Cassandra Clare

Image of Cassandra Clare
I've never seen anyone get so excited over books before. You'd think they were diamonds.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Book
Image of Cassandra Clare
Facilis descensus Averno Noctes atque dies patet atri ianua Ditis Sed revocare gradum superasque evadere ad auras Hoc opus labor est
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Auras
Image of Cassandra Clare
Sometimes one must choose whether to be kind or honorable," he said. "Sometimes one cannot be both.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Be Kind
Image of Cassandra Clare
People aren't born good or bad. Maybe they're born with tendencies either way, but its the way you live your life that matters.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Life
Image of Cassandra Clare
Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Cassandra Clare
You endure what is unbearable, and you bear it. That is all.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Life
Image of Cassandra Clare
People who know and love the same books as you, have the road map to your soul.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Book
Image of Cassandra Clare
Clary, you're an artist, like your mother. That means you see the world in ways that other people don't. It's your gift, to see the beauty and the horror in ordinary things. It doesn't make you crazy — just different. There's nothing wrong with being different.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Mother
Image of Cassandra Clare
I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Love
Image of Cassandra Clare
It isn't against the Law to be an idiot.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Law
Image of Cassandra Clare
You can only push the truth down for so long, and then it bubbles back up.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Long
Image of Cassandra Clare
Why does it take girls so long to shower?” he demanded. “Mortal girls, Shadowhunters, female warlocks, you‘re all the same. I‘m not getting any younger waiting out here.” -Magnus to Clary, pg.272-
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Girl
Image of Cassandra Clare
Magnus wants to shout at me, don’t you, Magnus?” (Jace) “Yes,” Magnus said, tearing his eyes away from Alec long enough to scowl. -pg.275-
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Eye
Image of Cassandra Clare
You can't forget the things you did in the past, or you'll never learn from them.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Past
Image of Cassandra Clare
Do you think she’ll catch him before he gets to the hall?” “My mom’s spent her whole life chasing me around,” Clary said. “She moves fast.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Mom
Image of Cassandra Clare
Poor you, you have two cute girls vying for your love. Your life is hard.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Cute
Image of Cassandra Clare
I would never date a girl who insisted that I cut you out of my life. It’s non-negotiable. You want a piece of all this fabulousness?” He gestured at himself. “Well, my best friend comes along with it. I wouldn’t cut you out of my life, Clary, any more than I would cut off my right hand and give it to someone as a Valentine’s Day gift.” “Gross,” said Clary. “Must you?” He grinned. “I must.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Girl
Image of Cassandra Clare
Simon watched a kelpie skip past, carrying a glass of blue fluid, and raised an eyebrow. “It’s not like Magnus’s party,” Isabelle reassured him. “Everything here ought to be safe to drink.” “Ought to be?” Aline look worried.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Party
Image of Cassandra Clare
I think I gave Alec a complex about what kind of fighter he was, just because he wanted to live.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Thinking
Image of Cassandra Clare
Were you ever actually going to leave New York, or were you just saying that to get her to finally make a move?” “Clary,” said Luke, “I am shocked that you would suggest such a thing.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: New York
Image of Cassandra Clare
Clary grinned at Luke. “So you’re not moving to Idris, I take it?” “Nah,” he said. He looked as happy as she’d ever seen him. “The pizza here is terrible.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Moving
Image of Cassandra Clare
No," Jace agreed. "We don't fly. We break and enter.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Break
Image of Cassandra Clare
You invited him into bed?" Simon demanded, looking shaken. "Ridiculous, isn't it?" said Jace. "We would never have all fit.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Bed
Image of Cassandra Clare
No." Magnus strode toward him. "I didn't call you because I'm tired of you only wanting me around when you need something. I'm tired of watching you be in love with someone else-someone, incidentally, who will never love you back. Not the way I do.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Love You
Image of Cassandra Clare
He's a cousin of some friends of the Lightwoods or something. He's nice. I promise." "Nice, bah. He's gorgeous." Magnus gazed dreamily in his direction. "You should leave him here. I could hang hats on him and things." "No. You can't have him." "Why not? Do you like him?" Magnus's eyes gleamed. "He seems to like you. I saw him going for your hand out there like a squirrel diving for a peanut.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Cousin
Image of Cassandra Clare
Consider it a race to see who kills you first, Daylighter-Valentine, the other Downworlders, or the Clave.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Valentine
Image of Cassandra Clare
Shotgun!" announced Clary as Jace came back around the side of the van. Alec grabbed for his bow, strapped across his back. "Where?" "She means she wants the front seat," said Jace, pushing wet hair out of his eyes.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Mean
Image of Cassandra Clare
I'm not so sure about this wind and howling darkness business," Jace went on, "smells more like landfill to me. You sure you're not from Staten Island?
