Top Cousin Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Cousin quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Nancy Werlin
People who're nuts never doubt their own sanity. (The Killer's Cousin)
- Nancy Werlin
Collection: Cousin
Image of Nancy Werlin
Anyone in this world can have the power of life and death over someone else. It's horrible, but true. All you need to do is take it. And once you have -- there is no going back. (The Killer's Cousin)
- Nancy Werlin
Collection: Cousin
Image of Lauren Willig
Whether I like it or not, most of my images of what various historical periods feel, smell, or sound like were acquired well before I set foot in any history class. They came from Margaret Mitchell, from Anya Seton, from M.M. Kaye, and a host of other authors, in their crackly plastic library bindings. Whether historians acknowledge it or not, scholarly history’s illegitimate cousin, the historical novel, plays a profound role in shaping widely held conceptions of historical realities.
- Lauren Willig
Collection: Cousin
Image of Joe Theismann
Kirk Cousins has played much better at the quarterback position than Robert Griffin III has.
- Joe Theismann
Collection: Cousin
Image of Margaret George
Boredom is that awful state of inaction when the very medicine ― that is, activity ― which could solve it, is seen as odious. Archery? It is too cold, and besides, the butts need re-covering; the rats have been at the straw. Music? To hear it is tedious; to compose it, too taxing. And so on. Of all the afflictions, boredom is ultimately the most unmanning. Eventually, it transforms you into a great nothing who does nothing ― a cousin to sloth and a brother to melancholy.
- Margaret George
Collection: Cousin
Image of Charles Finch
Are you going to give a speech?' she asked gaily. He gave a choked laugh. 'Of course not,' he said. 'Not for ages.' 'My cousin Davey gave one on his very first day!' ... 'In the Lords, I remember. It was about how he didn't like strawberry jam.' 'Be nice, Charles! It was a speech about fruit importation, which I admit devolved into something of a tirade.' She couldn't help but laugh. 'Still, you could talk about something more important.' 'Than jam? Impossible. We mustn't set the bar too high, Jane.
- Charles Finch
Collection: Cousin
Image of Kerstin Gier
It’s funny, but I was just thinking I wouldn’t mind a repeat of that boring evening when we elapsed to 1953,” said Gideon. “Just you and me and Cousin Sofa.
- Kerstin Gier
Collection: Cousin
Image of R.L. LaFevers
Jewels can be replaced, cousin. Independence, once lost, cannot.
- R.L. LaFevers
Collection: Cousin
Image of Larry the Cable Guy
I had a buddy of mine call up the other day, all upset 'cause he slept with his third cousin. And I'm like, Man, if it upsets you that much, quit countin' them!
- Larry the Cable Guy
Collection: Cousin
Image of Leon Uris
Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; and the tribe against the world and all of us against the infidel.
- Leon Uris
Collection: Cousin
Image of Scott Lynch
Difficult" and "impossible" are cousins often mistaken for one another, with very little in common." (Locke Lamora to Requin)
- Scott Lynch
Collection: Cousin
Image of Cynthia Ozick
A writer is dreamed and transfigured into being by spells, wishes, goldfish, silhouettes of trees, boxes of fairy tales dropped in the mud, uncles' and cousins' books, tablets and capsules and powders...and then one day you find yourself leaning here, writing on that round glass table salvaged from the Park View Pharmacy--writing this, an impossibility, a summary of who you came to be where you are now, and where, God knows, is that?
- Cynthia Ozick
Collection: Cousin
Image of Felicia Day
The cool thing about what I'm doing, I feel, is that with the Internet, I do my Twitter and I have a blog, and I personally answer as many e-mails as I can, and thank people. I'm going to be on House next week, and people are like, "Oh my gosh, Felicia's on House!" And it's almost as if I'm their cousin, or just a friend or a neighbor who did that. Vs. some famous person.
- Felicia Day
Collection: Cousin
Image of Félix J. Palma
Somehow this literary genre, which most people condemned, acted as a sort of counterbalance to Charles's soul; it was the ballast that prevented him from lurching into the serious or melancholy, unlike Andrew, who had been unable to adopt his cousin's casual attitude to life, and to whom everything seemed so achingly profound, imbed with that absurd solemnity that the transience of of existence conferred upon even the smallest act.
- Félix J. Palma
Collection: Cousin
Image of Bo Burnham
How old is too old to stop believing in, like, the tooth fairy? Like 12? I've got a cousin who is 18... Yeah, still believes in gay marriage.
