Top Daughter Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Daughter quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Victoria Hanley
What is your future, son of a king?' he heard Torina say. Landen smiled. 'Ask your crystal, daughter of a queen.' She traced his eyebrow with a finger. 'My crystal never tells me what I can see with my own eyes.
- Victoria Hanley
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jeremiah Wright
Them Jews aren't going to let (Obama) talk to me. I told my baby daughter, that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office. ...They will not let him talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is.
- Jeremiah Wright
Collection: Daughter
Image of Marie Osmond
I was so honored when Diane Sawyer named me "Person of the Week," and like I told her, "Diane, I love my daughter." I cried when I found out when she told me she was gay when she was 17 because of the judgment.
- Marie Osmond
Collection: Daughter
Image of Claire LaZebnik
I want a tutor,” Layla said. “It would make doing homework so much easier.” “Me too,” said Kaitlyn. “If Layla gets one, I get one.” “No daughter of mine will ever have a tutor,” Dad said. “What if we’re failing a course?” asked Layla. His graying eyebrows drew together. “If you fail a single course, young lady, we will pull you out of school and get you a job scrubbing toilets for the rest of your life.
- Claire LaZebnik
Collection: Daughter
Image of Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
I have heard unsavory rumors about you and the umbrella-maker's daughter
- Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
Collection: Daughter
Image of Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
I could have sworn that the man's eyes were no longer watching his daughter dying in agony, that instead the gorgeous colors of flames and the sight of a woman suffering in them were giving him joy beyond measure.
- Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jacques Pepin
Children never lie...I remember my daughter standing in her crib the first time I gave her caviar. I put it on bread. She ate it and said, "Encore, Papa."
- Jacques Pepin
Collection: Daughter
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
Many things inspire me, but at this moment in my life, my daughter is my greatest inspiration. Working hard has taken on a whole new meaning since I had her. I want to make a great life for myself so she can have a great life.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Collection: Daughter
Image of Helen Oyeyemi
I'm never sad when a friend goes far away, because whichever city or country that friend goes to, they turn the place friendly. They turn a suspicious-looking name on the map into a place where a welcome can be found. Maybe the friend will talk about you sometimes, to other friends that live around him, and then that's almost as good as being there yourself. You're in several places at once! In fact, my daughter, I would even go so far as to say that the further away your friends, and the more spread out they are the better your chances of going safely through the world.
- Helen Oyeyemi
Collection: Daughter
Image of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
it is the liberty that is the mother, not the daughter, of order.
- Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Collection: Daughter
Image of Lois Wyse
I thought about all of us women and how we spend half our lives rebelling against our mothers and the next half rebelling against our daughters.
- Lois Wyse
Collection: Daughter
Image of Paul Harding
What an awful thing then, being there in our house together with our daughter gone, trying to be equal to so many sudden orders of sorrow, any one of which alone would have wrenched us from our fragile orbits around each other.
- Paul Harding
Collection: Daughter
Image of Catherine Fisher
Master, I'm afraid. I am, truly. This place scares me. At home, I know who I am, what to do. I'm the Warden's daughter, I know where I stand. But this is a dangerous place, full of pitfalls. All my life, I've known it was waiting for me, but now I'm not sure I can face it. They'll want to absorb me, make me one of them, and I won't change. I won't! I want to stay me." Jared sighed and she saw his dark gaze was fixed on the veiled window. "Claudia, you're the bravest person I know. And no one will change you. You will rule here, though it won't be easy.
- Catherine Fisher
Collection: Daughter
Image of Sonia Sanchez
I still hear you humming, Mama. The colour of your song calls me home. The colour of your words saying, Let her be. She got a right to be different. She gonna stumble on herself one of these days. Just let the child be. And I be, Mama.
- Sonia Sanchez
Collection: Daughter
Image of Laird Hamilton
Life with three daughters can be nerve-wracking, but it's amazing to be loved by so many different women.
- Laird Hamilton
Collection: Daughter
Image of Shin Kyung-sook
Either a mother and daughter know each other very well or they are strangers.
- Shin Kyung-sook
Collection: Daughter
Image of Fanny Fern
To her, the name of father was another name for love.
- Fanny Fern
Collection: Daughter
Image of Louis Tomlinson
You know what it would just be amazing to be remembered, you know like a mum telling a daughter ‘the boyband of my time, One Direction, they just had fun and they’re just normal guys but terrible, terrible dancers.’
