks like resistance is often a lack of clarity.
- Chip Heath
Collection: Looks
Image of Louis Tomlinson
If I were to look in you ferigerator....refridgefreetorator...fridge....what would I find?
- Louis Tomlinson
Collection: Looks
Image of Brian Selznick
You can make up your own story when you look at a photo.
- Brian Selznick
Collection: Looks
Image of Edward Teller
When Columbus took off, the purpose was to improve trade relations with China. That problem has not been solved to this very day, but just look at the by-products.
- Edward Teller
Collection: Looks
Image of Chris Adrian
I am...sad and angry. Why is my spirit so sad and angry? I look back at my life and all I can remember is rage and rage and rage.
- Chris Adrian
Collection: Looks
Image of Joel Osteen
Your situation may look impossible, but don't ever rule out the favor of God.
- Joel Osteen
Collection: Looks
Image of Keith Sweat
I look at music now as just something to keep you relevant.
- Keith Sweat
Collection: Looks
Image of Joe Dunthorne
I would never say snog. I would say osculate." She looks at me as if to say: why do you exist?
- Joe Dunthorne
Collection: Looks
Image of Holly Black
When you don't know what you're searching for, you have to look absolutely everywhere.
- Holly Black
Collection: Looks
Image of Justin Bieber
Always keep looking forward, and never look back.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Looks
Image of Viola Davis
I just look at women sometimes and I just want to ask them, "Do you know how fabulous you are?"
- Viola Davis
Collection: Looks
Image of Karen Rose
When I get to the end of my life, I want to be able to look back and know that my being here made things better - Daphne
- Karen Rose
Collection: Looks
Image of Kevin DeYoung
Worldliness is whatever makes sin look normal and righteousness look strange.
- Kevin DeYoung
Collection: Looks
Image of Thomas Tusser
Look ere thou leap, see ere thou go.
- Thomas Tusser
Collection: Looks
Image of Kirsten Miller
I look for you in every life, but I don't always find you. And sometimes I find you too late.
- Kirsten Miller
Collection: Looks
Image of Debbie Wasserman Schultz
When you look at the Democratic presidencies you see resurgence in the economy.
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Collection: Looks
Image of Oliver Stone
I'm a dramatist. Dramatists have a right to look at history and interpret it the way they see it.
- Oliver Stone
Collection: Looks
Image of Jane Bryant Quinn
The chief function of stock-market forecasters is to make astrologers look respectable.
- Jane Bryant Quinn
Collection: Looks
Image of Ted Nelson
History is fractal. The closer you look, the more complicated, yet always repeating patterns.
- Ted Nelson
Collection: Looks
Image of Eric Braeden
Some situations are so hopeless when you look at them from the outside, you say, "Why are they still married?"
- Eric Braeden
Collection: Looks
Image of Laurie Faria Stolarz
Who do I look like, Nancy freaking Drew?
- Laurie Faria Stolarz
Collection: Looks
Image of Richard Kadrey
We must always look after our friends, even when they are foolish. Especially when they are foolish.
- Richard Kadrey
Collection: Looks
Image of Elizabeth Bishop
If after I read a poem the world looks like that poem for 24 hours or so I'm sure it's a good one—and the same goes for paintings.
- Elizabeth Bishop
Collection: Looks
Image of Anais Nin
I take pleasure in my transformations. I look quiet and consistent, but few know how many women there are in me.
- Anais Nin
Collection: Looks
Image of Bruce Springsteen
Someday we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny.
- Bruce Springsteen
Collection: Looks
Image of Rich Burlew
Hey, look, I just regenerated a finger. Guess which one.
- Rich Burlew
Collection: Looks
Image of Alexandra Potter
Time has a funny way of airbrushing relationships, removing all the things that were wrong so when you look back it looks much better than it really was.
- Alexandra Potter
Collection: Looks
Image of Carl Icahn
I have to look out for the shareholder’s interests, and I’m the largest shareholder.
- Carl Icahn
Collection: Looks
Image of Buck Brannaman
You can't look forward and backward at the same I choose to look forward.
- Buck Brannaman
Collection: Looks
Image of Alethea Kontis
Do you still look at each other like you once did, back at the beginning of the story when everything was a question you were too afraid to find the answer to?
- Alethea Kontis
Collection: Looks
Image of Iain Duncan Smith
All I can say to the others is, 'Look out, we're on our way.
- Iain Duncan Smith
Collection: Looks
Image of Tatsuhiko Takimoto
No human beings, regardless of who they might be, want to look directly at their own shortcomings.
- Tatsuhiko Takimoto
Collection: Looks