Top Dwelling Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Dwelling quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Jane Seymour
Live each day the fullest you can, not guaranteeing therell be a tomorrow, not dwelling endlessly on yesterday.
- Jane Seymour
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Alethea Kontis
Quit dwelling on other people's stories and make up some of your own.
- Alethea Kontis
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Alejandra Pizarnik
An unchangeable colour rules over the melancholic: his dwelling is a space the colour of mourning. Nothing happens in it. No one intrudes. It is a bare stage where the inert I is assisted by the I suffering from that inertia. The latter wishes to free the former, but all efforts fail, as Theseus would have failed had he been not only himself but also the Minotaur; to kill him then, he would have had to kill himself
- Alejandra Pizarnik
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Robert Gilfillan
Poetry is truth dwelling in beauty.
- Robert Gilfillan
Collection: Dwelling
Image of W Mitchell
Before my accidents, there were ten thousands things I could do. I could spend the rest of my life dwelling on the things that I had lost, but instead I chose to focus on the nine thousand I still had left.
- W Mitchell
Collection: Dwelling
Image of James Shirley
When our souls shall leave this dwelling, the glory of one fair and virtuous action is above all the 'scutcheons on our tomb, or silken banners over us.
- James Shirley
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Anatol Rapoport
It is one thing to say that the dwelling has symbolic and cosmological aspects... and another to say that it has been erected for ritual purposes and is neither shelter nor dwelling but a temple.
- Anatol Rapoport
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Celine Kiernan
Ananna of Tanarau is a delightfully irascible heroine, inhabiting a fascinating and fresh new world that I would love to spend more time in. Pirate ships? Camels? Shadow dwelling assassins? Yes please! Can I have some more?
- Celine Kiernan
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Yunho
Dwelling in failure won't change anything nor will it create a good outcome.
- Yunho
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Arizona Muse
I've always loved spaces and dwellings in general.
- Arizona Muse
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Franz Liszt
The day will come when all nations amidst which the Jews are dwelling will have to raise the question of their wholesale expulsion, a question which will be one of life or death, good health or chronic disease, peaceful existence or perpetual social fever.
- Franz Liszt
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Dror Benshetrit
The geometry reveals five development direction for applications (each with endless possibilities); dividing, dwelling, trestle, fenestration and artistic installation. I find these enabled designs so reflective of an ever-changing world where contextual factors and technological resources are shifting definitions of architecture, design, and the traditional boundaries between disciplines.
- Dror Benshetrit
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Patti LaBelle
Once I stopped dwelling on what I didn't have, on what I thought I was going to lose, and began to give freely, everything opened up for me. Everything began to flow into my life.
- Patti LaBelle
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Wallace Stevens
Out of this same light, out of the central mind, We make a dwelling in the evening air, In which being there together is enough.
- Wallace Stevens
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Swami Vivekananda
"The fool, dwelling on the bank of the Ganga, digs a well for water!" Such are we! Living in the midst of God - we must go and make images.
- Swami Vivekananda
Collection: Dwelling
Image of William Shakespeare
Then to Silvia let us sing that Silvia is excelling. She excels each mortal thing upon the dull earth dwelling.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Tacitus
The grove is the centre of their whole religion. It is regarded as the cradle of the race and the dwelling-place of the supreme god to whom all things are subject and obedient.
- Tacitus
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Holiness, as taught in the Scriptures, is not based upon knowledge on our part. Rather, it is based upon the resurrected Christ in-dwelling us and changing us into His likeness.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Dwelling
Image of J. C. Ryle
The incorruptible things are all within the narrow gate. The peace of God which passed all understanding - the bright hope of good things to come - the sense of the Spirit dwelling in us - the consciousness that we are forgiven, safe, insured, provided for in time and eternity, whatever may happen - these are true gold, and lasting riches.
- J. C. Ryle
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Kiersten White
- "Control what an interesting word for you to be dwelling on" - "I have other words" I scream the F-Word in my head, over and over again.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Bertolt Brecht
Something ignoble, loathsome, undignified attends all associations between people and has been transferred to all objects, dwelling, tools, even the landscape itself.