- Bo Burnham
Collection: Cousin
Image of Matt de la Pena
The whole guilt thing of not feeling Mexican enough was a big deal, too. On the one hand, you have your grandmother who is anointing you as a chosen one because you are light, but then you feel like you're less because you are lighter than your cousins, who are more down on the streets. You know? So that confusion was all I wrote about.
- Matt de la Pena
Collection: Cousin
Image of Rachel Vincent
Like I'm going to pass up an opportunity to smack your cousin.
- Rachel Vincent
Collection: Cousin
Image of Rachel Vincent
My aunt and overprivileged cousin only recognize two states of being: glitter and grunge. And if you weren’t glitter, well, that only left one other option.
- Rachel Vincent
Collection: Cousin
Image of Rachel Vincent
But all I said, as I dug a five from my pocket to pay for my soda, was, "You have a friend?" Tod scowled. "Well, I wouldn't call him a friend according to the traditional definition, but in the sense that he imposes on me constantly and isn't afraid to point out my flaws, I'd say he qualifies." "Sounds more like a cousin.
- Rachel Vincent
Collection: Cousin
Image of Monique Truong
Words, do not have twins in every language. Sometimes they only have distant cousins, and sometimes they pretend that they are not even related.
- Monique Truong
Collection: Cousin
Image of Michael Moorcock
And now, Elric had told three lies. The first concerned his cousin Yyrkoon. The second concerned the Black Sword. The third concerned Cymoril. And upon those three lies was Elric's destiny to be built, for it is only about things which concern us most profoundly that we lie clearly and with profound conviction.
- Michael Moorcock
Collection: Cousin
Image of Master P
My little cousin Jimmy told me in jail he was a drag queen.
- Master P
Collection: Cousin
Image of Edward Norton
Popularity is the slutty little cousin of prestige, my friend.
- Edward Norton
Collection: Cousin
Image of Chris Hardwick
Humans cannot produce viable offspring with our closest animal cousin: the chimpanzee. We cannot impregnate a chimp. So you know what that means? No condoms.
- Chris Hardwick
Collection: Cousin
Image of Mac Miller
Someone told me sleep was the cousin of death and followin' the dollar finds nothin' but stress.
- Mac Miller
Collection: Cousin
Image of Elizabeth McCracken
All I can say is, it's a sort of kinship, as though there is a family tree of grief. On this branch, the lost children, on this the suicided parents, here the beloved mentally ill siblings. When something terrible happens, you discover all of the sudden that you have a new set of relatives, people with whom you can speak in the shorthand of cousins.
- Elizabeth McCracken
Collection: Cousin
Image of Cherie Carter-Scott
The health benefits, both mental and physical, of humor are well documented. A good laugh can diffuse tension, relieve stress, and release endorphins into your system, which act as a natural mood elevator. In Norman Cousin's book, Anatomy of an Illness, Cousin's describes the regimen he followed to overcome a serious debilitating disease he was suffering from. It included large doses of laughter and humor. Published in 1976, his book has been widely accepted by the medical community.
- Cherie Carter-Scott
Collection: Cousin
Image of Catherine Anderson
A man cannot own a woman, cousin. He can only... He can only love her.
- Catherine Anderson
Collection: Cousin
Image of Joy Harjo
I spoke with the crows before leaving for Los Angeles. They were the resident storytellers whose strident and insistent voices added the necessary dissonance for color. They had cousins in California, and gave me their names and addresses, told me to look them up. They warned me, too, what they had heard about attitude there. And they were right. Attitude was thick, hung from the would-be's and has-beens and think-they-ares, so thick that I figured it was the major source of the smog.
- Joy Harjo
Collection: Cousin
Image of Napoleon III
The Empress is legitimate, my cousin is Republican, Morny is Orleanist, I am a socialist; the only Bonapartist is Persigny, and he is mad.
- Napoleon III
Collection: Cousin
Image of K'naan
I learned to fire guns at the age of nine or so, but luckily was not out killing people. We zigzagged the streets to escape those trying to kill us. I guess it would have been a matter of time till I turned around with a gun myself, to go after those coming for us. But I was fortunate. The grenade incident was about an explosion which destroyed a section of my school, from a grenade that me and my cousin detonated by accident. We both lived to tell about it.
