Rita Mae Brown

Image of Rita Mae Brown
The last thing I have to say is that ice is the past tense of water. I've always wanted to write that sentence and now I have.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Writing
Image of Rita Mae Brown
I have always been suspicious of romantic love. It looks too much like a narcissism shared by two.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Romantic Love
Image of Rita Mae Brown
England is an aquarium, not a nation.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Aquariums
Image of Rita Mae Brown
The only merciful thing about drug abuse is the speed with which it devastates you. Alcoholics can take decades to destroy themselves and everyone they touch. The drug addict can accomplish this in a year or two. Of course, suicide is even more efficient.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Suicide
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Where there is no faith, devils are a necessity.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Devil
Image of Rita Mae Brown
The dead are the only people to have permanent dwellings.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Consider the "new" woman. She's trying to be Pollyanna Borgia, clearly a conflict of interest. She's supposed to be a ruthless winner at work and a bundle of nurturing sweetness at home.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Home
Image of Rita Mae Brown
A narcissism shared by two.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Love
Image of Rita Mae Brown
All decisions are made on insufficient evidence.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Rita Mae Brown
I hate the telephone. I think the lowest circle of hell is reserved for Alexander Graham Bell.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Hate
Image of Rita Mae Brown
... I distrust manifest knowledge.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Rita Mae Brown
He tried to drown his troubles but they knew how to swim.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Swim
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Odd thing about death ... it reaffirms life.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Life
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Gossip is irresponsible communication.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Communication
Image of Rita Mae Brown
You can love more than one person at a time, and I don't give a damn what the self-help books say.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Love
Image of Rita Mae Brown
While the angels, all pallid and wan, Uprising, unveiling, affirm That the play is the tragedy, "Man", And its hero the Conqueror Worm.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Hero
Image of Rita Mae Brown
We all want to leave our children the Garden of Eden and we wind up giving them hardscrabble.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Children
Image of Rita Mae Brown
It's an act of faith to be a writer in a postliterate world.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Faith
Image of Rita Mae Brown
The real reason Milton went blind was to avoid reading unsolicited manuscripts.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Real
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Money and writing appear to be mutually exclusive.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Writing
Image of Rita Mae Brown
sex has never been private and it never will be. We perform the act in private but we must be public about the connection. Sex is how we pass down worldly goods. It's how we create the primary unit of our society, the couple. ... This rule applies to gay people as well as straight people. ... The community absolutely must know who is straight, who is gay, who is married, and who is single. Without that information we make painful mistakes and lose time.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Sex
Image of Rita Mae Brown
In art as in politics we must deal with people as they are not as we wish them to be. Only by working with the real can you get closer to the ideal.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Art
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Possession of a secret is no guarantee of its truth.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Secret
Image of Rita Mae Brown
I'm not a person who worries too much about what I've done.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Worry
Image of Rita Mae Brown
I've got splinters in my nose from the best publishing doors in town.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Writing
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Computer dating is fine, if you're a computer.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Fundraising
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Golf is an expensive way to make yourself miserable.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Golf
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Two wrongs don't make a right. No, but three will get you back on the freeway!
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Two
Image of Rita Mae Brown
You're nothing in America if you don't have debt.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: America
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Pain isn't always the enemy.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Pain
Image of Rita Mae Brown
The writer's job is not to write a novel, hold it up and say, “Here I am,” but to write a novel, hold it up and say, “Here YOU are.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Self-pity is the simplest luxury.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Self
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Mothers have a habit of proving right except you don't find that out until you're the age your mother was when she gave you the advice.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Mother
Image of Rita Mae Brown
I used to think romantic love was a neurosis shared by two, a supreme foolishness. I no longer think that. There's nothing foolish in loving anyone. Thinking you'll be loved in return is what's foolish.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Love
Image of Rita Mae Brown
...funny how people want a return to the good ole days. Of coarse the good ole days of being a rich white plantation owner. Everyone seems to forget the poor white farmer.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: War
Image of Rita Mae Brown
So often the truth is told with hate, and lies are told with love.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Friendship
Image of Rita Mae Brown
For you to be successful, sacrifices must be made. It's better that they are made by others but failing that, you'll have to make them yourself.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Funny
Image of Rita Mae Brown
I mean, what do people talk about when they're married?" "Their kids, I guess." "Maybe that's all they have in common.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Mean
Image of Rita Mae Brown
When Mother died I was both freed and abandoned, as are we all at this profound juncture in our lives.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Mother
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Gambling operates under the premise that greed can be satisfied by luck.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Gambling
Image of Rita Mae Brown
No one remembers her beginnings. Mothers and aunts tell us about infancy and early childhood, hoping we won't forget the past when they had total control over our lives and secretly praying that because of it, we'll include them in our future.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Mother
Image of Rita Mae Brown
In sports, as in love, one can never pretend.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Sports
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Creative people do not belong in the university because the process is antithetical to the analytical process so necessary for proper scholarship.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: People
Image of Rita Mae Brown
I believe every change any word has undergone probably originated in ignorance.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Believe
Image of Rita Mae Brown
An army of lovers shall not fail.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Best Love
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Novels, like human beings, usually have their beginnings in the dark.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Dark
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Adjectives are the curse of America.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: America
Image of Rita Mae Brown
[A pariah is] something like a martyr with more suffering and less class.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Class
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Aunt Mimi possessed a horror of silence, which she battled with endless chat. The Typhoid Mary of the Telephone started her calls at 6:30 each morning.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Morning