Top passion Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of passion quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Toni Braxton
I like being in love. I want to be in love, but at this stage of my life, my career is, by far, the most important thing to me. It's my passion.
- Toni Braxton
Collection: Passion
Image of Carol S. Dweck
The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it's not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset.
- Carol S. Dweck
Collection: Passion
Image of Camille Pissarro
All the sorrow, all the bitterness, all the sadness, I forget them and ignore them in the joy of working.
- Camille Pissarro
Collection: Passion
Image of Henry Moore
Being an artist is celebrating life.
- Henry Moore
Collection: Passion
Image of Arthur Rubinstein
Music is not a hobby, not even a passion with me; music is me. I feel what people get out of me is this outlook on life, which comes out in my music. My music is the last expression of all that.
- Arthur Rubinstein
Collection: Passion
Image of Andrew Harvey
The future of the world depends on the full restoration of the Sacred Feminine in all its tenderness, passion, divine ferocity, and surrendered persistence.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Passion
Image of Andrew Harvey
Sacred Activism is the fusion of the mystic's passion for God with the activist's passion for justice, creating a third fire, which is the burning sacred heart that longs to help, preserve, and nurture every living thing.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Passion
Image of Andrew Harvey
When the passion of the mystic for God is married to the passion of the activist for justice, a new fire is born.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Passion
Image of Romain Rolland
Passion is like genius: a miracle.
- Romain Rolland
Collection: Passion
Image of Twyla Tharp
Without passion, all the skill in the world won't lift you above craft. Without skill, all the passion in the world will leave you eager but floundering. Combining the two is the essence of the creative life.
- Twyla Tharp
Collection: Passion
Image of Twyla Tharp
Living had little use for me other than how it could be funneled into dance.
- Twyla Tharp
Collection: Passion
Image of Rupert Brooke
The worst of slaves is he whom passion rules.
- Rupert Brooke
Collection: Passion
Image of Tommy Tenney
God Chasers are people whose passion for being in His presence press them to chase the impossible in hopes that the uncatchable might catch them!
- Tommy Tenney
Collection: Passion
Image of Harriet Lerner
If we only listened with the same passion that we feel about being heard.
- Harriet Lerner
Collection: Passion
Image of Marion Milner
by taking notice of those feelings and images that seemed to be in my blood and bones rather than in my head, I had found myself able to behave, not less reasonably, but more so. Apparently it was as much a false extreme to try and live by reason alone, leaving the passions out of count, as to ignore reason and put passion in its place as the guiding force of life.
- Marion Milner
Collection: Passion
Image of Marion Milner
Like a fierce wind roaring high up in the bare branches of trees, a wave of passion came over me, aimless but surging . . . I suppose it's lust, but it's awful and holy like thunder and lightning and the wind.
- Marion Milner
Collection: Passion
Image of Jeffrey R. Immelt
Live with passion. Live with purpose.
- Jeffrey R. Immelt
Collection: Passion
Image of Sylvia Brownrigg
It could not always be love in the afternoon and passion in the night, gifts given, notes written, meals fed to each other. It can't all be like that.
- Sylvia Brownrigg
Collection: Passion
Image of Jürgen Moltmann
Passion is loving something enough to suffer for it.
- Jürgen Moltmann
Collection: Passion
Image of Eric Greitens
The best definition I have ever heard of a vocation is that it's the place where your great joy meets the world's great need. We need all of you to find your vocation. To develop your joys, your passions, and to match them to the world's great needs.
- Eric Greitens
Collection: Passion
Image of Tony Bennett
I think if you have a passion for what you do then there are no limitations on how long or how much you can accomplish.
- Tony Bennett
Collection: Passion
Image of Tony Bennett
If you follow your passion, you'll never work a day in your life.
- Tony Bennett
Collection: Passion
Image of Paul of the Cross
The Passion of Christ is the greatest and most stupendous work of Divine Love. The greatest and most overwhelming work of God's love.
- Paul of the Cross
Collection: Passion
Image of Robert De Niro
Passion should always trump common sense.
- Robert De Niro
Collection: Passion
Image of Clara Schumann
How often have I actually discovered in myself that enthusiasm raises the artist above himself, how in an ordinary mood one would not have been able to accomplish many of the things for which enthusiasm lends one everything, energy, fire.
- Clara Schumann
Collection: Passion
Image of John Betjeman
And I think it was the outline of that church tower at Belaugh against the sky which gave me a passion for churches so that every church I've past since I've wanted to stop and look in.