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Islands
Image of Cassandra Clare
Yes?" said Clary, her voiced sharply edged. "Since I found out what? That he's a killer transvestite who molests cats?" "No wonder that cat of his hates everyone.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Hate
Image of Cassandra Clare
Somebody's girlfriend," she said. "Somebody's sister, somebody's daughter. All these things I never knew I was before, and I still don't really know what I am.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Daughter
Image of Cassandra Clare
I am a man, and men do not drink pink drinks. Now, be gone, woman, and fetch me something brown." Jace said. "Brown?" said Isabelle. "Yes. Brown. It's a manly color. See? Alec is wearing it." Jace said. "Well, it was black but it faded." Alec said. "Well, I can always fix it up with something sparkly," Magnus said, holding a sparkley headband. "Resist the urge, Alec, resist the urge." Simon said.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Men
Image of Cassandra Clare
Goodness, real goodness, has it's own sort of cruelty to it.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Real
Image of Cassandra Clare
Most Shadowhunters get their first Marks at twelve. It must have been in your blood.” “Maybe. Although I doubt most Shadowhunters get a tattoo of Donatello from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on their left shoulder.” Jace looked baffled. “You wanted a turtle on your shoulder?” -Jace & Clary, pg. 314-
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Tattoo
Image of Cassandra Clare
Only Jace, Clary thought, could look cool in pajama bottoms and an old T-shirt, but he pulled it off, probably through sheer force of will. -pg. 329-
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Looks
Image of Cassandra Clare
"He picks up his dates in a van? No wonder he‘s such a hit with the ladies." - Jace about Simon
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Wonder
Image of Cassandra Clare
That's the van? It looks like a rotting banana." This was undeniable - Eric had painted the van a neon shade of yellow, and it was blotched with dings and rust like splotches of decay.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Yellow
Image of Cassandra Clare
Demonic activity levels? Do they have a device that measures whether the demons inside the house are doing power yoga?
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Yoga
Image of Cassandra Clare
Oh, its big enough,” he said patronizingly, “but somehow I was expecting…you know.” He gestured with his hands, indicating something roughly the size of a house cat. “It’s the Mortal Cup, Jace, not the Mortal Toilet Bowl,” said Isabelle. -Jace & Isabelle, pg.349-
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Cat
Image of Cassandra Clare
The thing that you are too young to understand is that we all hide things. We hide them from our lovers because we wish to present our best selves, but also because if it is real love, we expect our loved one to simply understand it, without needing to ask. In a true partnership, the kind that lasts through the ages, there is an unspoken communion.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Real
Image of Cassandra Clare
Okay. I've got a good one." Simon stroked Isabelle's hair feeling her lashes flutter against his neck as she closed her eyes. "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Eye
Image of Cassandra Clare
Do you remember, the night of the battle on Valentine's ship, when I needed some of your strength?" "Do you need it again now?" Alec said. "Because you can have it." "I always need your strength, Alec," Magnus said, and closed his eyes as their intertwined fingers began to shine, as if between them they held the light of a star.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Stars
Image of Cassandra Clare
Softly, Magnus said, "Aku cinta kamu." "What does that mean?" Magnus disentangled himself from Alec's grip. "It means I love you. Not that that changes anything.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Love You
Image of Cassandra Clare
You’re attacking that one like a wolverine.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Attacking
Image of Cassandra Clare
No, you don’t need to help me. But if you don’t, there’s nothing stopping me from calling you up again and again, now that I know you can’t kill me. Think of it as me leaning against your Heavenly doorbell… forever.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Thinking
Image of Cassandra Clare
Magnus called me and asked me to come and see you. He tried to reach you, but he couldn’t. He wants you to put him in touch with the Praetor Lupus.” “Put him in touch with…” Jordan shook his head. “You can’t just call the Praetor. It’s not like 1-800-WEREWOLF.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Want
Image of Cassandra Clare
I know I told you once that whether God exists or not, we're on our own. But when I'm with you, I'm not.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Whether God Exists
Image of Cassandra Clare
It's been so long that I think I was unsettled by the idea of feeling like I belonged anywhere. But you made me feel like I belong.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Thinking
Image of Cassandra Clare
I think of myself as a freewheeling bisexual," added Magnus. "Please never say those words in front of my parents," said Alec.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Bisexual