- K'naan
Collection: Cousin
Image of Dick Morris
We in politics are accustomed to seeing reality firsthand and then watching its distant cousin, events as portrayed by the media, unfold on our televisions. We know that what happened in Congress and what is reported to have taken place are two very different things. But that disjuncture, so familiar to politicians, is new to the viewing public. By seeing war and war coverage juxtaposed nightly on their screens, Americans have learned the crucial lesson: not to trust the news anchors.
- Dick Morris
Collection: Cousin
Image of Robert V. Taylor
Courage to be who you are is the cousin of loving the Divine, yourself and others.
- Robert V. Taylor
Collection: Cousin
Image of Timothy Shriver
I discovered that our clan included loads of cousins and uncles and aunts and animals of every shape. I was taught that chaos and competition were family values. And I learned that we all loved the sea. Somehow, the sea was about us-our past, our exuberance, our frailty, our longing.
- Timothy Shriver
Collection: Cousin
Image of Thomas Traherne
Sleep is cousin-german unto death: Sleep and death differ, no more, than a carcass And a skeleton.
- Thomas Traherne
Collection: Cousin
Image of Susan Cain
Introversion- along with its cousins sensitivity, seriousness, and shyness- is now a second-class personality trait, somewhere between a disappointment and a pathology. Introverts living in the Extrovert Ideal are like women in a man's world, discounted because of a trait that goes to the core of who they are. Extroversion is an enormously appealing personality style, but we've turned it into an oppressive standard to which most of us feel we must conform.
- Susan Cain
Collection: Cousin
Image of Adi Shankara
Do not look at anybody in terms of friend or foe, brother or cousin; do not fritter away your mental energies in thoughts of friendship or enmity. Seeking the Self everywhere, be amiable and equal-minded towards all, treating all alike.
- Adi Shankara
Collection: Cousin
Image of Claude Shannon
Cousins are part of your life so stick with cuz, not friends.
- Claude Shannon
Collection: Cousin
Image of Bill Cowher
So many times through the course of a season you are defined by your backups. They have three players in [Kirk] Cousins, Niles [Paul] and [Bashaud] Breeland who may be better than the players that they’re replacing.
- Bill Cowher
Collection: Cousin
Image of Bill Cowher
This isn’t Kirk Cousins’ job to win. Right now this is Kirk Cousins’ job to lose…He’s putting together a profile right now, a resume of these next seven weeks that will make the decision easy for the Redskins: either they sign him to a contract or they’re still looking for the quarterback of the future.
- Bill Cowher
Collection: Cousin
Image of Bill Cowher
Kirk Cousins is the future of the Washington Redskins.
- Bill Cowher
Collection: Cousin
Image of Sam Palladio
My cousin gave me a twin-neck electric guitar for one of my birthdays. It was amazing. Even though it was mine, I was never allowed to pick it up.
- Sam Palladio
Collection: Cousin
Image of David Lange
Bassett was a member of parliament and a cousin on my father's side of the family. My father delivered him and it became plain in later days that he must have dropped him.
- David Lange
Collection: Cousin
Image of Kim Fields
I love my family in Baltimore. But on their side of the family, I love their cousin Charles Thompson, because he's from New York like me.
- Kim Fields
Collection: Cousin
Image of Owain Glyndwr
Dread lord and cousin, may the almighty preserve your reverence and lordship in long life and good fortune.
- Owain Glyndwr
Collection: Cousin
Image of Owain Glyndwr
Most redoubted lord and right sovereign cousin, may the Almighty Lord have you in his keeping.
- Owain Glyndwr
Collection: Cousin
Image of Gaby Hoffmann
All my cousins steal things. Theyre just a bunch of thieves. My whole family is like that. You put something down for a second, and they steal it. You never see it again.
- Gaby Hoffmann
Collection: Cousin
Image of Margery Fish
I could go on and on. But that is just what gardening is, going on and on. My philistine of a husband often told with amusement how a cousin when asked when he expected to finish his garden replied 'Never, I hope'. And that, I think, applies to all true gardeners.
- Margery Fish
Collection: Cousin
Image of Peter Block
Dissent is the cousin of diversity; the respect for a wide range of beliefs. This begins by allowing people the space to say "no". If we cannot say "no" then our "yes" has no meaning. Each needs the chance to express their doubts and reservations, without having to justify them, or move quickly into problem solving. No is the beginning of the conversation for commitment.
- Peter Block
Collection: Cousin
Image of Irene Cara
My brother, Mario, is in show business and so are all my cousins on my dad's side. We come from a family of musicians. My grandmother's sister in Puerto Rico plays five instruments.
- Irene Cara
Collection: Cousin