Rita Mae Brown

Image of Rita Mae Brown
When I got [my] library card, that was when my life began.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Reading
Image of Rita Mae Brown
If you can't raise consciousness, at least raise hell.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Consciousness
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Show me a writer, any writer, who hasn't suffered and I'll show you someone who writes in pastels as opposed to primary colors.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Writing
Image of Rita Mae Brown
He unzipped his pants and his brains fell out.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Brain
Image of Rita Mae Brown
About all you can do in life is be who you are.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Being Yourself
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Class is much more than Marx's definition of relationship to the means of production. Class involved your behavior, your basic assumptions, how you are taught to behave, what you expect from yourself and from others, your concept of a future, how you understand problems and solve them, how you think, feel, act.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Mean
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Mother believed in enjoying herself. Aunt Mimi believed in enjoying herself, then feeling guilty about it.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Mother
Image of Rita Mae Brown
I believe all literature started as gossip.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Believe
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Dean: Don't you find that somewhat of an aberration? Doesn't this disturb you my dear? After all, it's not normal. Molly: I know it's not normal for people in this world to be happy, and I'm happy.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: People
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Seriousness is the refuge of the shallow. There are events and personal experiences that call forth seriousness but they are fewer than most of us think.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Humor
Image of Rita Mae Brown
The human animal varies from class to class, culture to culture. In one way we are consistent: We are irrational.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Animal
Image of Rita Mae Brown
I'm beginning to feel that the real endangered species on planet earth are not the whales and the elephants but those of us who can laugh at the world and ourselves. ... I fear the dry turn of the American mind, this focus on the literal, as much as I fear our capacity for self-destruction. We've become hagridden by facts, obsessed with product instead of process. Where's the energetic wit, the looney outlook, the frivolity, the lightness of comforting laughter? It has become fashionable to know and unfashionable to feel, and you can't really laugh if you can't feel.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Laughter
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Don't hope more than you're willing to work.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Willing
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Unfortunately, Susan didn't remember what Jane Fulton once said, 'Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Insanity
Image of Rita Mae Brown
In America the word revolutionary is used to sell pantyhose.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: America
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Whoever heard of a neurotic frog? Where do humans get off thinking they're the pinnacle of evolution?
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rita Mae Brown
I believe our concept of romantic love is irrational, impossible to fulfill and the cause of many broken homes. No human being can maintain that rarefied atmosphere of 'true love'.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Love
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Life matters more than any painting, novel, film, or great big diamond.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Life
Image of Rita Mae Brown
When God made man she was practicing.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Men
Image of Rita Mae Brown
If Michaelangelo were a heterosexual, the Sistine Chapel would have been painted basic white and with a roller.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: White
Image of Rita Mae Brown
I do think women avoid power. Power assumes responsibility and accountability, and I think many, many women want to have it both ways.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Rita Mae Brown
I had to learn the image is not the word, which is a jolt for a literary soul. But it has served me well in terms of understanding plot, in terms of watching actors develop characters.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Character
Image of Rita Mae Brown
I love literature, the English language and storytelling. I also have thirty horses and seventy foxhounds to feed.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Horse
Image of Rita Mae Brown
I always feel bad for those who, in a sense, cede their authority to others, let others make major decisions about their life and actually believe them. When you're tiny, you have no choice. But as soon as your mind starts working, you pretty well figure it out. And you realize you're a hostage until you're old enough to leave. But as long as you have that goal - I will get out of here - you'll be OK.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Believe
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Familiarity breeds consent.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Consent
Image of Rita Mae Brown
It's a big jump from smart to motherwit.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Smart
Image of Rita Mae Brown
No government has the right to tell its citizens when or whom to love
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Gay
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Content without style is propaganda or adolescence. Style without content is decadence.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Style
Image of Rita Mae Brown
whoever said progress was a positive thing has never been to Florida or California.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Florida
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Sport strips away personality, letting the white bone of character shine through. Sport gives players an opportunity to know and test themselves. The great difference between sport and art is that sport, like a sonnet, forces beauty within its own system. Art, on the other hand, cyclically destroys boundaries and breaks free.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Sports
Image of Rita Mae Brown
many lesbians were so far in the closet they were in danger of being mistaken for garment bags.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Bags
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Never let anyone or any social attitude stand in the way of your productivity.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Attitude
Image of Rita Mae Brown
I think the reason I choose the comic approach so often is because it's harder, therefore affording me the opportunity to show off. Also, a comic vision is my natural world view, but I've grown up in spite of myself and I can pass the comic twist if it detracts from what the characters need. Yes, the life of a saint is hard.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Character
Image of Rita Mae Brown
English is weak in describing emotional states or intensities of interpersonal relationships.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Emotional
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Gossip is irresponsible communication. Irresponsible because it is at the expense of another person who is not there to defend herself. Irresponsible because it is not constructive: it helps no one, least of all the person being gossiped about.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Communication
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Why marry a woman if you're going to betray her, and if you're going to betray her, why beat her? The fault is not hers ... I sometimes think the worst we do, we do behind closed doors.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Thinking
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Computer dating? It's terrific if you're a computer!
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Dating
Image of Rita Mae Brown
There are more differences between poor people than between middle-class people.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Class
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Never let money control you. I'd rather see someone spend every red cent and relish his/her life than scrimp, obsess, and pinch the pennies. There's something repugnant about a person who centers his life around money.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Red
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Never measure literature by accounting statistics. A quarter of working authors earn less than $1,000.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Literature
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Never underestimate the power of self-absorption, including your parents' self-absorption.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Self
Image of Rita Mae Brown
I don't expect executives to be creative but I do expect them to have courage.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Creative
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Tennis, imprisoned within fixed boundaries, a patch of an acre, a green rectangle, tries the human soul. A tennis court is like a coffin, only larger.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Tennis
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Plot involves fragmentary reality, and it might involve composite reality. Fragmentary reality is the view of the individual. Composite reality is the community or state view. Fragmentary reality is always set against composite reality. Virginia Woolf did this by creating fragmentary monologues and for a while this was all the rage in literature. She was a genius. In the hands of the merely talented it came off like gibberish.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Reality
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Would it upset men if they found out we weren't different? Are we? Aren't we? Damned if I know.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Men
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Monogamy is contrary to nature but necessary for the greater social good.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Monogamy
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Armies are dependent on youthful male ignorance.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Ignorance
Image of Rita Mae Brown
The only people are those who don't love anybody.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Gay
Image of Rita Mae Brown
the reason for revolution is so the good things in life circulate.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Things In Life