- Louis Tomlinson
Collection: Daughter
Image of Sumner Redstone
I listen to my daughter. I listen to Paula, but I make the decisions. The decision to say goodbye to Cruise was mine.
- Sumner Redstone
Collection: Daughter
Image of John  Stephens
I do not know what happened with your parents or why they did what they did. But in all the world, I could have wished for no daughter but you.
- John Stephens
Collection: Daughter
Image of Edward Thomas
If I should ever by chance grow richI'll buy Codham, Cockridden, and Childerditch,Roses, Pyrgo, and Lapwater,And let them all to my eldest daughter.
- Edward Thomas
Collection: Daughter
Image of Meg Ryan
I am convinced, completely convinced, that there was nothing random about [the adoption], she is the daughter I should have.
- Meg Ryan
Collection: Daughter
Image of Mark Wahlberg
It's ridiculous that people call me a sex symbol. I don't feel like that at all. My daughter would get a kick out of it - she'd find it very funny. I'll take it though. I'm very humble. But it's certainly not the way I feel.
- Mark Wahlberg
Collection: Daughter
Image of Kelly Corrigan
Even when all the paperwork-a marriage license, a notarized deed, two birth certificates, and seven years of tax returns-clearly indicates you're an adult, but all the same, there you are, clutching the phone and thanking God that you're still somebody's daughter.
- Kelly Corrigan
Collection: Daughter
Image of Karen White
Every woman needs a daughter to tell her stories to.
- Karen White
Collection: Daughter
Image of Karen White
Every woman should have a daughter to tell her stories to. Otherwise, the lessons learned are as useless as spare buttons from a discarded shirt. And all that is left is a fading name and the shape of a nose or the color of hair. The men who write the history books will tell you the stories of battles and conquests. But the women will tell you the stories of people's hearts.
- Karen White
Collection: Daughter
Image of Jacquelyn Mitchard
our sons and daughters are only passing through. ... If we are lucky, they always will consider our home their harbor, but they are headed out to the open sea, almost from the first.
- Jacquelyn Mitchard
Collection: Daughter
Image of R.K. Narayan
If someone should ask, "how should an Opposition function?" the best answer would be, "in the manner of a traditional mother-in-law who watches the performance of household work by a daughter-in-law and follows her about with her comments.
- R.K. Narayan
Collection: Daughter
Image of Rand Paul
I will not vote to send my sons, or your sons, daughters, brothers, sisters or friends to fight for a stalemate.
- Rand Paul
Collection: Daughter
Image of Laurie R. King
The words given voice inside the mind are not always clear, however; they can be gentle and elliptical, what the prophets call the bat qol, the daughter of the voice of God, she who speaks in whispers and half-seen images.
- Laurie R. King
Collection: Daughter
Image of Laurie R. King
Holmes had cultivated the ability to still the noise of the mind, by smoking his pipe and playing nontunes on the violin. He once compared this mental state with the sort of passive seeing that enables the eye, in a dim light or at a great distance, to grasp details with greater clarity by focusing slightly to one side of the object of interest. When active, strained vision only obscures and frustrates, looking away often permits the eyes to see and interpret the shapes of what it sees. Thus does inattention allow the mind to register the still, small whisper of the daughter of the voice.
- Laurie R. King
Collection: Daughter
Image of Gail Caldwell
the mother's first job is to raise a daughter strong enough to outlast her.
- Gail Caldwell
Collection: Daughter
Image of Rebecca Walker
Because mothers make us, because they map our emotional terrain before we even know we are capable of having an emotional terrain, they know just where to stick the dynamite. With a few small power plays - a skeptical comment, the withholding of approval or praise - a mother can devastate a daughter. Decades of subtle undermining can stunt a daughter, or so monopolize her energy that she in effect stunts herself. Muted, fearful, riddled with self-doubt, she can remain trapped in daughterhood forever, the one place she feels confident she knows the rules.
- Rebecca Walker
Collection: Daughter
Image of Mike Mignola
My daughter is reading various Young Adult vampire stuff, and I ask her, "Is there even a bad vampire in the story?" There's always a good vampire now, but do any of them sleep in coffins? And I would bring her down to my library and say, "Here's every classic vampire literature. There are coffins, there's this, there's that," you know? "When you get to the YA stuff, you may try some of this stuff just to see where it came from."