- Bertolt Brecht
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Marianne Williamson
No one is longing to meet a desperate needy, angry, withholding, controlling person. If your beloved is out there they can't pick up your signals if you're dwelling in those spaces within yourself.
- Marianne Williamson
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Joel Osteen
Quit dwelling on the negative things people have said about you. You don’t have to have everyone’s approval. You have God’s approval.
- Joel Osteen
Collection: Dwelling
Image of William Shakespeare
There's never a villain dwelling in all Denmark But he's an arrant knave.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Benjamin Whichcote
Conscience is ... the God dwelling in us.
- Benjamin Whichcote
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Seneca the Younger
The body is not a permanent dwelling, but a sort of inn which is to be left behind when one perceives that one is a burden to the host.
- Seneca the Younger
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Laozi
The sage acts without taking credit. He accomplishes without dwelling on it. He does not want to display his worth.
- Laozi
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Joe Wright
Modern, not bottom-dwelling literature like a carp.
- Joe Wright
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Francois Rabelais
When my soul leaves this human dwelling, I will not consider myself to have completely died, but to pass from one state to another, given that, in you and by you, I remain in my visible image in this world.
- Francois Rabelais
Collection: Dwelling
Image of William Shakespeare
Fore God, you have here a goodly dwelling and a rich.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Rita Mae Brown
The dead are the only people to have permanent dwellings.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Winston Churchill
We build dwellings and thereafter they build us.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Ada Lovelace
The confusion, the difficulties, the contradictions which, in consequence of a want of accurate distinctions in this particular, have up to even a recent period encumbered mathematics in all those branches involving the consideration of negative and impossible quantities, will at once occur to the reader who is at all versed in this science, and would alone suffice to justify dwelling somewhat on the point, in connexion with any subject so peculiarly fitted to give forcible illustration of it as the Analytical Engine.
- Ada Lovelace
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Richard Paul Evans
Dwelling on him would make him a bigger part of my life than I want him to be.
- Richard Paul Evans
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Bonnie Jo Campbell
Where I live you're not supposed to shoot a firearm within a quarter mile of a dwelling.
- Bonnie Jo Campbell
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
As to the value of conversions, God alone can judge. God alone can know how wide are the steps which the soul has to take before it can approach to a community with Him, to the dwelling of the perfect, or to the intercourse and friendship of higher natures.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Jane Austen
It was not in her nature, however, to increase her vexations by dwelling on them. She was confident of having performed her duty, and to fret over unavoidable evils, or augment them by anxiety, was not part of her disposition.
- Jane Austen
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Mary Anne Radmacher
Change the conversation of the world by dwelling on what's gone right.
- Mary Anne Radmacher
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Gordon B. Hinckley
The best thing you can do is just keep busy, keep working hard, so you're not dwelling on it all the time. Work is the best antidote for sorrow.
- Gordon B. Hinckley
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Martin Heidegger
In no way can it be uttered, as can other things, which one can learn. Rather, from out of a full, co-existential dwelling with the thing itself - as when a spark, leaping from the fire, flares into light - so it happens, suddenly, in the soul, there to grow, alone with itself.
- Martin Heidegger
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Martin Heidegger
Only if we are capable of dwelling, only then can we build
- Martin Heidegger
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Leigh Hunt
Table talk, to be perfect, should be sincere without bigotry, differing without discord, sometimes grave, always agreeable, touching on deep points, dwelling most on seasonable ones, and letting everybody speak and be heard.
- Leigh Hunt
Collection: Dwelling
Image of Jane Jacobs
I have been dwelling upon downtowns. This is not because mixtures of primary uses are unneeded elsewhere in cities. On the contrary they are needed, and the success of mixtures downtown (on in the most intensive portions of cities, whatever they are called) is related to the mixture possible in other part of cities.
- Jane Jacobs
Collection: Dwelling