Top Gambling Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Gambling quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of J.R. Miller
The only business in the world bigger than gambling is religion...but gambling is not nearly so corrupt.
- J.R. Miller
Collection: Gambling
Image of Rene Russo
I wanted Raging Bull. I wanted Casino. I got Rocky and Bullwinkle. But that's OK, because I still get to tell people I've worked with Robert DeNiro.
- Rene Russo
Collection: Gambling
Image of Georges Pompidou
There are three way of courting ruin -- women, gambling, and calling in technicians.
- Georges Pompidou
Collection: Gambling
Image of Bernard-Joseph Saurin
Nothing is sacred to a gamester.
- Bernard-Joseph Saurin
Collection: Gambling
Image of Francoise Sagan
Whisky, gambling and Ferraris are better than housework.
- Francoise Sagan
Collection: Gambling
Image of Wilford Brimley
I've always played cards. I can't remember when there wasn't a gambling game going on somewhere, even if it was a craps game in a wheelbarrow on the backside of the racetrack.
- Wilford Brimley
Collection: Gambling
Image of William Weld
It's completely idiot proof." I told them they've got it all wrong. I want a machine that is "idiot friendly.
- William Weld
Collection: Gambling
Image of Neil Simon
There's no such thing as a sure thing. That's why they call it gambling.
- Neil Simon
Collection: Gambling
Image of Earl Blaik
The champion makes his own luck.
- Earl Blaik
Collection: Gambling
Image of Ted Allen
Buying stock is exactly the same thing as going to a casino, only with no cocktail service.
- Ted Allen
Collection: Gambling
Image of Jan Garavaglia
Guessing has never been widely acclaimed as a good gambling strategy.
- Jan Garavaglia
Collection: Gambling
Image of Doyle Brunson
Try to decide how good your hand is at a given moment. Nothing else matters. Nothing.
- Doyle Brunson
Collection: Gambling
Image of Doyle Brunson
We never talk about gambling around my house.
- Doyle Brunson
Collection: Gambling
Image of Tommy Tune
My idea of gambling was walking through Central Park, whistling show tunes.
- Tommy Tune
Collection: Gambling
Image of Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour
European lotteries are the tax on fools.
- Camillo Benso, Count of Cavour
Collection: Gambling
Image of Amarillo Slim
I never go looking for a sucker. I look for a Champion and make a sucker of of him.
- Amarillo Slim
Collection: Gambling
Image of Amarillo Slim
If you are going to bluff, make it a big one.
- Amarillo Slim
Collection: Gambling
Image of Donald L. Carcieri
We are already too dependent on gambling revenue. If we continue, we will soon be owned by them.
- Donald L. Carcieri
Collection: Gambling
Image of Mike Caro
Aces are larger than life and greater than mountains.
- Mike Caro
Collection: Gambling
Image of Mike Caro
Every conscious act requires risk. Every conscious act requires decision. Put these two facts together and you realize that the secret to life is not to avoid gambling but to gamble well.
- Mike Caro
Collection: Gambling
Image of Mike Caro
All losers exaggerate because they want you to know how bad they feel.
- Mike Caro
Collection: Gambling
Image of Al Alvarez
Hold'em is a game of calculated aggression. If your cards are good enough for you to call a bet, they are good enough to raise with.
- Al Alvarez
Collection: Gambling
Image of Al Alvarez
The point is that it looks like gambling because the language of the game is money.
- Al Alvarez
Collection: Gambling
Image of Augustus De Morgan
But the gambling reasoner is incorrigible: if he would but take to squaring the circle, what a load of misery would be saved.
- Augustus De Morgan
Collection: Gambling
Image of Jean le Rond d'Alembert
Gaming is the destruction of all decorum; the prince forgets at it his dignity, and the lady her modesty.
- Jean le Rond d'Alembert
Collection: Gambling
Image of Johnny Moss
Hold'em is to stud what chess is to checkers.
- Johnny Moss
Collection: Gambling
Image of John Conyers
Just as outlawing alcohol did not work in the 1920s, current attempts to prohibit online gambling will not work, either.
- John Conyers
Collection: Gambling
Image of Sir John Davies
What more than madness reigns, when one short sitting many hundreds drains.
- Sir John Davies
Collection: Gambling
Image of Greg Giraldo
Norm MacDonald is here - one of the funniest people ever. Norm's got a giant gambling problem. He's dropped more coin in a casino than Michael J. Fox at a parking meter.