- Mike Mignola
Collection: Daughter
Image of Carolyn Parkhurst
Washing the Dead is an illuminating and intricately layered novel about the complicated legacies that pass from mother to daughter, and about the ways that understanding our own history helps make us who we are. Michelle Brafman is an insightful writer who never falters or flinches in her quest to uncover the hearts of her characters.
- Carolyn Parkhurst
Collection: Daughter
Image of Sharon Olds
Poems come from ordinary experiences and objects, I think. Out of memory - a dress I lent my daughter on her way back to college; a newspaper photograph of war; a breast self-exam; the tooth fairy; Calvinist parents who beat up their children; a gesture of love; seeing oneself naked over age 50 in a set of bright hotel bathroom mirrors.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Daughter
Image of Sharon Olds
The older I get, the more I feel.
- Sharon Olds
Collection: Daughter
Image of Theodora Goss
I'm writinng my first full-length novel, which is based on a novella I wrote called "The Mad Scientist's Daughter." I'm having a wonderful time with it, but of course it's presenting challenges as well. Stories always do, no matter what they are.
- Theodora Goss
Collection: Daughter
Image of Walter Raleigh
Prevention is the daughter of intelligence.
- Walter Raleigh
Collection: Daughter
Image of Georg Solti
I can only hope that neither of them was scarred by their upbringing.
- Georg Solti
Collection: Daughter
Image of Julie James
I’d like to know more about this undercover agent who posed as my daughter’s date. The ubiquitous Tall, Dark, and Smoldering.' Nick put on his best meet-the-parent smile. 'I generally prefer to go by Nick.
- Julie James
Collection: Daughter
Image of Michael Sheen
In the case of two actors connecting with each other and trusting each other, our bodies have memories without us having to consciously think about it, so rather than think, "Oh, I must think about my daughter dying," you just let that go and trust that you have all the emotions you need in there, and by losing yourself in the scene, that stuff kicks in without having to spend the day thinking about horrific things happening to your own child.
- Michael Sheen
Collection: Daughter
Image of Derek Landy
You should have called us. Desmond would have picked you up.' 'No I wouldn't,' Valkyrie's dad said, stepping into earshot. 'Sorry, Fletcher, but I had important fatherly duties to take care of, which included eating breakfast, showering, and finding my trousers. Of those three, I only managed two. Without looking down, can you guess which one I missed?'... Fletcher smiled back. 'I just want to borrow Stephanie for a moment.' 'Take our daughter,' Valkryie's dad said, waving a hand airily. 'We have another one now.
- Derek Landy
Collection: Daughter
Image of Anna Quindlen
Figuring out who you are is the whole point of the human experience.
- Anna Quindlen
Collection: Daughter
Image of Kathy Lette
living with a teenage daughter is like living with the Taliban a mum is not allowed to laugh, sing, dance or wear short skirts
- Kathy Lette
Collection: Daughter
Image of Kathleen Turner
I learned years ago, I adore acting and I think it's the most alive I know how to be - almost - but I really want a good life. I've been married for 17 years - I know, they call us the last couple. I have a 13-year-old daughter. I have a lovely home life with good friends who aren't in the business... and I have no desire to cost my whole life in pursuit of the career alone.
- Kathleen Turner
Collection: Daughter
Image of Sarah Bernhardt
If I have a foreign accent—which I much regret—it is cosmopolitan, but not Teutonic. I am a daughter of the great Jewish race, and my somewhat uncultivated language is the outcome of our enforced wanderings.
- Sarah Bernhardt
Collection: Daughter
Image of Lisa Genova
But will I always love her? Does my love for her reside in my head or my heart? The scientist in her believed that emotion resulted from complex limbic brain circuitry that was for her, at this very moment, trapped in the trenches of a battle in which there would be no survivors. The mother in her believed that the love she hadd for her daughter was safe from the mayhem in her mind, because it lived in her heart.
- Lisa Genova
Collection: Daughter
Image of Tracy Chevalier
You know I don’t listen to market gossip,” she began, “but it is hard not to hear it when my daughter’s name is mentioned.
- Tracy Chevalier
Collection: Daughter