- John Betjeman
Collection: Passion
Image of Vidal Sassoon
Beauty is.. The passionate and positive expression of the complete self.
- Vidal Sassoon
Collection: Passion
Image of Franklin Pierce
But let not the foundation of our hope rest upon man's wisdom. It will not be sufficient that sectional prejudices find no place in the public deliberations. It will not be sufficient that the rash counsels of human passion are rejected. It must be felt that there is no national security but in the nation's humble, acknowledged dependence upon God and His overruling providence.
- Franklin Pierce
Collection: Passion
Image of Karen Hawkins
Love doesna always mean burning flashes o' passion. Sometimes, it's jus' the warmth o' yer hearts as they beat yer day together." ~Old Woman Nora to her three wee granddaughters on a cold winter's night.
- Karen Hawkins
Collection: Passion
Image of Michael Bloomberg
I never liked anyone who didn't have a temper. If you don't have a temper, you don't have any passion.
- Michael Bloomberg
Collection: Passion
Image of Agnes de Mille
Dancers aren't made of their technique, but their passion.
- Agnes de Mille
Collection: Passion
Image of Agnes de Mille
Find the passion. It takes great passion and great energy to do anything creative. I would go so far as to say you can't do it without that passion.
- Agnes de Mille
Collection: Passion
Image of Charles Robert Maturin
Yes, I laugh at all mankind, and the imposition that they dare to practice when they talk of hearts. I laugh at human passions and human cares, vice and virtue, religion and impiety; they are all the result of petty localities, and artificial situation. One physical want, one severe and abrupt lesson from the colorless and shriveled lip of necessity, is worth all the logic of the empty wretches who have presumed to prate it, from Zeno down to Burgersdicius. It silences in a second all the feeble sophistry of conventional life, and ascetical passion.
- Charles Robert Maturin
Collection: Passion
Image of Saul Bellow
Human character is smaller now, people don't have durable passions; they've replaced passions with excitement.
- Saul Bellow
Collection: Passion
Image of Kathryn Minshew
The best cover letters I've read are from people who have a passion for my company, and can make that passion come to life on a page. The letters that make me say, 'Yes! This person really gets it.' Because, at the end of the day, I want to hire people who already get it. Most hiring managers do.
- Kathryn Minshew
Collection: Passion
Image of Keith Sweat
Two people working on a relationship with the same energy & passion increases the chances of great results.
- Keith Sweat
Collection: Passion
Image of Keith Sweat
If this is what you love and music is your passion, it's always ways to get through things and find ways to get around things.
- Keith Sweat
Collection: Passion
Image of Elena Ferrante
I don't have any special passion for politics, it being a never-ending merry-go-round of bosses big and small, all generally mediocre. I actually find it boring.
- Elena Ferrante
Collection: Passion
Image of Derek Walcott
Peel your own image from the mirror. Sit. Feast on your life.
- Derek Walcott
Collection: Passion
Image of Claude Bernard
Feeling alone guides the mind.
- Claude Bernard
Collection: Passion
Image of Galen Rowell
My advice for climbers or photographers is to really tune into your own passions and not just what other people are doing or aren't doing. Figure out what works for you, what turns you on, what gives you the greatest amount of energy and feeling of satisfaction.
- Galen Rowell
Collection: Passion
Image of John Wilmot
Envy is a passion so full of cowardice and shame that nobody ever had the confidence to own it.
- John Wilmot
Collection: Passion
Image of Lisa Unger
When you're young it's easy to confuse passion for love.
- Lisa Unger
Collection: Passion
Image of Apsley Cherry-Garrard
Exploration is the physical expression of the Intellectual Passion. And I tell you, if you have the desire for knowledge and the power to give it physical expression, go out and explore.... If you march your Winter Journeys you will have your reward, so long as all you want is a penguin's egg.
- Apsley Cherry-Garrard
Collection: Passion
Image of Eric Ludy
You don't have to be a pastor to let your passion be felt and your voice heard. You just need to be willing to be the first one willing to die.
- Eric Ludy
Collection: Passion
Image of Viola Davis
When your passion and drive are bigger than your fears, you just dive.
- Viola Davis
Collection: Passion
Image of Emile Zola
I have but one passion: to enlighten those who have been kept in the dark, in the name of humanity which has suffered so much and is entitled to happiness. My fiery protest is simply the cry of my very soul.
- Emile Zola
Collection: Passion
Image of Robert Mondavi
Wine to me is passion. It's family and friends. It's warmth of heart and generosity of spirit.
- Robert Mondavi
Collection: Passion