- Greg Giraldo
Collection: Gambling
Image of Michael Franzese
I've seen many lives destroyed. I've seen more people have problems with gambling than I have with drugs and alcohol. And there are some serious consequences if you get in over your head.
- Michael Franzese
Collection: Gambling
Image of William Cobbett
Another great evil arising from this desire to be thought rich; or rather, from the desire not to be thought poor, is the destructive thing which has been honored by the name of "speculation"; but which ought to be called Gambling.
- William Cobbett
Collection: Gambling
Image of Clarence Birdseye
I am best described as just a guy with a very large bump of curiosity and a gambling instinct.
- Clarence Birdseye
Collection: Gambling
Image of W. C. Fields
I spent half my money on gambling, alcohol and wild women. The other half I wasted.
- W. C. Fields
Collection: Gambling
Image of Paula Scher
My work is play. And I play when I design. I even looked it up in the dictionary, to make sure that I actually do that, and the definition of “play,” number one, was “engaging in a childlike activity or endeavor,” and number two was “gambling.” And I realize I do both when I’m designing.
- Paula Scher
Collection: Gambling
Image of Paul Laxalt
A politician taking campaign money from gamblers in Nevada is like one taking campaign money from the auto people in Michigan. Gambling is our legal business.
- Paul Laxalt
Collection: Gambling
Image of David Eagleman
It turns out that dopamine is a chemical on double duty in the brain. Along with its role in motor commands, it also serves as the main messenger in the reward systems, guiding a person toward food, drink, mates, and all things useful for survival. Because of its role in the reward system, imbalances in dopamine can trigger gambling, overeating, and drug addiction - behaviors that result from a reward system gone awry.
- David Eagleman
Collection: Gambling
Image of Larry Merchant
No use gambling if you can't lose your head once in a while.
- Larry Merchant
Collection: Gambling
Image of Peter L. Bernstein
Gambling has held human beings in thrall for millennia. It has been engaged in everywhere, from the dregs of society to the most respectable circles.
- Peter L. Bernstein
Collection: Gambling
Image of Clement Freud
I understand it is 13-8 against Egon Ronay publishing a Good Betting Shop Food Guide by 1997.
- Clement Freud
Collection: Gambling
Image of Canada Bill Jones
Suckers have no business with money anyway.
- Canada Bill Jones
Collection: Gambling
Image of Frank Scoblete
They are the new breed of slot machine-colorful, fancy, exciting, wonderful...and deadly.
- Frank Scoblete
Collection: Gambling
Image of Frank Scoblete
I gamble with one foot pointed toward the door.
- Frank Scoblete
Collection: Gambling
Image of Frank Scoblete
Scobe's Eighth Law: The moron will enter the single deck game when the count is sky high and the dealer is deciding whether or not to shuffle. The morons's entrance will convince the dealer that it's time to shuffle. You will now face a new deck with your biggest bet out and the pit boss watching closely.
- Frank Scoblete
Collection: Gambling
Image of Frank Scoblete
Scobe's Fifth Law: All dealers wish they were doing something other than dealing. All dealers have plans to get out of dealing. Ten years later they have different plans to get out of dealing.
- Frank Scoblete
Collection: Gambling
Image of Burton Malkiel
Historically, the stock market is like a gambling casino with the odds in your favor. Over the long pull, stocks are given something like nine and a half to ten percent compounded per year. The banks have probably given you something in the order of four to five.
- Burton Malkiel
Collection: Gambling
Image of Rudolf Wanderone
When I played pool I was like a good psychiatrist. I cured em of all their daydreams and delusions.
- Rudolf Wanderone
Collection: Gambling
Image of Henry Hazlitt
The consequences of inflation are malinvestment, waste, a wanton redistribution of wealth and income, the growth of speculation and gambling, immorality and corruption, disillusionment, social resentment, discontent, upheaval and riots, bankruptcy, increased government controls, and eventual collapse.
- Henry Hazlitt
Collection: Gambling
Image of Lou Krieger
Hold'em - like life itself - has its defining moment. It's the flop. When you see the flop, you're looking at 71 percent of your hand, and the cost is only a single round of betting.
- Lou Krieger
Collection: Gambling
Image of William C. Brown
If you don't like trading, gambling and betting, then you don't like living.
- William C. Brown
Collection: Gambling
Image of David Levien
If, after the first twenty minutes, you don't know who the sucker at the table is, it's you.
- David Levien
Collection: Gambling